
.GUID fa3f8397-9d89-4f06-985c-2dfffcfd5520
.AUTHOR Stas Kuvshinov, Swapnil Jain
.COMPANYNAME Microsoft Corporation
.COPYRIGHT © 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
.TAGS Automation UpdateManagement HybridRunbookWorker Troubleshoot
1.1 Added rules: AlwaysAutoRebootCheck, WSUSServerConfigured, AutomaticUpdateCheck
1.0 Original set of troubleshooting checks for Update Management Agent (Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker) on Windows machines

 Troubleshooting utility for Update Management Agent (Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker) on Windows machines

$validationResults = @()
[string]$CurrentResult = ""
[string]$CurrentDetails = ""
function New-RuleCheckResult
        [string][ValidateSet("Passed","PassedWithWarning", "Failed", "Information")]$result,
        [string]$ruleGroupId = $ruleId,
        [string]$resultMessageId = $ruleId,
        [array]$resultMessageArguments = @()

    if ($returnCompactFormat.IsPresent) {
        $compactResult = [pscustomobject] [ordered] @{
            'RuleId'= $ruleId
            'RuleGroupId'= $ruleGroupId
            'CheckResult'= $result
            'CheckResultMessageId'= $resultMessageId
            'CheckResultMessageArguments'= $resultMessageArguments
        return $compactResult

    $fullResult = [pscustomobject] [ordered] @{
        'RuleId'= $ruleId
        'RuleGroupId'= $ruleGroupId
        'RuleName'= $ruleName
        'RuleGroupName' = $ruleGroupName
        'RuleDescription'= $ruleDescription
        'CheckResult'= $result
        'CheckResultMessage'= $resultMessage
        'CheckResultMessageId'= $resultMessageId
        'CheckResultMessageArguments'= $resultMessageArguments
    return $fullResult

function checkRegValue

    $val = Get-ItemProperty -path $path -name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if($val.$name -eq $null) {
        return $null

    if($val.$name -eq $valueToCheck) {
        return $true
    } else {
        return $false

function getRegValue {
        [string][Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$path,
        [string][Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$name

    $val = Get-ItemProperty -path $path -name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($val.$name -eq $null) {
        return $null
    return $val.$name

function Validate-OperatingSystem {
    $osRequirementsLink = ""

    $ruleId = "OperatingSystemCheck"
    $ruleName = "Operating System"
    $ruleDescription = "The Windows Operating system must be version 6.1.7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) or higher"
    $result = $null
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites"
    $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks"
    $resultMessageArguments = @()

    if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.1.7601") {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "Operating System version is supported"
    } else {
        $result = "Failed"
        $resultMessage = "Operating System version is not supported. Supported versions listed here: $osRequirementsLink"
        $resultMessageArguments += $osRequirementsLink
    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-NetFrameworkInstalled {
    $netFrameworkDownloadLink = ""

    $ruleId = "DotNetFrameworkInstalledCheck"
    $ruleName = ".Net Framework 4.5+"
    $ruleDescription = ".NET Framework version 4.5 or higher is required"
    $result = $null
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites"
    $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks"
    $resultMessageArguments = @()

    $dotNetFullRegistryPath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full"
    if((Get-ChildItem $dotNetFullRegistryPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null) {
        $versionCheck = (Get-ChildItem $dotNetFullRegistryPath) | Get-ItemPropertyValue -Name Release | ForEach-Object { $_ -ge 378389 }
        if($versionCheck -eq $true) {
            $result = "Passed"
            $resultMessage = ".NET Framework version 4.5+ is found"
        } else {
            $result = "Failed"
            $resultMessage = ".NET Framework version 4.5 or higher is required: $netFrameworkDownloadLink"
            $resultMessageArguments += $netFrameworkDownloadLink
    } else{
        $result = "Failed"
        $resultMessage = ".NET Framework version 4.5 or higher is required: $netFrameworkDownloadLink"
        $resultMessageArguments += $netFrameworkDownloadLink
    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-WmfInstalled {
    $wmfDownloadLink = ""
    $ruleId = "WindowsManagementFrameworkInstalledCheck"
    $ruleName = "WMF 5.1"
    $ruleDescription = "Windows Management Framework version 4.0 or higher is required (version 5.1 or higher is preferable)"
    $result = $null
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites"
    $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks"

