
function Invoke-AutoPackager {
        Invokes the main logic thread of the autopacckager.
        Runs through all the given recipes and builds them.
    .PARAMETER GlobalConfig
        This is the loaded GlobalConfiguration JSON file.
    .PARAMETER PackageApp
        This is a flag that when set will package the application.
    .PARAMETER DeployApp
        This is a flag that when set will deploy the application.
    .PARAMETER CreateCollections
        This is a flag that when set will create the collections.
        Invoke-AutoPackager -GlobalConfig $GlobalConfig -PackageApp -CreateCollections -DeployApp -InformationAction Continue

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch]$PackageApp = $false,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch]$DeployApp = $false,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch]$CreateCollections = $false

    foreach ($RecipeLocation in $GlobalConfig.RecipeLocations) {
        Write-Information -MessageData "Started working on $($RecipeLocation.LocationUri.AbsolutePath)"

        if ($RecipeLocation.LocationType -eq "directory") {
            # Get all recipe directories
            $RecipeDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $($RecipeLocation.LocationUri.AbsolutePath) -Directory -Exclude @(".*", "_*")

            # If directory empty, write error
            if ($RecipeDirs.Count -lt 1) {
                Write-Error -Message "No recipes were found in $($RecipeLocation.LocationUri.AbsolutePath)"
            else {
                # Loop through recipes and execute
                foreach ($Recipe in $RecipeDirs) {
                    if (-not (Confirm-RecipeFilesExist -RecipeDirPath $Recipe.FullName -RecipeName $Recipe.Name)) {
                        Write-Error -Message "Missing file(s), skipping $($Recipe.Name)"
                    else {
                        $PackageConfigPath = "$($Recipe.FullName)\$($Recipe.Name).json"
                        $VariableHelperPath = "$($Recipe.FullName)\helpers\getVariables.ps1"
                        $DetectVersionPath = "$($Recipe.FullName)\detectVersion.ps1"
                        $PackageAppPath = "$($Recipe.FullName)\packageApp.ps1"

                        # Load json
                        $PackageConfig = Get-UMNPackageConfig -Path $PackageConfigPath

                        [hashtable]$PackageVariables = . $VariableHelperPath -PackageConfig $PackageConfig
                        Write-Debug -Message "Package Variable Count: $($PackageVariables.Count)"

                        # Set up new package and global config variables based on the variable replacements defined in the package variables
                        # Need to copy then update because of how update works.
                        $UpdatedPackageConfig = $PackageConfig
                        $UpdatedGlobalConfig = Get-UMNGlobalConfig -Path $GlobalConfigPath

                        if ($UpdatedPackageConfig.OverridePackagingTargets) {
                            $SiteTargets = $UpdatedPackageConfig.PackagingTargets
                        else {
                            $SiteTargets = $UpdatedGlobalConfig.PackagingTargets

                        foreach ($SiteTarget in $SiteTargets) {
                            if (-not ($null -eq $SiteTarget.ApplicationContentPath.LocalPath)) {
                                $GlobalVariables = [hashtable]@{
                                    "{applicationContentPath}" = $SiteTarget.ApplicationContentPath.LocalPath
                            else {
                                throw "ApplicationContentPath is not set in the global configuration or the package configuration.`nThis is a key value."

                            if (-not ($null -eq $SiteTarget.preAppName)) {
                                $GlobalVariables["{preAppName}"] = $SiteTarget.preAppName

                            if (-not ($null -eq $SiteTarget.postAppName)) {
                                $GlobalVariables["{postAppName}"] = $SiteTarget.postAppName

                            # Check for newer version
                            $VersionCheck = . $DetectVersionPath -GlobalConfig $GlobalConfig -PackageConfig $UpdatedPackageConfig -SiteTarget $SiteTarget

                            # Update Version in variables and in the config
                            $UpdatedPackageConfig.CurrentVersion = $VersionCheck.Version
                            $UpdatedPackageConfig.ReplaceVariable("{currentVersion}", $VersionCheck.Version)

                            Write-Debug -Message "Version Check: $($VersionCheck.ToString())"


                            if ($PackageApp) {
                                if ($VersionCheck.update) {
                                    Write-Information -MessageData "New version found for $($Recipe.Name)"
                                    $GlobalAndPackageConfig = . $PackageAppPath -GlobalConfig $GlobalConfig -PackageConfig $UpdatedPackageConfig -SiteTarget $SiteTarget
                                    $UpdatedGlobalConfig = $GlobalAndPackageConfig.GlobalConfig
                                    $UpdatedPackageConfig = $GlobalAndPackageConfig.PackageConfig
                                else {
                                    Write-Information -MessageData "No new version for $($Recipe.Name)"
                            if ($SiteTarget.Type -eq "MEMCM-Application") {
                                # Create Collections
                                if ($CreateCollections) {
                                    Write-Information -MessageData "Creating Collections for $($Recipe.Name)"
                                    New-MEMCMCollections -GlobalConfig $GlobalConfig -PackageConfig $UpdatedPackageConfig -SiteTarget $SiteTarget

                                if ($DeployApp) {
                                    if ($VersionCheck.update) {
                                        Write-Information -MessageData "Deploying New Application for $($Recipe.Name)"
                                        Deploy-MEMCMPackage -GlobalConfig $GlobalConfig -PackageConfig $UpdatedPackageConfig -SiteTarget $SiteTarget

                        # # Check for newer version
                        # $DetectVersionPath = "$($Recipe.FullName)\detectVersion.ps1"

                        # if (Test-Path -Path $DetectVersionPath) {
                        # $VersionCheck = . $DetectVersionPath -GlobalConfig $UpdatedGlobalConfig -PackageConfig $UpdatedPackageConfig -InformationAction $InformationPreference
                        # Write-Information -MessageData "$($VersionCheck.ToString())"
                        # if ($VersionCheck.update) {
                        # Write-Information -MessageData "Found new version for $($Recipe.Name)"
                        # if ($PackageApp) {
                        # Write-Information -MessageData "Building package for $($Recipe.Name)"
                        # #. "$($Recipe.FullName)\packageApp.ps1" -GlobalConfig $UpdatedGlobalConfig -PackageConfig $UpdatedPackageConfig
                        # }

                        # if ($DeployApp) {
                        # Write-Information -MessageData "Deploying package for $($Recipe.Name)"
                        # #."$($Recipe.FullName)\deployApp.ps1" -GlobalConfig $UpdatedGlobalConfig -PackageConfig $UpdatedPackageConfig
                        # }
                        # }
                        # }
                        # else {
                        # Write-Information -MessageData "No new version for $($Recipe.Name)"
                        # }