
# Copyright 2017 University of Minnesota, Office of Information Technology

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Foobar. If not, see <>.

# Based off

#region Connect-Qualys
function Connect-Qualys{
       Connect to Qualys API and get back session $cookie for all other functions

        Connect to Qualys API and get back session $cookie for all other functions

    .PARAMETER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo

    .PARAMETER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get the correctly formatted header for Qualys

    .PARAMETER qualysCred
        use Get-Credential to create a PSCredential with the username and password of an account that has access to Qualys
        $cookie = Connect-Qualys -uri '' -header (Get-QualysHeader) -qualysCred (Get-Credential)
        Author: Travis Sobeck, Kyle Weeks

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo/session")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]



        $qualysuser = $qualysCred.UserName
        $qualysPswd = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($qualysCred.Password))
        ############# Log in #############
        ## URL for Logging In/OUT
        ## Login/out
        $logInBody = @{
            action = "login"
            username = $qualysuser
            password = $qualysPswd

        ## Log in SessionVariable captures the cookie
        $uri += 'session/'
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $logInBody -SessionVariable cookie
        return $cookie


#region Get-QualysAssetGrp
function Get-QualysAssetGrp{
        Get a list of AssetGroup IDs or the ID for a specific AssetGroup

        Get a list of AssetGroup IDs or the ID for a specific AssetGroup

    .PARAMTER id
        Asset Group ID, use this to get a single Asset Group

    .PARAMTER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo see Qualys documentation for specifics

    .PARAMTER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get this

    .PARAMTER cookie
        Use Connect-Qualys to get session cookie




        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo/session")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]


        ## Create URL, see API docs for path
        $uri += "asset/group"      
        $actionBody = @{action = "list"}
        if($id){$actionBody['ids'] = $id}
        [xml]$returnedXML = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $uri -Method Get -Body $actionBody -WebSession $cookie
        else{foreach ($n in 0..($data.Length -1)){"--------------";"Title: " +$data.Get($n).TITLE.'#cdata-section';$data.Get($n);$data.IP_SET}}

#region Get-QualysHeader
function Get-QualysHeader{
       Get header for subsequent calls

        Place holder in the event future version require a different header. Future version may take version number as a param.
        $header = Get-QualysHeader
        Author: Travis Sobeck, Kyle Weeks



        return @{"X-Requested-With"="powershell"}


#region Get-QualysReport
function Get-QualysReport{
        Download Qualys Report

        Download Qualys Report

    .PARAMTER id
        Report ID, use Get-QualysReportList to find the ID

    .PARAMTER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo see Qualys documentation for specifics

    .PARAMTER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get this

    .PARAMTER cookie
        Use Connect-Qualys to get session cookie




        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo/session")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]


        ### get the format type
        $format = (Get-QualysReportList -uri $uri -header $header -cookie $cookie -id $id).OUTPUT_FORMAT
        $outfile = "$outFilePath\qualysReport$ID.$format"
        ## Create URL, see API docs for path
        $uri += "report/" 
        $actionBody = @{action = "fetch";id = "$id"}  
        $null = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $uri -Method get -Body $actionBody -WebSession $cookie -OutFile $outfile

#region Get-QualysReportList
function Get-QualysReportList{
        Get list of Qualys Reports

        Get list of Qualys Reports
    .PARAMTER id
        (Optional) Qualys Report ID, use this to get details on a specific ID

    .PARAMTER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo see Qualys documentation for specifics

    .PARAMTER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get this

    .PARAMTER cookie
        Use Connect-Qualys to get session cookie




        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo/session")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]


        ## Create URL, see API docs for path
        $uri += "report/"      
        $actionBody = @{action = "list"}
        if($id){$actionBody['id'] = $id}
        [xml]$returnedXML = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $uri -Method Get -Body $actionBody -WebSession $cookie
        else{foreach ($n in 0..($data.Length -1)){"--------------";"Title: " +$data.Get($n).TITLE.'#cdata-section';$data.Get($n)}}

