
#Module to Assist in VCF Full Instance Recovery
If ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') {
    $Script:PSDefaultParameterValues = @{
        "invoke-restmethod:SkipCertificateCheck" = $true
        "invoke-webrequest:SkipCertificateCheck" = $true
    Add-Type @"
        using System.Net;
        using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
        public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
            public bool CheckValidationResult(
                ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                return true;

    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

#Region Supporting Functions

Function catchWriter {
        Prints a controlled error message after a failure
        Accepts the invocation object from a failure in a Try/Catch block and prints back more precise information regarding
        the cause of the failure
        catchWriter -object $_
        This example when placed in a catch block will return error message, line number and line text (command) issued

        [Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
    $lineNumber = $object.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
    $lineText = $object.InvocationInfo.Line.trim()
    $errorMessage = $object.Exception.Message
    Write-Error "Error at Script Line $lineNumber"
    Write-Error "Relevant Command: $lineText"
    Write-Error "Error Message: $errorMessage"

Function Get-InstalledSoftware
    $software = @()
    $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    $apps = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall").GetSubKeyNames()
    foreach ($app in $apps) {
        $program = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$app")
        $name = $program.GetValue('DisplayName')
        $software += $name
    $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    $apps = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall").GetSubKeyNames()
    foreach ($app in $apps) {
        $program = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$app")
        $name = $program.GetValue('DisplayName')
        $software += $name
    $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('CurrentUser', $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    $apps = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall").GetSubKeyNames()
    foreach ($app in $apps) {
        $program = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$app")
        $name = $program.GetValue('DisplayName')
        $software += $name
    Return $software

Function LogMessage
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [String]$message,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [String]$nonewline,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("INFO", "ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPTION","ADVISORY","NOTE","QUESTION","WAIT")] [String]$type = "INFO"

    If (!$colour) {
        $colour = "92m" #Green

    If ($type -eq "INFO")
        $messageColour = "92m" #Green
    elseIf ($type -in "ERROR","EXCEPTION")
        $messageColour = "91m" # Red
    elseIf ($type -in "WARNING","ADVISORY","QUESTION")
        $messageColour = "93m" #Yellow
    elseIf ($type -in "NOTE","WAIT")
        $messageColour = "97m" # White

    Reference Colours
    31m Red
    32m Green
    33m Yellow
    36m Cyan
    37m White
    91m Bright Red
    92m Bright Green
    93m Bright Yellow
    95m Bright Magenta
    96m Bright Cyan
    97m Bright White

    $ESC = [char]0x1b
    $timeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HH:mm:ss"
    $timestampColour = "97m"

    If ($nonewline)
        Write-Host "$ESC[${timestampcolour} [$timestamp]$ESC[${messageColour} [$type] $message$ESC[0m" -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$ESC[${timestampcolour} [$timestamp]$ESC[${messageColour} [$type] $message$ESC[0m"
    #$logContent = '[' + $timeStamp + '] [' +$threadTag + '] ' + $type + ' ' + $message
    #Add-Content -path $logFile $logContent

Function VCFIRCreateHeader
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $username,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $password
    $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $username, $password))) # Create Basic Authentication Encoded Credentials
    $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json" }
    $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo")
    Return $headers
Function Move-VMKernel
    Param (
    #Get Network ID
    $networkid = $VMHost.ExtensionData.Configmanager.NetworkSystem

    # ------- UpdateVirtualNic ------- Migrate adapter to Vswitch
    $nic = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostVirtualNicSpec
    $nic.portgroup = $NetworkName

    $_this = Get-View -Id $networkid
    $_this.UpdateVirtualNic($Interface, $nic)
#EndRegion Supporting Functions

#Region Pre-Requisites
Function Confirm-VCFInstanceRecoveryPreReqs
    Checks for the presence of supporting software and modules leveraged by VCFInstanceRecovery
    The Confirm-VCFInstanceRecoveryPreReqs cmdlet checks for the presence of supporting software and modules leveraged by VCFInstanceRecovery

    #Check Dependencies
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    $is7Zip4PowerShellInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -name "7Zip4PowerShell" -MinimumVersion "2.4.0" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    If (!$is7Zip4PowerShellInstalled)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] 7Zip4PowerShell Module Missing. Please install"
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] 7Zip4PowerShell Module found"

    $isPoshSSHInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -name "Posh-SSH" -MinimumVersion "3.0.8" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    If (!$isPoshSSHInstalled)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Posh-SSH Module Missing. Please install"
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Posh-SSH Module found"
    $isPowerCLIInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -name "VMware.PowerCLI" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    If (!$isPowerCLIInstalled)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] PowerCLI Module Missing. Please install"
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] PowerCLI Module found"

    $isPowerVCFInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -name "PowerVCF" -MinimumVersion "2.4.0" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    If (!$isPowerVCFInstalled)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] PowerVCF Module Missing. Please install"
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] PowerVCF Module found"

    $installedSoftware = Get-InstalledSoftware
    If (!($installedSoftware -match "OpenSSL"))
        $openSslUrlPath = ""
        Try {$openSslLinks = Invoke-WebRequest $openSslUrlPath -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction silentlycontinue}Catch{}
        $openSslLink = (($openSslLinks.Links | Where-Object { $_.href -like "/download/Win64OpenSSL_Light*.exe" }).href)[0]
        $Global:openSSLUrl = ""+$openSslLink
        If ($openSSLUrl)
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] OpenSSL missing. Please install. Latest version detected is here: $openSSLUrl"
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] OpenSSL missing. Please install. Unable to detect latest version on web"
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] OpenSSL Utility found"
    $pathEntries = $env:path -split (";")
    $OpenSSLPath = $pathEntries | Where-Object {$_ -like "*OpenSSL*"}
    If ($OpenSSLPath)
        $testOpenSSExe = Test-Path "$OpenSSLPath\openssl.exe"
        IF ($testOpenSSExe)
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] openssl.exe found in $OpenSSLPath"
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $OpenSSLPath was found in environment path, but no openssl.exe was found in that path"

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] No folder path that looks like OpenSSL was discovered in the environment path variable. Please double check that the location of OpenSSL is included in the path variable"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Confirm-VCFInstanceRecoveryPreReqs
#EndRegion Pre-Requisites

#Region Data Gathering

Function New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup
    Decrypts and extracts the contents of the provided VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup, parses it for information required for instance recovery and stores the data in a file called extracted-sddc-data.json
    The New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup cmdlet decrypts and extracts the contents of the provided VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup, parses it for information required for instance recovery and stores the data in a file called extracted-sddc-data.json
    New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup -backupFilePath "F:\backup\vcf-backup-sfo-vcf01-sfo-rainpole-io-2023-09-19-10-53-02.tar.gz" -encryptionPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!"
    .PARAMETER backupFilePath
    Relative or absolute to the VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup file somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER encryptionPassword
    The password that should be used to decrypt the VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup file ie the password that was used to encrypt it originally.

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $backupFilePath,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $encryptionPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $backupFileFullPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $backupFilePath).path
    $backupFileName = (Get-ChildItem -path $backupFileFullPath).name
    $parentFolder = Split-Path -Path $backupFileFullPath
    $extractedBackupFolder = ($backupFileName -Split(".tar.gz"))[0]
    $jumpboxName = hostname

    #Decrypt Backup
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Decrypting Backup"
    $command = "openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -in $backupFileFullPath -pass pass:`"$encryptionPassword`" -out `"$parentFolder\decrypted-sddc-manager-backup.tar.gz`""
    Invoke-Expression "& $command" *>$null

    #Extract Backup
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Extracting Backup"
    Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName "$parentFolder\decrypted-sddc-manager-backup.tar.gz" -TargetPath $parentFolder
    Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName "$parentFolder\decrypted-sddc-manager-backup.tar" -TargetPath $parentFolder

    #Get Content of Password Vault
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Password Vault"
    $passwordVaultJson = Get-Content "$parentFolder\$extractedBackupFolder\security_password_vault.json" | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $passwordVaultObject = @()
    Foreach ($object in $passwordVaultJson)
        $passwordVaultObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'entityId'   = $object.entityId
            'entityName' = $object.entityName
            'entityType'     = $object.entityType
            'credentialType'   = $object.credentialType
            'entityIpAddress'   = $object.entityIpAddress
            'username'   = $object.username
            'domainName'   = $object.domainName
            'password'   = $object.password

    #Get Management Domain Deployment Objects
    $metadataJSON = Get-Content "$parentFolder\$extractedBackupFolder\metadata.json" | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $dnsJSON = Get-Content "$parentFolder\$extractedBackupFolder\appliancemanager_dns_configuration.json" | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $ntpJSON = Get-Content "$parentFolder\$extractedBackupFolder\appliancemanager_ntp_configuration.json" | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $mgmtDomainInfrastructure = [pscustomobject]@{
        'port_group' = $metadataJSON.port_group
        'vsan_datastore' =  $metadataJSON.vsan_datastore
        'cluster' = $metaDataJSON.cluster
        'datacenter' = $metaDataJSON.datacenter
        'netmask' = $metaDataJSON.netmask
        'gateway' = $metaDataJSON.gateway
        'domain' = $metaDataJSON.domain
        'search_path' = $metaDataJSON.search_path
        'primaryDnsServer' = $dnsJSON.primaryDnsServer
        'secondaryDnsServer' = $dnsJSON.secondaryDnsServer
        'ntpServers' = @($ntpJSON.ntpServers)
    $psqlContent = Get-Content "$extractedBackupFolder\database\sddc-postgres.bkp"

    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving SDDC Manager Detail"
    $ceipStartingLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.sddc_manager_controller" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $ceipStartingLineNumber
    $sddcManagerIp = $lineContent.split("`t")[3]
    $sddcManagerVersion = $lineContent.split("`t")[5]
    $sddcManagerFqdn = $lineContent.split("`t")[6]
    $sddcManagerVmName = $lineContent.split("`t")[8]
    If ($lineContent.split("`t")[9] -eq 'ENABLED') { $ceipStatus = $true} else {$ceipStatus = $false}

    $sddcManagerObject = @()
    $sddcManagerObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'fqdn' = $sddcManagerFqdn
        'vmname' = $sddcManagerVmName
        'ip' = $sddcManagerIp
        'fips_enabled' = $metadataJSON.fips_enabled 
        'ceip_enabled' = $ceipStatus
        'version' = $sddcManagerVersion

