
   This command will update the contents of the SQLite database created by New-DMISQLiteDB.
   This command will update the contents of the SQLite database created by New-DMISQLiteDB.
.PARAMETER ParamCacheOnly
    This will update the tab completion cache for Get-DMIDepartment only and not update the SQLite database.
   PS C:\> Update-DMICache

   This will clear out and populate the SQLite database. It will also update the tab completion cache for Get-DMIDepartment.

function Update-DMICache {
    param (
    begin {
    process {
            Write-Verbose -Message "ParamCacheOnly not specified. Refreshing database information."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Querying raw DMI information from $($Script:Settings.DMIURI)."
            $DMI = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
            $DMI += Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get' -Uri $Script:Settings.DMIURI -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t"

            if($DMI.count -gt 0)
                Write-Verbose -Message "Raw data received updating database."
                Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $Script:SQLiteDBPath -Query "DELETE FROM DMI"
                Invoke-SQLiteBulkCopy -DataSource $Script:SQLiteDBPath -DataTable ($DMI | Out-DataTable) -Table 'DMI' -Force
                Throw "No data returned from $($Script:Settings.DMIURI)."

            $TechContact = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
            $TechContact += Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'GET' -Uri $Script:Settings.DMIEnduserITSupportURI

            $TechContact | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Null -ne $_.NetID} | Group-Object -property  'org' | ForEach-Object -Process {
                $UpdateSplat = @{
                    DataSource = $Script:SQLiteDBPath
                    Query = "UPDATE DMI SET EndUserITSupportNetId = @EndUserITSupportNetId WHERE Banner_Org = @BannerOrg"
                    SqlParameters = @{
                        'BannerOrg' = $_.Name
                        'EndUserITSupportNetId' = ($_.Group).NETID -join ','
                Invoke-SqliteQuery @UpdateSplat

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Updating parameter cache'

        $Script:BannerOrgCodes += (Get-DMIDepartment).Banner_Org
        $Script:Deptnames += (Get-DMIDepartment).Deptname
    end {