    $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
    $resultMessageArguments = @() + $psVersion

    if($psVersion -ge 5.1) {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "Detected Windows Management Framework version: $psVersion"
    } elseif($psVersion.Major -ge 4) {
        $result = "PassedWithWarning"
        $resultMessage = "Detected Windows Management Framework version: $psVersion. Consider upgrading to version 5.1 or higher for increased reliability: $wmfDownloadLink"
        $resultMessageArguments += $wmfDownloadLink
    } else {
        $result = "Failed"
        $resultMessage = "Detected Windows Management Framework version: $psVersion. Version 4.0 or higher is required (version 5.1 or higher is preferable): $wmfDownloadLink"
        $resultMessageArguments += $wmfDownloadLink
    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-TlsEnabled {
    $ruleId = "TlsVersionCheck"
    $ruleName = "TLS 1.2"
    $ruleDescription = "Client and Server connections must support TLS 1.2"
    $result = $null
    $reason = ""
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites"
    $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks"

    $tls12RegistryPath = "HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SecurityProviders\\SCHANNEL\\Protocols\\TLS 1.2\\"
    $serverEnabled =     checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "Enabled" 1
    $ServerNotDisabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "DisabledByDefault" 0
    $clientEnabled =     checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "Enabled" 1
    $ClientNotDisabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "DisabledByDefault" 0

    $ServerNotEnabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "Enabled" 0
    $ServerDisabled =   checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "DisabledByDefault" 1
    $ClientNotEnabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "Enabled" 0
    $ClientDisabled =   checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "DisabledByDefault" 1

    if ($validationResults[0].CheckResult -ne "Passed" -and [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.0.6001") {
        $result = "Failed"
        $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"
        $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is not enabled by default on the Operating System. Follow the instructions to enable it:"
    } elseif([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.1.7601" -and [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -le [System.Version]"6.1.8400") {
        if($ClientNotDisabled -and $ServerNotDisabled -and !($ServerNotEnabled -and $ClientNotEnabled)) {
            $result = "Passed"
            $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is enabled on the Operating System."
            $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"
        } else {
            $result = "Failed"
            $reason = "NotExplicitlyEnabled"
            $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason"
            $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is not enabled by default on the Operating System. Follow the instructions to enable it:"
    } elseif([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.2.9200") {
        if($ClientDisabled -or $ServerDisabled -or $ServerNotEnabled -or $ClientNotEnabled) {
            $result = "Failed"
            $reason = "ExplicitlyDisabled"
            $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason"
            $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is supported by the Operating System, but currently disabled. Follow the instructions to re-enable:"
        } else {
            $result = "Passed"
            $reason = "EnabledByDefault"
            $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason"
            $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is enabled by default on the Operating System."
    } else {
        $result = "Failed"
        $reason = "NoDefaultSupport"
        $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason"
        $resultMessage = "Your OS does not support TLS 1.2 by default."

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId

function Validate-EndpointConnectivity {
        [string]$ruleDescription = "Proxy and firewall configuration must allow Automation Hybrid Worker agent to communicate with $endpoint"

    $result = $null
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "connectivity"
    $ruleGroupName = "connectivity"
    $resultMessageArguments = @() + $endpoint

    if((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $endpoint -Port 443 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).TcpTestSucceeded) {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "TCP Test for $endpoint (port 443) succeeded"
    } else {
        $result = "Failed"
        $resultMessage = "TCP Test for $endpoint (port 443) failed"

    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-RegistrationEndpointsConnectivity {
    $validationResults = @()

    $managementGroupRegistrations = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\HealthService\\Parameters\\Management Groups' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty PSChildName
    $managementGroupRegistrations | foreach {$i=1} {
        $prefix = "AOI-"
        if ($_ -match "$prefix*") {
            $workspaceId = $_.Substring($prefix.Length)
            if($automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovvirginia" -or $automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovarizona"){
                $endpoint = "$"
            } elseif($automationAccountLocation -eq "chinaeast2") {
                $endpoint = "$"
            } else {
                $endpoint = "$"
            $ruleId = "AutomationAgentServiceConnectivityCheck$i"
            $ruleName = "Registration endpoint"