    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving NSX Manager Details"
    #Get All NSX Manager Clusters
    $nsxManagerstartingLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.nsxt (id" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $nsxManagerlineIndex = $nsxManagerstartingLineNumber
    $nsxtManagerClusters = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $nsxManagerlineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $nodeContent = (($lineContent.split("`t")[9]).replace("\n","")) | ConvertFrom-Json
            $nodeIPs = ($nodeContent.managerIpsFqdnMap | Get-Member -type NoteProperty).name
            $nsxNodes = @()
            Foreach ($nodeIP in $nodeIPs)
                $hostname = $nodeContent.managerIpsFqdnMap.$($nodeIP)
                $nsxNodes += [pscustomobject]@{
                    'vmName' = $hostname.split(".")[0]
                    'hostname' = $hostname
                    'ip' =  $nodeIP
            $nsxtManagerClusters += [pscustomobject]@{
                'clusterVip' = $lineContent.split("`t")[5]
                'clusterFqdn' = $lineContent.split("`t")[6]
                'domainIDs' = $nodeContent.domainIds
                'nsxNodes' = $nsxNodes
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')
    #Get Host and Domain Details
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Host and Domain Mappings"
    $hostsAndDomainsLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.host_and_domain " | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $hostsAndDomainsLineIndex = $hostsAndDomainsLineNumber
    $hostsAndDomains = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $hostsAndDomainsLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $hostId = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $domainID = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $hostsAndDomains += [pscustomobject]@{
                'hostId' = $hostId
                'domainID' = $domainID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Host and vCenter Details
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Host and vCenter Mappings"
    $hostsandVcentersLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.host_and_vcenter " | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $hostsandVcentersLineIndex = $hostsandVcentersLineNumber
    $hostsandVcenters = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $hostsandVcentersLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $hostId = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $vCenterID = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $hostsandVcenters += [pscustomobject]@{
                'hostId' = $hostId
                'vCenterID' = $vCenterID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Host and vCenter Details
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving vCenter Details"
    $vCentersStartingLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.vcenter " | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $vCenterLineIndex = $vCentersStartingLineNumber
    $vCenters = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $vCentersStartingLineNumber
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $vCenterID = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            If ($sddcManagerObject.version -like "4.4.*")
                $vCenterVersion= $lineContent.split("`t")[10]
                $vCenterFqdn= $lineContent.split("`t")[11]
                $vCenterIp= $lineContent.split("`t")[12]
                $vCenterVMname= $lineContent.split("`t")[13]
                $vCenterVersion= $lineContent.split("`t")[9]
                $vCenterFqdn= $lineContent.split("`t")[10]
                $vCenterIp= $lineContent.split("`t")[11]
                $vCenterVMname= $lineContent.split("`t")[12]
            $vCenterDomainID = ($hostsAndDomains | Where-Object {$_.hostId -eq (($hostsandVcenters | Where-Object {$_.vCenterID -eq $vCenterID})[0].hostID)}).domainID    
            $vCenters += [pscustomobject]@{
                'vCenterID' = $vCenterID
                'vCenterVersion' = $vCenterVersion
                'vCenterFqdn' = $vCenterFqdn
                'vCenterIp' = $vCenterIp
                'vCenterVMname' = $vCenterVMname
                'vCenterDomainID' = $vCenterDomainID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Hosts and Pools
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Host and Network Pool Mappings"
    $hostsAndPoolsLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.host_and_network_pool" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $hostsAndPoolsLineIndex = $hostsAndPoolsLineNumber
    $hostsandPools = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $hostsAndPoolsLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $hostId = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $poolID = $lineContent.split("`t")[2]
            $hostsandPools += [pscustomobject]@{
                'hostId' = $hostId
                'poolId' = $poolID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Network Pools
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Network Pool Details"
    $networkPoolsLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.network_pool " | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $networkPoolsLineIndex = $networkPoolsLineNumber
    $networkPools = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $networkPoolsLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $poolID = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $poolName = $lineContent.split("`t")[3]
            $networkPools += [pscustomobject]@{
                'poolID' = $poolID
                'poolName' = $poolName
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get VDSs
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving vDS Details"
    $vdsLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.vds" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $vdsLineIndex = $vdsLineNumber
    $virtualDistributedSwitches = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $vdsLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $vdsId = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $vdsMtu = $lineContent.split("`t")[3]
            $vdsName = $lineContent.split("`t")[4]
            $niocs = $lineContent.split("`t")[5] | ConvertFrom-Json
            $vdsPortgroups = $lineContent.split("`t")[6] | ConvertFrom-Json
            $version = $lineContent.split("`t")[8]
            $virtualDistributedSwitches += [pscustomobject]@{
                'Id' = $vdsId
                'niocs' = $niocs
                'Mtu' = $vdsMtu
                'Name' = $vdsName
                'PortGroups' = $vdsPortgroups
                'version' = $version
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Cluster and VDS
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Cluster and vDS Mappings"
    $clusterAndVdsLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.cluster_and_vds" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $clusterAndVdsLineIndex = $clusterAndVdsLineNumber
    $clusterAndVds = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $clusterAndVdsLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $clusterID = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $vdsID = $lineContent.split("`t")[2]
            $clusterAndVds += [pscustomobject]@{
                'clusterID' = $clusterID
                'vdsID' = $vdsID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Clusters
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Cluster Details"
    $clustersLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.cluster " | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $clustersLineIndex = $clustersLineNumber
    $clusters = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $clustersLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $id = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $datacenter = $lineContent.split("`t")[3]
            $ftt = $lineContent.split("`t")[4]
            $isDefault = $lineContent.split("`t")[5]
            $isStretched = $lineContent.split("`t")[6]
            $name = $lineContent.split("`t")[7]
            $vCenterID = $lineContent.split("`t")[9]
            $primaryDatastoreName = $lineContent.split("`t")[12]
            $primaryDatastoreType = $lineContent.split("`t")[13]
            $sourceID = $lineContent.split("`t")[14]
            $vdsDetails = @()
            Foreach ($vds in ($clusterAndVds | Where-Object {$_.clusterID -eq $id}))
                $virtualDistributedSwitchDetails = $virtualDistributedSwitches | Where-Object {$ -eq $vds.vdsId}
                $niocSpecsObject = @()
                Foreach ($niocSpec in $virtualDistributedSwitchDetails.niocs)
                    $niocSpecsObject += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'trafficType' = $
                        'value' = ($niocSpec.level).toUpper()
                $vdsObject = New-Object -type PSObject
                $vdsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'mtu' -NotePropertyValue $virtualDistributedSwitchDetails.mtu
                $vdsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'niocSpecs' -NotePropertyValue $niocSpecsObject
                $vdsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'portgroups' -NotePropertyValue $virtualDistributedSwitchDetails.portgroups
                $vdsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'dvsName' -NotePropertyValue $
                $vdsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'vmnics' -NotePropertyValue $null
                $vdsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'networks' -NotePropertyValue ("MANAGEMENT","VSAN","VMOTION" | Where-Object {$_ -in $niocSpecsObject.trafficType})
                $vdsDetails += $vdsObject
            $clusters += [pscustomobject]@{
                'id' = $id
                'datacenter' = $datacenter
                'ftt' = $ftt
                'isDefault' = $isDefault
                'isStretched' = $isStretched
                'name' = $name
                'vCenterID' = $vCenterID
                'primaryDatastoreName' = $primaryDatastoreName
                'primaryDatastoreType' = $primaryDatastoreType
                'sourceID' = $sourceID
                'vdsDetails' = $vdsDetails
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Cluster and vCenter
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Cluster and vCenter Mappings"
    $clusterAndVcenterLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.cluster_and_vcenter" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $clusterAndVcenterLineIndex = $clusterAndVcenterLineNumber
    $clusterAndVcenter = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $clusterAndVcenterLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $clusterID = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $vcenterID = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $clusterAndVcenter += [pscustomobject]@{
                'clusterID' = $clusterID
                'vcenterID' = $vcenterID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Cluster and Domain
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Cluster and Domain Mappings"
    $clusterAndDomainLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.cluster_and_domain" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $clusterAndDomainLineIndex = $clusterAndDomainLineNumber
    $clusterAndDomain = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $clusterAndDomainLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $clusterID = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $domainID = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $clusterAndDomain += [pscustomobject]@{
                'clusterID' = $clusterID
                'domainID' = $domainID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Pools and Networks
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Network Pools and Network Mappings"
    $poolsAndNetworksLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.vcf_network_and_network_pool" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $poolsAndNetworksLineIndex = $poolsAndNetworksLineNumber
    $poolsAndNetworks = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $poolsAndNetworksLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $networkID = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $poolID = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $poolsAndNetworks += [pscustomobject]@{
                'networkID' = $networkID
                'poolID' = $poolID
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get Networks
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Network Details"
    $networksLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.vcf_network " | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $networksLineIndex = $networksLineNumber
    $networks = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $networksLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $id = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $gateway = $lineContent.split("`t")[4]
            $ipInclusionRanges = $lineContent.split("`t")[5] | ConvertFrom-Json
            $startIPAddress = $ipInclusionRanges.start
            $endIPAddress = $ipInclusionRanges.end
            $mtu = $lineContent.split("`t")[6]
            $subnet = $lineContent.split("`t")[7]
            $subnetMask = $lineContent.split("`t")[8]
            $type = $lineContent.split("`t")[9]
            $vlanId = $lineContent.split("`t")[11]
            $networks += [pscustomobject]@{
                'id' = $id
                'gateway' = $gateway
                'startIPAddress' = $startIPAddress
                'endIPAddress' = $endIPAddress
                'mtu' = $mtu
                'subnet' = $subnet
                'subnetMask' = $subnetMask
                'type' = $type
                'vlanId' = $vlanId
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    #Get License Models
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving Licensing Models"
    $licenseModelLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY licensemanager.licensing_info" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    If ($licenseModelLineNumber)
        $licenseModelLineIndex = $licenseModelLineNumber
        $licenseModels = @()
            $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $licenseModelLineIndex
            If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
                $resourceType = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
                $resourceId = $lineContent.split("`t")[2]
                $licensingMode = $lineContent.split("`t")[3]
                $licenseModels += [pscustomobject]@{
                    'resourceType' = $resourceType
                    'resourceId' = $resourceId
                    'licensingMode' = $licensingMode
        Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')    
    #Get License Keys
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving License Keys"
    $licenseLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY licensemanager.licensekey" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $licenseLineIndex = $licenseLineNumber
    $licenseKeys = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $licenseLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $id = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $key = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
            $description = $lineContent.split("`t")[2]
            $productType = $lineContent.split("`t")[3]
            $licenseKeys += [pscustomobject]@{
                'id' = $id
                'key' = $key
                'description' = $description
                'productType' = $productType
    Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    If ($sddcManagerObject.version -like "4.4.*")
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving PSC Data"
        $pscsStartingLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.psc (id" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
        $pscsLineIndex = $pscsStartingLineNumber
        $pscs = @()
            $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $pscsLineIndex
            If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
                $pscId = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
                $ssoDomain = $lineContent.split("`t")[9]
                $pscs += [pscustomobject]@{
                    'id' = $pscId
                    'ssoDomain' = $ssoDomain
            $pscsLineIndex ++
        Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

        $vCentersAndPscsStartingLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.vcenter_and_psc" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
        $vCentersAndPscsLineIndex = $vCentersAndPscsStartingLineNumber
        $vCentersAndPscs = @()
            $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $vCentersAndPscsLineIndex
            If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
                $vCenterId = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
                $pscId = $lineContent.split("`t")[1]
                $vCentersAndPscs += [pscustomobject]@{
                    'vcenterId' = $vCenterId
                    'pscId' = $pscId
            $vCentersAndPscsLineIndex ++
        Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')

    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Assembling Workload Domain Data"
    $domainsStartingLineNumber = ($psqlContent | Select-String -SimpleMatch "COPY public.domain (id" | Select-Object Line,LineNumber).LineNumber
    $domainLineIndex = $domainsStartingLineNumber
    $workloadDomains = @()
        $lineContent = $psqlContent | Select-Object -Index $domainLineIndex
        If ($lineContent -ne '\.')
            $domainId = $lineContent.split("`t")[0]
            $domainName = $lineContent.split("`t")[3]
            $domainType = $lineContent.split("`t")[6]
            $vCenter = $vCenters | Where-Object {$_.vCenterDomainID -eq $domainId}
            If ($sddcManagerObject.version -like "4.4.*")
                $ssoDomain = ($pscs | Where-Object {$ -eq (($vCentersAndPscs | Where-Object {$_.vcenterId -eq $vcenter.vCenterID}).pscId)}).ssoDomain
                $ssoDomain = $lineContent.split("`t")[11]
            $vCenterDetails = [pscustomobject]@{
                'id' = $vCenter.vCenterID
                'version' = $vCenter.vCenterVersion
                'fqdn' = $vCenter.vCenterFqdn
                'ip' = $vCenter.vCenterIp
                'vmname' = $vCenter.vCenterVMname
            #HostID from hostsAndDomains of first host in domain based on DomainID
            $hostID = (($hostsAndDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainID -eq $domainID})[0]).hostId

            #PoolID from HostandPools based on HostID
            $poolID = ($hostsAndPools | Where-Object {$_.hostId -eq $hostID}).PoolID

            #poolName from Networkpools based on PoolID
            $poolName = ($networkPools | Where-Object {$_.poolID -eq $poolID}).PoolName

            #networks from poolID
            $domainNetworks = ($poolsAndNetworks| Where-Object {$_.poolID -eq $poolID}).networkID
            $vmotionNetwork = $networks | Where-Object {($_.type -eq "VMOTION") -and ($ -in $domainNetworks)}
            $vsanNetwork = $networks | Where-Object {($_.type -eq "VSAN") -and ($ -in $domainNetworks)}
            $sddcManagerIP = $metadataJSON.ip
            $managementSubnetMask = $metaDataJSON.netmask
            $ip = [ipaddress]$sddcManagerIP
            $subnet = [ipaddress]$managementSubnetMask
            $netid = [ipaddress]($ip.address -band $subnet.address)           
            $managementSubnet = $($netid.ipaddresstostring)

            $networkSpecs = @()
            $networkSpecs += [pscustomobject]@{  #Review
                'type' = "MANAGEMENT"
                'subnet_mask' = $metaDataJSON.netmask
                'subnet' =  $managementSubnet
                'mtu' =  "1500" # Review
                'vlanID' = ($virtualDistributedSwitches.portgroups | Where-Object {$ -eq $metadataJSON.port_group}).vlanId
                'gateway' = $metaDataJSON.gateway
                'portgroupKey' = $metadataJSON.port_group
            $networkSpecs += [pscustomobject]@{
                'type' = "VMOTION"
                'subnet_mask' = $vmotionNetwork.subnetMask
                'subnet' =  $vmotionNetwork.subnet
                'mtu' =  $vmotionNetwork.mtu
                'startIpAddress' = $vmotionNetwork.startIpAddress
                'endIpAddress' = $vmotionNetwork.endIpAddress
                'vlanID' = $vmotionNetwork.vlanID
                'gateway' = $vmotionNetwork.gateway
                'portgroupKey' = ($virtualDistributedSwitches.portgroups | Where-Object {$_.vlanId -eq $vmotionNetwork.vlanID}).name
            $networkSpecs += [pscustomobject]@{
                'type' = "VSAN"
                'subnet_mask' = $vsanNetwork.subnetMask
                'subnet' =  $vsanNetwork.subnet
                'mtu' =  $vsanNetwork.mtu
                'startIpAddress' = $vsanNetwork.startIpAddress
                'endIpAddress' = $vsanNetwork.endIpAddress
                'vlanID' = $vsanNetwork.vlanID
                'gateway' = $vsanNetwork.gateway
                'portgroupKey' = ($virtualDistributedSwitches.portgroups | Where-Object {$_.vlanId -eq $vsanNetwork.vlanID}).name
            $nsxClusterDetailsObject = New-Object -type psobject
            $nsxClusterDetailsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'clusterVip' -NotePropertyValue ($nsxtManagerClusters | Where-Object {$_.domainIDs -contains $domainId}).clusterVip
            $nsxClusterDetailsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'clusterFqdn' -NotePropertyValue ($nsxtManagerClusters | Where-Object {$_.domainIDs -contains $domainId}).clusterFqdn
            $nsxClusterDetailsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'rootNsxtManagerPassword' -NotePropertyValue ($passwordVaultObject | Where-Object {($_.entityName -eq ($nsxtManagerClusters | Where-Object {$_.domainIDs -contains $domainId}).clusterFqdn) -and ($_.credentialType -eq 'SSH')}).password
            $nsxClusterDetailsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'nsxtAdminPassword' -NotePropertyValue ($passwordVaultObject | Where-Object {($_.entityName -eq ($nsxtManagerClusters | Where-Object {$_.domainIDs -contains $domainId}).clusterFqdn) -and ($_.credentialType -eq 'API')}).password
            $nsxClusterDetailsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'nsxtAuditPassword' -NotePropertyValue ($passwordVaultObject  | Where-Object {($_.entityName -eq ($nsxtManagerClusters | Where-Object {$_.domainIDs -contains $domainId}).clusterFqdn) -and ($_.credentialType -eq 'AUDIT')}).password

            If (($licenseModels | Where-Object {$_.resourceId -eq $domainID}).licensingMode)
                $licenseModel = ($licenseModels | Where-Object {$_.resourceId -eq $domainID}).licensingMode
                $licenseModel = 'PERPETUAL'
            $workloadDomains += [pscustomobject]@{
                'domainName' = $domainName
                'domainID' = $domainID
                'domainType' = $domainType
                'licenseModel' = $licenseModel
                'ssoDomain' = $ssoDomain
                'networkPool' = $poolName
                'vCenterDetails' = $vCenterDetails
                'networkDetails' = $networkSpecs
                'nsxClusterDetails' = $nsxClusterDetailsObject
                'nsxNodeDetails' = ($nsxtManagerClusters | Where-Object {$_.domainIDs -contains $domainId}).nsxNodes
                'vsphereClusterDetails' = ($clusters | Where-Object {$_.vCenterID -eq $})
    } Until ($lineContent -eq '\.')
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Creating extracted-sddc-data.json"
    $sddcDataObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject
    $sddcDataObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'sddcManager' -notepropertyvalue $sddcManagerObject
    $sddcDataObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'mgmtDomainInfrastructure' -notepropertyvalue $mgmtDomainInfrastructure
    $sddcDataObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'licenseKeys' -notepropertyvalue $licenseKeys
    $sddcDataObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'workloadDomains' -notepropertyvalue $workloadDomains
    $sddcDataObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'passwords' -notepropertyvalue $passwordVaultObject
    $sddcDataObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File "$parentFolder\extracted-sddc-data.json"

    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Cleaning up extracted files"
    Remove-Item -Path "$parentFolder\decrypted-sddc-manager-backup.tar.gz" -force -confirm:$false
    Remove-Item -Path "$parentFolder\decrypted-sddc-manager-backup.tar" -force -confirm:$false
    Remove-Item -path "$parentFolder\$extractedBackupFolder" -Recurse 

    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup

Function New-PrepareforPartialBringup
    Prepares a running Cloud Builder system to perform a partial VCF bringup suitable for VCF Instance Recovery
    The New-PrepareforPartialBringup cmdlet prepares a running Cloud Builder system to perform a partial VCF bringup suitable for VCF Instance Recovery.
    New-PrepareforPartialBringup "-extractedSDDCDataFile .\extracted-sddc-data.json" -cloudBuilderFQDN "" -cloudBuilderAdminUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -cloudBuilderRootUserPassword "VMw@re1!"
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER cloudBuilderFQDN
    FQDN of the Cloud Builder system that should be prepared
    .PARAMETER cloudBuilderAdminUserPassword
    Password for the 'admin' user on the Cloud Builder system
    .PARAMETER cloudBuilderRootUserPassword
    Password for the 'root' user on the Cloud Builder system

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $cloudBuilderFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $cloudBuilderAdminUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $cloudBuilderRootUserPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Detected desired SDDC Manager version of: $($extractedSddcData.sddcManager.version)"
    $truncatedSddcManagerVersion = $extractedSddcData.sddcManager.version.replace(".","").substring(0,2)
    $modulePath = (Get-InstalledModule -Name VCFInstanceRecovery).InstalledLocation
    $sourceFile = "$modulePath\reference-files\$($truncatedSddcManagerVersion)x-workflowspec-ems.json"

