
   Markdown Merge
   This module was inspired by the markdown-include npm module that allows you
   to include markdown files in other markdown files. This is great for when
   you are creating documents with a lot of common content.
   When using PlatyPS to generate help for your PowerShell module a lot of your
   markdown looks the same. I wanted to be able to write the common markdown
   once and simply include it in the other files before processing it with
   PlatyPS to generate my *-Help.xml file for my module.
   The -InPath must exist. Only *.md files in the top level folder will be
   processed. Any sub folders will be ignored.
   The -OutPath folder will be created if it does not exist. If it does exist
   any files in the folder with the same name of a final file will be
   Files are read from -InPath and any include tags found are replaced by the
   contents of the file included. Include tags are as follows.
   <!-- #include "./common/header.md" -->
   Note the #include tag is inside a single line comment. This allows this to
   be ignored by any other markdown processing and prevents linters from
   logging warnings or errors.
   Merge-Markdown -InPath .\.docs -OutPath .\docs
   This will read all the files in .docs and process any include tags found.
   The final file with the same name will be written to the docs folder.
    Markdown, PlatyPS, Help