
function Deploy-MEMCMPackage {
        Creates deployments in Configuration Manager based on the values of the UMNAutopackager json files.
        This command creates new deployment(s) for each site based on the values of the GlobalConfig and PackageConfig json values. It leverages various powershell commands provided with ConfigMgr.
    .PARAMETER GlobalConfig
        Input the global configuration json file using the Get-GlobalConfig command
    .PARAMETER PackageConfig
        Input the package definition json file using the Get-GlobalConfig command
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Input the credentials object or the user name which will prompt for credentials. If not called will attempt to use the credentials of the account that is running the script.
        Deploy-MEMCMPackage -GlobalConfig (Get-UMNGlobalConfig -Path C:\UMNAutopackager\GlobalConfig.json) -PackageConfig (Get-UMNGlobalConfig -Path C:\UMNAutopackager\PackageConfig.json) -Credential MyUserName
        Runs the function prompting for the credentials of MyUserName.
        Deploy-MEMCMPackage -GlobalConfig $globaljson -PackageConfig $pkgjson -Credential $creds
        Runs the function using the credentials stored in the $creds variable.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Input the values of the GlobalConfig.json.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Input the values of the various PackageConfig.json files.")]


        $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($myinvocation.mycommand)"
        Import-Module -Name "$($env:SystemDrive)\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Endpoint Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Processing $($ Site..."
        $SiteCode = $SiteTarget.SiteCode
        try {
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SiteCode)) {
                $ConfigMgrDrive = New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $SiteTarget.Site -Credential $Credential
        catch {
            Write-Error $Error[0]
            Write-Warning -Message "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        Set-Location -Path "$SiteCode`:\"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Processing the package definition for $($PackageConfig.publisher) $($PackageConfig.productname)"
        if ($SiteTarget.type -eq "MEMCM-Application") {
            if (Get-CMApplication -Name $ {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Application $($ exists"
                foreach ($collection in $SiteTarget.collectionTargets) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for deployment settings on Collection Target: $($"
                    if ($collection.DeploymentSettings) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if the collection $($ exists"
                        if (Get-CMCollection -Name $collection.Name) {
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if the collection has any deployments"
                            if (Get-CMApplicationDeployment -CollectionName $ {
                                Write-Verbose -Message "$($ contains deployments"
                                $deployments = Get-CMApplicationDeployment -CollectionName "$($"
                                foreach ($deploy in $deployments) {
                                    if ($deploy.ApplicationName -match $PackageConfig.publisher -and $PackageConfig.ApplicationName -match $SiteTarget.productName) {
                                        Write-Verbose -Message "$($deploy.ApplicationName) matches the publisher and product name of an existing deployment, removing deployment"
                                        try {
                                            Remove-CMApplicationDeployment -Name "$($deploy.ApplicationName)" -CollectionName "$($" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                                        catch {
                                            Write-Error $Error[0]
                                            Write-Warning -Message "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                                    else {
                                        Write-Verbose -Message "No matching deployment found"
                            else {
                                Write-Verbose -Message "The collection: $($ does not have an existing deployment"
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Building deployment..."
                            $DeploymentArguments = @{
                                Name                               = $PackageConfig.PackagingTargets[0].name
                                CollectionName                     = $collection.Name
                                AllowRepairApp                     = $collection.deploymentSettings.allowRepairApp
                                DeployAction                       = $collection.deploymentSettings.DeployAction
                                DeployPurpose                      = $collection.deploymentSettings.DeployPurpose
                                OverrideServiceWindow              = $collection.deploymentSettings.OverrideServiceWindow
                                PreDeploy                          = $collection.deploymentSettings.PreDeploy
                                RebootOutsideServiceWindow         = $collection.deploymentSettings.RebootOutsideServiceWindow
                                ReplaceToastNotificationWithDialog = $collection.deploymentSettings.ReplaceToastNotificationWithDialog
                                SendWakeupPacket                   = $collection.deploymentSettings.SendWakeupPacket
                                TimeBaseOn                         = $collection.deploymentSettings.TimeBaseOn
                                UserNotification                   = $collection.deploymentSettings.userNotification
                                AvailableDateTime                  = ""
                                DeadlineDateTime                   = ""
                                ErrorAction                        = "Stop"
                            # Setting Date Times for available
                            if ($collection.deploymentSettings.availStart) {
                                Write-Verbose -Message "availStart: $($collection.deploymentSettings.availStart)"
                                $availtime = (Get-Date -Hour $collection.deploymentSettings.availHour -Minute $collection.deploymentSettings.availMinute).AddDays($collection.DeploymentSettings.availstart)
                                $DeploymentArguments.set_item("AvailableDateTime" , $availtime)
                            else {
                                Write-Verbose -Message "No availStart setting as current date and time"
                                $DeploymentArguments.set_item("AvailableDateTime" , (Get-Date))
                            # Setting Date Times for deadline
                            if ($collection.deploymentSettings.deadlineStart) {
                                Write-Verbose -Message "deadlineStart: $($collection.deploymentSettings.deadlineStart)"
                                $deadlinetime = (Get-Date -Hour $collection.deploymentSettings.deadlineHour -Minute $collection.deploymentSettings.deadlineMinute).AddDays($collection.DeploymentSettings.deadlineStart)
                                $DeploymentArguments.set_item("DeadlineDateTime" , $deadlinetime)
                            else {
                                Write-Verbose -Message "No deadlineStart"
                            # Removing null or empty values from the hashtable
                            $list = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                            foreach ($DepA in $DeploymentArguments.Keys) {
                                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DeploymentArguments.$DepA)) {
                                    $null = $list.Add($DepA)
                            foreach ($item in $list) {
                            try {
                                Write-Verbose -Message "Creating deployment of Application: $($PackageConfig.packagingTargets.Name) for collection: $($"
                                New-CMApplicationDeployment @DeploymentArguments
                            catch {
                                Write-Error $Error[0]
                                Write-Warning -Message "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                        else {
                            Write-Verbose -Message "$($collection.Name) does not exist or is not a MEMCM-Collection type."
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose -Message "$($collection.Name) has no deploymentSettings in JSON"
                }#foreach $collections
        $ConfigMgrDrive | Remove-PSDrive
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($myinvocation.mycommand)"