
# Copyright 2017 University of Minnesota, Office of Information Technology

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Foobar. If not, see <>.

#region Connect-VMWareRASession
function Connect-VMWareRASession {
        Connect to VMWare Rest API Session
        Connect to VMWare Rest API Session
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to
    .PARAMETER vmwareCreds
        PS credential of user that has access
        $sessionID = Connect-VMWareRASession -vCenter $vCenter -vmwareCreds $vmwareApiCred

        Function will return the a Session ID that will be used as an Auth token in other functions in this module

        Author: Travis Sobeck



        ## Convert the Pscred into a basic auth hash
        $auth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($vmwareCreds.UserName+':'+$vmwareCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password))
        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/session"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post `
            -Headers @{'vmware-use-header-authn' = 'asdfypaf';'vmware-api-session-id'='null';'Accept' = 'application/json';'Authorization' = "Basic $auth"} `
            -ContentType 'application/json'
        if($return.StatusCode -ne 200){throw "Failed to login $return"}
        return ($return.Content | convertfrom-json).value

#region Disconnect-VMWareRASession
function Disconnect-VMWareRASession {
       Disconnect VMWare Rest API Session

        Disconnect VMWare Rest API Session

    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to to end session

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id to be closed
        Disconnect-VMWareRASession -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID
        Author: Travis Sobeck


        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/session"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Delete  `
            -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID;'Accept' = 'application/json'} `
            -ContentType 'application/json'
        if($return.StatusCode -ne 200){throw "Failed to logout"}

#region Get-VMWareRAVOpen
function Get-VMWareRAOpen {
        This is an open function to get anything from https://$vCenter/apiexplorer/#/ that supports a Get method
        This is an open function to get anything from https://$vCenter/apiexplorer/#/ that supports a Get method
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
    .PARAMETER api
        specific api section to select from Currently cis, appliance, content, api, vcenter

    .PARAMETER section
        section to get information about

    .PARAMETER specific
        many of the section allow you to narrow down to a specific item in a section by some kind of ID, you do need to review the docs to find out what ID .. or jsut guess until you get it right


        Author: Travis Sobeck





        ## Construct url
        if ($api -eq 'cis' -or $api -eq 'content' -or $api -eq 'vapi'){$url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/$api/$section"} # some adds /com/vmware
        else{$url = "https://$vCenter/rest/$api/$section"}
        if ($specific){$url += "/$specific"}
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        return(($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value)

#region Get-VMWareRAVM
function Get-VMWareRAVM {
        Get details about vm from VMWare Rest API
        Get details about vm from VMWare Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
    .PARAMETER compter
        name of vm

        Author: Travis Sobeck



        ## Construct url
        $vmID = Get-VMWareRAVMID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -computer $computer
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/vcenter/vm/$vmID"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        return(($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value)

#region Get-VMWareRAVMID
function Get-VMWareRAVMID {
        Get vm ID for a specific vm from VMWare Rest API
        Get vm ID for a specific vm from VMWare Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
        vmware ID, needed for other functions in this module

        Author: Travis Sobeck



        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/vcenter/vm?filter.names=$computer"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        return(($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value.vm)

#region Get-VMWareRAVMpower
function Get-VMWareRAVMpower {
        Get vm ID for a specific vm from VMWare Rest API
        Get vm ID for a specific vm from VMWare Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
    .PARAMETER computer
        vmware ID, needed for other functions in this module

        Author: Travis Sobeck



        $vmID = Get-VMWareRAVMID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -computer $computer
        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/vcenter/vm/$vmID/power"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        return(($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value.state)

#region Get-VMWareRAVTag
function Get-VMWareRATag {
        Get-vmware Tag via Rest API
        Get-vmware Tag via Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER name


        Author: Travis Sobeck



        ## There isn't
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        $tags = ($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value
        if ($name){$tags | ForEach-Object {if (((Get-VMWareRATagByID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -tagID $_).Name) -eq $name){return (Get-VMWareRATagByID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -tagID $_);break}}}
        else{$tags | ForEach-Object {return (Get-VMWareRATagByID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -tagID $_)}}

#region Get-VMWareRAVTagByID
function Get-VMWareRATagByID {
        Get-vmware Tag by ID via Rest API
        Get-vmware Tag by ID via Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to



        Author: Travis Sobeck



        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:$tagID"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        return(($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value)

#region Get-VMWareRAVMTagsAttachedToObject
function Get-VMWareRAVMTagsAttachedToObject {
        Get list of objects a tag is attached to an object
        Get list of objects a tag is attached to an object
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
    .PARAMETER type
        type of object, for example 'virtualMachine'

        id of object, for example if its a vm, use Get-VMWareRAVMID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -computer $computer to get its id
        JSON data of ids/types

        Author: Travis Sobeck




        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association?~action=list-attached-tags"
        $json = @{"object_id" = @{"type"=$type;"id"=$id}} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $json -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        ($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value | ForEach-Object {Get-VMWareRATagByID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -tagID $_}
        #return(($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value)