            $validationResults += Validate-EndpointConnectivity $endpoint $ruleId $ruleName


    if($validationResults.Count -eq 0) {
        $ruleId = "AutomationAgentServiceConnectivityCheck1"
        $ruleName = "Registration endpoint"

        $result = "Failed"
        $reason = "NoRegistrationFound"
        $resultMessage = "Unable to find Workspace registration information in registry"

        $ruleGroupId = "connectivity"
        $ruleGroupName = "connectivity"
        $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason"

        $validationResults += New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId

    return $validationResults

function Validate-OperationsEndpointConnectivity {
    if($automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovvirginia"){
        $endpoint = ""
    } elseif($automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovarizona") {
        $endpoint = ""    
    } elseif($automationAccountLocation -eq "chinaeast2") {
        $endpoint = ""
    } else {
        $jrdsEndpointLocationMoniker = switch ( $automationAccountLocation ) {
            "australiasoutheast"{ "ase"  }
            "canadacentral"     { "cc"   }
            "centralindia"      { "cid"  }
            "eastus2"           { "eus2" }
            "japaneast"         { "jpe"  }
            "northeurope"       { "ne"   }
            "southcentralus"    { "scus" }
            "southeastasia"     { "sea"  }
            "uksouth"           { "uks"  }
            "westcentralus"     { "wcus" }
            "westeurope"        { "we"   }
            "westus2"           { "wus2" }

            default             { "eus2" }
        $endpoint = "$"
    $ruleId = "AutomationJobRuntimeDataServiceConnectivityCheck"
    $ruleName = "Operations endpoint"

    return Validate-EndpointConnectivity $endpoint $ruleId $ruleName

function Validate-MmaIsRunning {
    $mmaServiceName = "HealthService"
    $mmaServiceDisplayName = "Microsoft Monitoring Agent"

    $ruleId = "MonitoringAgentServiceRunningCheck"
    $ruleName = "Monitoring Agent service status"
    $ruleDescription = "$mmaServiceName must be running on the machine"
    $result = $null
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "servicehealth"
    $ruleGroupName = "VM Service Health Checks"
    $resultMessageArguments = @() + $mmaServiceDisplayName + $mmaServiceName

    if(Get-Service -Name $mmaServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object) {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceDisplayName service ($mmaServiceName) is running"
    } else {
        $result = "Failed"
        $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceDisplayName service ($mmaServiceName) is not running"
    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-MmaEventLogHasNoErrors {
    $mmaServiceName = "Microsoft Monitoring Agent"
    $logName = "Operations Manager"
    $eventId = 4502

    $ruleId = "MonitoringAgentServiceEventsCheck"
    $ruleName = "Monitoring Agent service events"
    $ruleDescription = "Event Log must not have event 4502 logged in the past 24 hours"
    $result = $null
    $reason = ""
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "servicehealth"
    $ruleGroupName = "VM Service Health Checks"
    $resultMessageArguments = @() + $mmaServiceName + $logName + $eventId

    $OpsMgrLogExists = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::Exists($logName);
    if($OpsMgrLogExists) {
        $event = Get-EventLog -LogName "Operations Manager" -Source "Health Service Modules" -After (Get-Date).AddHours(-24) | where {$_.eventID -eq $eventId}
        if($event -eq $null) {
            $result = "Passed"
            $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"
            $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceName service Event Log ($logName) does not have event $eventId logged in the last 24 hours."
        } else {
            $result = "Failed"
            $reason = "EventFound"
            $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason"
            $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceName service Event Log ($logName) has event $eventId logged in the last 24 hours. Look at the results of other checks to troubleshoot the reasons."
    } else {
        $result = "Failed"
        $reason = "NoLog"
        $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason"
        $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceName service Event Log ($logName) does not exist on the machine"

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-MachineKeysFolderAccess {
    $folder = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\RSA\\MachineKeys"

    $ruleId = "CryptoRsaMachineKeysFolderAccessCheck"
    $ruleName = "Crypto RSA MachineKeys Folder Access"
    $ruleDescription = "SYSTEM account must have WRITE and MODIFY access to '$folder'"
    $result = $null
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "permissions"
    $ruleGroupName = "Access Permission Checks"
    $resultMessageArguments = @() + $folder

