
.GUID 62ba3115-0a50-40bc-9a05-0950528434c0
.AUTHOR jmcarthur@roundrocktexas.gov

 Sets Domain Admins as owner and assigns full access perms on all folders in current directory


Function Get-Owner
    $path = $currentPath.fullname
    $acl = get-acl $path
    #Write-Verbose ("{0}: {1}" -f $path,$acl.Owner)
    if (($acl.Owner) -and !($acl.Owner -eq $owner))
        $line = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Path' = $path
            'Current_Owner' = $acl.Owner
            'New_Owner' = $owner
        Write-Verbose ("{0} is owner on {1}" -f $acl.Owner,$path)

Function Set-Owner
    $path = $currentPath.fullname
        $acl = get-acl $path -ErrorAction Stop
        $friendlyErrorMessage = ("Caught Exception in Set-Owner getting ACL for {0}" -f $path)
        if (!$nolog){
            Add-Content $error_logfile ("{0}`n`t{1}" -f $friendlyErrorMessage,$_.Exception)
    if (($acl) -and !($acl.Owner -eq $owner))
        $line = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Path' = $path
            'Current_Owner' = $acl.Owner
            'New_Owner' = $owner
        Write-Verbose ("Setting {0} as owner on {1}" -f $owner,$path)
            $line | export-csv $owner_logfile -NoTypeInformation -Append
            Write-Warning ("Caught Exception writing to logfile {0}: {1}" -f $owner_logfile,$_.Exception.Message)
        $acl.SetOwner([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $owner)
            $acl | set-acl $path
            $friendlyErrorMessage = ("Caught Exception setting owner for {0}" -f $path)
            if (!$nolog){
               Add-Content $error_logfile ("{0}`n`t{1}" -f $friendlyErrorMessage,$_.Exception)

Function Set-Perms
    $path = $currentPath.fullname

    #check if path is directory
    $isDirectory = ($path -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
        $acl = get-acl $path -ErrorAction Stop
        $friendlyErrorMessage = ("Caught Exception in Set-Perms getting ACL for {0}" -f $path)
        if (!$nolog){
            Add-Content $error_logfile ("{0}`n`t{1}" -f $friendlyErrorMessage,$_.Exception)
    $access = @()
    $acl.access | %{ $access += $_.IdentityReference }
    if (($acl) -and !$access.Value.Contains($owner))
        $line = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Path' = $path
            'Adding_Access' = $owner
            'Current_Sddl' = $acl.Sddl
            $line | export-csv $access_logfile -NoTypeInformation -Append
            Write-Warning ("Caught Exception writing to logfile {0}: {1}" -f $access_logfile, $_.Exception.Message)
        Write-Verbose ("Setting permissions on {0}" -f $path)
        if ($isDirectory)
            $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($owner,"FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit","None","Allow")
        else # set permissions on the file - we can't have inheritance flags on a file
            $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($owner,"FullControl","Allow")
            $acl | set-acl $path
            $friendlyErrorMessage = ("Caught Exception setting permissions for {0}" -f $path)
            if (!$nolog){
                Add-Content $error_logfile ("{0}`n`t{1}" -f $friendlyErrorMessage,$_.Exception)

# Sets owner and ACL at folder level only
Function Run
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]$shareName, # folder name for generating logfile names
    $owner = "CORR\Domain Admins"
    $owner_logfile = $("C:\Support\Logs\MigrationOwnerUpdate_" + $shareName + ".log")
    $access_logfile = $("C:\Support\Logs\MigrationAccessUpdate_" + $shareName + ".log")
    $error_logfile = $("C:\Support\Logs\MigrationErrors_" + $shareName + ".log")

    # the -Directory flag is what makes this folder-only
    gci -Path $startingPath -Directory -Recurse | %{
        Set-Owner $_
        Set-Perms $_

# Sets owner and ACL down to file level
Function Run-Full
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]$shareName, # folder name for generating logfile names
    $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
    $owner = "SetOwnerHere"
    $owner_logfile = $("C:\Support\Logs\MigrationOwnerUpdate_" + $shareName + ".log")
    $access_logfile = $("C:\Support\Logs\MigrationAccessUpdate_" + $shareName + ".log")
    $error_logfile = $("C:\Support\Logs\MigrationErrors_" + $shareName + ".log")

    gci -Path $startingPath -Recurse | %{
        Set-Owner $_
        Set-Perms $_