    (Modified Send-CfgMachinePolicyUpdate to wait 2 seconds rather than 10 between downloading
    and evaluating policy)
    (Modified Send-WOL to send the WOL packet to port 1230 and port 9)
    (Modified Get-CfgClientInventory default properties)
    (Added new Install-CCM command)
    (Added Admin test to Send-Wol)

#v1.4 (Added documentation)
#v1.3 (Added Send-RepairCCM)

function Test-CurrentAdminRights {
    #Return $True if process has admin rights, otherwise $False
    $user = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
    $Role = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator
    return (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $User).IsInRole($Role)

function Get-CfgCollectionMembers {
    Retreive members of an SCCM collection.
    Connects to the primary site server and queries the WMI namespace for members of a collection, based on input.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    The descriptive name of a collection. If spaces are in the name, surround it by quotes.
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionMembers "VMware vSphere Client 4.1 MSI WKS"
    ComputerName Collection
    ------------ ----------
    GMNQ12S VMware vSphere Client 4.1 MSI WKS
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Please enter a collection name",
               ValueFromPipeLine = $true,
               ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $True)]
               $Collection,$Site="SC1", $SiteServer="wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal", $Property
$Collections = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($site)" -Query `
    "Select * from SMS_Collection Where Name like '$Collection'"
ForEach ( $Col in $Collections ) {
    $Members = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($site)" -Query `
    "Select * from $($Col.MemberClassName)"
      If ($Property) {
        $Members | Select-Object $Property
      Else {
        $Members | Select-Object @{label='ComputerName';expression={$_.Name}},@{label='Collection';expression={$Col.Name}}

function Get-CfgClientInventory {
    Retreive Inventory information of a Config Manager Client.
    Connects to the primary site server and queries the WMI namespace for client inventory.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server. The percent symbol can be used inplace as a wildcard.
    .PARAMETER UserName
    If the UserName parameter is used, a search will be performed for ConfigMgr clients where the username matches LastLogonUserName. The percent symbol can be used inplace as a wildcard.
    .PARAMETER Properties
    Use the Properties parameter to specify additonal properties to load. These properties have additional network/load cost as they create additional WMI queries.
    Available properties are: VLAN, Monitor(Returns MonitorCount and MonitorRes), DockStatus, Memory, Model Manufacturer, BuildInfo, Properties.
    C:\PS>Get-CfgClientInventory 6WMPSN1
    ComputerName LastLogonUserName IPAddresses
    ------------ ----------------- ----------
    6WMPSN1 jpharris {, 172.16.70...
    C:\PS>Get-CfgClientInventory -UserName jpha%
    ComputerName LastLogonUserName IPAddresses
    ------------ ----------------- ----------
    6WMPSN1 jpharris {, 172.16.70...
    VDI-WIN7X86-016 jpharris {, fe80::ed59:db1...
    C:\PS>Get-CfgClientInventory 6WMPSN1 -Properties VLAN,Model,Monitor,DockStatus
        Returns additional properties of system 6wmpsn1
    C:\PS>Get-CfgClientInventory 6WMPSN1 -Property Name,IPAddresses,MACAddresses
    Name IPAddresses Macaddresses
    ---- ----------- ------------
    6WMPSN1 00:50:56:C0:00:01
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Get-CfgClientInventory -Properties BuildInfo
        Returns Build times and management point for the collection members of Lab DG40
    C:\PS>Get-CfgClientInventory 6WMPSN1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPAddresses
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release
    1.1 - 10/04/2012 - Modified default properties and docs


      $Site="SC1", $SiteServer="wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal",$Properties,[Switch]$ExtendedData)

      function CfgClientInventory-Worker {
        #Set Default Object properties
        $defaultProperties = @('ComputerName','LastLogonUserName', 'IPAddresses')

        If ($Name -ne $null) {
        $Query = "Select * from SMS_R_System Where Name like '$Name'"
        } ElseIf ($UserName -ne $null) {
        $Query = "Select * from SMS_R_System Where LastLogonUserName like '$User'"
        $QueryResults = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" `
            -Query $Query
        Foreach ($Result in $QueryResults) {
            $MonitorRes = $null
            $MonitorCount = $null
            $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $Result.Name
            Switch ($Properties) {
                <#VLAN {
                    $VLANQuery = 'Select Ranges from SMS_G_System_USC_MOEVLAN Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VLAN -Value (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $VLANQuery).Ranges
                    $defaultProperties += "VLAN"

                Model {
                    $ModelQuery = 'Select Model from SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Model -Value (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $ModelQuery).Model
                    $defaultProperties += "Model"
                Monitor {
                    $MonitorQuery = 'Select * from SMS_G_System_DESKTOP_MONITOR Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $MonitorData = (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $MonitorQuery)
                    $MonitorData | Where-Object {$_.ScreenWidth -ne $null} | ForEach-Object {$MonitorRes += "$($_.ScreenWidth)x$($_.ScreenHeight),"
                    $MonitorCount ++}
                    $MonitorRes = $MonitorRes -replace ",$",""
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MonitorCount -Value $MonitorCount
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MonitorRes -Value $MonitorRes
                    $defaultProperties += "MonitorCount","MonitorRes"
                Memory {
                    $MemoryQuery = 'Select TotalPhysicalMemory from SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $Number = (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $MemoryQuery).TotalPhysicalMemory /1kb
                    $Memory = "{0:N0}" -f $Number + " MB"
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Memory -Value $Memory
                    $defaultProperties += "Memory"
                Warranty {
                    $WarrantyQuery = 'Select WarrantyEndDate from SMS_G_System_USCWarrantyInfo Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name WarrantyEndDate -Value (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -NameSpace "root\sms\site_$($site)" -Query $WarrantyQuery).WarrantyEndDate
                    $defaultProperties += "WarrantyEndDate"
                <#DockStatus {
                    $DockQuery = 'Select DockingState from SMS_G_System_USC_DOCKINFO Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $DockStatus = Switch ((Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $DockQuery).DockingState) {
                        0 {"Unsupported"}
                        1 {"UnDocked"}
                        2 {"Docked"}
                        3 {"UnKnown"}
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DockStatus -Value $DockStatus
                    $defaultProperties += "DockStatus"

