
function New-TrackGpoError_External {

        [hashtable]$SmtpConfig = $Global:SmtpConfig
    $Splat = @{}
    if (-not $SmtpConfig) { Write-Warning "No SMTP options configured. See Help for more details" }
    elseif (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("From")) { Write-Warning "No SMTP 'From' param configured. Skipping."; return }
    elseif (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("To")) { Write-Warning "No SMTP 'To' param configured. Skipping."; return }
    if (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("Subject")) { $Splat.Add("Subject", "Processing Invoke-GpoTracking has encountered an error at $(Get-Date)") }
    Send-MailMessage @SmtpConfig @Splat -Body $Message
function New-TrackGpoSmtpConfig {
This function creates an Smtp config object and stores it to the variable SmtpOptions for use with the other cmdlets in this module.
Once you run this command and create the SmtpConfig object into your session, you're done with this and can run Invoke-GpoTracking.
The parameters for this command are pulled from the params from Send-MailMessage, which is what the other functions in this module use.
The SmtpServer to connect to when sending an email
The port to use for sending an email
REQUIRED for Send-MailMessage. The address the email will come from
REQUIRED for Send-MailMessage. The address the email will send to
Other contacts to get a copy
Other contacts to get BCC'd
ReplyTo param for Send-MailMessage
Static Subject to use instead of the default generated one
Param to toggle UseSsl in Send-MailMessage
.PARAMETER Credential
Credentials to use for sending email via Send-MailMessage
PS> New-TrackGpoSmtpConfig -SmtpServer "mail.domain.test" -From "admin@domain.test" -To "user@domain.test"
Creates an SmtpConfig hashtable and stores to $SmtpConfig. You can store the returned object and edit it further and overwrite the contents of that variable if you need to.
PS> $null = New-TrackGpoSmtpConfig -SmtpServer -Port 587 -From $Gmail_Cred.UserName -To -UseSsl -Credential $Gmail_cred
Creates an SmtpConfig hashtable and stores to $SmtpConfig. For use with gmail SMTP server.
General notes

    param (
        [int]$Port = 22,

    $Splat = [ordered]@{}
    ) | ForEach-Object {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_)) { $Splat.Add($_, $PSBoundParameters[$_]) }
    $Splat.Port = $Port
    $Global:SmtpConfig = $Splat
# All Send-MailMessage params:
# "Attachments",
# "Bcc",
# "Body",
# "BodyAsHtml",
# "Encoding",
# "Cc",
# "DeliveryNotificationOption",
# "From",
# "SmtpServer",
# "Priority",
# "ReplyTo",
# "Subject",
# "To",
# "Credential",
# "UseSsl",
# "Port"
function New-TrackGpoTicket_External {
    This is a sample external function for use with the TrackGpo module. It only outputs details to console.
    When the TrackGpo module detects any GPO changes, it will call ALL modules who contain a function with this same name.
    It is up to you to make a function that emails or calls an API or whatever you want GPO changes to land to.
    If you only create a function and don't do it as part of a module,
    ensure that your function clobbers the namespace for that function.
    Meaning, make sure that running the command `New-TrackGpoTicket_External`
    will run your function and not any other module version instead.
    Remember, the LAST one to define the function is the one tha clobbers.
    What type of GPO change has happened
    .PARAMETER GpoInfo
    A hashtable with the following properties:
        'GPO Status'
        'Enabled Links'
    This is only included when there are changes from one version of a GPO to another and contains the diff-style changes
    .PARAMETER Stats
    A string of details about the changes
    New-TrackGpoTicket_External -Type Add -GpoInfo $GpoInfo
    New-TrackGpoTicket_External -Type Change -GpoInfo $GpoInfo -Diff $Diff
    You may need to remove any non-ascii characters if your ticketing software sucks:
        | ForEach-Object {
    You may need to indent each line in your GpoInfo object with 4 spaces for your ticketing software to see it as code:
        ($GpoInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String) -replace "(?m)^", " " -replace "\r"

        [ValidateSet("Add", "Remove", "Change")]

        [hashtable]$SmtpConfig = $Global:SmtpConfig
    if (-not $SmtpConfig) { Write-Warning "No SMTP options configured. See Help for more details" }
    elseif (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("From")) { Write-Warning "No SMTP 'From' param configured. Skipping."; return }
    elseif (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("To")) { Write-Warning "No SMTP 'To' param configured. Skipping."; return }

    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($GpoInfo.Title, "Notify about GPO change")) {
        $Splat = @{}
        switch ($Type) {
            "Add" {
                if (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("Subject")) { $Splat.Add("Subject", "A GPO has been added to your domain") }
                $Body = "Details of GPO:`n{0}" -f ([PSCustomObject]$GpoInfo | Format-List * | Out-String)
                Send-MailMessage @SmtpConfig @Splat -Body $Body
                $CommitMessage = "Add GPO: " + $GpoInfo.Title
            "Remove" {
                if (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("Subject")) { $Splat.Add("Subject", "A GPO has been removed from your domain") }
                $Body = "Details of GPO:`n{0}" -f ([PSCustomObject]$GpoInfo | Format-List * | Out-String)
                Send-MailMessage @SmtpConfig @Splat -Body $Body
                $CommitMessage = "Remove GPO: " + $GpoInfo.Title
            "Change" {
                if (-not $SmtpConfig.ContainsKey("Subject")) { $Splat.Add("Subject", "A GPO has been changed in your domain") }
                $Body = "Details of GPO:`n{0}`nChanges summary: {1}`nChanges present:`n{2}" -f ([PSCustomObject]$GpoInfo | Format-List * | Out-String),
                ($Diff -join "`n")
                Send-MailMessage @SmtpConfig @Splat -Body $Body
                $CommitMessage = "Change GPO: " + $GpoInfo.Title
        # The output of this function will get saved as the Git commit message if you didn't disable Git.
        Write-Information "Committing change- $CommitMessage"