
        This is a quick and nasty Teams AutoAttendant setup script
        It will check if the auto attendat exists, if not it will check/create the associated user, licence them and create the AA.
        Created by James Arber.
        Initialize-CsAutoAttendants Todo Todo
        This function accepts both parameter and pipline input
        AzureAD (Install-Module AzureAD)
        Leaving script open for long periods of time (days) can cause timeout issues with Office365. Close the PowerShell Window / ISE or kill any PSSessions to resolve.
        Version: 0.1
        Date: 26/11/2020
        1.0: Initial Public Release

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] $AAUPN=$null, 
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] $CCUPN=$null, 
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=2)] $Password=$null,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=3)] $FirstName=$null,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=4)] $LastName=$null,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=5)] $Country=$null,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=6)] $DisplayName=$null,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=7)] $CSVFile=$null

#todo, Non public release. Dot Source all the external functions

    # Script Specific Variables #

    $ScriptVersion                     =  0.1
    $StartTime                         =  Get-Date
    $Script:LogFileLocation         =  $PSCommandPath -replace '.ps1','.log' #Where do we store the log files? (In the same folder by default)

    #region Functions
    # Function Block #
    $Function = "Begin-Block, Fucntion Import"

  Write-UcmLog -Message "$ScriptVersion script started at $StartTime" -Severity 1 -Component $Function
  Write-UcmLog -Message 'Importing functions' -Severity 1 -Component $Function

Function Invoke-CsAutoAttendant
            Checks for and creates everything for an AutoAttendant
            Checks for and creates everything for an AutoAttendant
            Invoke-CsAutoAttendant -AAUPN -CCUPN -FirstName Caleb -LastName Sills -Country US -DisplayName "Caleb Sills"
            .PARAMETER AAUPN
            Defines the UPN used to create the AutoAttendant Resource Account.
            .PARAMETER CCUPN
            Defines the UPN used to create the CallQueue Resource Account, by default the AutoAttendant will be pointed to this queue
            This must be different from the AA UPN
            .PARAMETER Language
            .PARAMETER TimeZone
            .PARAMETER TTSGreeting (Optional)
            #If specified will create a text to speech message
            .PARAMETER AADefaultRouteType (Optional)
            #If specified what are we sending teh call to #todo
            .PARAMETER AADefaultRouteDestination (Optional)
            #If specified what SIP address/Number are we going to #todo
            This function accepts both parameter and pipline input
            AzureAD (Install-Module AzureAD)
            Version: 1.0
            Date: 25/11/2020
            .VERSION HISTORY
            1.0: Initial Public Release

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory, Position=1)] $UPN, 
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory, Position=2)] $DisplayName,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory, Position=3)][ValidateSet('AutoAttendant', 'CallQueue')] $ResourceType


    #region FunctionSetup, Set Default Variables for HTML Reporting and Write Log
    $function = 'Invoke-CsAutoAttendant'
    [hashtable]$Return = @{}
    $return.Function = $function
    $return.Status = "Unknown"
    $return.Message = "Function did not return a status message"

    # Log why we were called
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) called with $($MyInvocation.Line)" -Severity 1 -Component $function
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Keys)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters Values" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Values)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Optional Arguments" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$Args" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-Host '' #Insert a blank line to make reading output easier on loops
    #endregion FunctionSetup

    #region FunctionWork

    #Check to see if we are connected to SFBO

            $Test = (Test-SFBOConnection)
            If ($Test.Status -ne "OK")
            Write-UcmLog -Message "Something went wrong creating user $UPN" -Severity 3 -Component $function
            Write-UcmLog -Message "Test-MSOLConnection could not locate an MSOL connection" -Severity 2 -Component $function
            $Return.Status = "Error"
            $Return.Message = "No MSOL Connection"
            Return $Return
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Checking for Existing Resource Account $UPN ..." -Severity 2 -Component $function
    #Check user exits
    $AppInstance = $null
    $AppInstance = (Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance | Where-Object {$_.UserPrincipalName -eq $UPN})
    if ($AppInstance.UserPrincipalName -eq $UPN)
        Write-UcmLog -Message "Resource Account already exists, Skipping" -Severity 3 -Component $function
        $Return.Status = "Warning"
        $Return.Message = "Skipped: Account Already Exists"
        Return $Return
    { #User Doesnt Exist, make them
        Write-UcmLog -Message "Not Found. Creating user $UPN" -Severity 2 -Component $function
            [Void] (New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName $UPN -DisplayName $DisplayName -ApplicationId $ApplicationID -ErrorAction Stop)
            Write-UcmLog -Message "Resource Account Created Sucessfully" -Severity 2 -Component $function
            $Return.Status = "OK"
            $Return.Message = "Resource Account Created"
            Return $Return
            Write-UcmLog -Message "Something went wrong creating user $UPN" -Severity 3 -Component $function
            Write-UcmLog -Message $Error[0] -Severity 3 -Component $Function
            $Return.Status = "Error"
            $Return.Message = $Error[0]
            Return $Return
    #endregion FunctionWork

