
# Sends a Pushover ( notification
function Send-PushoverNotification 
        # Unique token for your Pushover application, received when
        # you registered your application on

        # The Pushover user/group key (not e-mail address) of the intended
        # recipient, as received when registering the user or group on

        # The notification's title. If none is given, your app's name is used
        [ValidateLength(1, 250)]

        # The actual notification message
        [ValidateLength(1, 1024)]

        # When set, some basic HTML formatting tags are supported in $Message

        # Additional url to be rendered as a clickable link on the receiving device
        [ValidateLength(1, 250)]        

        # Human-friendly title for the additional url; defaults to the
        # supplementary url itself
        [ValidateLength(1, 100)]

        # Device names to send the notification to; if not set, the notification
        # is sent to all active devices for the given $Recipient

        # The notification sound to play on the receiving device; if not set,
        # the default notification sound from the device's Pushover settings
        # will be played
        [ValidateSet('pushover', 'bike', 'bugle', 'cashregister', 'classical', 'cosmic', 'falling', 'gamelan', 'incoming', 'intermission', 'magic', 'mechanical', 'pianobar', 'siren', 'spacealarm', 'tugboat', 'alien', 'climb', 'persistent', 'echo', 'updown', 'none')]

        # Priority for the notification
        # - Lowest: will not generate any notification. On iOS, the application badge number will be increased
        # - Low: will not generate any sound or vibration, but will still generate a popup/scrolling notification depending on the client operating system
        # - Normal: will trigger sound, vibration, and display an alert according to the user's device settings
        # - High: will always play a sound and vibrate (if the user's device is configured to) regardless of the delivery time
        [ValidateSet('Lowest', 'Low', 'Normal', 'High')]
        [string]$Priority = 'Normal',

        # If set, the cmdlet returns the response message received from the Pushover server

    $Uri = ""

    $Parameters = @{
        token   = $ApplicationToken
        user    = $Recipient
        message = $Message

    if ($Title) { $Parameters.title = $Title }
    if ($Device) { $Parameters.device = $Device -join ',' }
    if ($Html) { $Parameters.html = 1 }
    if ($Sound) { $Parameters.sound = $Sound }

    if ($SupplementaryUrl)
        $Parameters.url = $SupplementaryUrl
        if ($SupplementaryUrlTitle) 
            $Parameters.url_title = $SupplementaryUrlTitle

    switch ($Priority)
        'Lowest' { $Parameters.priority = -2 }
        'Low' { $Parameters.priority = -1 }
        'Normal' { $Parameters.priority = 0}
        'High' { $Parameters.priority = 1 }
        default { throw "Unsupported priority '$Priority'" }

    $Response = $Parameters | Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Post

    if ($PassThru)