

.VERSION 0.0.2

.GUID 77bf0927-3aed-4ac8-b3d2-2193dd0028d0

.AUTHOR Fabrice Sanga

.COMPANYNAME sangafabrice

.COPYRIGHT © 2022 SangaFabrice. All rights reserved.

.TAGS atom nuget-package update ide

.LICENSEURI https://github.com/sangafabrice/reg-cli/blob/main/LICENSE.md

.PROJECTURI https://github.com/sangafabrice/reg-cli/tree/atom

.ICONURI https://rawcdn.githack.com/sangafabrice/reg-cli/d443476a819b0ec2a89519b383fa10f82ad67d18/icon.png




Initialize Atom updater script.



#Requires -Module @{ModuleVersion = '5.0.4'; ModuleName = 'DownloadInfo'}
#Requires -Module @{ModuleVersion = '6.2.2'; ModuleName = 'RegCli'}

Param (
    [ValidateScript({ Test-InstallLocation $_ $PSScriptRoot })]
    $InstallLocation = "${Env:ProgramData}\Atom",
    [ValidateScript({ Test-InstallerLocation $_ })]
    $SaveTo = $PSScriptRoot

& {
    $NameLocation = "$InstallLocation\atom.exe"
    Try {
        $UpdateModule =
            Import-CommonScript chrome-installer |
            Import-Module -PassThru -Force -Verbose:$False
            UpdateInfo = $(
                Write-Verbose 'Retrieve install or update information...'
                Try {
                    Get-DownloadInfo -PropertyList @{
                        RepositoryId = 'atom/atom'
                        AssetPattern = "AtomSetup$(If((Get-ExecutableType $NameLocation) -eq 'x64'){ '\-x64' })\.exe$"
                Catch { }
            NameLocation = $NameLocation
            SaveTo = $SaveTo
            SoftwareName = 'Atom'
            InstallerDescription = 'A hackable text editor for the 21st Century.'
            InstallerType = 'Squirrel'
            Verbose = $VerbosePreference -ine 'SilentlyContinue'
        } | ForEach-Object { Invoke-CommonScript @_ }
    Catch { }
    Finally { $UpdateModule | Remove-Module -Verbose:$False }

    Updates Atom software.
    The script installs or updates Atom on Windows.
    Required: at least Powershell Core 7.
.PARAMETER InstallLocation
    Path to the installation directory.
    It is restricted to file system paths.
    It does not necessary exists.
    It defaults to "%ProgramData%\Atom".
    Path to the directory of the downloaded installer.
    It is an existing file system path.
    It defaults to the script directory.
    Get-ChildItem 'C:\ProgramData\Atom' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    PS > .\UpdateAtom.ps1 -InstallLocation 'C:\ProgramData\Atom' -SaveTo .

    PS > Get-ChildItem 'C:\ProgramData\Atom' | Select-Object Name -First 5

    PS > Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name

    Install Atom to 'C:\ProgramData\Atom' and save its setup installer to the current directory.