                VideoCard {
                    $VCardQuery = 'Select Description,DriverVersion from SMS_G_System_VIDEO_CONTROLLER Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $VCard = (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $VCardQuery)
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VideoCard -Value $VCard.Description
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DriverVersion -Value $VCard.DriverVersion
                    $defaultProperties += "VideoCard","DriverVersion"
                Manufacturer {
                    $ManufacturerQuery = 'Select Manufacturer from SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Manufacturer -Value (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $ManufacturerQuery).Manufacturer
                    $defaultProperties += "Manufacturer"
                BuildInfo {
                    $BuildInfoQuery = 'Select * from SMS_G_System_MOETATTOO Where ResourceID = "' + $Result.ResourceID + '"'
                    $BuildInfo = (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query $BuildInfoQuery)
                    ForEach ($Build in $BuildInfo) {
                        If ($Build.BuildTimestamp -ne $null) {
                            $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BuildTimestamp -Value ([datetime]::ParseExact([string]$Build.BuildTimestamp,"yyyyMMddHHmmss.000000+600",$null))
                            $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BuildManagementPoint -Value $Build.BuildManagementPoint
                            $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BuildTSName -Value $Build.BuildTSName
                            $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CoreImageTimestamp -Value ([datetime]::ParseExact([string]$Build.CoreImageTimestamp,"yyyyMMddHHmmss.000000+600",$null))
                            $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CoreImageTSName -Value $Build.CoreImageTSName
                            $defaultProperties = @('ComputerName','BuildTimestamp','BuildTSName')
            $defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$defaultProperties)
            $PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)
            $Result | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers -PassThru

    If ($UserName -ne $null) { 
        CfgClientInventory-Worker -User $UserName
    } Else {
        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
            Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                CfgClientInventory-Worker -Name $Computer
        } Else {
            CfgClientInventory-Worker -Name $ComputerName

function Test-CfgCollectionMembers {
    Performs Test-Connection on the members of the specified collection.
    Connects to the primary site server and queries the WMI namespace for members of a collection, then reports on their network connectivity.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    The descriptive name of a collection. If spaces are in the name, surround it by quotes.
    87VZ72S is unavailable
    F7VZ72S is up
    67VZ72S is unavailable
    57VZ72S is up
    B7VZ72S is unavailable
    G7VZ72S is unavailable
    47VZ72S is unavailable
    28VZ72S is unavailable
    J7VZ72S is unavailable
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release

Param($Collection, $Site="SC1", $SiteServer="wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal",$TTL=2)
Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection $Collection -Site $Site -SiteServer $SiteServer | `
  ForEach-Object { 
        $TestConn = Test-Connection -TimeToLive $TTL -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        If ( $TestConn ) { 
            $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Online" -Value $True
            Try {
                $UserName = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -Class Win32_computersystem).UserName
            } Catch {
                $UserName = $False
            If ($UserName.Count -gt 0 -and ($UserName.StartsWith('USC\'))) {$UserName = $UserName.TrimStart('USC\')}
            $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CurrentUser" -Value $UserName
        } Else {
            $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Online" -Value $False
            $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CurrentUser" -Value $False

function Send-CfgUserUpdateTrigger {
    $sid = ( get-wmiobject -ComputerName $ComputerName -query "SELECT UserSID FROM CCM_UserLogonEvents WHERE LogoffTime = NULL" -namespace "ROOT\ccm").UserSID.replace('-','_');

function Get-CfgCacheSize {
    $Cache = ([WMI]"\\$ComputerName\Root\ccm\SoftmgmtAgent:CacheConfig.ConfigKey='Cache'").Size

function Set-CfgCacheSize {
    If ($Percentage) {
        #Check if size is written in percent
        If ($Size -gt 99) {
            Write-Error "Size is not a percentage. Please specify size as a percentage when using the percentage parameter"
        #Okay, lets work out what the size will be if it is a percentage of the current disk.
        # 1. Get disk info
        $DiskInfo = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object {$_.DeviceID -eq 'C:'}
        # 2. Get the freespace of C:
        $Freespace =$DiskInfo.FreeSpace 
        # 3. Get the full size of the disk
        $DiskSize = $DiskInfo.Size
        # 4. Work out the percentage of total size
        $PercentOfTotal = $DiskSize/100*$Size
        # 5. Do we have this amount available in freespace whilst retaining 10 gig for the OS
        If (($Freespace - $PercentOfTotal) -gt 10240) {
            #Yes we will be able to do this
            $FreeSpaceHR = "{0:#00}Gb" -f ($Freespace /1gb)
            $PercentOfTotalHR = "{0:#00}Gb" -f ($PercentOfTotal /1gb)
            Write-Verbose "Freespace is $FreeSpaceHR" 
            Write-Verbose "We will consume $PercentOfTotalHR"
            #Convert Bytes to Megabytes
            $SizeinMB = $PercentOfTotal/1024/1024
            $Size = [int]$SizeinMB
        } Else {
            #No, not enough space available
            Write-Error "Not enough space available to consume $Size % of disk"
    If ($? -eq $true) {
        Write-Verbose "Succesfully set cache size to $Size Mb"

function Send-CfgAppEval {
    Performs a Application Deployment evaluation cycle on the specified ConfigMgr client.
    Connect to the WMI namespace of the specified machine and executes a method to trigger the schedule
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server.
    C:\PS>Send-CfgAppEval -ComputerName 9k9562s
    Executing AppEval for 9k9562s
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Send-CfgAppEval
        Attempts to send an application deployment cycle to members of the collection "Lab DG40"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release



    function SendMachineUpdate-Worker {
        $SCCMClient = [WMIClass]"\\$sName\Root\CCM:SMS_Client"
        Write-Host "Executing AppEval for $sName"
        Try {$SCCMClient.psbase.InvokeMethod("TriggerSchedule", "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121}") }
        Catch { "An Error occured" }
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
        ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $Computer
        } Else {
            SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $ComputerName

function Send-CfgTrigger {
    Performs a machine policy update on the specified ConfigMgr client.
    Connect to the WMI namespace of the specified machine and executes a method to download and evaluate machine policy
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server.
    C:\PS>Send-CfgSCEPTrigger -ComputerName 9k9562s
    Downloading Policy for 9k9562s
    Evaluating Policy for 9k9562s
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Send-CfgSCEPTrigger
        Attempts to send a machine policy update evaluation to members of the collection "Lab DG40"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release


    $Delay = 1
    $Triggers = Switch ($TriggerName) {
        Machine {'{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}','{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000022}'}
        User {'{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000026}','{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000027}' }
        HWInventory {'{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}'}
        SWInventory {'{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}'}
        SCEP {'{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000221}'}
        UpdateScan {
            $Delay = 360    }
        Default {'{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}','{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000022}'}

    function SendMachineUpdate-Worker {
        $SCCMClient = [WMIClass]"\\$sName\Root\CCM:SMS_Client"
        Write-Verbose "Executing trigger $Trigger on $sName"
        Try {$SCCMClient.psbase.InvokeMethod("TriggerSchedule", $Trigger) }
        Catch { "An Error occured" }
        Write-Verbose "Sleeping for $Delay Seconds"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $Delay
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
        ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            $Triggers | ForEach-Object { SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $Computer -Trigger $_ -Delay $Delay }
        } Else {
            $Triggers | ForEach-Object { SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $ComputerName -Trigger $_ -Delay $Delay}