#region Get-QualysSchedReportList
function Get-QualysSchedReportList{
        Get a list of Reports Scheduled

        Get a list of Reports Scheduled

    .PARAMTER id
        (Optional) Report Schedule ID

    .PARAMTER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo see Qualys documentation for specifics

    .PARAMTER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get this

    .PARAMTER cookie
        Use Connect-Qualys to get session cookie



        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo/session")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]


        ## Create URL, see API docs for path
        $uri += "schedule/report"      
        $actionBody = @{action = "list"}
        if($id){$actionBody['id'] = $id}
        [xml]$returnedXML = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $uri -Method Get -Body $actionBody -WebSession $cookie
        else{foreach ($n in 0..($data.Length -1)){"--------------";"Title: " +$data.Get($n).TITLE.'#cdata-section';$data.Get($n);$data.Get($n).TEMPLATE_TITLE.'#cdata-section';$data.Get($n).SCHEDULE}}

#region Invoke-QualysBase
function Invoke-QualysBase{

    .PARAMTER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo see Qualys documentation for specifics

    .PARAMTER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get this

    .PARAMTER cookie
        Use Connect-Qualys to get session cookie




        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo/session")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]


        return (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $uri -Method $method -Body $body -WebSession $cookie)

#region New-QualysIP
function New-QualysIP{

    .PARAMTER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo see Qualys documentation for specifics

    .PARAMTER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get this

    .PARAMTER cookie
        Use Connect-Qualys to get session cookie





        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]


        ## Create URL, see API docs for path
        $uri += 'asset/group/'
        $actionBody = @{
            action = "list"
            ids = $groupID
        ## Run your action, WebSession contains the cookie from login
        [xml]$returnedXML = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $actionBody -WebSession $cookie

        # Single IPs
        # IP Ranges, these will take more work to extrapolate

        ## break up the ip range strings, extract all the ips .. blah blah
        foreach ($ip in $ipRanges)
            $a,$b = $ip -split "-"
            $a1,$a2,$a3,[int]$a4 = $a -split "\."
            $b1,$b2,$b3,[int]$b4 = $b -split "\."
            foreach ($i in $a4 .. $b4)
                $newIP = $a1 + "." + $a2 + "." + $a3 + "." + [string]$i
                # add to the array of IPs, check for doubles
                if ($ips -notcontains $newIP){$junk = $ips.Add($newIP)}
        ########################### now we have a full list of IPs to check against
        ### check if IP to be added is is in the list
        if ($ips -notcontains $ip)
            $actionBody = @{
                action = "edit"
                id = $groupID
                add_ips = $ip
            [xml]$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $actionBody -WebSession $cookie
            ## check that it worked
            $qualysError = $response.SIMPLE_RETURN.RESPONSE.TEXT
            if (-not ($response.SIMPLE_RETURN.RESPONSE.TEXT -eq $successResponse)){throw "Failed to add IP $ip -- $qualysError"}
            else{return $true}
        else{return $true}  
        $returnedXML = $null

#region Remove-QualysIP
function Remove-QualysIP{

    .PARAMTER uri
        This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo see Qualys documentation for specifics

    .PARAMTER header
        Use Get-QualysHeader to get this

    .PARAMTER cookie
        Use Connect-Qualys to get session cookie





        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="This will take the form https://<fqdn>:443/api/<apiversion>/fo/session")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Use Get-QualysHeader")]


        $uri += 'asset/group/'
        ## Remove IP from Asset Group
        ## Look at passinging in Asset Group (High or regular) and set IP
        $actionBody = @{
            action = "edit"
            id = $groupID
            remove_ips = $ip
            ## Run your action, WebSession contains the cookie from login
        [xml]$returnedXML = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $actionBody -WebSession $cookie
        if ($returnedXML.SIMPLE_RETURN.RESPONSE.TEXT -ne $successResponse){throw "$logInit Error - $ip - $returnedXML.SIMPLE_RETURN.RESPONSE.TEXT"}
        else{return $true}
        $returnedXML = $null