
$ClassModule = "Bishop.psm1"
if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\$ClassModule") {
    #this is to get the class definitions shared between modules
    $script = [ScriptBlock]::Create("using module '$PSScriptRoot\$ClassModule'")
    . $script

$ModuleSettings = New-Object TMSModuleSettings

<# TODO:
    * search all keyvaults

Function Test-TooManyKeyVault() {
Verify if a key vault by name exists
Given the name of a Key Vault, returns a binary response ($true/$false) as to whether it exists
The name of a Key Vault resource in the current Azure subscription.
PS> Test-TooManyKeyVault -Name "MyVault"
Returns true if there is at least one Key Vault named MyVault in the current subscription, or false if none were found.


    If (Get-TooManyKeyVault -Name $Name) {
        return $true
    } else {
        return $false

Function Install-TooManySecret {
Create Azure resources for storage
Makes calls to Azure Resource Manager to create a new key vault in the current Azure subscription
PS> Install-TooManySecret -VaultName TMSVault13671 -ResourceGroupName TMS-rg -TableName TMSMeta`
      -StorageAccountName mycompsa2314 -StorageAccountRG Storage-rg
If none of these resources exist in Azure, this will create the key vault TMSVault13671 in the TMS-rg
resource group. Also, the storage account mycompsa2314 will be created within the Storage-rg resource
group. The table TMSMeta will be created with the the storage account mycompsa2314 and all metadata will
be stored here. If any of these resources already exist, no changes will be made to those resources, but
TooManySecrets will be configured to use them.

    #The name of the Key Vault to use in Azure

    #Name of the Resource Group to store resources in

    #Name of the storage account to keep the table for metadata in

    #Resource group where storage account is kept

    #Table within the storage account to store metadata

    #Azure region to store Azure resources in

    #return the created object(s)

Process {
    ForEach ($ParamName in @('KeyVault','ResourceGroupName','StorageAccountName','StorageAccountRG','Table','Location')) {
        If ([string]((Get-Variable -name $ParamName -ErrorAction Ignore).Value) -eq '') { 
            write-Debug "Setting [$ParamName] to [$(Get-TooManySetting -name $ParamName)]"
            Set-Variable -Name $ParamName -Value (Get-TooManySetting -name $ParamName) }

    If ($KeyVault -eq '') { $KeyVault="TMSVault{0:00000}" -f (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100000) }
    If ($ResourceGroupName -eq '') { $ResourceGroupName="TMS-rg" }
    If ($StorageAccountName -eq '') { $StorageAccountName= ("{0}{1:0000000}" -f $KeyVault,(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10000000)).ToLower() }
    If ($StorageAccountRG -eq '') { $StorageAccountRG=$ResourceGroupName }
    If ($Table -eq '') { $Table=$KeyVault }
    If ($Location -eq '') { $Location = 'westus' }

    New-TooManyTable -Name $Table -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $StorageAccountRG -Location $Location -PassThru:$PassThru
    New-TooManyKeyVault -Name $KeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -PassThru:$PassThru


Function Add-UserToAccessKeyVault {
        [string]$UserPrincipalName = ((Get-AzContext).Account.Id),

    $Permissions = @('Get','List','Set')
    If ($AllPermissions) {
        $Permissions += @('Delete','Backup','Restore','Recover','Purge')
    Write-Debug "Adding [$UserPrincipalName to [$($KeyVault.VaultName)] with [$($Permissions -join ';')] permissions" 
    Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -InputObject $KeyVault -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -PermissionsToSecrets $Permissions

Function New-TooManyKeyVault() {
Create a new key vault
Makes calls to Azure Resource Manager to create a new key vault in the current Azure subscription
Name to give this Key Vault




    #return the created object(s)

Process {
    If (-not $TMSSettings) { Import-TooManySetting }

    If (Test-TooManyAzure -SwitchContext) {
        $KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName $Name -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Ignore
        If (-not $KeyVault) {
            try {
                $RG = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                If (-not $RG) { $RG = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location }
            $KeyVault = New-AzKeyVault -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $RG.ResourceGroupName -Location $Location
            Add-UserToAccessKeyVault -KeyVault $KeyVault -AllPermissions
        If ($KeyVault) {
            Set-TooManySetting -Name "KeyVault" -Value $KeyVault.VaultName
            Set-TooManySetting -Name "ResourceGroupName" -Value $KeyVault.ResourceGroupName
            Set-TooManySetting -Name "Location" -Value $KeyVault.Location

            If ($PassThru) { return $KeyVault }


Function New-TooManyTable() {
Create a table for metadata
Makes calls to Azure Resource Manager to create a new table in a storage account in the current Azure subscription
Name to give this Key Vault





    #return the created object(s)

Process {
    If (-not $TMSSettings) { Import-TooManySetting }

    If (Test-TooManyAzure -SwitchContext) {
        try {
            Write-Debug "Looking for [$ResourceGroupName]"
            $ResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            $ResourceGroup = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location

        try {
            $StorageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount -Name $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            If (-not $Location) { $Location = $ResourceGroup.Location }
            $StorageAccount = New-AzStorageAccount -Name $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName `
                -Location $Location -SkuName Standard_LRS -Kind StorageV2 -AccessTier Hot