    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Establishing Connection to $cloudBuilderFQDN"
    $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $cloudBuilderAdminUserPassword -AsPlainText -Force
    $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('admin', $SecurePassword)
    $inmem = New-SSHMemoryKnownHost
    New-SSHTrustedHost -KnownHostStore $inmem -HostName $cloudBuilderFQDN -FingerPrint ((Get-SSHHostKey -ComputerName $cloudBuilderFQDN).fingerprint) | Out-Null
        $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $cloudBuilderFQDN -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem
    } Until ($sshSession)
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Backing up Standard BringUp Workflow"
    $stream = New-SSHShellStream -SSHSession $sshSession
    $stream.writeline("su -")
    Start-Sleep 2
    Start-Sleep 2
    $stream.writeline("cd /opt/vmware/bringup/webapps/bringup-app/conf/workflowconfig/")
    Start-Sleep 2
    $stream.writeline("cp workflowspec-ems.json workflowspec-ems.json.backup")
    Start-Sleep 2
    $stream.writeline("rm workflowspec-ems.json")
    Start-Sleep 2
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Modifying BringUp Workflow"
    $uploadFile = Set-SCPItem -ComputerName $cloudBuilderFQDN -Credential $mycreds -path $sourceFile -destination "/tmp" -KnownHost $inmem
    $stream.writeline("cp /tmp/$($truncatedSddcManagerVersion)x-workflowspec-ems.json /opt/vmware/bringup/webapps/bringup-app/conf/workflowconfig/workflowspec-ems.json")
    Start-Sleep 2
    $stream.writeline("chown vcf_bringup:vcf workflowspec-ems.json")
    Start-Sleep 2
    $stream.writeline("chmod 740 workflowspec-ems.json")
    Start-Sleep 2

    #Close SSH Session
    Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null

    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PrepareforPartialBringup

Function New-ReconstructedPartialBringupJsonSpec
    Reconstructs a management domain bringup JSON spec based on information scraped from the backup being restored from
    The New-ReconstructedPartialBringupJsonSpec cmdlet Reconstructs a management domain bringup JSON spec based on information scraped from the backup being restored from
    New-ReconstructedPartialBringupJsonSpec -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -tempVcenterIp "" -tempVcenterHostname "sfo-m01-vc02" -vcfLocalUserPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!" -vcfRootUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -vcfRestApiPassword "VMw@re1!" -vcfSecondUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -transportVlanId 1614 -dedupEnabled $false -vds0nics "vmnic0","vmnic1" -vcenterServerSize "small"
    .PARAMETER tempVcenterIp
    As a temporary vCenter will be used, a temporary IP Address must be provdied for use
    .PARAMETER tempVcenterHostname
    As a temporary vCenter will be used, a temporary Hostname must be provdied for use
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER vcfLocalUserPassword
    Password to be assigned to the local user account
    .PARAMETER vcfRootUserPassword
    Password to be assigned to the root user account
    .PARAMETER vcfRestApiPassword
    Password to be assigned to the api user account
    .PARAMETER vcfSecondUserPassword
    Password to be assigned to the vcf user account
    .PARAMETER transportVlanId
    VLAN ID to be used for the transport VLAN. Should be the same as that used in the original build
    .PARAMETER dedupEnabled
    Boolean value to specify with depude should be enabled or not
    .PARAMETER vds0nics
    Comma seperated list of vmnics to assign to the first vds in the format "vmnic0","vmnic1"
    .PARAMETER vcenterServerSize
    Size of the vCenter appliance to be deployed for the temporary vCenter

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $tempVcenterIp,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $tempVcenterHostname,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcfLocalUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcfRootUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcfRestApiPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcfSecondUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $transportVlanId,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][boolean] $dedupEnabled,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][Array] $vds0nics,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcenterServerSize
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $domainName = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName

    $mgmtDomainObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'taskName' -notepropertyvalue "workflowconfig/workflowspec-ems.json"
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'sddcId' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'ceipEnabled' -notepropertyvalue "$($extractedSddcData.sddcManager.ceip_enabled)"
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'fipsEnabled' -notepropertyvalue "$($extractedSddcData.sddcManager.fips_enabled)"
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'managementPoolName' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkPool
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'skipEsxThumbprintValidation' -notepropertyvalue $true # Review
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'esxLicense' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.licenseKeys | Where-Object {$_.productType -eq "ESXI"}).key
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'excludedComponents' -notepropertyvalue @("NSX-V")
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'ntpServers' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.ntpServers

    $dnsSpecObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $dnsSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'domain' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.domain
    $dnsSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'subdomain' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.domain
    $dnsSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'nameserver' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.primaryDnsServer
    $dnsSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'secondaryNameserver' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.secondaryDnsServer
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'dnsSpec' -notepropertyvalue $dnsSpecObject

    $rootUserCredentialsObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $rootUserCredentialsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'username' -notepropertyvalue "root"
    $rootUserCredentialsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'password' -notepropertyvalue $vcfRootUserPassword
    $restApiCredentialsObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $restApiCredentialsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'username' -notepropertyvalue "admin"
    $restApiCredentialsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'password' -notepropertyvalue $vcfRestApiPassword
    $secondUserCredentialsObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $secondUserCredentialsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'username' -notepropertyvalue "vcf"
    $secondUserCredentialsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'password' -notepropertyvalue $vcfSecondUserPassword
    $sddcManagerSpecObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $sddcManagerSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'hostname' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.sddcManager.vmname
    $sddcManagerSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'ipAddress' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.sddcManager.ip
    $sddcManagerSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'netmask' -notepropertyvalue $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.netmask
    $sddcManagerSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'localUserPassword' -notepropertyvalue $vcfLocalUserPassword
    $sddcManagerSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'rootUserCredentials' $rootUserCredentialsObject
    $sddcManagerSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'restApiCredentials' $restApiCredentialsObject
    $sddcManagerSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'secondUserCredentials' $secondUserCredentialsObject
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'sddcManagerSpec' -notepropertyvalue $sddcManagerSpecObject

    $vmotionIpObject = @()
    $vmotionIpObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'startIpAddress' = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).startIPAddress
        'endIpAddress'   = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).endIPAddress
    $vsanIpObject = @()
    $vsanIpObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'startIpAddress' = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).startIPAddress
        'endIpAddress'   = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).endIPAddress
    $networkSpecsObject = @()
    [IPAddress] $ip = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).subnet_mask
    $octets = $ip.IPAddressToString.Split('.')
    Foreach($octet in $octets) { while(0 -ne $octet) { $octet = ($octet -shl 1) -band [byte]::MaxValue; $managementNetworkCidr++; }}
    $managementNetworkSubnet = ((($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).subnet + "/" + $managementNetworkCidr)
    $networkSpecsObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'networkType'  = "MANAGEMENT"
        'subnet'       = $managementNetworkSubnet
        'vlanId'       = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).vlanId -as [string]
        'mtu'          = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).mtu -as [string]
        'gateway'      = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).gateway
        'portGroupKey' = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).portGroupKey
    [IPAddress] $ip = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).subnet_mask
    $octets = $ip.IPAddressToString.Split('.')
    Foreach($octet in $octets) { while(0 -ne $octet) { $octet = ($octet -shl 1) -band [byte]::MaxValue; $vmotionNetworkCidr++; }}
    $vmotionNetworkSubnet = ((($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).subnet + "/" + $vmotionNetworkCidr)
    $networkSpecsObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'networkType'          = "VMOTION"
        'subnet'               = $vmotionNetworkSubnet
        'includeIpAddressRanges' = $vmotionIpObject
        'vlanId'               = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).vlanId -as [string]
        'mtu'                  = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).mtu -as [string]
        'gateway'              = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).gateway
        'portGroupKey'         = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VMOTION'}).portGroupKey
    [IPAddress] $ip = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).subnet_mask
    $octets = $ip.IPAddressToString.Split('.')
    Foreach($octet in $octets) { while(0 -ne $octet) { $octet = ($octet -shl 1) -band [byte]::MaxValue; $vsanNetworkCidr++; }}
    $vsanNetworkSubnet = ((($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).subnet + "/" + $vsanNetworkCidr)
    $networkSpecsObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'networkType'          = "VSAN"
        'subnet'               = $vsanNetworkSubnet
        'includeIpAddressRanges' = $vsanIpObject
        'vlanId'               = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).vlanId -as [string]
        'mtu'                  = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).mtu -as [string]
        'gateway'              = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).gateway
        'portGroupKey'         = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'VSAN'}).portGroupKey
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'networkSpecs' -notepropertyvalue $networkSpecsObject

    $nsxtManagersObject = @()
    Foreach ($nsxManager in (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).nsxNodeDetails))
        $nsxtManagersObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'hostname' = $nsxManager.vmName
            'ip' = $nsxManager.ip
    $overLayTransportZoneObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $overLayTransportZoneObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'zoneName' -notepropertyvalue "$(($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName)-tz-overlay01" #Review
    $overLayTransportZoneObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'networkName' -notepropertyvalue "netName-overlay"
    $vlanTransportZoneObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $vlanTransportZoneObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'zoneName' -notepropertyvalue "$(($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName)-tz-vlan01" #Review
    $vlanTransportZoneObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'networkName' -notepropertyvalue "netName-vlan"
    $nsxtSpecObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'nsxtManagerSize' -notepropertyvalue "medium" #Review
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'nsxtManagers' -notepropertyvalue $nsxtManagersObject
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'rootNsxtManagerPassword' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).nsxClusterDetails.rootNsxtManagerPassword
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'nsxtAdminPassword' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).nsxClusterDetails.nsxtAdminPassword
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'nsxtAuditPassword' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).nsxClusterDetails.nsxtAuditPassword
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'rootLoginEnabledForNsxtManager' -notepropertyvalue "true" #Review
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'sshEnabledForNsxtManager' -notepropertyvalue "true" #Review
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'overLayTransportZone' -notepropertyvalue $overLayTransportZoneObject
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vlanTransportZone' -notepropertyvalue $vlanTransportZoneObject
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vip' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).nsxClusterDetails.clusterVip
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vipFqdn' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).nsxClusterDetails.clusterFqdn
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'nsxtLicense' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.licenseKeys | Where-Object {$_.productType -eq "NSXT"}).key
    $nsxtSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'transportVlanId' -notepropertyvalue $transportVlanId
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'nsxtSpec' -notepropertyvalue $nsxtSpecObject

    #Derive Primary Cluster
    $primaryCluster = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).vsphereClusterDetails | Where-Object {$_.isDefault -eq 't'}
    $vsanSpecObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $vsanSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vsanName' -notepropertyvalue "vsan-1"
    $vsanSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'licenseFile' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.licenseKeys | Where-Object {$_.productType -eq "VSAN"}).key
    $vsanSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vsanDedup' -notepropertyvalue $dedupEnabled
    $vsanSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'datastoreName' -notepropertyvalue $primaryCluster.primaryDatastoreName
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vsanSpec' -notepropertyvalue $vsanSpecObject

    $clusterVDSs = @()
    $vds = ($primaryCluster.vdsDetails)[0]
    #Foreach ($vds in ($primaryCluster.vdsDetails))
        $clustervdsObject = New-Object -type psobject
        $clustervdsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'mtu' -notepropertyvalue $vds.mtu
        $clustervdsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'niocSpecs' -notepropertyvalue $vds.niocSpecs
        $clustervdsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'dvsName' -notepropertyvalue $vds.dvsName
        $clustervdsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vmnics' -notepropertyvalue $vds0nics
        $clustervdsObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'networks' -notepropertyvalue $vds.networks
        $clusterVDSs += $clustervdsObject
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'dvsSpecs' -notepropertyvalue $clusterVDSs

    $vmFoldersObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $vmFoldersObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'MANAGEMENT' -notepropertyvalue (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName + "-fd-mgmt")
    $vmFoldersObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'NETWORKING' -notepropertyvalue (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName + "-fd-nsx")
    $vmFoldersObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'EDGENODES' -notepropertyvalue (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName + "-fd-edge")
    $clusterSpecObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $clusterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vmFolders' -notepropertyvalue $vmFoldersObject
    $clusterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'clusterName' -notepropertyvalue $
    $clusterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'clusterEvcMode' -notepropertyvalue ""
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'clusterSpec' -notepropertyvalue $clusterSpecObject

    $pscSpecs = @()
    $ssoDomain = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).ssoDomain
    $psoSsoSpecObject =  New-Object -type psobject
    $psoSsoSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'ssoDomain' -notepropertyvalue $ssoDomain
    $pscSpecs += [PSCustomObject]@{
        'pscSsoSpec' = $psoSsoSpecObject
        'adminUserSsoPassword' = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.credentialType -eq "SSO") -and ($_.username -like "*$ssoDomain") -and ($_.entityType -eq "PSC")}).password
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'pscSpecs' -notepropertyvalue $pscSpecs

    $vcenterSpecObject = New-Object -type psobject
    $vcenterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vcenterIp' -notepropertyvalue $tempVcenterIp
    $vcenterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vcenterHostname' -notepropertyvalue $tempVcenterHostname
    $vcenterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'licenseFile' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.licenseKeys | Where-Object {$_.productType -eq "VCENTER"}).key
    $vcenterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'rootVcenterPassword' -notepropertyvalue ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.domainName -eq $domainName) -and ($_.entityType -eq "VCENTER") -and ($_.username -eq "root")}).password
    $vcenterSpecObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vmSize' -notepropertyvalue $vcenterServerSize
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'vcenterSpec' -notepropertyvalue $vcenterSpecObject

    $mgmtHosts = $extractedSddcData.passwords | where-object {($_.domainName -eq $domainName) -and ($_.entityType -eq "ESXI") -and ($_.username -eq "root")}
    $hostSpecs =@()
    Foreach ($mgmtHost in $mgmtHosts)
        $credentialObject = New-Object -type psobject
        $credentialObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'username' -notepropertyvalue $mgmtHost.username
        $credentialObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'password' -notepropertyvalue $mgmtHost.password
        $ipAddressPrivateObject = New-Object -type psobject
        $ipAddressPrivateObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'subnet' -notepropertyvalue (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).subnet_mask
        $ipAddressPrivateObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'ipAddress' -notepropertyvalue $mgmtHost.entityIpAddress
        $ipAddressPrivateObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'gateway' -notepropertyvalue (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).gateway
        $hostSpecs += [PSCustomObject]@{
            'hostname' = $mgmtHost.entityName.split(".")[0]
            'vSwitch' = "vSwitch0"
            'association' = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.datacenter
            'credentials' = $credentialObject
            'ipAddressPrivate' = $ipAddressPrivateObject
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'hostSpecs' -notepropertyvalue $hostSpecs

    $licenseMode = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).licenseModel
    If ($licenseMode -eq "PERPETUAL") {$subscriptionLicensing = "False" } else {$subscriptionLicensing = "True"}
    $mgmtDomainObject | Add-Member -notepropertyname 'subscriptionLicensing' -notepropertyvalue $subscriptionLicensing
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Saving partial bringup JSON spec: $(($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName + "-partial-bringup-spec.json")"
    $mgmtDomainObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10 | Out-File (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName + "-partial-bringup-spec.json")
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-ReconstructedPartialBringupJsonSpec