#region Get-VMWareRAVMTagAttachList
function Get-VMWareRAVMTagAttachList {
        Get list of objects a tag is attached to
        Get list of objects a tag is attached to
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
        JSON data of ids/types

        Author: Travis Sobeck



        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association/id:$tagID`?~action=list-attached-objects"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        return(($return.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value)

#region New-VMWareRAVM
function New-VMWareRAVM {
        Build new VM via VMWare Rest API
        Build new VM via VMWare Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession

        Author: Travis Sobeck



        [int]$memoryGB = 4,

        [int]$NumCpu = 2,

        [int]$corePerSocket = 1,








        ## Validate that the vm to be built doesn't already exists. This is a littel awkward. If the vm exists, throw an error. If it doesn't Get-VM actual throws an error, so catch it but move on because that's the desired result
        if ((Get-VMWareRAVMID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -computer $computer) -ne $null){Throw "Vm with name $computer already exists $_.Exception.Message"}

        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/vcenter/vm"
        # construct hash table for JSON
        $spec = @{'placement' = @{'cluster'= $cluster;'folder'= $folder;'datastore'= $datastore};
          'name'= $computer;
          'boot'= @{'type'= 'CDROM'};#'efi_legacy_boot'= $true;'delay'= 0;
          'hardware_version'= 'VMX_11';
          'guest_OS'= 'WINDOWS_9_SERVER_64';          
          "nics"= @(@{"backing"= @{"type"= "DISTRIBUTED_PORTGROUP";"network"= $network};"allow_guest_control"= $true;"mac_type"= "GENERATED";"start_connected"= $true;"type"= "VMXNET3"});
          "memory"= @{"hot_add_enabled"= $true;"size_MiB"= (1024 * $memoryGB)};
          "cpu"= @{"count"= $NumCpu;"hot_add_enabled"= $true;"hot_remove_enabled"= $true;"cores_per_socket"= $corePerSocket};          
        } # close 'spec'
        if ($isoPath){$spec["cdroms"]= [array]@(@{"backing"= @{"iso_file"= $isoPath;"type"= "ISO_FILE"};"start_connected"= $true;"allow_guest_control"= $true;"type"= "SATA"});}
        $spec["disks"] = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@(@{"new_vmdk"= @{"capacity"= ([math]::pow( 1024, 3 ) * $diskSizeGB);"name"= "disk1"};"type"= "SCSI"})
        if ($secondDiskSizeGB){$null = $spec["disks"].add(@{"new_vmdk"= @{"capacity"= ([math]::pow( 1024, 3 ) * $secondDiskSizeGB);"name"= "disk2"};"type"= "SCSI"})}

        # construct json
        $json = @{'spec' = $spec} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
        return (((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID;'Accept' = 'application/json'} -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $json).Content | convertfrom-json).value)

#region Remove-VMWareRAVM
function Remove-VMWareRAVM {
        Remove vm from VMWare Rest API
        Remove vm from VMWare Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
    .PARAMETER computer
        name of vm

        Returns $true if vm is remove. Throws error if not

        Author: Travis Sobeck



        ## Construct url
        $vmID = Get-VMWareRAVMID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -computer $computer
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/vcenter/vm/$vmID"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Delete -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        if ($return.StatusCode -eq 200){return($true)}
        else{Throw "Failed to remove $computer $return"}

#region Set-VMWareRAVMpower
function Set-VMWareRAVMpower {
        Get vm ID for a specific vm from VMWare Rest API
        Get vm ID for a specific vm from VMWare Rest API
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession
    .PARAMETER computer
        vmware ID, needed for other functions in this module

        Author: Travis Sobeck




        $vmID = Get-VMWareRAVMID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -computer $computer
        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/vcenter/vm/$vmID/power/$state"
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'

#region Set-VMWareRAVMTagAttachedToObject
function Set-VMWareRAVMTagAttachedToObject {
        Add tags to an object
        Add tags to an object
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to connect to

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id from Connect-vmwwarerasession

        ID of tag to be added
    .PARAMETER type
        type of object, for example 'virtualMachine'

        id of object, for example if its a vm, use Get-VMWareRAVMID -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID -computer $computer to get its id
        JSON data of ids/types

        Author: Travis Sobeck




        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association/id:$tagId`?~action=attach"
        $json = @{"object_id" = @{"type"=$type;"id"=$id}} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
        $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $json -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID} -ContentType 'application/json'
        if ($return.StatusCode -eq 200){return $true}

#region Test-VMWareRASession
function Test-VMWareRASession {
        Test for valid and active VMWare Rest API Session
        Test for valide and active VMWare Rest API Session
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        FQDN of server to test connection against

    .PARAMETER sessionID
        vmware-api-session-id to be tested
        Test-VMWareRASession -vCenter $vCenter -sessionID $sessionID
        If there is a valid and active connection, the funciton will return details about the connection. If not, the function will return $false

        Author: Travis Sobeck


        ## Construct url
        $url = "https://$vCenter/rest/com/vmware/cis/session?~action=get"
            return ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Headers @{'vmware-api-session-id'=$sessionID;'Accept' = 'application/json'} -ContentType 'application/json').content | convertfrom-json).value
        catch{return $false}