        ForEach ($TableName in @($Name,"TMSSettings")) {
            try {
                $Table = Get-AzStorageTable -Name $TableName -Context $StorageAccount.Context -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                $Table = New-AzStorageTable -Name $TableName -Context $StorageAccount.Context

        Set-TooManySetting -Name "Table" -Value $Table.Name
        Set-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountRG" -Value $StorageAccount.ResourceGroupName
        Set-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountName" -Value $StorageAccount.StorageAccountName
        Set-TooManySetting -Name "Location" -Value $Location

        if ($PassThru) { return $Table }

Function Get-TooManyKeyVault() {
    Retrieve an Azure Key Vault
    Find the first key vault in the current subscription with the give name.
    Name given to the Key Vault
    PS> $MyVaut = Get-TooManyKeyVault -Name "MyVault"


    if (-not $Refresh -and (($ModuleSettings.KeyVault -and (-not $name -or ($ModuleSettings.KeyVault.Name -eq $name))))) {
    } else {
        If (Test-TooManyAzure) {
            If ($ModuleSettings.KeyVault -and (($ModuleSettings.KeyVault.VaultName -eq $Name) -xor (-not $Name))) {
                Write-Debug "Using existing vault [$($ModuleSettings.KeyVault.VaultName)]..."
                $KeyVault = $ModuleSettings.KeyVault
            } elseif (-not $Name -and (Test-TooManySetting -Name "KeyVault")) {
                $Name = Get-TooManySetting -Name "KeyVault"
                Write-Debug "Key vault name is [$Name] and should be [$(Get-TooManySetting -Name 'KeyVault')]"
                $KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName $Name

            If (-not $KeyVault) {
                $KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault | Where-Object { $_.VaultName -match $Name } | Select-Object -First 1
                Set-TooManySetting -Name "KeyVault" -Value $KeyVault.VaultName
                Write-Debug "Got new vault [$($KeyVault.VaultName)]..."

            If (-not $ModuleSettings.KeyVault -or $Force) {
                $ModuleSettings.KeyVault = $KeyVault

Function Select-TooManyKeyVault() {
    Sets the default key vault to be used by the module.
    Find the first key vault in the current subscription with the give name.
    Name given to the Key Vault
    PS> $MyVaut = Select-TooManyKeyVault -Name "MyVault"

        If ($KeyVault) {
            $ModuleSettings.KeyVault = $KeyVault
        } elseif (Test-TooManyAzure) {
            If ($ModuleSettings.KeyVault -and (($ModuleSettings.KeyVault.VaultName -eq $Name) -xor (-not $Name))) {
                Write-Debug "Using existing vault [$($ModuleSettings.KeyVault.VaultName)]..."
            } else {
                $KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault | Where-Object { $_.VaultName -match $Name } | Select-Object -First 1
                $ModuleSettings.KeyVault = $KeyVault
                Write-Debug "Got new vault [$($ModuleSettings.KeyVault.VaultName)]..."

        Set-TooManySetting -Name "KeyVault" -Value $ModuleSettings.KeyVault.VaultName
        Return $ModuleSettings.KeyVault

Function Select-TooManyTable() {
    Sets the default table to be used by the module.
    Find the first table in the current subscription with the give name.
    PS> $MyTable = Select-TooManyKeyVault -Name "MyVault"

        #Name given to the Table
        #Azure table object to use
        #Azure Storage Account object containing the table
        If ($Table) {
            $ModuleSettings.Table = $Table
        } elseif (Test-TooManyAzure) {
            If ($ModuleSettings.Table -and (($ModuleSettings.Table.Name -eq $Name) -xor (-not $Name))) {
                Write-Debug "Using existing table [$($ModuleSettings.Table.Name)]..."
            } else {
                If ($StorageAccount) {
                    $ModuleSettings.Storage = $StorageAccount
                } elseif ($ModuleSettings.Storage) {
                } elseif (Test-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountName") {
                    $ModuleSettings.Storage = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName (Get-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountRG") `
                        -Name (Get-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountName")
                } else {
                    $ModuleSettings.Storage = Get-AzStorageAccount | Where-Object{ $_.StorageAccountName -match "tmsmeta" }
                If ($ModuleSettings.Storage) {
                    Set-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountRG" -Value $ModuleSettings.Storage.ResourceGroupName
                    Set-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountName" -Value $ModuleSettings.Storage.StorageAccountName
                    If (-not $Name) { $Name = Get-TooManySetting -Name KeyVault }
                    write-Debug "TMSStorage: $($ModuleSettings.Storage.StorageAccountName) - $($ModuleSettings.Storage.Context.Gettype())"
                    write-Debug "Name: $Name - $($Name.GetType())"
                    $Table = (Get-AzStorageTable -Name $Name -Context $ModuleSettings.Storage.Context).CloudTable
                    If ($Table) {
                        $ModuleSettings.Table = $Table
                        Write-Debug "Using found table [$($ModuleSettings.Table.Name)]" 
                Write-Debug "Got new table [$($ModuleSettings.Table.Name)]..."