    #region FunctionReturn
    #Default Return Variable for my HTML Reporting Fucntion
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Reached end of $function without a Return Statement" -Severity 3 -Component $function
    $return.Status = "Unknown"
    $return.Message = "Function did not encounter return statement"
    Return $Return
    #endregion FunctionReturn
    #endregion Functions


    #region FunctionSetup, Set Default Variables for HTML Reporting and Write Log
    $function = 'Process-Block'
    # Log why we were called
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) called with $($MyInvocation.Line)" -Severity 1 -Component $function
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters" -Severity 3 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Keys)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters Values" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Values)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Optional Arguments" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$Args" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
Write-Host '' #Insert a blank line to make reading output easier on loops
    #endregion FunctionSetup

    #region FunctionWork
    #Assume if we cant see a UPN, then we didnt get passed anything on the pipeline
    if (!$UPN)

        #Now check for a CSV file attribute
        Write-UcmLog -Message "No UPN Found, checking for CSV" -Severity 1 -Component $function

        If (!$CSVFile)
            Write-UcmLog -Message 'No CSV Provided, Prompting user' -Severity 2 -Component $Function
            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host 'No attendants to create! Please enter a CSV filename in the script folder'
            $CSVFile = (Read-Host -Prompt 'Filename')
            Write-UcmLog -component $Function -message "User provided $CSVFile" -Severity 1
        #Now we have a CSV file defined, check for it
        Write-UcmLog -Message 'Checking for CSV File' -Severity 2 -Component $Function
        $CSVFilePath = $PSCommandPath -replace 'Initialize-CsAutoAttendants.ps1', $CSVFile
        If(!(Test-Path -Path $CSVFilePath ))
            Write-UcmLog -Message "Could not locate $CSVFile in the same folder as this script" -Severity 3 -Component $Function
            Write-UcmLog -Message "No Attendants to process, Exiting Script" -Severity 5 -Component $Function
        Write-UcmLog -Message 'Calling Main Loop' -Severity 1 -Component $Function
        #Okay, we have what we think is a good CSV file, pass it to Invoke-CSUser
        Write-UcmLog -Message "Executing process block with Attendant $DisplayName" -Severity 1 -Component $Function
        Import-CSV -Path $CSVFilePath | ForEach-object {$_ | Invoke-CsAutoAttendant}
    #Check to see if we got something on the pipeline, if we did. process it
    if ($AAUPN)
        Write-UcmLog -Message "Executing process block with Attendant $DisplayName" -Severity 2 -Component $Function
        $_ | Invoke-CsAutoAttendant
    #endregion FunctionWork

    #region FunctionSetup, Set Default Variables for HTML Reporting and Write Log
    $function = 'END-Block'
    # Log why we were called
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) called with $($MyInvocation.Line)" -Severity 1 -Component $function
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters" -Severity 3 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Keys)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters Values" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Values)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Optional Arguments" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    Write-UcmLog -Message "$Args" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly
    #endregion FunctionSetup
    Write-UcmLog -Message "Executing process block with Attendant $DisplayName" -Severity 1 -Component $Function


#Check for and create the users

ForEach ($Attendant in $aa) {$Attendant | New-TeamsResourceAccount -ResourceType AutoAttendant}
ForEach ($Attendant in $aa) {$Attendant | Grant-Office365UserLicence -licencetype PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER}
ForEach ($CallQueue in $cc) {$CallQueue | New-TeamsResourceAccount -ResourceType CallQueue}
ForEach ($CallQueue in $CC) {$CallQueue | Grant-Office365UserLicence -licencetype PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER}