
    Create a scaffold directory structure for use with UniversalDashboard
    Generates the files and folders required for a working dashboard.
    Inspired by (and built upon) UDTemplate.
    PS C:\> New-UDScaffold -ProjectName UDName -Destination .\Dashboards

function New-UDScaffold {
    Param (

        [ValidateScript( {
                If (-not(Test-Path $_ -PathType Container)) { Throw "Destination must be a directory" }
                return $true

    Begin {
        # Generate the required variables.
        $TemplateRoot = (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)
        $ProjectRoot = (Join-Path $Destination $ProjectName)

    Process {
        # Make sure that the dashboard isn't already created.
        If (Test-Path $ProjectRoot) {
            Write-Error "Project exists at '$ProjectRoot'. Please choose a different path."

        # Copy the scaffold directory into the new project path.
        Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $TemplateRoot -ChildPath "\Scaffold\") -Destination $ProjectRoot -Recurse -Force

        # Rename the module file as appropriate.
        Move-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $ProjectRoot -ChildPath "_MODULE_.psm1") -Destination (Join-Path -Path $ProjectRoot -ChildPath "$ProjectName.psm1" )

        # Build the config file
        $Config =  @{
            'Title'      = $ProjectName
            'RootModule' = "{0}.psm1" -f $ProjectName
        $Config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $ProjectRoot -ChildPath config.json)

        # Generate the module manifest.
        $ModuleManifestSplat = @{
            'Path'       = "{0}.psd1" -f (Join-Path -Path $ProjectRoot -ChildPath $ProjectName)
            'RootModule' = "{0}.psm1" -f $ProjectName
        New-ModuleManifest @ModuleManifestSplat

        Write-Verbose ([PSCustomObject]@{
            'Name'               = $ProjectName
            'Root Module'        = $Configuration.rootmodule
            'Configuration File' = (Join-Path $ProjectRoot config.json)