    $User = $env:UserName
    $permission = (Get-Acl $folder).Access | ? {($_.IdentityReference -match $User) -or ($_.IdentityReference -match "Everyone")} | Select IdentityReference, FileSystemRights
    if ($permission) {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "Have permissions to access $folder"
    } else {
        $result = "Failed"
        $resultMessage = "Missing permissions to access $folder"
    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"

    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-AlwaysAutoRebootEnabled {
    $ruleId = "AlwaysAutoRebootCheck"
    $ruleName = "AutoReboot"
    $ruleDescription = "Automatic reboot should not be enable as it forces a reboot irrespective of update configuration"
    $result = $null
    $reason = ""
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "machineSettings"
    $ruleGroupName = "Machine Override Checks"

    $automaticUpdatePath = "HKLM:\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate\\AU"
    $rebootEnabledBySchedule = checkRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "AlwaysAutoRebootAtScheduledTime" 1
    $rebootEnabledByDuration = getRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "AlwaysAutoRebootAtScheduledTimeMinutes"

    if (  $rebootEnabledBySchedule -or $rebootEnabledByDuration ) {
        $result = "PassedWithWarning"
        $reason = "Auto Reboot is enabled on the system and will interfere with Update Management Configuration passed during runs"
        $resultMessage = "Windows Update reboot registry keys are set. This can cause unexpected reboots when installing updates"
    else {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "Windows Update reboot registry keys are not set to automatically reboot"

    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"
    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-AutomaticUpdateEnabled {
    $ruleId = "AutomaticUpdateCheck"
    $ruleName = "AutoUpdate"
    $ruleDescription = "AutoUpdate should not be enabled on the machine"
    $result = $null
    $reason = ""
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "machineSettings"
    $ruleGroupName = "Machine Override Checks"

    $automaticUpdatePath = "HKLM:\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate\\AU"
    $autoUpdateEnabled = checkRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "AUOptions" 4

    if ( $autoUpdateEnabled ) {
        $result = "PassedWithWarning"
        $reason = "Auto Update is enabled on the machine and will interfere with Update management Solution"
        $resultMessage = "Windows Update will automatically download and install new updates as they become available"
    else {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "Windows Update is not set to automatically install updates as they become available"

    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"
    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

function Validate-WSUSServerConfigured {
    $ruleId = "WSUSServerConfigured"
    $ruleName = "isWSUSServerConfigured"
    $ruleDescription = "Increase awareness on WSUS configured on the server"
    $result = $null
    $reason = ""
    $resultMessage = $null
    $ruleGroupId = "machineSettings"
    $ruleGroupName = "Machine Override Checks"

    $automaticUpdatePath = "HKLM:\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate"
    $wsusServerConfigured = getRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "WUServer"

    if ( $null -ne $wsusServerConfigured ) {
        $result = "PassedWithWarning"
        $reason = "WSUS Server is configured on the server"
        $resultMessage = "Windows Updates are downloading from a configured WSUS Server $wsusServerConfigured. Ensure the WSUS server is accessible and updates are being approved for installation"
        $resultMessageArguments = @() + $wsusServerConfigured
    else {
        $result = "Passed"
        $resultMessage = "Windows Updates are downloading from the default Windows Update location. Ensure the server has access to the Windows Update service"
    $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result"
    return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments

$validationResults += Validate-OperatingSystem
$validationResults += Validate-NetFrameworkInstalled
$validationResults += Validate-WmfInstalled
Validate-RegistrationEndpointsConnectivity | % { $validationResults += $_ }
$validationResults += Validate-OperationsEndpointConnectivity
$validationResults += Validate-MmaIsRunning
$validationResults += Validate-MmaEventLogHasNoErrors
$validationResults += Validate-MachineKeysFolderAccess
$validationResults += Validate-TlsEnabled
$validationResults += Validate-AlwaysAutoRebootEnabled
$validationResults += Validate-WSUSServerConfigured
$validationResults += Validate-AutomaticUpdateEnabled

if($returnAsJson.IsPresent) {
    return ConvertTo-Json $validationResults -Compress
} else {
    return $validationResults