Function New-NSXManagerOvaDeployment
    Presents a list of NSX Mangers associated with the provided VCF Workload Domain, and deploys an NSX Manager from OVA using data previously extracted from the VCF SDDC Manager Backup
    The New-NSXManagerOvaDeployment resents a list of NSX Mangers associated with the provided VCF Workload Domain, and deploys an NSX Manager from OVA using data previously extracted from the VCF SDDC Manager Backup
    New-NSXManagerOvaDeployment -tempvCenterFqdn "" -tempvCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -tempvCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -workloadDomain "sfo-m01" -restoredNsxManagerDeploymentSize medium -nsxManagerOvaFile "F:\OVA\nsx-unified-appliance-"
    .PARAMETER vCenterFqdn
    FQDN of the target vCenter to deploy the NSX Manager OVA to
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the target vCenter to deploy the NSX Manager OVA to
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the target vCenter to deploy the NSX Manager OVA to
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER workloadDomain
    Name of the VCF workload domain that the NSX Manager to deployed to is associated with
    .PARAMETER restoredNsxManagerDeploymentSize
    Size of the NSX Manager Appliance to deploy
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerOvaFile
    Relative or absolute to the NSX Manager OVA somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $workloadDomain,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $restoredNsxManagerDeploymentSize,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerOvaFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $workloadDomainDetails = ($extractedSDDCData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain})
    $nsxNodes = $workloadDomainDetails.nsxNodeDetails

        $nsxManagersIndex = 1
        $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'ID'    = "ID"
                'Manager' = "NSX Manager"
        $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'ID'    = "--"
                'Manager' = "------------------"
        Foreach ($nsxNode in $nsxNodes)
            $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'ID'    = $nsxManagersIndex
                'Manager' = $nsxNode.vmName
    Write-Host ""; $nsxManagersDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,Manager -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
        Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Enter the ID of the Manager you wish to redeploy, or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
        $nsxManagerSelection = Read-Host
    } Until (($nsxManagerSelection -in $nsxManagersDisplayObject.ID) -OR ($nsxManagerSelection -eq "c"))
    If ($nsxManagerSelection -eq "c") {Break}
    $selectedNsxManager = $nsxNodes | Where-Object {$_.vmName -eq ($nsxManagersDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $nsxManagerSelection}).manager }
    $vmNetwork = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.port_group
    $vmDatastore = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.vsan_datastore
    $datacenterName = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.datacenter
    $clusterName = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.cluster

    # NSX Manager Appliance Configuration
    $nsxManagerVMName = $selectedNsxManager.vmName
    $nsxManagerIp = $selectedNsxManager.ip
    $nsxManagerHostName = $selectedNsxManager.hostname
    $nsxManagerNetworkMask = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.netmask
    $nsxManagerGateway = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.gateway
    $nsxManagerDns = "$($extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.primaryDnsServer),$($extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.secondaryDnsServer)" 
    $nsxManagerDnsDomain = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.domain
    $nsxManagerNtpServer = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.ntpServers -join(",")
    $nsxManagerAdminUsername = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "API")}).username
    $nsxManagerAdminPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "API")}).password
    $nsxManagerCliPassword  = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "API")}).password
    $nsxManagerCliAuditUsername = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "AUDIT")}).username
    $nsxManagerCliAuditPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "AUDIT")}).password

    If ($nsxManagerCliAuditUsername)
        $command = '"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" --noSSLVerify --acceptAllEulas --allowExtraConfig --diskMode=thin --X:injectOvfEnv --X:logFile=ovftool.log --powerOn --X:waitForIp --name="' + $nsxManagerVMName + '" --datastore="' + $vmDatastore + '" --deploymentOption="' + $restoredNsxManagerDeploymentSize + '" --network="' + $vmNetwork + '" --prop:nsx_role="NSX Manager" --prop:nsx_ip_0="' + $nsxManagerIp + '" --prop:nsx_netmask_0="' + $nsxManagerNetworkMask + '" --prop:nsx_gateway_0="' + $nsxManagerGateway + '" --prop:nsx_dns1_0="' + $nsxManagerDns + '" --prop:nsx_domain_0="' + $nsxManagerDnsDomain + '" --prop:nsx_ntp_0="' + $nsxManagerNtpServer + '" --prop:nsx_isSSHEnabled=True --prop:nsx_allowSSHRootLogin=True --prop:nsx_passwd_0="' + $nsxManagerAdminPassword + '" --prop:nsx_cli_username="' + $nsxManagerAdminUsername+ '" --prop:nsx_cli_passwd_0="' + $nsxManagerCliPassword + '" --prop:nsx_cli_audit_passwd_0="' + $nsxManagerCliAuditPassword + '" --prop:nsx_cli_audit_username="' + $nsxManagerCliAuditUsername + '" --prop:nsx_hostname="' + $nsxManagerHostName + '" "' + $nsxManagerOvaFile + '" ' + '"vi://' + $vCenterAdmin + ':' + $vCenterAdminPassword + '@' + $vCenterFqdn + '/' + $datacenterName + '/host/' + $clusterName + '/"'
        $command = '"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" --noSSLVerify --acceptAllEulas --allowExtraConfig --diskMode=thin --X:injectOvfEnv --X:logFile=ovftool.log --powerOn --X:waitForIp --name="' + $nsxManagerVMName + '" --datastore="' + $vmDatastore + '" --deploymentOption="' + $restoredNsxManagerDeploymentSize + '" --network="' + $vmNetwork + '" --prop:nsx_role="NSX Manager" --prop:nsx_ip_0="' + $nsxManagerIp + '" --prop:nsx_netmask_0="' + $nsxManagerNetworkMask + '" --prop:nsx_gateway_0="' + $nsxManagerGateway + '" --prop:nsx_dns1_0="' + $nsxManagerDns + '" --prop:nsx_domain_0="' + $nsxManagerDnsDomain + '" --prop:nsx_ntp_0="' + $nsxManagerNtpServer + '" --prop:nsx_isSSHEnabled=True --prop:nsx_allowSSHRootLogin=True --prop:nsx_passwd_0="' + $nsxManagerAdminPassword + '" --prop:nsx_cli_username="' + $nsxManagerAdminUsername+ '" --prop:nsx_cli_passwd_0="' + $nsxManagerCliPassword + '" --prop:nsx_hostname="' + $nsxManagerHostName + '" "' + $nsxManagerOvaFile + '" ' + '"vi://' + $vCenterAdmin + ':' + $vCenterAdminPassword + '@' + $vCenterFqdn + '/' + $datacenterName + '/host/' + $clusterName + '/"'    <# Action when all if and elseif conditions are false #>
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Deploying NSX Manager OVA"
    $scriptBlock = {Invoke-Expression "& $using:command"}
    $deploymentJob = Start-Job -scriptblock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $command
    Do {Sleep 1; $jobStatus = (Get-Job -id $ } Until ($jobStatus -eq "Running" )
    Sleep 10
    $progress = @(Get-Job -id $ | Receive-Job)
    Foreach ($line in $progress)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $line"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Polling at 60 second intervals"    
        $progress = @(Get-Job -id $ | Receive-Job)
        If ($progress) 
            If ($progress[-1] -notlike "Disk progress*")
                Foreach ($line in $progress)
                    If (($line -ne "") -and ($line -notlike "Task progress*"))
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $line"
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $($progress[-1])"
        $jobStatus = (Get-Job -id $
        If ($jobStatus -eq "Running") {Sleep 60}
    } While ($jobStatus -eq "Running")
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-NSXManagerOvaDeployment

Function New-vCenterOvaDeployment
    Deploys a vCenter appliance from OVA using data previously extracted from the VCF SDDC Manager Backup
    The New-vCenterOvaDeployment deploys a vCenter appliance from OVA using data previously extracted from the VCF SDDC Manager Backup
    New-vCenterOvaDeployment -tempvCenterFqdn "" -tempvCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -tempvCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -workloadDomain "sfo-m01" -restoredvCenterDeploymentSize "small" -vCenterOvaFile "F:\OVA\VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-"
    .PARAMETER vCenterFqdn
    FQDN of the target vCenter to deploy the vCenter OVA to
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the target vCenter to deploy the vCenter OVA to
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the target vCenter to deploy the vCenter OVA to
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER workloadDomain
    Name of the VCF workload domain that the vCenter to deployed to is associated with
    .PARAMETER restoredvCenterDeploymentSize
    Size of the vCenter Appliance to deploy
    .PARAMETER vCenterOvaFile
    Relative or absolute to the vCenter OVA somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $workloadDomain,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $restoredvCenterDeploymentSize,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterOvaFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $workloadDomainDetails = ($extractedSDDCData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain})
    $vmNetwork = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.port_group
    $vmDatastore = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.vsan_datastore
    $datacenterName = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.datacenter
    $clusterName = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.cluster
    $restoredvCenterVMName = $workloadDomainDetails.vCenterDetails.vmname
    $restoredvCenterIpAddress = $workloadDomainDetails.vCenterDetails.ip
    $restoredvCenterFqdn = $workloadDomainDetails.vCenterDetails.fqdn
    $restoredvCenterNetworkPrefix = 0
    [IPAddress] $ip = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.netmask
    $octets = $ip.IPAddressToString.Split('.')
    Foreach($octet in $octets) { while(0 -ne $octet) { $octet = ($octet -shl 1) -band [byte]::MaxValue; $restoredvCenterNetworkPrefix++; }}
    $restoredvCenterDnsServers = "$($extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.primaryDnsServer),$($extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.secondaryDnsServer)" 
    $restoredvCenterGateway = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.gateway
    $restoredvCenterRootPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "VCENTER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "SSH")}).password
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Deploying vCenter OVA"
    $command = '"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" --noSSLVerify --acceptAllEulas --allowExtraConfig --X:enableHiddenProperties --diskMode=thin --X:injectOvfEnv --X:waitForIp --X:logFile=ovftool.log --name="' + $restoredvCenterVMName + '" --net:"Network 1"="' +$vmNetwork + '" --datastore="' + $vmDatastore + '" --deploymentOption="' + $restoredvCenterDeploymentSize + '""ipv4""' + $restoredvCenterIpAddress + '""' + $restoredvCenterFqdn + '""' + $restoredvCenterNetworkPrefix + '""static""' + $restoredvCenterDnsServers + '""' + $restoredvCenterGateway + '" --prop:guestinfo.cis.appliance.root.passwd="' + $restoredvCenterRootPassword + '" --prop:guestinfo.cis.appliance.ssh.enabled="True" "' + $vCenterOvaFile + '" ' + '"vi://' + $vCenterAdmin + ':' + $vCenterAdminPassword + '@' + $vCenterFqdn + '/' + $datacenterName + '/host/' + $clusterName + '/"'
    $scriptBlock = {Invoke-Expression "& $using:command"}
    $deploymentJob = Start-Job -scriptblock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $command
    Do {Sleep 1; $jobStatus = (Get-Job -id $ } Until ($jobStatus -eq "Running" )
    Sleep 10
    $progress = @(Get-Job -id $ | Receive-Job)
    Foreach ($line in $progress)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $line"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Polling at 60 second intervals"
        $progress = @(Get-Job -id $ | Receive-Job)
        If ($progress) 
            If ($progress[-1] -notlike "Disk progress*")
                Foreach ($line in $progress)
                    If (($line -ne "") -and ($line -notlike "Task progress*"))
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $line"
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $($progress[-1])"
        $jobStatus = (Get-Job -id $
        If ($jobStatus -eq "Running") {Sleep 60}
    } While ($jobStatus -eq "Running")
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-vCenterOvaDeployment

Function New-SDDCManagerOvaDeployment
    Deploys an SDDC Manager appliance from OVA using data previously extracted from the VCF SDDC Manager Backup
    The New-SDDCManagerOvaDeployment deploys an SDDC Manager appliance from OVA using data previously extracted from the VCF SDDC Manager Backup
    New-SDDCManagerOvaDeployment -tempvCenterFqdn "" -tempvCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -tempvCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -sddcManagerOvaFile "F:\OVA\VCF-SDDC-Manager-Appliance-" -rootUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -vcfUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -localUserPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!" -basicAuthUserPassword "VMw@re1!"
    .PARAMETER vCenterFqdn
    FQDN of the target vCenter to deploy the SDDC Manager OVA to
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the target vCenter to deploy the SDDC Manager OVA to
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the target vCenter to deploy the SDDC Manager OVA to
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerOvaFile
    Relative or absolute to the SDDC Manager OVA somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER rootUserPassword
    Password for the root user on the newly deployed appliance
    .PARAMETER vcfUserPassword
    Password for the vcf user on the newly deployed appliance
    .PARAMETER localUserPassword
    Password for the local admin user on the newly deployed appliance
    .PARAMETER basicAuthUserPassword
    Password for the basic auth user on the newly deployed appliance

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerOvaFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $rootUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcfUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $localUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $basicAuthUserPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    # SDDC Manager Configuration
    $vmNetwork = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.port_group
    $vmDatastore = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.vsan_datastore
    $datacenterName = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.datacenter
    $clusterName = $extractedSDDCData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.cluster
    $sddcManagerVMName = $extractedSDDCData.sddcManager.vmname
    $sddcManagerBackupPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {$_.entityType -eq "BACKUP"}).password
    $sddcManagerNetworkMask = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.netmask
    $sddcManagerHostName = $extractedSDDCData.sddcManager.fqdn
    $sddcManagerIp = $extractedSDDCData.sddcManager.ip
    $sddcManagerGateway = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.gateway
    $sddcManagerDns = "$($extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.primaryDnsServer),$($extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.secondaryDnsServer)"
    $sddcManagerDomainSearch =  $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.search_path
    $sddcManagerDnsDomain = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.domain
    $sddcManagerFipsSetting = $extractedSDDCData.sddcManager.fips_enabled
    $ntpServers = $extractedSddcData.mgmtDomainInfrastructure.ntpServers -join(",")
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Deploying SDDC Manager OVA"
    $command = '"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" --noSSLVerify --acceptAllEulas --allowAllExtraConfig --X:logLevel=quiet --diskMode=thin --X:enableHiddenProperties --X:waitForIp --powerOn --name="' + $sddcManagerVMName + '" --network="' + $vmNetwork + '" --datastore="' + $vmDatastore + '" --prop:vami.hostname="' + $sddcManagerHostName + '" --prop:vami.ip0.SDDC-Manager="' + $sddcManagerIp + '" --prop:vami.netmask0.SDDC-Manager="' + $sddcManagerNetworkMask + '" --prop:vami.DNS.SDDC-Manager="' + $sddcManagerDns + '" --prop:vami.gateway.SDDC-Manager="' + $sddcManagerGateway + '" --prop:BACKUP_PASSWORD="' + $sddcManagerBackupPassword + '" --prop:ROOT_PASSWORD="' + $rootUserPassword + '" --prop:VCF_PASSWORD="' + $vcfUserPassword + '" --prop:BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD="' + $basicAuthUserPassword + '" --prop:LOCAL_USER_PASSWORD="' + $localUserPassword + '" --prop:vami.searchpath.SDDC-Manager="' + $sddcManagerDomainSearch + '" --prop:vami.domain.SDDC-Manager="' + $sddcManagerDnsDomain + '" --prop:FIPS_ENABLE="' + $sddcManagerFipsSetting + '" --prop:guestinfo.ntp="' + $ntpServers + '" "' + $sddcManagerOvaFile + '" "vi://' + $vCenterAdmin + ':' + $vCenterAdminPassword + '@' + $vCenterFqdn + '/' + $datacenterName + '/host/' + $clusterName + '/"'
    $scriptBlock = {Invoke-Expression "& $using:command"}
    $deploymentJob = Start-Job -scriptblock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $command
    Do {Sleep 1; $jobStatus = (Get-Job -id $ } Until ($jobStatus -eq "Running" )
    Sleep 10
    $progress = @(Get-Job -id $ | Receive-Job)
    Foreach ($line in $progress)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $line"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Polling at 60 second intervals"
        $progress = @(Get-Job -id $ | Receive-Job)
        If ($progress) 
            If ($progress[-1] -notlike "Disk progress*")
                Foreach ($line in $progress)
                    If (($line -ne "") -and ($line -notlike "Task progress*"))
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $line"
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] $($progress[-1])"
        $jobStatus = (Get-Job -id $
        If ($jobStatus -eq "Running") {Sleep 60}
    } While ($jobStatus -eq "Running")
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-SDDCManagerOvaDeployment

Function New-UploadAndModifySDDCManagerBackup
    Uploads the provided VCF SDDC Manager Backup file to SDDC manager, decrypts and extracts it, replaces the SSH keys for the manangement domain vCenter with the current keys, then compresses and reencrypts the files ready for subsequent restore
    The New-UploadAndModifySDDCManagerBackup cmdlet uploads the provided VCF SDDC Manager Backup file to SDDC manager, decrypts and extracts it, replaces the SSH keys for the manangement domain vCenter with the current keys, then compresses and reencrypts the files ready for subsequent restore
    New-UploadAndModifySDDCManagerBackup -rootUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -vcfUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -backupFilePath "F:\backup\vcf-backup-sfo-vcf01-sfo-rainpole-io-2023-09-19-10-53-02.tar.gz" -encryptionPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -tempvCenterFqdn "" -tempvCenterAdmin "Administrator@vsphere.local" -tempvCenterAdminPassword VMw@re1!"
    .PARAMETER rootUserPassword
    Password for the root user of the SDDC Manager Appliance
    .PARAMETER vcfUserPassword
    Password for the vcf user of the SDDC Manager Appliance
    .PARAMETER backupFilePath
    Relative or absolute to the VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup file somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER encryptionPassword
    The password that should be used to decrypt the VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup file ie the password that was used to encrypt it originally.
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER encryptionPassword
    The password that should be used to decrypt the VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup file ie the password that was used to encrypt it originally.
    .PARAMETER vCenterFqdn
    FQDN of the target vCenter that hosts the SDDC Manager VM
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the target vCenter that hosts the SDDC Manager VM
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the target vCenter that hosts the SDDC Manager VM

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $rootUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcfUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $backupFilePath,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $encryptionPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $mgmtWorkloadDomain = $extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}
    $mgmtVcenterFqdn =  $mgmtWorkloadDomain.vCenterDetails.fqdn
    $sddcManagerFQDN = $extractedSddcData.sddcManager.fqdn
    $sddcManagerVmName = $extractedSddcData.sddcManager.vmName
    $backupFileFullPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $backupFilePath).path
    $backupFileName = (Get-ChildItem -path $backupFileFullPath).name
    $extractedBackupFolder = ($backupFileName -Split(".tar.gz"))[0]
    #Establish SSH Connection to SDDC Manager
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Establishing Connection to $sddcManagerFQDN"
    $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $vcfUserPassword -AsPlainText -Force
    $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("vcf", $SecurePassword)
    Get-SSHTrustedHost | Remove-SSHTrustedHost | Out-Null
    $inmem = New-SSHMemoryKnownHost
    New-SSHTrustedHost -KnownHostStore $inmem -HostName $sddcManagerFQDN -FingerPrint ((Get-SSHHostKey -ComputerName $sddcManagerFQDN).fingerprint) | Out-Null
        $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $sddcManagerFQDN -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem
    } Until ($sshSession)

    #Perform KeyScan
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] Performing Keyscan on SDDC Manager Appliance"
    $result = (Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command "ssh-keyscan $mgmtVcenterFqdn").output

    #Close SSH Session
    Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null
    #Determine new SSH Keys
    $newNistKey = '"' + (($result | Where-Object {$_ -like "*ecdsa-sha2-nistp256*"}).split("ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 "))[1] + '"'
    If ($newNistKey) { LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] New ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key for $mgmtVcenterFqdn retrieved" }
    $newRSAKey = '"' + (($result | Where-Object {$_ -like "*ssh-rsa*"}).split("ssh-rsa "))[1] + '"'
    If ($newRSAKey) { LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] New ssh-rsa key for $mgmtVcenterFqdn retrieved" }

    #Upload Backup
    $vCenterConnection = Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterFqdn -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Uploading Backup File to SDDC Manager Appliance"
    $copyFile = Copy-VMGuestFile -Source $backupFileFullPath -Destination "/tmp/$backupFileName" -LocalToGuest -VM $sddcManagerVmName -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword $rootUserPassword -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable WarnMsg

    #Decrypt/Extract Backup
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] Decrypting Backup on SDDC Manager Appliance"
    #$command = "cd /tmp; OPENSSL_FIPS=1 openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -in /tmp/$backupFileName -pass pass:`'$encryptionPassword`' | tar -xz"
    $command = "cd /tmp; echo `'$encryptionPassword`' | OPENSSL_FIPS=1 openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -in /tmp/$backupFileName -pass stdin | tar -xz"
    $result = ((Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $command -VM $sddcManagerVmName -GuestUser 'root' -GuestPassword $rootUserPassword).ScriptOutput) -replace "(`n|`r)"

    #Modfiy JSON file
    #Existing Nist Key
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] Parsing Backup on SDDC Manager Appliance for original ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key for $mgmtVcenterFqdn"
    $command = "cat /tmp/$extractedBackupFolder/appliancemanager_ssh_knownHosts.json | jq `'.knownHosts[] | select(.host==`"$mgmtVcenterFqdn`") | select(.keyType==`"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256`")| .key`'"
    $oldNistKey = ((Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $command -VM $sddcManagerVmName -GuestUser 'root' -GuestPassword $rootUserPassword).ScriptOutput) -replace "(`n|`r)"

    #Existing rsa Key
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] Parsing Backup on SDDC Manager Appliance for original ssh-rsa key for $mgmtVcenterFqdn"
    $command = "cat /tmp/$extractedBackupFolder/appliancemanager_ssh_knownHosts.json | jq `'.knownHosts[] | select(.host==`"$mgmtVcenterFqdn`") | select(.keyType==`"ssh-rsa`")| .key`'"
    $oldRSAKey = ((Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $command -VM $sddcManagerVmName -GuestUser 'root' -GuestPassword $rootUserPassword).ScriptOutput) -replace "(`n|`r)"

    #Sed File
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] Replacing ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 and ssh-rsa keys and re-encrypting the SDDC Manager Backup"
    $command = "sed -i `'s@$oldNistKey@$newNistKey@`' /tmp/$extractedBackupFolder/appliancemanager_ssh_knownHosts.json; sed -i `'s@$oldRSAKey@$newRSAKey@`' /tmp/$extractedBackupFolder/appliancemanager_ssh_knownHosts.json; mv /tmp/$backupFileName /tmp/$backupFileName.original; export encryptionPassword='$encryptionPassword'; cd /tmp; tar -cz $extractedBackupFolder | OPENSSL_FIPS=1 openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -out /tmp/$backupFileName -pass env:encryptionPassword"
    $result = ((Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $command -VM $sddcManagerVmName -GuestUser 'root' -GuestPassword $rootUserPassword).ScriptOutput) -replace "(`n|`r)"

    #Disconnect from vCenter
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-UploadAndModifySDDCManagerBackup

#EndRegion Data Gathering

#Region SDDC Manager Functions
Function Invoke-SDDCManagerRestore
    Restores SDDC Manager from backup
    The Invoke-SDDCManagerRestore cmdlet restores SDDC Manager from backup
    Invoke-SDDCManagerRestore -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -backupFilePath "F:\backup\vcf-backup-sfo-vcf01-sfo-rainpole-io-2023-09-19-10-53-02.tar.gz" -rootUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -vcfUserPassword "VMw@re1!" -localUserPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!" -basicAuthUserPassword "VMw@re1!"
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER backupFilePath
    Relative or absolute to the VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC manager backup file somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER vcfUserPassword
    Password for the vcf user on the newly deployed appliance
    .PARAMETER localUserPassword
    Password for the local admin user on the newly deployed appliance
    .PARAMETER rootUserPassword
    Password for the root user on the newly deployed appliance
    .PARAMETER encryptionPassword
    Password to decrypt an encrypted SDDC Manager backup

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $backupFilePath,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vcfUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $localUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $rootUserPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $encryptionPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $backupFileFullPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $backupFilePath).path
    $backupFileName = (Get-ChildItem -path $backupFileFullPath).name

    #Establish Session to SDDC Manager and Start SSH Stream
    $extractedSddcManagerFqdn = $extractedSddcData.sddcManager.fqdn
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Establishing Connection to $extractedSddcManagerFqdn"
    $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $vcfUserPassword -AsPlainText -Force
    $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('vcf', $SecurePassword)
    $inmem = New-SSHMemoryKnownHost
    New-SSHTrustedHost -KnownHostStore $inmem -HostName $extractedSddcManagerFqdn -FingerPrint ((Get-SSHHostKey -ComputerName $extractedSddcManagerFqdn).fingerprint) | Out-Null
        $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $extractedSddcManagerFqdn -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem
    } Until ($sshSession)

    #Upload Modified Restore Status Json
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$extractedSddcManagerFqdn] Configuring Restore Process"
    $modulePath = (Get-InstalledModule -Name VCFInstanceRecovery).InstalledLocation
    If ($extractedSddcData.sddcManager.version.replace(".","").substring(0,3) -gt "451")
        $sourceFile = "$modulePath\reference-files\new_restore_status.json"
        $sourceFile = "$modulePath\reference-files\old_restore_status.json"

    $stream = New-SSHShellStream -SSHSession $sshSession
    $stream.writeline("su -")
    Start-Sleep 2
    Start-Sleep 2
    $stream.writeline("cp /opt/vmware/sddc-support/backup/restore_status.json /opt/vmware/sddc-support/backup/restore_status.json.bak")
    Start-Sleep 2
    $uploadFile = Set-SCPItem -ComputerName $extractedSddcManagerFqdn -Credential $mycreds -path $sourceFile -destination "/tmp" -KnownHost $inmem
    $stream.writeline("cp /tmp/new_restore_status.json /opt/vmware/sddc-support/backup/restore_status.json")
    Start-Sleep 2
    $stream.writeline("chmod 640 /opt/vmware/sddc-support/backup/restore_status.json")
    Start-Sleep 2
    #Execute Restore
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$extractedSddcManagerFqdn] Performing Restore"
    $scriptText = "curl https://$extractedSddcManagerFqdn/v1/tokens -k -X POST -H `"Content-Type: application/json`" -d `'{`"username`": `"admin@local`",`"password`": `"$localUserPassword`"}`' | awk -F `"\`"`" `'{ print `$4}`'"
    $token = (Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $scriptText).output
    If ($token)
        #Check Status of Services
        $scriptText = "curl https://$extractedSddcManagerFqdn/v1/vcf-services -k -X GET -H `"Content-Type: application/json`" -H `"Authorization: Bearer $token`" | json_pp"
        $Counter = 0
        $SddcManagerServiceStatus = (Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $scriptText).output
        $operationsManagerServiceStatus = (($SddcManagerServiceStatus | ConvertFrom-Json).elements | Where-Object {$ -eq "OPERATIONS_MANAGER"}).status
        If ($operationsManagerServiceStatus -ne "UP") 
            LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$extractedSddcManagerFqdn] Waiting for Operations Manager Service to be Up"
                Sleep 30
                $scriptText = "curl https://$extractedSddcManagerFqdn/v1/tokens -k -X POST -H `"Content-Type: application/json`" -d `'{`"username`": `"admin@local`",`"password`": `"$localUserPassword`"}`' | awk -F `"\`"`" `'{ print `$4}`'"
                $token = (Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $scriptText).output
                $scriptText = "curl https://$extractedSddcManagerFqdn/v1/vcf-services -k -X GET -H `"Content-Type: application/json`" -H `"Authorization: Bearer $token`" | json_pp"
                $SddcManagerServiceStatus = (Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $scriptText).output
                $operationsManagerServiceStatus = (($SddcManagerServiceStatus | ConvertFrom-Json).elements | Where-Object {$ -eq "OPERATIONS_MANAGER"}).status

            } While ($operationsManagerServiceStatus -ne "UP")
        $scriptText = "curl https://$extractedSddcManagerFqdn/v1/restores/tasks -k -X POST -H `"Content-Type: application/json`" -H `"Authorization: Bearer $token`" -d `'{`"elements`" : [ {`"resourceType`" : `"SDDC_MANAGER`"} ],`"backupFile`" : `"/tmp/$backupFileName`",`"encryption`" : {`"passphrase`" : `"$encryptionPassword`"}}`' | json_pp | jq `'.id`' | cut -d `'`"`' -f 2"
            Sleep 10
            $restoreID = (Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $scriptText).output
        } Until ($restoreId)
        If ($restoreID)
            $scriptText = "curl https://$extractedSddcManagerFqdn/v1/restores/tasks/$restoreID -k -X GET -H `"Content-Type: application/json`" -H `"Authorization: Bearer $token`" | json_pp"
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$extractedSddcManagerFqdn] Monitoring Restore Task $restoreID progress (polling every 60 seconds)"
                Sleep 60
                $restoreProgress = ((Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $scriptText).output | ConvertFrom-JSON).status
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$extractedSddcManagerFqdn] Restore Status: $restoreProgress"
            } While ($restoreProgress -in "IN PROGRESS")    
            LogMessage -type ERROR -message "[$extractedSddcManagerFqdn] Restore Task ID not returned"
        LogMessage -type ERROR -message "[$extractedSddcManagerFqdn] Failed to get SDDC Manager Token"

    #Close SSH Session
    Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-SDDCManagerRestore

Function Resolve-PhysicalHostServiceAccounts 
    Creates a new VCF Service Account on each ESXi host and remediates the SDDC Manager inventory
    The Resolve-PhysicalHostServiceAccounts cmdlet creates a new VCF Service Account on each ESXi host and remediates the SDDC Manager inventory
    Resolve-PhysicalHostServiceAccounts -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-w01-cl01" -svcAccountPassword "VMw@re123!" -sddcManagerFQDN "" -sddcManagerAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -sddcManagerAdminPassword "VMw@re1!"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER svcAccountPassword
    Service account password to be used
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerFQDN
    FQDN of SDDC Manager
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerAdmin
    SDDC Manager API username with ADMIN role
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerAdminPassword
    SDDC Manager API username password

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $svcAccountPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerAdminPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $vCenterConnection = Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterFQDN -username $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $clusterHosts = Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost
    Disconnect-VIServer * -confirm:$false
    $tokenRequest = Request-VCFToken -fqdn $sddcManagerFQDN -username $sddcManagerAdmin -password $sddcManagerAdminPassword
    #verify SDDC Manager credential API state
    $credentialAPILastTask = ((Get-VCFCredentialTask -errorAction silentlyContinue| Sort-Object -Property creationTimeStamp)[-1]).status
    if ($credentialAPILastTask -eq "FAILED")
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$sddcManagerFQDN] Failed credential operation detected. Please resolve in SDDC Manager and try again" ; break

    Foreach ($hostInstance in $clusterHosts) {
        $esxiRootPassword = [String](Get-VCFCredential | ? {$_.resource.resourceName -eq $}).password
        $esxiConnection = Connect-VIServer -Server $ -User root -Password $esxiRootPassword.Trim() | Out-Null
        $esxiHostName = $".")[0]
        $svcAccountName = "svc-vcf-$esxiHostName"
        $accountExists = Get-VMHostAccount -Server $esxiConnection -User $svcAccountName -erroraction SilentlyContinue
        If (!$accountExists) {
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] VCF Service Account Not Found: Creating"
            New-VMHostAccount -Id $svcAccountName -Password $svcAccountPassword -Description "ESXi User" | Out-Null
            New-VIPermission -Entity (Get-Folder root) -Principal $svcAccountName -Role Admin | Out-Null
            Disconnect-VIServer $ -confirm:$false | Out-Null
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] VCF Service Account Found: Setting Password"
            Set-VMHostAccount -UserAccount $svcAccountName -Password $svcAccountPassword | Out-Null

    Foreach ($hostInstance in $clusterHosts) {
        Remove-Variable credentialsObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable elementsObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable esxHostObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        $esxiHostName = $".")[0]
        $svcAccountName = "svc-vcf-$esxiHostName"
        $credentialsObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'username' = $svcAccountName
            'password' = $svcAccountPassword
        $elementsObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'resourceName' = $
            'resourceType' = 'ESXI'
            'credentials'  = @($credentialsObject)

        $esxHostObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'operationType' = 'REMEDIATE'
            'elements'      = @($elementsObject)

        $esxiHostJson = $esxHostObject | Convertto-Json -depth 10
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Remediating VCF Service Account Password: " -nonewline
        $taskID = (Set-VCFCredential -json $esxiHostJson).id
        Do {
            Sleep 5
            $taskStatus = (Get-VCFCredentialTask -id $taskID).status
        } Until ($taskStatus -ne "IN_PROGRESS")
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "$taskStatus"
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Resolve-PhysicalHostServiceAccounts
#EndRegion SDDC Manager Functions

#Region vCenter Functions

Function Invoke-vCenterRestore
    Restores a vCenter appliance using the specified backup
    The Invoke-vCenterRestore restores a vCenter appliance using the specified backup
    Invoke-vCenterRestore -vCenterFqdn "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" "-extractedSDDCDataFile .\extracted-sddc-data.json" -workloadDomain "sfo-m01" -vCenterBackupPath "$/Backups/vcenter-backup/" -locationtype "SMB" -locationUser "Administrator" -locationPassword "VMw@re1!"
    .PARAMETER vCenterFqdn
    FQDN of the temporary vCenter hosting the deployed vCenter OVA to which the backup should be restored
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the temporary vCenter hosting the deployed vCenter OVA to which the backup should be restored
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password of the temporary vCenter hosting the deployed vCenter OVA to which the backup should be restored
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER workloadDomain
    Name of the VCF workload domain that the vCenter to restored is associated with
    .PARAMETER vCenterBackupPath
    Path to the vCenter Backup on the backup location
    .PARAMETER locationtype
    Type of backup location. Valid types are FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP, NFS, or SMB
    .PARAMETER locationUser
    User account for connecting to the backup location passed with vCenterBackupPath
    .PARAMETER backupPassword
    Password to decrypt an encrypted vCenter Server backup file

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $workloadDomain,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterBackupPath,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $locationtype,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $locationUser,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $locationPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)][String] $backupPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $restoredVcenterFqdn = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain}).vCenterDetails.fqdn
    $restoredVcenterVmName = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain}).vCenterDetails.vmname
    $restoredvCenterRootPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "VCENTER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "SSH")}).password
    $ssoDomain  = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain}).ssoDomain
    $ssoAdminUserName = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {$_.entityType -eq "PSC" -and $_.username -like "*$($ssoDomain)"}).username
    $ssoAdminUserPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {$_.entityType -eq "PSC" -and $_.username -like "*$($ssoDomain)"}).password
    #Power Up vCenter Appliance
    $vCenterConnection = Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterFqdn -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$restoredVcenterVmName] Powering On VM"
    Get-VM -Name $restoredVcenterVmName | Start-VM -confirm:$false | Out-Null
    Disconnect-VIServer * -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    #Wait for successful ping test
    LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Waiting for successful ping test"
        Sleep 10
        $pingTest = Test-Connection -ComputerName $restoredVcenterFqdn -count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    } Until ($pingTest)
    #Form credentials for connecting to vCenter
    $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $restoredvCenterRootPassword -AsPlainText -Force
    $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('root', $SecurePassword)
    #Create SSH Trusted Host
    LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$jumpboxName] Waiting for SSH Connection to $restoredVcenterFqdn to be possible"
    $inmem = New-SSHMemoryKnownHost
        $sshHostKey = Get-SSHHostKey -ComputerName $restoredVcenterFqdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        If ($sshHostKey)
            $sshTrustedHost = New-SSHTrustedHost -KnownHostStore $inmem -HostName $restoredVcenterFqdn -FingerPrint $sshHostKey.fingerprint    
    } Until ($sshTrustedHost)

    #Wait for RPM initialization to Finish
    LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Waiting for Appliance to finish RPM initialization"
        #Note: Looped SSH connections is quite deliberate here as the connections appear to be continually dropped as the process progresses
        Sleep 10
        Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null
            $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $restoredVcenterFqdn -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem -erroraction silentlyContinue
        } Until ($sshSession)
        $rpmStatus = (Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId $sshSession.sessionid -Command "api --name vmbase_init" -erroraction silentlyContinue).output
    } Until ($rpmStatus -eq "Status: down")
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] RPM initialization Complete"

    #Restore vCenter
    $stream = New-SSHShellStream -SSHSession $sshSession
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Submitting Restore Request"
    $restoreString = "api com.vmware.appliance.recovery.restore.job.create --locationType $locationtype --location $vCenterBackupPath --locationUser $locationUser --locationPassword --ssoAdminUserName $ssoAdminUserName --ssoAdminUserPassword --ignoreWarnings TRUE"
    If ($backupPassword)
        $restoreString = $restoreString += " --backupPassword"
    Start-Sleep 5
    If ($backupPassword)
        Start-Sleep 5
    Start-Sleep 5

    LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Waiting for Restore to Start"
        #Note: Looped SSH connections is quite deliberate here as the connections appear to be continually dropped as the process progresses
        Start-Sleep 5
        Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null
        $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $restoredVcenterFqdn -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem -erroraction silentlycontinue
        If ($sshSession)
            $restoreStatus = (Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId $sshSession.sessionid -Command "api com.vmware.appliance.recovery.restore.job.get" -erroraction silentlyContinue).output
            $restoreStatusArray = $restoreStatus -split("\r\n")
            $state = $restoreStatusArray[1].trim()    
    } Until ($state -eq "State: INPROGRESS")
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Restore $state"

        #Note: Looped SSH connections is quite deliberate here as the connections appear to be continually dropped as the process progresses
        Start-Sleep 20
        Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null
        $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $restoredVcenterFqdn -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem -erroraction silentlycontinue
        If ($sshSession)
            $restoreStatus = (Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId $sshSession.sessionid -Command "api com.vmware.appliance.recovery.restore.job.get" -erroraction silentlyContinue).output
            If ($restoreStatus)
                $restoreStatusArray = $restoreStatus -split("\r\n")
                If ($restoreStatusArray)
                    If ($restoreStatusArray[1])
                        $state = $restoreStatusArray[1].trim()
                    If ($restoreStatusArray[5]) 
                        $progress = $restoreStatusArray[5].trim()
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Restore $($progress)%"
    } Until (($state -eq "State: SUCCEEDED") -or ($state -eq "State: FAILED"))
    If ($state -eq "State: SUCCEEDED")
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Restore finished with $state"
        LogMessage -type ERROR -message "[$restoredVcenterFqdn] Restore finished with $state"

    #Close SSH Session
    Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-vCenterRestore

Function Move-ClusterHostsToRestoredVcenter
    Moves ESXi Hosts from a temporary vCenter / cluster to the restored vCenter / cluster. Used for VCF Management Domain cluster recovery.
    The Move-ClusterHostsToRestoredVcenter cmdlet moves ESXi Hosts from a temporary vCenter / cluster to the restored vCenter / cluster. Used for VCF Management Domain cluster recovery.
    Move-ClusterHostsToRestoredVcenter -tempvCenterFqdn "" -tempvCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -tempvCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -restoredvCenterFQDN "" -restoredvCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -restoredvCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json"
    .PARAMETER tempvCenterFqdn
    FQDN of the temporary vCenter instance
    .PARAMETER tempvCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the temporary vCenter instance
    .PARAMETER tempvCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the temporary vCenter instance
    .PARAMETER restoredvCenterFQDN
    FQDN of the restored vCenter instance
    .PARAMETER restoredvCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the restored vCenter instance
    .PARAMETER restoredvCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the restored vCenter instance
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the restored vSphere cluster instance in the temporary vCenter
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $tempvCenterFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $tempvCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $tempvCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $restoredvCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $restoredvCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $restoredvCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $tempvCenterConnection = connect-viserver $tempvCenterFqdn -user $tempvCenterAdmin -password $tempvCenterAdminPassword
    $esxiHosts = get-cluster -name $clusterName | get-vmhost
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    $restoredvCenterConnection = connect-viserver $restoredvCenterFQDN -user $restoredvCenterAdmin -password $restoredvCenterAdminPassword
    Foreach ($esxiHost in $esxiHosts) {
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Moving to $restoredvCenterFQDN"
        $esxiRootPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "ESXI") -and ($_.entityName -eq $esxiHost.Name) -and ($_.username -eq "root")}).password
        Add-VMHost -Name $esxiHost.Name -Location $clusterName -User root -Password $esxiRootPassword -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-ClusterHostsToRestoredVcenter

Function Remove-ClusterHostsFromVds
    Removes all hosts in the provided vSphere cluster from the provided vSphere Distributed Switch
    The Remove-ClusterHostsFromVds cmdlet removes all hosts in the provided vSphere cluster from the provided vSphere Distributed Switch
    Remove-ClusterHostsFromVds -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -vdsName "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster / vds from which hosts should be removed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster / vds from which hosts should be removed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster / vds from which hosts should be removed
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance from which hosts should be removed
    .PARAMETER vdsName
    Name of the vSphere Distributed Switch to remove cluster hosts from

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vdsName
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    $vss_name = "vSwitch0"
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $esxiHosts = get-cluster -name $clusterName | get-vmhost
    Foreach ($esxiHost in $esxiHosts) {
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Removing from $vdsName"
        $vmnicsInUse = Get-VDSwitch -Name $vdsName | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $esxiHost -Physical
        Get-VDSwitch -Name $vdsName | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $esxiHost -Physical | Remove-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
        Get-VDSwitch -Name $vdsName | Remove-VDSwitchVMHost -VMHost $esxiHost -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
        $vss = Get-VMHost -Name $esxiHost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vss_name
        Add-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -VirtualSwitch $vss -VMHostPhysicalNic $vmnicsInUse -Confirm:$false
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-ClusterHostsFromVds

Function Move-MgmtVmsToTempPg 
    Moves all management VMs in the provided vSphere cluster to a temporary management portgroup
    The Move-MgmtVmsToTempPg cmdlet moves all management VMs in the provided vSphere cluster to a temporary management portgroup
    Move-MgmtVmsToTempPg -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster / VMs which should be removed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster / VMs which should be removed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster / VMs which should be removed
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the VMS to be moved

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $vmsTomove = get-cluster -name $clusterName | get-vm | ? { $_.Name -notlike "*vCLS*" }
    foreach ($vmToMove in $vmsTomove) {
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Moving to mgmt_temp"
        Get-VM -Name $vmToMove | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName "mgmt_temp" -confirm:$false | Out-Null
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-MgmtVmsToTempPg

Function Move-ClusterHostNetworkingTovSS 
    Moves all hosts in a cluster from a vsphere Distributed switch to a vSphere Standard switch
    The Move-ClusterHostNetworkingTovSS cmdlet moves all hosts in a cluster from a vsphere Distributed switch to a vSphere Standard switch
    Move-ClusterHostNetworkingTovSS -tempvCenterFqdn "" -tempvCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -tempvCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -mtu 9000 -vmnic "vmnic1"
    .PARAMETER vCenterFqdn
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster which should be moved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster which should be moved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster which should be moved
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the VMS to be moved
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER mtu
    MTU to be assigned to the temporary standard switch
    .PARAMETER vmnic
    vmnic to be moved from the vDS to the vSS

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $mtu,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vmnic

    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $mgmtVlanId = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).vlanID
    $vMotionVlanId = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "VMOTION"}).vlanID
    $vSanVlanId = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).networkDetails | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "VSAN"}).vlanID
    $vdsName = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).vsphereclusterdetails | Where-Object {$_.isDefault -eq "t"}).vdsdetails.dvsName
    $vss_name = "vSwitch0"
    $mgmt_name = "Management"
    $vmotion_name = "vMotion"
    $storage_name = "vSAN"

    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFqdn -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword

    $vmhost_array = get-cluster -name $clusterName | get-vmhost

    # Gather data on VDS to migrate from
    $vds = Get-VDSwitch -Name $vdsName
    $vdsUUID = $vds.ExtensionData.Summary.Uuid
    $vdsReport = @()
    $vds.ExtensionData.Config.Host | ForEach-Object{
        $esx = Get-View $_.Config.Host
        $netSys = Get-View $esx.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem
        $netSys.NetworkConfig.ProxySwitch | where-object {$_.Uuid -eq $vdsUUID} | ForEach-Object{
            $_.Spec.Backing.PnicSpec | ForEach-Object{
                $row = "" | Select Host,dvSwitch,PNic
                $row.Host = $esx.Name
                $row.dvSwitch = $vds.Name
                $row.PNic = $_.PnicDevice
                $vdsReport += $row

    foreach ($vmhost in $vmhost_array) {
        $nicsInVds = ($vdsReport | Where-Object {$ -eq $}).PNic
        If ($vmnic -in $nicsInVds)
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Removing $vmnic from VDS"
            Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -Physical -Name $vmnic | Remove-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -Confirm:$false | Out-Null    
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] $vmnic already removed from VDS. Skipping"
        $vssExists = Get-VMHost -Name $vmhost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vss_name -errorAction silentlyContinue

        If (!($vssExists))
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Creating new VSS"
            New-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $vmhost -Name $vss_name -mtu $mtu | Out-Null    
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] VSS already exists. Skipping"

        $tempMgmtPgExists = Get-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch (Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $vmhost -Name $vss_name) -Name "mgmt_temp" -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        If (!($tempMgmtPgExists))
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Creating temporary management portgroup `'mgmt_temp`'"
            New-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch (Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $vmhost -Name $vss_name) -Name "mgmt_temp" -VLanId $mgmtVlanId | Out-Null    
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Temporary management portgroup `'mgmt_temp`' already exists. Skipping"

        # pNICs to migrate to VSS
        $vmnicToMove = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -Name $vmnic

        # Array of pNICs to migrate to VSS
        #$pnic_array = @($vmnicToMove)

        # vSwitch to migrate to
        $vss = Get-VMHost -Name $vmhost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vss_name

        # Create destination portgroups
        $mgmtPgExists = Get-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch (Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $vmhost -Name $vss_name) -Name $mgmt_name -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        If (!($mgmtPgExists))
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Creating $mgmt_name portrgroup on $vss_name"
            $mgmt_pg = New-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch $vss -Name $mgmt_name -VLanId $mgmtVlanId    
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Management portgroup $mgmt_name already exists. Skipping"

        $vmotionPgExists = Get-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch (Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $vmhost -Name $vss_name) -Name $vmotion_name -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        If (!($vmotionPgExists))
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Creating $vmotion_name portrgroup on $vss_name"
            $vmotion_pg = New-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch $vss -Name $vmotion_name -VLanId $vMotionVlanId
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Management portgroup $vmotion_name already exists. Skipping"

        $storagePgExists = Get-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch (Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $vmhost -Name $vss_name) -Name $storage_name -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        If (!($storagePgExists))
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Creating $storage_name Network portrgroup on $vss_name"
            $storage_pg = New-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch $vss -Name $storage_name -VLanId $vSanVlanId
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Management portgroup $storage_name already exists. Skipping"