function Send-CfgSCEPTrigger {
    Performs a machine policy update on the specified ConfigMgr client.
    Connect to the WMI namespace of the specified machine and executes a method to download and evaluate machine policy
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server.
    C:\PS>Send-CfgSCEPTrigger -ComputerName 9k9562s
    Downloading Policy for 9k9562s
    Evaluating Policy for 9k9562s
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Send-Send-CfgSCEPTrigger
        Attempts to send a machine policy update evaluation to members of the collection "Lab DG40"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release



    function SendMachineUpdate-Worker {
        $SCCMClient = [WMIClass]"\\$sName\Root\CCM:SMS_Client"
        Write-Host "Downloading Policy for $sName"
        Try {$SCCMClient.psbase.InvokeMethod("TriggerSchedule", "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000221}") }
        Catch { "An Error occured" }
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
        ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $Computer
        } Else {
            SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $ComputerName

function Send-CfgMachineUpdateTrigger {
    Performs a machine policy update on the specified ConfigMgr client.
    Connect to the WMI namespace of the specified machine and executes a method to download and evaluate machine policy
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server.
    C:\PS>Send-CfgMachineUpdateTrigger -ComputerName 9k9562s
    Downloading Policy for 9k9562s
    Evaluating Policy for 9k9562s
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Send-CfgMachineUpdateTrigger
        Attempts to send a machine policy update evaluation to members of the collection "Lab DG40"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release



    function SendMachineUpdate-Worker {
        $SCCMClient = [WMIClass]"\\$sName\Root\CCM:SMS_Client"
        Write-Host "Downloading Policy for $sName"
        Try {$SCCMClient.psbase.InvokeMethod("TriggerSchedule", "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}") }
        Catch { "An Error occured" }
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        Write-Host "Evaluating Policy for $sName"
        Try {$SCCMClient.psbase.InvokeMethod("TriggerSchedule", "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000022}") }
        Catch { "An Error occured" }
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
        ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $Computer
        } Else {
            SendMachineUpdate-Worker -sName $ComputerName

function Send-CfgInventoryUpdateTrigger {
    Performs a hardware inventory on the specified ConfigMgr client.
    Connect to the WMI namespace of the specified machine and executes a method to execute hardware inventory
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server.
    Forces a full inventory report rather than a delta. This is achived by deleting the previous inventory which causes a version mismatch.
    C:\PS>Send-CfgInventoryUpdateTrigger -ComputerName 9k9562s
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Send-CfgInventoryUpdateTrigger
        Attempts to send a WMI method to execute hardware inventory update to members of the collection "Lab DG40"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release

If ($Full) {
    $invVersion = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Namespace Root\ccm\invagt -Class InventoryActionStatus | Where-Object {$_.InventoryActionID -eq "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"}
If ( ($ComputerName) ) {
$SCCMClient = [WMIClass]"\\$ComputerName\Root\CCM:SMS_Client"
Else { 
$SCCMClient = [WMIClass]"Root\CCM:SMS_Client"

function Get-CfgClientProvisioningMode {
  (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\CCM\CCMExec" -Name "ProvisioningMode").ProvisioningMode

function Set-CfgClientProvisioningMode {
   Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\CCM\CCMExec" -Name "ProvisioningMode" -Value "False" -Force
   Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\CCM\CCMExec" -Name "SystemTaskExcludes" -Value "" -Force
   Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence" -Name Package -ea SilentlyContinue
   Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence" -Name "Active Request Handle" -ea SilentlyContinue
   Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence" -Name CleanUpFolder -ea SilentlyContinue
   Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence" -Name Program -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Get-CfgCollections {
                Determine the SCCM collection membership
                This function allows you to determine the SCCM collection membership of a given user/computer
            .PARAMETER Type
                Specify the type of member you are querying. Possible values : 'User' or 'Computer'
            .PARAMETER ResourceName
                Specify the name of your member : username or computername
                Get-Collections -Type computer -ResourceName PC001
                Get-Collections -Type user -ResourceName User01
                Author : Antoine DELRUE
                Edited : Jesse Harris
    [ValidateSet("User", "Computer")]

    ) #end param

    Switch ($type)
            User {
                Try {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
                    $resource = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $siteserver -Namespace "root\sms\site_$site" -Class "SMS_R_User" | ? {$_.Name -ilike "*$resourceName*"}                            
                catch {
                    Write-Warning ('Failed to access "{0}" : {1}' -f $siteserver, $_.Exception.Message)


            Computer {
                Try {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
                    $resource = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $siteserver -Namespace "root\sms\site_$site" -Class "SMS_R_System" | ? {$_.Name -ilike "$resourceName"}                           
                catch {
                    Write-Warning ('Failed to access "{0}" : {1}' -f $siteserver, $_.Exception.Message)

    $ids = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $siteserver -Namespace "root\sms\site_$site" -Class SMS_CollectionMember_a -filter "ResourceID=`"$($Resource.ResourceId)`"").collectionID
    # A little trick to make the function work with SCCM 2012
    if ($ids -eq $null)
            $ids = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $siteserver -Namespace "root\sms\site_$site" -Class SMS_FullCollectionMembership -filter "ResourceID=`"$($Resource.ResourceId)`"").collectionID

    $array = @()

    foreach ($id in $ids)
        $Collection = get-WMIObject -ComputerName $siteserver -namespace "root\sms\site_$site" -class sms_collection -Filter "collectionid=`"$($id)`""
        $Object = New-Object PSObject
        $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CollectionName" -Value $Collection.Name
        $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CollectionID" -Value $id
        $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Comment" -Value $Collection.Comment
        $array += $Object


function Get-CfgMachineVariables {
            Determin all variables a machine has assigned
            This function allows you to see machine and collection based variables a machine will eventually have
        .PARAMETER ComputerName
            Specify the name of the computer you want to query of variables
        .PARAMETER IncludeCollections
            Switch to also query collections. Disabled by default as it incurrs siginificant processing cost
            Get-CfgMachineVariables -ComputerName SME-Test03 -IncludeCollections
            Author : Jesse Harris
            Version 1.0


      $Site="SC1", $SiteServer="wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal",$Property)

      function CfgClientInventory-Worker {
        $ResourceID = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" `
            -Query "Select ResourceID from SMS_R_System Where Name = '$Name'" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceID
        Write-Verbose "ResourceID = $ResourceID"

        function Get-MachineLevelVars {
            Write-Verbose "Getting machine level vars"
            $QueryResults = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" `
                -Query "Select * from SMS_MachineSettings Where ResourceID = '$ResourceID'"
            ForEach ($Var in $QueryResults.MachineVariables) {
                    'ComputerName' = $Name
                    'Name' = $Var.Name
                    'Value' = $Var.Value
                    'Source' = $Name

        function Get-CollectionLevelVars {
            Write-Verbose "Getting collection level vars"
            Get-CfgCollections -type Computer -ResourceName $Name | ForEach-Object {
                $QueryResult = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($Site)" -Query `
                    "Select * From SMS_CollectionSettings Where CollectionID = '$($_.CollectionID)'"
                Write-Verbose "Running Get Method on $($_.CollectionName) with CollectionID $($_.CollectionID)"
                If ($QueryResult) {
                    ForEach ($Var in $QueryResult.CollectionVariables) {
                            'ComputerName' = $Name
                            'Name' = $Var.Name
                            'Value' = $Var.Value
                            'Source' = $_.CollectionName

        Get-MachineLevelVars -ResourceID $ResourceID
        If ($IncludeCollections) {
            Get-CollectionLevelVars -Name $Name

If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
      Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
        CfgClientInventory-Worker -Name $Computer
    } Else {
        CfgClientInventory-Worker -Name $ComputerName

function Invoke-WolServer {

function Send-WOL {
    Sends a WOL magic packet to wake a ConfigMgr client.
    Connect to the WMI namespace of the site server, retreives the MAC addresses of a specified ConfigMgr client and generates WOL packets for each of those MAC addresses.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server.
    C:\PS>Send-WOL -ComputerName 6wmpsn1
    Wake-On-Lan magic packet of length 102 sent to 00:50:56:C0:00:01
    Wake-On-Lan magic packet of length 102 sent to 00:50:56:C0:00:08
    Wake-On-Lan magic packet of length 102 sent to 1C:65:9D:98:8E:84
    Wake-On-Lan magic packet of length 102 sent to F0:4D:A2:59:80:4F
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Send-WOL
        Sends a WOL magic packet for MAC addresses of members of collection Lab DG40
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release
    1.1 - 10/04/2012 - Tests admin rights to bind on privlidged ports and sends wol on port 1230 and port 9

      $Site="SC1", $SiteServer="wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal",$MacAddress)

        If (! (Test-CurrentAdminRights) ) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Please run as Admin"; return }
        function Send-WolWorker {
            If (!$MacAddress) {
                $MachineResults = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace Root\SMS\Site_$site `
                    -Query "Select MACAddresses from SMS_R_System Where SMS_R_System.Name = '$Name' AND SMS_R_System.Active = '1'"
                If ( $MachineResults -eq $null ) { "No machine results returned"; return 0 }
                Foreach ($MacAddresses in $MachineResults)
                    If ( $MacAddresses.MacAddresses -eq $null ) { "No Mac addresses found for $Name"; return 0 }
                    Foreach ($MacAddress in $MacAddresses.MacAddresses)
                        $mac = $MacAddress.split(':') | %{ [byte]('0x' + $_) }
                        $ScriptBlock = {Param($Port,$mac)
                            $UDPclient = new-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
                            $packet = [byte[]](,0xFF * 6)
                            $packet += $mac * 16
                            [void] $UDPclient.Send($packet, $packet.Length)
                        If ($From -ne $null) {
                            Invoke-command -ComputerName $From -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $Port,$mac
                            Write-Verbose "Wake-On-Lan magic packet of length $($packet.Length) sent to port $Port on $MacAddress from $From`n"
                        } else {
                            Invoke-Command $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $Port,$mac
                            Write-Verbose "Wake-On-Lan magic packet of length $($packet.Length) sent to port $Port on $MacAddress from localhost`n"
        function Send-FromTest {
            If ($SendFrom -and (Test-Connection -ComputerName $SendFrom -Count 1 -Quiet)) {
                $WinRM = Get-Service -ComputerName $SendFrom -Name WinRM
                If ($WinRM.Status -eq 'Stopped') {
                If (-Not (Test-WSMan -ComputerName $SendFrom -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                    Write-Error "WinRM not available, falling back to local wol"
                    return $null
                } Else {
                    Return $SendFrom

        If ($SendFrom) {
            $WinRMHost = Send-FromTest -SendFrom $SendFrom

        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
              Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                ForEach ($Port in $Ports) {
                    If ($Unicast) {
                        #Get the IP Address/Subnet of a machine
                        $IPOctets = ([System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByName($Computer)).AddressList.IPAddressToString.Split('.')
                        $IPAddress = "$($IPOctets[0]).$($IPOctets[1]).$($IPOctets[2]).%"
                        #Lets get a list of IP's on the same subnet that are awake
                        $MachinesOnSameIP = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site -Query "Select Name from SMS_R_SYSTEM Where IPADDRESSES Like ""$($IPAddress)"""
                        $WorkingMachine = $null
                        $MachineIndex = 0
                        While ($WorkingMachine -eq $null -and $MachineIndex -lt $MachinesOnSameIP.Count) {
                        #ForEach ($Machine in $MachinesOnSameIP) {
                            Write-Verbose "Testing $($MachinesOnSameIP[$MachineIndex].Name)"
                            $WorkingMachine = Send-FromTest -SendFrom $MachinesOnSameIP[$MachineIndex].Name
                        If ($WorkingMachine) {
                            Send-WolWorker -Name $Computer -Port $Port -From $WorkingMachine
                        } Else {
                            #no machines HAHAHAA
                            Write-Verbose -Message "No Machines were found. soz"
                    } ElseIf ($Force) {
                        $WriteFile = New-Item -Path \\wsp-configmgr01\WOL -Name "$($Computer).wol" -Value $Email -ItemType File -Force
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Machine file written to wsp-configmgr01"
                    } Else {
                        Send-WolWorker -Name $Computer -Port $Port -From $WinRMHost
        } Else {
            If ($MacAddress) {
                ForEach ($Port in $Ports) {
                    Send-WolWorker -MacAddress $MacAddress -Port $Port -From $WinRMHost
            } Else {
                ForEach ($Port in $Ports) {
                    If ($Unicast) {
                        #Get the IP Address/Subnet of a machine
                        $IPOctets = ([System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByName($ComputerName)).AddressList.IPAddressToString.Split('.')
                        $IPAddress = "$($IPOctets[0]).$($IPOctets[1]).$($IPOctets[2]).%"
                        #Lets get a list of IP's on the same subnet that are awake
                        $MachinesOnSameIP = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site -Query "Select Name from SMS_R_SYSTEM Where IPADDRESSES Like ""$($IPAddress)"""
                        $WorkingMachine = $null
                        $MachineIndex = 0
                        While ($WorkingMachine -eq $null -and $MachineIndex -lt $MachinesOnSameIP.Count) {
                        #ForEach ($Machine in $MachinesOnSameIP) {
                            Write-Verbose "Testing $($MachinesOnSameIP[$MachineIndex].Name)"
                            $WorkingMachine = Send-FromTest -SendFrom $MachinesOnSameIP[$MachineIndex].Name
                        If ($WorkingMachine) {
                            Send-WolWorker -Name $ComputerName -Port $Port -From $WorkingMachine
                        } Else {
                            #no machines HAHAHAA
                            Write-Verbose -Message "No Machines were found. soz"
                    } ElseIf ($Force) {
                        $WriteFile = New-Item -Path \\wsp-configmgr01\WOL -Name "$($ComputerName).wol" -Value $Email -ItemType File -Force
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Machine file written to wsp-configmgr01"
                    } Else {
                        Send-WolWorker -Name $ComputerName -Port $Port -From $WinRMHost

function Get-CfgIPAddress {
    Uses Get-CfgClientInventory to quickly return IP addresses for a specific computer.
    A shortcut to 'Get-CfgClientInventory -ComputerName xxxxxxx -Property IPAddresses | Select-Object -Property IPAddresses
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a ConfigMgr client, registered with the Site Server.
    C:\PS>Get-CfgIPAddress 6WMPSN1
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Lab DG40" | Get-CfgIPAddress
        Gets the IPAddresses of members of collection Lab DG40
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release

