
function Format-UASecondsToReadableString

    Takes a count of seconds and converts to a "Human Readable" time string (X Hours, X Minutes, X Seconds)


    Takes a count of seconds and converts to a timespan object. From here we evaluate to build a formatted "Human Readable" time string (X Hours, X Minutes, X Seconds)


    Double Seconds


    System.String. A formatted human readable string suitable for grids.


    PS> Format-SecondsToReadableString 540
    9 Minutes


    PS> Format-SecondsToReadableString 541
    9 Minutes 1 Second


    $TimeSpan = [timespan]::fromseconds($Seconds)

    #Singular Formatting
    if($TimeSpan.Hours -eq 1)
        $HourString = "1 Hour"
    elseif($TimeSpan.Hours -eq 0)
        $HourString = ""
        $HourString = ($TimeSpan.Hours.ToString() + " Hours")

    if($TimeSpan.Minutes -eq 1)
        $MinuteString = "1 Minute"
    elseif($TimeSpan.Minutes -eq 0)
        $MinuteString = ""
        $MinuteString = ($TimeSpan.Minutes.ToString() + " Minutes")

    if($TimeSpan.Seconds -eq 1)
        $SecondString = "1 Second"
    elseif($TimeSpan.Seconds -eq 0)
        $SecondString = ""
        $SecondString = ($TimeSpan.Seconds.ToString() + " Seconds")
    if ($TimeSpan.Hours -eq 0 -and $TimeSpan.Minutes -eq 0 -and $TimeSpan.Seconds -eq 0) {
        $DurationTimeString = "Less than 1 Second"
    elseif ($TimeSpan.Seconds -lt 0) {
        $DurationTimeString = "Less than 1 Second"
    elseif($TimeSpan.Hours -gt 0)
        $DurationTimeString = ($HourString + " " + $MinuteString)
    elseif($TimeSpan.Minutes -gt 0)
        $DurationTimeString = ($MinuteString + " " + $SecondString)
    else {
        $DurationTimeString = ($SecondString)

    return $DurationTimeString