        # Array of portgroups to map VMkernel interfaces (order matters!)
        #$pg_array = @($mgmt_pg, $vmotion_pg, $storage_pg)

        # VMkernel interfaces to migrate to VSS
        #$mgmt_vmk = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -Name "vmk0"
        #$vmotion_vmk = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -Name "vmk1"
        #$storage_vmk = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -Name "vmk2"

        # Array of VMkernel interfaces to migrate to VSS (order matters!)
        #$vmk_array = @($mgmt_vmk, $vmotion_vmk, $storage_vmk)

        # Perform the migration
        #Add-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -VirtualSwitch $vss -VMHostPhysicalNic $pnic_array -VMHostVirtualNic $vmk_array -VirtualNicPortgroup $pg_array -Confirm:$false
        If ($vss.ExtensionData.Pnic -notlike "*$vmnic")
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Migrating $vmnic from $vdsName to $vss_name"
            Add-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -VirtualSwitch $vss -VMHostPhysicalNic $vmnicToMove -confirm:$false
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] $vmnic already part of VSS. Skipping"

        $vss = Get-VMHost -Name $vmhost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vss_name
        If ($vss.ExtensionData.Pnic -like "*$vmnic")
            $vmks = $vmHost | Get-VMHostNetwork | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VirtualNic | Sort-Object Name
            $currentStorageVmkPortgroup = ($vmks | Where-Object {$ -eq "vmk2"}).PortGroupName
            If ($currentStorageVmkPortgroup -ne $storage_name)
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Migrating VSAN vmKernel from $vdsName to $vss_name"
                Move-VMKernel -VMHost $vmhost -Interface "vmk2" -NetworkName $storage_name
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] VSAN vmKernel already on $vss_name. Skipping"
            $currentVmotionVmkPortgroup = ($vmks | Where-Object {$ -eq "vmk1"}).PortGroupName
            If ($currentVmotionVmkPortgroup -ne $vmotion_name)
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Migrating vMotion vmKernel from $vdsName to $vss_name"
                Move-VMKernel -VMHost $vmhost -Interface "vmk1" -NetworkName $vmotion_name
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] vMotion vmKernel already on $vss_name. Skipping"
            $currentMgmtVmkPortgroup = ($vmks | Where-Object {$ -eq "vmk0"}).PortGroupName
            If ($currentMgmtVmkPortgroup -ne $mgmt_name)
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Migrating Management vmKernel from $vdsName to $vss_name"
                Move-VMKernel -VMHost $vmhost -Interface "vmk0" -NetworkName $mgmt_name
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Management vmKernel already on $vss_name. Skipping"
        Start-Sleep 5
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-ClusterHostNetworkingTovSS

Function Move-ClusterVmnicTovSwitch
    Moves VMs to the temporary vSS
    The Move-ClusterVmnicTovSwitch cmdlet moves VMs to the temporary vSS
    Move-ClusterVmnicTovSwitch -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -mtu 9000 -VLanId 1611 -vmnic "vmnic1"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the VMs to be moved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the VMs to be moved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the VMs to be moved
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the VMS to be moved
    .PARAMETER mtu
    MTU to be assigned to the temporary standard switch
    Management network vLan ID
    .PARAMETER vmnic
    vmnic to be used for the vSS

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $mtu,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $VLanId,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vmnic
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $esxiHosts = get-cluster -name $clusterName | get-vmhost
    Foreach ($esxiHost in $esxiHosts) {
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$esxiHost] Migrating `'$vmnic`' from vDS to vSwitch0"
        Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $esxiHost -Physical -Name $vmnic | Remove-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
        New-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $esxiHost -Name vSwitch0 -nic $vmnic -mtu $mtu | Out-Null
        New-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch (Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $esxiHost -Name "vSwitch0") -Name "mgmt_temp" -VLanId $VLanId | Out-Null
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-ClusterVmnicTovSwitch

Function Set-ClusterHostsvSanIgnoreClusterMemberList
    Toggles the vSAN Ignore Cluster Member List Updates setting on a vSAN cluster ESXi host
    The Set-ClusterHostsvSanIgnoreClusterMemberList cmdlet toggles the vSAN Ignore Cluster Member List Updates setting on a vSAN cluster ESXi host
    Set-ClusterHostsvSanIgnoreClusterMemberList -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -setting "enable"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the ESXi hosts to be updated
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER setting
    The setting to apply to the hosts - either enable or disable

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("enable", "disable")][String] $setting
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    # prepare ESXi hosts for cluster migration - Tested
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | Where-Object { $_.label -eq "SSH" } | Start-VMHostService | Out-Null
    $esxiHosts = get-cluster -name $clusterName | get-vmhost
    if ($setting -eq "enable") {
        $value = 1
    else {
        $value = 0
    $esxCommand = "esxcli system settings advanced set --int-value=$value --option=/VSAN/IgnoreClusterMemberListUpdates"
    foreach ($esxiHost in $esxiHosts) {
        $esxiRootPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "ESXI") -and ($_.entityName -eq $esxiHost.Name) -and ($_.username -eq "root")}).password
        $password = ConvertTo-SecureString $esxiRootPassword -AsPlainText -Force
        $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("root", $password)    
        Get-SSHTrustedHost -HostName $esxiHost | Remove-SSHTrustedHost | Out-Null
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$esxiHost] Setting vSAN Ignore Cluster Member to `'$setting`'"
        $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $esxiHost -credential $mycreds -AcceptKey
        Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $esxCommand | Out-Null
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-ClusterHostsvSanIgnoreClusterMemberList

Function Set-ClusterDRSLevel 
    Modifies the DRS level of a vSphere cluster
    The Set-ClusterDRSLevel cmdlet modifies the DRS level of a vSphere cluster
    Set-ClusterDRSLevel -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -DrsAutomationLevel "Manual"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster to be updated
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster to be updated
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster to be updated
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance to be updated
    .PARAMETER DrsAutomationLevel
    DrsAutomationLevel to be set. One of: FullyAutomated or Manual

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("FullyAutomated", "Manual")][String] $DrsAutomationLevel
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    set-cluster -cluster $clusterName -DrsAutomationLevel $DrsAutomationLevel -confirm:$false
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-ClusterDRSLevel

Function Remove-NonResponsiveHosts 
    Removes non-responsive hosts from a cluster and cleans up related transport nodes in NSX
    The Remove-NonResponsiveHosts cmdlet removes non-responsive hosts from a cluster and cleans up related transport nodes in NSX
    Remove-NonResponsiveHosts -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -nsxManagerFqdn "" -nsxManagerAdmin "admin" -nsxManagerAdminPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!" -nsxManagerRootPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster from which to remove non-responsive hosts
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster from which to remove non-responsive hosts
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster from which to remove non-responsive hosts
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance from which to remove non-responsive hosts
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerFqdn
    FQDN of the NSX Manager where non responsive hosts exist
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerAdmin
    Admin user of the NSX Manager where non responsive hosts exist
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerAdminPassword
    Admin Password of the NSX Manager where non responsive hosts exist
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerRootPassword
    root Password of the NSX Manager where non responsive hosts exist

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerRootPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    #Get Non-Repsonsive Hosts from vCenter
    $vCenterConnection = Connect-Viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $nonResponsiveHosts = Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMhost | Where-Object { $_.ConnectionState -in "NotResponding","Disconnected" } | Sort-Object
    #Get Cluster MoRef
    $clusterMoRef = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName).ExtensionData.MoRef.Value

    #Create NSX Header for API Calls
    $headers = VCFIRCreateHeader -username $nsxManagerAdmin -password $nsxManagerAdminPassword

    #Check NSX Manager version
    $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/node"
    $nsxManagerVersion = [INT](((((Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json).product_version).replace(".","")).substring(0,3))
    If ($nsxManagerVersion)
        #Get Transport Nodes for Cluster
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/"
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Getting Transport Nodes"
        $transportNodeContents = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $allHostTransportNodes = ($transportNodeContents.results | Where-Object { ($_.resource_type -eq "TransportNode") -and ($_.node_deployment_info.os_type -eq "ESXI") })
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Filtering Transport Nodes to members of cluster $clusterName"
        $clusterHosts = $
        $hostIDs = ($allHostTransportNodes | Where-Object { $_.display_name -in $clusterHosts } | Sort-Object -property display_name).id

        #Attempt Remove NSX From Cluster to detach Transport Node Profile
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/fabric/compute-collections"
        $computeCollections = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $clusterComputeCollectionId = ($computeCollections.results | Where-Object {$_.cm_local_id -eq $clusterMoRef}).external_id
        $clusterVlcmManaged = (($computeCollections.results | Where-Object {$_.cm_local_id -eq $clusterMoRef}).origin_properties | Where-Object {$_.key -eq "lifecycleManaged"}).value
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/fabric/compute-collections/$($clusterComputeCollectionId)?action=remove_nsx"
        $detachTNP = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers
        #Wait for Hosts to be Orphaned
        Foreach ($hostID in $hostIDs) 
            LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Waiting for Host $(($allHostTransportNodes | Where-Object {$ -eq $hostID}).display_name) to be `'Orphaned`'"
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($hostID)/state"
                $tnState = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
            } Until ($tnState.state -eq "orphaned")    

        #Attempt to Force Delete the Transport Nodes
        Foreach ($hostID in $hostIDs) 
            If ($nsxManagerVersion -le "313")
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/fabric/nodes/$($hostID)?unprepare_host=false"
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($hostID)?force=true&unprepare_host=false"
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Removing Transport Node associated with $(($allHostTransportNodes | Where-Object {$ -eq $hostID}).display_name)"
            $deleteTN = Invoke-WebRequest -Method DELETE -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers            

        #Wait for Transport Nodes to flush
        LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Waiting for Transport Nodes to flush"
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/"
            $transportNodeContents = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
            $allHostTransportNodes = ($transportNodeContents.results | Where-Object { ($_.resource_type -eq "TransportNode") -and ($_.node_deployment_info.os_type -eq "ESXI") })
            $deletedhostIDs = ($allHostTransportNodes | Where-Object { $_.display_name -in $clusterHosts }).id
        } Until(!$deletedhostIDs)

        #Remove non-responsive hosts
        Foreach ($nonResponsiveHost in $nonResponsiveHosts)
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Removing from $clusterName"
            Get-VMHost | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $nonResponsiveHost.Name } | Remove-VMHost -Confirm:$false
        Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false

        #If VLCM cluster, wait until cleanup of cluster post TN delete is done
        If ($clusterVlcmManaged -eq "true")
            $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $nsxManagerRootPassword -AsPlainText -Force
            $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("root", $SecurePassword)
            $inmem = New-SSHMemoryKnownHost
            New-SSHTrustedHost -KnownHostStore $inmem -HostName $nsxManagerFQDN -FingerPrint ((Get-SSHHostKey -ComputerName $nsxManagerFQDN).fingerprint) | Out-Null
                $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $nsxManagerFQDN -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem
            } Until ($sshSession)
            $nsxCommand = "cat /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log | grep `".*RemoveNsxVlcmActivity.*entity= 'ComputeCollectionMsg/$clusterComputeCollectionId.*phase= `'Begin`'`""
            LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Waiting for Cluster Image Cleanup to Complete"
                Sleep 5
                $relevantUpdates = (Invoke-SSHCommand -timeout 30 -sessionid $sshSession.SessionId -command $nsxCommand).output    
            } Until ($relevantUpdates[-1] -like "*RemoveNsxVlcmActivity*phase= `'Begin`'*next phase= `'Success!`'")
            Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null

        #Reattach TNP
        #Get Transport Node Profiles
        If ($nsxManagerVersion -le "313")
            $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-node-profiles"
            $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/policy/api/v1/infra/host-transport-node-profiles"

        $transportNodeProfiles = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json).results
        $clusterTransportNodeProfile = $transportNodeProfiles | where-object {$_.display_name -like "*$clusterName*"}

        #Create Transport Node Collection
        $body = '{
        "resource_type": "TransportNodeCollection",
        "display_name": "'
 + $clusterName + '",
        "description": "'
 + $clusterName + '",
        "compute_collection_id": "'
        "transport_node_profile_id": "'

        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-node-collections"
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Reattaching Transport Node Profile to Cluster $clusterName"
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $body
        LogMessage -type ERROR -message "[$jumpboxName] Unable to determine NSX Manager Version. Check that it was successfully restored."
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-NonResponsiveHosts

Function Add-HostsToCluster 
    Adds hosts to a vSphere cluster using data from the SDDC Manager backup
    The Add-HostsToCluster cmdlet Adds hosts to a vSphere cluster using data from the SDDC Manager backup
    Add-HostsToCluster -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -sddcManagerFQDN "" -sddcManagerAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -sddcManagerAdminPassword "VMw@re1!"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster to which the hosts will be added
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster to which the hosts will be added
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster to which the hosts will be added
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance to which the hosts will be added
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerFQDN
    FQDN of SDDC Manager
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerAdmin
    SDDC Manager API username with ADMIN role
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerAdminPassword
    SDDC Manager API username password

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerAdminPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $tokenRequest = Request-VCFToken -fqdn $sddcManagerFQDN -username $sddcManagerAdmin -password $sddcManagerAdminPassword
    $newHosts = (get-vcfhost | where-object { $ -in ((get-vcfcluster -name $clusterName) }).fqdn | Sort-Object
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    foreach ($newHost in $newHosts) {
        $vmHosts = (Get-cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost).Name | Sort-Object
        if ($newHost -notin $vmHosts) {
            $esxiRootPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "ESXI") -and ($_.entityName -eq $newHost) -and ($_.username -eq "root")}).password
            $esxiConnection = connect-viserver $newHost -user root -password $esxiRootPassword
            if ($esxiConnection) {
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$newHost] Adding to cluster $clusterName"
                Add-VMHost $newHost -username root -password $esxiRootPassword -Location $clusterName -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
            else {
                Write-Error "[$newHost] Unable to connect. Host will not be added to the cluster"
        else {
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$newHost] Already part of $clusterName. Skipping"
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-HostsToCluster

Function Add-VMKernelsToHost 
    Adds VMkernels to ESXi hosts using data from the SDDC Manager inventory to map the correct IP addresses
    The Add-VMKernelsToHost cmdlet adds VMkernels to ESXi hosts using data from the SDDC Manager inventory to map the correct IP addresses
    Add-VMKernelsToHost -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -sddcManagerFQDN "" -sddcManagerAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -sddcManagerAdminPassword "VMw@re1!"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to which VMkernels will be added
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to which VMkernels will be added
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts to which VMkernels will be added
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the ESXi hosts to which VMkernels will be added
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerFQDN
    FQDN of SDDC Manager
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerAdmin
    SDDC Manager API username with ADMIN role
    .PARAMETER sddcManagerAdminPassword
    SDDC Manager API username password