      $Site="SC1", $SiteServer="wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal")
    function Get-CfgIPWorker {
        (Get-CfgClientInventory -ComputerName $Name -Property IPAddresses).IPAddresses

If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
      Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
        Get-CfgIPWorker -Name $Computer
    } Else {
        Get-CfgIPWorker -Name $ComputerName

function Send-RepairCCM {
    Attempts to repair a ConfigMgr client by sending a WMI method which uses MSI repair function.
    Connects to the specified machines WMI namespace and runs a repair. If the Force parameter is used, the client is fully uninstalled and re-installed and the WMI repository is rebuilt.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The hostname of a computer where you can connect and have administrator privileges.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Causes the client to be uninstalled, WMI service stopped, WMI repository renamed, WMI restarted and client re-installed.
    C:\PS>Send-RepairCCM 6wmpsn1
    Uninstalling SCCM Client...
    Force option: Rebuilding WMI
    Stopping WMI
    Renaming Repository
    Renamed \\9k9562s\c$\windows\Syswow64\wbem\Repository
    Renamed \\9k9562s\c$\windows\system32\wbem\Repository
    Restarting WMI
    SharedAccess would not start
    CCMExec gone. re-installing...
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 09 Jan 2012
    1.0 - First Release



      function RepairCCM-Worker {
        If ($Force) {    
            function Send-RemoteCommand {
                If ($NoWait) { $Options = "-d" }
                psexec.exe \\$ComputerName -s "$Command" $Arguements $Options 2>Null
                If ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Success" } Else {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fail"; return 1}
            function Test-Service {
                $Service = Get-Service -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name $ServiceName
                If ( $Action -eq "Stop" ) {If ($Service.Status -eq "Running") {Try {$Service.Stop()} Catch {"$($Service.Name) would not stop"}}}
                If ( $Action -eq "Start") {If ($Service.Status -eq "Stopped") {Try {$Service.Start()} Catch {"$($Service.Name) would not start"}}}

            #Setup Commands
            $InstallCommand = "\\wsp-configmgr01\SMS_SC1\Client\ccmsetup.exe /mp:wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal /force SMSSITECODE=SC1 SMSSLP=wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal DNSSUFFIX=USC.INTERNAL SMSMP=wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal"
            $UninstallCommand = "\\wsp-configmgr01\SMS_SC1\Client\ccmsetup.exe /Uninstall"
            #Get Architechture
                $SYS = "System32"
                $CCMSetup = "ccmsetup\Logs\ccmsetup.log"

            #Uninstall Client
            Write-Host "Uninstalling SCCM Client..."
            Send-RemoteCommand -ComputerName $Name -Command "C:\Windows\$SYS\cmd.exe" -Arguements "/c $UninstallCommand"

            Write-Host "Force option: Rebuilding WMI"
            Write-Host "Stopping WMI"
            Test-Service -ServiceName SharedAccess -ComputerName $Name -Action Stop
            Test-Service -ServiceName winmgmt -ComputerName $Name -Action Stop
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
            Write-Host "Renaming Repository"
            $Repository = "\\$Name\c$\windows\Syswow64\wbem\Repository","\\$Name\c$\windows\system32\wbem\Repository"
            Foreach ( $Repo in $Repository ) {
                If (Test-Path $Repo) { Rename-Item -Path $Repo -NewName "Repo.Old"; Write-Host "Renamed $Repo" }
            Write-Host "Restarting WMI"
            Test-Service -ServiceName winmgmt -ComputerName $Name -Action Start
            Test-Service -ServiceName SharedAccess -ComputerName $Name -Action Start
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 20

            Write-Host "CCMExec gone. re-installing..."
            Send-RemoteCommand -ComputerName $Name -NoWait -Command "C:\Windows\$SYS\cmd.exe" -Arguements "/c $InstallCommand"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
            Start-Process cmtrace.exe \\$Name\c$\Windows\$CCMSetup
            While (!(Test-Path \\$Name\c$\Windows\ccm\logs\)) {
                Write-Host "Waiting for ccmexec to come online"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
            Start-Process \\$Name\c$\Windows\ccm\logs\
        } Else {
            $Client = [WMIClass]"\\$($Name)\root\CCM:SMS_Client"

If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
      Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
        RepairCCM-Worker -Name $Computer
    } Else {
        RepairCCM-Worker -Name $ComputerName

function Install-CCM {
    Attempts to install ConfigMgr client by using PSEXEC.
    Uses PSExec to connect to a machine and run ccmsetup with USC parameters.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The hostname of a computer where you can connect and have administrator privileges.
    .PARAMETER Uninstall
    Causes the client to be uninstalled.
    C:\PS>Install-CCM 9k9562s
    PsExec v1.98 - Execute processes remotely
    Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich
    Sysinternals -
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe exited on 9k9562s with error code 0.
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 10 April 2012
    1.0 - First Release



      function InstallCCM-Worker {
            $InstallCommand = "\\wsp-configmgr01\SMS_SC1\Client\ccmsetup.exe /mp:wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal /forceinstall SMSSITECODE=SC1 SMSSLP=wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal DNSSUFFIX=USC.INTERNAL SMSMP=wsp-configmgr01.usc.internal"
            $UninstallCommand = "\\wsp-configmgr01\SMS_SC1\Client\ccmsetup.exe /Uninstall"
            function Send-RemoteCommand {
                If ($NoWait) { $Options = "-d" }
                psexec.exe \\$ComputerName -s "$Command" $Arguements $Options
                If ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Success" } Else {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fail"; return 1}
            #Get Architechture
            If ( ( Test-Path -path \\$Name\c$\Windows\Syswow64) ) {
                $SYS = "SysWOW64"
                $CCMSetup = "ccmsetup\Logs\ccmsetup.log"
            } Else {
                $SYS = "System32"
                $CCMSetup = "ccmsetup\Logs\ccmsetup.log"
            If ($Uninstall) {
                Write-Host "Uninstalling SCCM Client..."
                Send-RemoteCommand -ComputerName $Name -Command "C:\Windows\$SYS\cmd.exe" -Arguements "/c $UninstallCommand"
            } else {
                Send-RemoteCommand -ComputerName $Name -NoWait -Command "C:\Windows\$SYS\cmd.exe" -Arguements "/c $InstallCommand"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                Start-Process cmtrace.exe \\$Name\c$\Windows\$CCMSetup
                While (!(Test-Path \\$Name\c$\Windows\ccm\logs\)) {
                    Write-Host "Waiting for ccmexec to come online"
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                Start-Process \\$Name\c$\Windows\ccm\logs\