        If ($ModuleSettings.Table) {
            Set-TooManySetting -Name "Table" -Value $ModuleSettings.Table.Name
            Return $ModuleSettings.Table

Function Test-TooManyTable() {
    Check to see if table for TMS is available


    If ($ModuleSettings.Table) {
    } elseif (Select-TooManyTable) {
    } else {

Function Connect-TooManySecret {
Connect to Azure and use existing context if available.

        #Causes the switch to the appropriate context without prompting user.

    $TenantID = Get-TooManySetting -Name "TenantID"
    $SubID = Get-TooManySetting -Name "SubscriptionID"
    $Context = Get-AzContext

    If ($Context.Tenant.Id -ne $TenantID -or $Context.Subscription.Id -ne $SubID) {
        $PossibleContexts = Get-AzContext -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.Tenant.Id -eq $TenantID }
        If ($PossibleContexts) {
            If (-not $Force) {
                Do {
                    $Response = Read-Host "Existing subscription [$($Context.Subscription.Id)] does not match previous [$SubID]. Switch context? [Y/n]"
                    If ($Response -eq '') { $Response = 'Y' }
                } Until ($Response -match "\A(Y(es)?)|(N(o)?)\Z")
            If ($Force -or $Response -match '\A(Y(es)?)\Z') {
                $ExactContext = $PossibleContexts | Where-Object { $_.Subscription.Id -eq $SubID} | Select-Object -First 1
                If ($ExactContext) { 
                    $Context = $ExactContext | Set-AzContext
                } else {
                    $PossibleContexts | Select-Object -First 1 | Set-AzContext | Out-Null
                    $Context = Set-AzContext -Subscription $SubID
        } else {
            $Context = Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $SubID -Tenant $TenantID

Function Test-TooManyAzure() {
Return if connected to Azure
Looks to see if there is a current conext with Azure. If not, attempt to connect using DefaultTooManyTenantID & DefaultTooManySubID, and prompt for authentication.
If flagged, cmdlet will NOT attempt to login if no current context
PS> If (Test-TooManyAzure) {
    Write-Host "connected!"
} else {
    Write-Host "No Connection to Azure"
        #If flagged, cmdlet will NOT attempt to login if no current context
        #Prompt the user for connection if needed
        #Switch context if existing context is not intended AzureAD/Sub

    $Result = $False
    $TenantID = Get-TooManySetting -Name "TenantID"
    $SubID = Get-TooManySetting -Name "SubscriptionID"
    $context = Get-AzContext

    if (-not ($context -or $DoNotConnect)) {
        $context = Connect-AzAccount -Tenant $TenantID -Subscription $SubID #-Tenant $DefaultTooManyTenantID -Subscription $DefaultTooManySubID
    } elseIf ($Prompt -or $SwitchContext) {
        Connect-TooManySecret -Force:($SwitchContext -or -not $Prompt)

    If ($context) {
        If ($UpdateSettings -or (-not $TenantID)) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "TenantID" -Value $Context.Tenant.ToString() }
        If ($UpdateSettings -or (-not $SubscriptionID)) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "SubscriptionID" -Value $Context.Subscription.ToString() }
        $Result = $true

    return $Result

Function Register-TooManySecret() {
Sets the local settings for the Azure key vault and storage account to use by default as well as the subscription and Azure AD tenant.
PS> Register-TooManySecret -VaultName TMSVault -ResourceGroupName TMS-rg -TableName TMSMeta -StorageAccountName mycompsa2314 `
  -StorageAccountRG Storage-rg -AADTenantID 12345678-abcd-4321-fedc-123456789012 -SubscriptionID 87654321-1234-dcba-4321-cba987654321
This will set it so you will you use the key vault TMSVault in the TMS-rg resource group in the subscription
87654321-1234-dcba-4321-cba987654321 under Azure AD 12345678-abcd-4321-fedc-123456789012. Also, all metadata
will be stored in the table TMSMeta within the storage account mycompsa2314 within the Storage-rg resource
group of that subscription.

        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$StorageAccountRG = $ResourceGroupName,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$AADTenantID = $DefaultTooManyTenantID,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$SubscriptionID = $DefaultTooManySubID)


    If ($VaultName) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "KeyVault" -Value $VaultName }
    If ($TableName) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "Table" -Value $TableName }
    If ($ResourceGroupName) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "ResourceGroupName" -Value $ResourceGroupName }
    If ($Location) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "Location" -Value $Location }
    If ($StorageAccountName) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountName" -Value $StorageAccountName }
    If ($StorageAccountRG) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "StorageAccountRG" -Value $StorageAccountRG }
    If ($AADTenantID) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "TenantID" -Value $AADTenantID }
    If ($SubscriptionID) { Set-TooManySetting -Name "SubscriptionID" -Value $SubscriptionID }