If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
      Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
        InstallCCM-Worker -Name $Computer
    } Else {
        InstallCCM-Worker -Name $ComputerName

New-Alias -Name ginv -Value Get-CfgClientInventory -Scope Global
New-Alias -Name gip -Value Get-CfgIPAddress -Scope Global

function Get-RecentMachines {
    $DaysAgo = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$AgentTimeSpan)
    Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection $CollectionName | `
        Get-CfgClientInventory | `
            ForEach-Object {
                $Index = [array]::IndexOf($_.AgentName,"Heartbeat Discovery")
                If (($Index -gt -1) -and ([datetime]::ParseExact($_.AgentTime[$Index],"yyyyMMddHHmmss.000000+***",$null) -gt $DaysAgo)) { 
                    $_ | Select-Object @{label='ComputerName';expression={$_.Name}},@{label='Domain';expression={$_.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup}},LastLogonUserName,IPAddresses,@{label='AgentIndex';expression={$Index}},@{label='AgentTime';expression={Get Date $_.AgentTime[$Index]}}

function Get-AdvertisementResult {
    Retreive Status of an/all Advertisment(s) from the SCCM primary site server for a specfic computer.
    Connects to the primary site server and queries the WMI namespace for advertisement status.
    The ID of an Advertisment on the SCCM Site. Format example: USC20746
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a computer to query against.
    C:\PS>Get-AdvertisementResults -ComputerName B1HM52S
    ComputerName : B1HM52S
    AdvertisementID : USC20662
    Status : Retrying
    LastStatusTime : 20130418230349.480000+***
    AdvertisementName : Visual3D_Reader - [Virtual application] to Application Tester User
    ComputerName : B1HM52S
    AdvertisementID : USC2071E
    Status : Retrying
    LastStatusTime : 20130418230349.450000+***
    AdvertisementName : XPanels - [Virtual application] to Crestron XPanels 1.0 USR
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionMembers "Lab HG31" | Get-AdvertisementResults
    Command is usefull for gathering the overall success/failure of advertisements in a venue.
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 20 June 2013
    1.0 - First Release

    Process {
        If ($ComputerName.ComputerName) {
            $Name = $ComputerName.ComputerName
        } Else {
            $Name = $ComputerName

        Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query `
            "Select ResourceID from SMS_R_System Where Name like '$Name'" | ForEach-Object {
                $ResourceID = $_.ResourceID
                If ($AdvertID) {
                    $Query = "Select AdvertisementID,LastStateName,LastStatusTime From SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Where ResourceID = '$ResourceID' and AdvertisementID = '$AdvertID'"
                } Else {
                    $Query = "Select AdvertisementID,LastStateName,LastStatusTime From SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Where ResourceID = '$ResourceID'"
                $AdvObj = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query $Query | 
                    Select @{LABEL='ComputerName'; Expression={$Name}},AdvertisementID,@{LABEL='Status'; Expression={$_.LastStateName}},LastStatusTime 
                ForEach ($Adv in $AdvObj) {
                    $AdvID = $Adv.AdvertisementID
                    $AdvName = (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select AdvertisementName From SMS_Advertisement Where AdvertisementID = '$AdvID'").AdvertisementName
                    $Adv | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AdvertisementName -Value $AdvName -PassThru

function Get-MachineInventory {
    Retreive Inventory information of a USC computer from ActiveDirectory and Config Manager.
    Connects to the primary site server and queries the WMI namespace for client inventory, Connects to AD and gathers group data and description.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a client computer, registered with the Site Server.
    C:\PS>Get-MachineInventory 6WMPSN1
    LastedLogonUserName : jpharris
    ADCreated : 6/05/2011 1:01:47 PM
    ADPath : usc.internal/MOEDev/DevWorkstations/Staff/6WMPSN1
    DockStatus :
    ADIPAddress :
    ADMemberOf :
    OU : STAFF
    MonitorRes :
    ComputerName : 6wmpsn1
    MonitorCount :
    Model : Virtual Machine
    ADDescription : M6500 - JPHarris
                          SetBy Jpharris
    VLAN : Virtual Server (Test / Dev Network)
    ADPWDLastSet : 17/09/2012 9:17:38 AM
    LastHeartbeat : 5/10/2012 8:52:07 AM
    Memory : 1,606 MB
    ADOperatingSystem : Windows 7 Enterprise
    C:\PS>Import-CSV C:\Computers.csv | ForEach-Object { Get-MachineInventory -ComputerName $_."Column A" } | Export-CSV C:\ComputerInventory.csv
    This command will get the machine inventory for each computer in the column titled "Column A" from the Computers.csv file.
    C:\PS>Get-MachineInventory 6WMPSN1 | Select ComputerName,DockStatus
        Returns just the computername and dockstatus properties
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Latitude E Series" | Get-MachineInventory
        Returns the machine inventory for all computers in the SCCM collection "Latitude E Series"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 05 Oct 2012
    1.0 - First Release


    Begin {
        #Check if SCCM Module is available and loaded
        #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Checking modules..."
        $Modules = "ActiveDirectory","USC-SCCM","USC-DellWarranty","Import-Excel","USC-VLAN"
        ForEach ($Module in $Modules) {
            If (!(Get-Module -Name $Module)) {
                If (Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Module}) {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Loading $Module module..."
                    Import-Module $Module
                } Else {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$Module module not available"
                    Return 1

    Process {

        function Get-MachineInventoryWorker {
            If ($SCCMInventory = Get-CfgClientInventory -ComputerName $Name -Properties Monitor,Model,Memory) {
                $SCCMInventory.SystemGroupName | Where-Object {(($_ -notmatch "SCCM") -and ($_ -notmatch "Domain Computers")) -or ($_ -match "MGSProd WKS")} | 
                    ForEach-Object {$WKSGroup += $($_ -replace "USC\\*","") + " "}
                $Index = [array]::IndexOf($SCCMInventory.AgentName,"Heartbeat Discovery")
                If ($Index -gt -1) {
                    $HeartBeatDate = [datetime]::ParseExact($SCCMInventory.AgentTime[$Index],"yyyyMMddHHmmss.000000+***",$null)
            If ($ADInventory = Get-ADComputer -Identity $Name -Properties MemberOf,Description,Created,CanonicalName,PasswordLastSet,OperatingSystem,IPv4Address) {
                $ADInventory.MemberOf | Where-Object {($_ -notmatch "SCCM")} | ForEach-Object {$ADGroups += $($_) + " "}
            If ($SCCMInventory.LastLogonUserName) { $ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $SCCMInventory.LastLogonUserName -Properties ExtensionAttribute14,mail,DistinguishedName,memberof }

            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                'ComputerName' = $Name
                'MonitorCount' = $SCCMInventory.MonitorCount
                'MonitorRes' = $SCCMInventory.MonitorRes
                'Memory' = $SCCMInventory.Memory
                'LastLogonUserName' = $SCCMInventory.LastLogonUserName
                'LastHeartbeat' = $HeartBeatDate
                'WarrantyEndDate' = (Get-DellWarrantyStatus -ComputerName $Name).WarrantyEndDate
                'OU' = $SCCMInventory.SystemOUName[$SCCMInventory.SystemOUName.Count-1] -replace ".*/",""
                'WKSGROUP' = $WKSGroup
                'Model' = $SCCMInventory.Model
                'ADMemberOf' = $ADGroups
                'ADDescription' = $ADInventory.Description
                'ADCreated' = $ADInventory.Created
                'ADPath' = $ADInventory.CAnonicalName
                'ADPWDLastSet' = $ADInventory.PasswordLastSet
                'ADOperatingSystem' = $ADInventory.OperatingSystem
                'ADIPAddress' = $ADInventory.IPv4Address
                'VLAN' = (Get-VLANFromIPAddress -IPAddress $ADInventory.IPv4Address)
                'UserExtensionAttribute14' = $ADUser.Extensionattribute14
                'UserMail' = $ADUser.mail
                'UserPath' = $ADUser.DistinguishedName
                'UserGroupMembers' = $ADUser.memberof
        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
            Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                If ($Computer.ComputerName) {
                    Get-MachineInventoryWorker -Name $Computer.ComputerName
                } Else {
                    Get-MachineInventoryWorker -Name $Computer
        } Else {
            Get-MachineInventoryWorker -Name $ComputerName

function Get-AdvertisementStatus {
    Retreive Status of an Advertisment from the SCCM primary site server.
    Connects to the primary site server and queries the WMI namespace for advertisement status.
    The ID of an Advertisment on the SCCM Site. Format example: USC20746
    C:\PS>Get-AdvertisementStatus USC20746
    ComputerName LastStateName
    ------------ -------------
    8KLF6R1 Retrying
    7QNQ12S Failed
    GBRS62S Failed
    4K9562S Failed
    HCQ6FS1 Failed
    4WHNBS1 Failed
    DTT5D2S Failed
    C:\PS>Import-CSV C:\Computers.csv | ForEach-Object { Get-MachineInventory -ComputerName $_."Column A" } | Export-CSV C:\ComputerInventory.csv
    This command will get the machine inventory for each computer in the column titled "Column A" from the Computers.csv file.
    C:\PS>Get-MachineInventory 6WMPSN1 | Select ComputerName,DockStatus
        Returns just the computername and dockstatus properties
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionMembers -Collection "Latitude E Series" | Get-MachineInventory
        Returns the machine inventory for all computers in the SCCM collection "Latitude E Series"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 05 Oct 2012
    1.0 - First Release

    Process {
            switch ($State) {
                Failed {
                    $Query = "Select ResourceID,LastStateName From SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Where AdvertisementID = '$AdvertID' and LastStateName = 'Failed'"
                Succeeded {
                    $Query = "Select ResourceID,LastStateName From SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Where AdvertisementID = '$AdvertID' and LastStateName = 'Succeeded'"
                NoStatus {
                    $Query = "Select ResourceID,LastStateName From SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Where AdvertisementID = '$AdvertID' and LastStateName = 'No Status'"
                Accepted {
                    $Query = "Select ResourceID,LastStateName From SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Where AdvertisementID = '$AdvertID' and LastStateName LIKE 'Accepted%'"
                default {
                    $Query = "Select ResourceID,LastStateName From SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Where AdvertisementID = '$AdvertID'"

            Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query $Query |
                Select @{LABEL='ComputerName'; Expression={$Resource = $_.ResourceID; (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select Name from SMS_R_System Where ResourceID = '$Resource'").Name}},LastStateName

function Get-CurrentUser {
                ValueFromPipeLine = $true,
                    ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $True)]
    Process {
        If ($ComputerName.ComputerName) {
            $Computers = $ComputerName.ComputerName
        } Else {
            $Computers = $ComputerName
        Foreach ($ComputerName in $Computers) {
            If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Quiet -Count 1 -TTL 5) {
                Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Class Win32_computersystem | 
                    Select -Property @{label='UserName'; expression={$_.UserName.TrimStart("USC\")}},@{label='ComputerName';expression={$ComputerName}}

function Invoke-CfgConfigEval {
    Evaluate Configuration baslines assigned to a configuration manager client.
    Connects to a client machine WMI namespace and executes a method on a named configuration item or all configuration itmes.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a client computer, with Configuration Manager client installed.
    C:\PS>Invoke-CfgConfigEval D8MN52S
    __GENUS : 1
    __DERIVATION : {}
    __SERVER : D8MN52S
    __NAMESPACE : ROOT\ccm\dcm
    __PATH : \\D8MN52S\ROOT\ccm\dcm:__PARAMETERS
    JobId : {12BF6F7D-B533-4361-83C3-6B407F07A83F}
    ReturnValue : 0
    PSComputerName : D8MN52S
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionMembers "Lab H107" | Invoke-CfgConfigEval
    This command will retrieve all members of the collection "Lab H107" and attempt to connect to each machines WMI to evaluation configuration baselines.
    C:\PS>Invoke-CfgConfigEval -ComputerName BSYQXY1 -Name Application-Shortcut-NVR
        Attempts to evaluate only baseline "Application-Shortcut-NVR"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 01 May 2014
    1.0 - First Release


    Process {
        function Config-Worker {
            If ($DisplayName.DisplayName) {
                $DisplayName = $DisplayName.DisplayName
            $DCMTrigger = [WMIClass]"\\$Computer\Root\CCM\DCM:SMS_DesiredConfiguration"
            If ($DisplayName) {
                $Query = 'Select * from SMS_DesiredConfiguration where DisplayName = "' + $DisplayName + '"'
            } Else {
                $Query = 'Select * from SMS_DesiredConfiguration'

            $Configurations = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Namespace Root\CCM\DCM -Query $Query
            ForEach ($Config in $Configurations) {

        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
            Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                If ($Computer.ComputerName) {
                    Config-Worker -Computer $Computer.ComputerName
                } Else {
                    Config-Worker -Computer $Computer
        } Else {
            Config-Worker -Computer $ComputerName

function Get-CfgConfigEval {
    Get Configuration baselines assigned to a configuration manager client.
    Connects to a client machine WMI namespace and retreives a configuration item or all configuration itmes.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of a client computer, with Configuration Manager client installed.
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
    The Displayname of a configuration item
    C:\PS>Get-CfgConfigEval D8MN52S
    ComputerName : DCG2GY1
    DisplayName : Application-Setting-Flash AutoUpdateDisable
    IsMachineTarget : True
    LastEvalTime : 3/06/2014 12:39:59 AM
    LastComplianceStatus : 1
    Status : 0
    Version : 4
    ComputerName : DCG2GY1
    DisplayName : Application-Presence-Adobe Acrobat 10
    IsMachineTarget : True
    LastEvalTime : 3/06/2014 12:48:18 AM
    LastComplianceStatus : 1
    Status : 0
    Version : 2
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionMembers "Lab H107" | Get-CfgConfigEval
    This command will retrieve all members of the collection "Lab H107" and attempt to connect to each machines WMI to list configuration baselines.
    C:\PS>Get-CfgConfigEval -ComputerName BSYQXY1 -DisplayName Application-Shortcut-NVR
        Attempts to list only baseline "Application-Shortcut-NVR"
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 06 June 2014
    1.0 - First Release


    Process {
        function Config-Worker {
            If ($DisplayName) {
                $Qeury = "Select * from SMS_DesiredConfiguration where DisplayName = ""$DisplayName"""
            } Else {
                $Qeury = "Select * from SMS_DesiredConfiguration"
            Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Namespace Root\CCM\DCM -Query $Qeury | 
                ForEach-Object {
                    Switch ($_.LastComplianceStatus) {
                        0 {$LastComplianceStatus = 'Non-Compliant'}
                        1 {$LastComplianceStatus = 'Compliant'}
                        Default {$LastComplianceStatus = 'Error'}
                        'ComputerName' = $_.PSComputerName
                        'DisplayName' = $_.DisplayName
                        'IsMachineTarget' = $_.IsMachineTarget
                        'LastEvalTime' = If ($_.LastEvalTime) {[datetime]::ParseExact($_.LastEvalTime,'yyyyMMddHHmmss.000000+000',$null)} Else {$null}
                        'LastComplianceStatus' = $LastComplianceStatus
                        'Status' = $_.Status
                        'Version' = $_.Version

        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
            Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                If ($Computer.ComputerName) {
                    Config-Worker -Computer $Computer.ComputerName
                } Else {
                    Config-Worker -Computer $Computer
        } Else {
            Config-Worker -Computer $ComputerName

function Get-CfgCollectionsByFolder {
    Get Collections based on their administrative assigned folder.
    Connects to the primary site server, and returns collections which are contained in a folder.
    .PARAMETER FolderName
    The name of a folder containing device collections.
    .PARAMETER SiteServer
    The hostname of the primary site server.
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionsByFolder -FolderName 'Software Distribution'
    FolderName CollectionName CollectionID LimitingCollection
    ---------- -------------- ------------ ------------------
    Software Distribution Adobe Presenter 8 MSI WKS-Install SC100014 All Systems
    Software Distribution Adobe Presenter 8 MSI WKS-Uninstall SC100015 All Systems
    Software Distribution ClimSystems TrainClim MSI WKS SC100019 All Systems
    Software Distribution ClimSystems TrainClim MSI WKS-Install SC10001A ClimSystems TrainClim MS..
    Software Distribution ClimSystems TrainClim MSI WKS-Uninstall SC10001B All Systems
    Software Distribution Google Google Chrome 23.0.1271.97 MSI WKS SC10001C All Systems
    Software Distribution Google Google Chrome 23.0.1271.97 MSI WKS-Install SC10001D Google Google Chrome 23.0.1271.97..
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionsByFolder -FolderName 'Software Distribution' | ? LimitingCollection -eq "All USC Managed Computers" | %{Set-CMDeviceCollection -CollectionId $_.CollectionID -LimitToCollectionID SC100030
    This command will retrieve all collections under the 'Software Distribution' folder which are currently limited to collection name 'All USC Managed Computers' and limit them to 'All USC Non-Volatile Computers'
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionsByFolder -FolderName 'Software Distribution' -UserCollection
    This command will retrieve user collections by user foldername.
    Some of the examples in this help, depend on the official Configuration Manager module
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 17 May 2016
    1.0 - First Release

    If ($UserCollection) {
        $objectType = 'SMS_Collection_User'
    } Else {
        $objectType = 'SMS_Collection_Device'

    $InstanceKey = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_SC1" -Query "Select * from SMS_ObjectContainerNode Where objectTypeName = '$objectType'" | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $FolderName}
    If (-Not $InstanceKey) {
        Write-Error -Category ObjectNotFound -Message "No Configuration manager folder named $FolderName could be found"

    Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$SiteCode" -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectContainerItem where ContainerNodeID = '$($InstanceKey.ContainerNodeID)'" | ForEach-Object {
        Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$SiteCode" -Query "select * from SMS_Collection where CollectionID = ""$($_.InstanceKey)"""} | %{
                'FolderName' = $FolderName; 
                'CollectionName' = $_.Name;
                'CollectionID' = $_.CollectionID
                'LimitingCollection' = $_.LimitToCollectionName

function Get-CfgCollectionsDeps {
    Get a list of collections which are limited to a specific collection.
    Connects to the primary site server WMI namespace and retreives a values from SMS_CollectionDependancies.
    .PARAMETER CollectionName
    The name of a source collection to which other collections are limited to.
    .PARAMETER SiteServer
    The hostname of the primary site server
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionsDeps 'All USC Managed Computers'
    SourceCollectionID DependentCollectionID
    ------------------ ---------------------
    SC10025C SC100030
    SC10025C SC100413
    SC10025C SC100414
    SC10025C SC100444
    SC10025C SC100500
    SC10025C SC10051C
    C:\PS>Get-CfgCollectionDeps "All USC Managed Computers" | ForEach-Object {Set-CMDeviceCollection -Id $_.DependentCollectionID -LimitToCollectionId SC100030 -WhatIf}
    This command will update the limiting collection of all collections currently limited to 'All USC Managed Computers'
    Author: Jesse Harris
    For: University of Sunshine Coast
    Date Created: 17 May 2016
    1.0 - First Release

    $CollectionID = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$SiteCode" -Query "Select CollectionID from SMS_Collection Where Name = '$CollectionName'").CollectionID
    If (-Not $CollectionID) {
        Write-Error -Category ObjectNotFound -Message "No collection with name $CollectionName could be found"
    $CollectionDeps = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_SC1" -Query "select * from SMS_CollectionDependencies where SourceCollectionID='$CollectionID'"
    If (-Not $CollectionDeps) {
        Write-Error -Category ObjectNotFound -Message "No collection references of $CollectionName could be found"

    #Select distinct SourceCollectionID, DependentCollectionID from SMS_CollectionDependencies where SourceCollectionID='SC10047B'

    $CollectionDeps | Select SourceCollectionID,DependentCollectionID