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sddcManagerAdminPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $tokenRequest = Request-VCFToken -fqdn $sddcManagerFQDN -username $sddcManagerAdmin -password $sddcManagerAdminPassword
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $vmHosts = (Get-cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost).Name | Sort-Object
    foreach ($vmhost in $vmHosts) { 
        $vmotionPG = ((get-vcfCluster -name $clusterName -vdses).portGroups | ? { $_.transportType -eq "VMOTION" }).name
        $vmotionVDSName = ((get-vcfCluster -name $clusterName -vdses) | ? { $_.portGroups.transportType -contains "VMOTION" }).name
        $vmotionIP = (((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }).ipAddresses) | ? { $_.type -eq "VMOTION" }).ipAddress
        $vmotionMask = (Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id ((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }) | ? { $_.type -eq "VMOTION" }).mask
        $vmotionMTU = (Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id ((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }) | ? { $_.type -eq "VMOTION" }).mtu
        $vmotionGW = (Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id ((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }) | ? { $_.type -eq "VMOTION" }).gateway
        $vsanPG = ((get-vcfCluster -name $clusterName -vdses).portGroups | ? { $_.transportType -eq "VSAN" }).name
        $vsanVDSName = ((get-vcfCluster -name $clusterName -vdses) | ? { $_.portGroups.transportType -contains "VSAN" }).name
        $vsanIP = (((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }).ipAddresses) | ? { $_.type -eq "VSAN" }).ipAddress
        $vsanMask = (Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id ((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }) | ? { $_.type -eq "VSAN" }).mask
        $vsanMTU = (Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id ((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }) | ? { $_.type -eq "VSAN" }).mtu
        $vsanGW = (Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id ((Get-VCFHost | Where-Object { $_.fqdn -eq $vmhost }) | ? { $_.type -eq "VSAN" }).gateway

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Creating vMotion vMK"
        $dvportgroup = Get-VDPortgroup -name $vmotionPG -VDSwitch $vmotionVDSName
        $vmk = New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -VirtualSwitch $vmotionVDSName -mtu $vmotionMTU -PortGroup $dvportgroup -ip $vmotionIP -SubnetMask $vmotionMask -NetworkStack (Get-VMHostNetworkStack -vmhost $vmhost | Where-Object { $ -eq "vmotion" })
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Setting vMotion Gateway"
        $vmkName = 'vmk1'
        $esx = Get-VMHost -Name $vmHost
        $esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esx -V2
        $interface = ${interfacename = $vmkName })
        $interfaceArg = @{
            netmask       = $interface[0].IPv4Netmask
            type          = $interface[0].AddressType.ToLower()
            ipv4          = $interface[0].IPv4Address
            interfacename = $interface[0].Name
            gateway       = $vmotionGW
        $$interfaceArg) *>$null

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Creating vSAN vMK"
        $dvportgroup = Get-VDPortgroup -name $vsanPG -VDSwitch $vsanVDSName
        $vmk = New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -VirtualSwitch $vsanVDSName -mtu $vsanMTU -PortGroup $dvportgroup -ip $vsanIP -SubnetMask $vsanMask -VsanTrafficEnabled:$true

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Setting vSAN Gateway"
        $vmkName = 'vmk2'
        $esx = Get-VMHost -Name $vmHost
        $esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esx -V2
        $interface = ${interfacename = $vmkName })
        $interfaceArg = @{
            netmask       = $interface[0].IPv4Netmask
            type          = $interface[0].AddressType.ToLower()
            ipv4          = $interface[0].IPv4Address
            interfacename = $interface[0].Name
            gateway       = $vsanGW
        $$interfaceArg) *>$null
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-VMKernelsToHost

Function New-RebuiltVsanDatastore
    Guides the rebuild of the VDS configuration on a recovered cluster based on the configuration present in the backup data
    The New-RebuiltVsanDatastore cmdlet guides the rebuild of a vSAN datastore on a recovered cluster. It leverages the first host in the cluster as a reference host for disk layout to allow the user to control the vSAN Diskgroup configuration
    Should only be used if the disk configuration is standardized across the hosts
    New-RebuiltVsanDatastore -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster where the vSAN Datastore will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster where the vSAN Datastore will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster where the vSAN Datastore will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance where the vSAN Datastore will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $datastoreName = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains.vsphereClusterDetails | Where-Object {$ -eq $clusterName}).primaryDatastoreName
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Connecting to Restored vCenter: $vCenterFQDN"
    $restoredvCenterConnection = Connect-ViServer $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $vmhosts = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Sort-Object -property Name)
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($vmhosts[0].name)] Using host as reference for Eligible Physical Disks"

    $disks = ((Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Sort-Object -property Name)[0] | Get-VMHostDisk) | Where-Object {$_.ScsiLun.VsanStatus -eq 'Eligible'} | Sort-Object -Property @{e={$_.scsilun.runtimename}}
    $disksIndex = 1
    $disksDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "ID"
            'canonicalName' = "Canonical Name"
            'size' = "Size (GB)"
            'ssd' = "SSD"
            'scsiLun' = "SCSI LUN ID"
    $disksDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "--"
            'canonicalName' = "--------------------"
            'size' = "-------------"
            'ssd' = "------"
            'scsiLun' = "-------------"
    Foreach ($disk in $disks)
        If ($disk.ScsiLun.CapacityGB -ne $null)
            $disksDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'ID'    = $disksIndex
                'canonicalName' = $disk.ScsiLun.CanonicalName
                'size' = $disk.ScsiLun.CapacityGB
                'ssd' = $disk.ScsiLun.IsSsd
                'scsiLun' = $disk.ScsiLun.RuntimeName

    $diskGroupConfiguration =@()
    $remainingDisksDisplayObject = $disksDisplayObject
    Write-Host ""; $remainingDisksDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,canonicalName,size,ssd,scsiLun -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
        Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Enter the desired number of disk groups to create (between 1 and 5), or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
        $diskGroupNumber = Read-Host
    } Until (($diskGroupNumber -in "1","2","3","4","5") -or ($diskGroupNumber -eq "C"))
    If ($diskGroupNumber -eq "C") {Break}

    #Loop Through Disk Group Creation
    For ($i = 1; $i -le $diskGroupNumber; $i++) 
        If ($i -gt 1) 
            Write-Host ""; $remainingDisksDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,canonicalName,size,ssd -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
            If ($i -gt 1) {Write-Host ""}; Write-Host " Enter the ID of disk to use as Cache Disk for Disk Group $i, or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
            $cacheDiskSelection = Read-Host
        } Until (($cacheDiskSelection -in $ -OR ($cacheDiskSelection -eq "c"))
        If ($cacheDiskSelection -eq "c") {Break}
        $tempRemainingDisksDisplayObject = @()
        Foreach( $displayDisk in $remainingDisksDisplayObject)
            If ($ -ne $cacheDiskSelection)
                $tempRemainingDisksDisplayObject += $displayDisk
        $remainingDisksDisplayObject = $tempRemainingDisksDisplayObject
        Write-Host ""; $remainingDisksDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,canonicalName,size,ssd -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
            Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Enter a comma seperated list of IDs to be used as Capacity Disks for Disk Group $i, or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
            $capacityDiskSelection = Read-Host
            If ($capacityDiskSelection -ne "C")
                $capacityDiskSelectionInvalid = $false
                $capacityDiskArray = $capacityDiskSelection -split(",")
                Foreach ($capacityDisk in $capacityDiskArray)
                    If ($capacityDisk -notin $
                        $capacityDiskSelectionInvalid = $true
        } Until (($capacityDiskSelectionInvalid -eq $false) -OR ($capacityDiskSelection -eq "c"))
        If ($capacityDiskSelection -eq "c") {Break}
        $diskGroupConfiguration += [PSCustomObject]@{
            'cacheDiskID' = $cacheDiskSelection
            'capacityDiskIDs' = $capacityDiskArray
        $tempRemainingDisksDisplayObject = @()
        Foreach( $displayDisk in $remainingDisksDisplayObject)
            If ($ -notin $capacityDiskArray)
                $tempRemainingDisksDisplayObject += $displayDisk
        $remainingDisksDisplayObject = $tempRemainingDisksDisplayObject
    If (($cacheDiskSelection -eq "c") -or ($capacityDiskSelection -eq "c")){Break}

    $proposedConfigDisplayObject = @()
    $configIndex = 1
    $proposedConfigDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'diskGroup'    = "Disk Group"
        'cacheDiskID' = "Cache Disk ID"
        'cacheDiskCN' = "Cache Disk Canonical Name"
        'cacheDiskCapacity' = "Cache Disk (GB)"
        'capacityDiskIDs' = "Capacity Disk IDs"
        'capacityCNs' = "Capacity Disk Canonical Names"
        'capacityDiskSize' = "Capacity Disks (GB)"
    $proposedConfigDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'diskGroup'    = "----------"
        'cacheDiskID' = "-------------"
        'cacheDiskCN' = "-------------------------"
        'cacheDiskCapacity' = "---------------"
        'capacityDiskIDs' = "-----------------"
        'capacityCNs' = "----------------------------------------"
        'capacityDiskSize' = "-------------------"
    Foreach ($config in $diskGroupConfiguration)
            $proposedConfigDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'diskGroup'    = $configIndex
                'cacheDiskID' = $config.cacheDiskID
                'cacheDiskCN' = ($disksDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $config.cacheDiskID}).canonicalName
                'cacheDiskCapacity' = ($disksDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $config.cacheDiskID}).size
                'capacityDiskIDs' = $config.capacityDiskIDs -join (", ")
                'capacityCNs' = (($disksDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -in $config.capacityDiskIDs}).canonicalName) -join (", ")
                'capacityDiskSize' = (($disksDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -in $config.capacityDiskIDs}).size) -join (", ")
    Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Proposed Disk Group Configuration " -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host ""; $proposedConfigDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},diskGroup,cacheDiskID,cacheDiskCN,cacheDiskCapacity,capacityDiskIDs,capacityCNs,capacityDiskSize -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
    Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Do you wish to proceed with the proposed configuration? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
    $proposedConfigAccepted = Read-Host
    $proposedConfigAccepted = $proposedConfigAccepted -replace "`t|`n|`r", ""
    If ($proposedConfigAccepted -eq "Y")
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$clusterName] Starting Parallel Disk Group Creation across all hosts"
        Foreach ($vmHost in $vmHosts)
            $scriptBlock = {
                $moduleFunctions = Import-Module VCFInstanceRecovery -passthru
                $restoredvCenterConnection = Connect-ViServer $using:vCenterFQDN -user $using:vCenterAdmin -password $using:vCenterAdminPassword
                $vmhost = Get-VMHost -name $
                $disks = Get-VMHost -name $ | Get-VMHostDisk | Where-Object {$_.ScsiLun.VsanStatus -eq 'Eligible'} | Sort-Object -Property @{e={$_.scsilun.runtimename}}
                $disksIndex = 1
                $disksDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                        'ID'    = "ID"
                        'canonicalName' = "Canonical Name"
                        'size' = "Size (GB)"
                        'ssd' = "SSD"
                        'scsiLun' = "SCSI LUN ID"
                $disksDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                        'ID'    = "--"
                        'canonicalName' = "--------------------"
                        'size' = "-------------"
                        'ssd' = "------"
                        'scsiLun' = "-------------"
                Foreach ($disk in $disks)
                    If ($disk.ScsiLun.CapacityGB -ne $null)
                        $disksDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                            'ID'    = $disksIndex
                            'canonicalName' = $disk.ScsiLun.CanonicalName
                            'size' = $disk.ScsiLun.CapacityGB
                            'ssd' = $disk.ScsiLun.IsSsd
                            'scsiLun' = $disk.ScsiLun.RuntimeName
                For ($i = 1; $i -le $using:diskGroupNumber; $i++) 
                    $diskGroupConfigurationIndex = ($i -1)
                    $diskGroupConfiguration = $using:diskGroupConfiguration
                    $cacheDiskCanonicalName = (($disksDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $diskGroupConfiguration[$diskGroupConfigurationIndex].cacheDiskID}).canonicalName)
                    $capacityDiskCanonicalNames = (($disksDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -in $diskGroupConfiguration[$diskGroupConfigurationIndex].capacityDiskIDs}).canonicalName)
                    & $moduleFunctions {LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Creating VSAN Disk Group $i"}
                    New-VsanDiskGroup -VMHost $vmhost -SsdCanonicalName $cacheDiskCanonicalName -DataDiskCanonicalName $capacityDiskCanonicalNames | Out-Null
                Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
            Start-Job -scriptblock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList ($diskGroupNumber,$diskGroupConfiguration,$vmhost,$vCenterFQDN,$vCenterAdmin,$vCenterAdminPassword) | Out-Null
        Get-Job | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$clusterName] Renaming new datastore to original name: $datastoreName"
        Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-Datastore -Name "vsanDatastore" | Set-Datastore -Name $datastoreName | Out-Null
        LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-RebuiltVsanDatastore

Function New-RebuiltVdsConfiguration
    Guides the rebuild of the VDS configuration on a recovered cluster based on the configuration present in the backup data
    The New-RebuiltVdsConfiguration cmdlet guides the rebuild of the VDS configuration on a recovered cluster based on the configuration present in the backup data. It leverage the first host in the cluster as a reference host for NIC layout to allow the user to choose the NIC to VDS/Function mapping.
    Should only be used if the NIC configuration is standardized across the hosts
    New-RebuiltVdsConfiguration -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster where the VDS will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the cluster where the VDS will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the cluster where the VDS will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance where the VDS will be rebuilt
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $workloadDomain = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$ -contains $clustername})
    $clusterVdsDetails = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains.vsphereClusterDetails | Where-Object {$ -eq $clusterName}).vdsDetails
    $isPrimaryCluster = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains.vsphereClusterDetails | Where-Object {$ -eq $clusterName}).isDefault
    If (($workloadDomain.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT") -and ($isPrimaryCluster -eq 't'))
        $isPrimaryManagementCluster = $true
        $isPrimaryManagementCluster = $false
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Connecting to Restored vCenter: $vCenterFQDN"
    $vCenterConnection = Connect-ViServer $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $vmhosts = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Sort-Object -property Name)
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($vmhosts[0].name)] Using host as reference for Physical NICs"

    #$nics = ((Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Sort-Object -property Name)[0] | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$ -like "vmnic*"}) | Sort-Object -Property Name
    $nics = (Get-EsxCli -VMHost ((Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Sort-Object -property Name)[0])).network.nic.list() | Select-Object Name, Driver, LinkStatus, Description

    $nicsIndex = 1
    $nicsDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "ID"
            'deviceName' = "Device Name"
            'driver' = "Driver"
            'linkStatus' = "Link Status"
            'description' = "Description"
    $nicsDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "--"
            'deviceName' = "-----------"
            'driver' = "----------"
            'linkStatus' = "-----------"
            'description' = "-----------------------------------------------"
    Foreach ($nic in $nics)
        $nicsDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = $nicsIndex
            'deviceName' = $
            'driver' = $nic.driver
            'linkStatus' = $nic.linkStatus
            'description' = $nic.description
    Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Recreating Virtual Distributed Switches as per previous deployment" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $vdsConfiguration =@()
    $remainingNicsDisplayObject = $nicsDisplayObject

    #Loop Through VDS Creation
    For ($i = 1; $i -le $clusterVdsDetails.count; $i++) 
        $vdsConfigurationIndex = ($i -1)
            $nicNamesArray =@()
            Write-Host ""; $remainingNicsDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,deviceName,driver,linkStatus,description -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
            Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Recreating $($clusterVdsDetails[$vdsConfigurationIndex].dvsName) which contained the networks: $(($clusterVdsDetails[$vdsConfigurationIndex].networks) -join (","))"  -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host " Enter a comma seperated list of IDs to use as vmnics for this VDS, or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
            $nicSelection = Read-Host
            If ($nicSelection -ne "C")
                $nicSelectionInvalid = $false
                $nicArray = $nicSelection -split(",")
                Foreach ($nic in $nicArray)
                    $nicNamesArray += ($nicsDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $nic}).deviceName
                    If ($nic -notin $
                        $nicSelectionInvalid = $true
        } Until (($nicSelectionInvalid -eq $false) -OR ($nicSelection -eq "c"))
        If ($nicSelection -eq "c") {Break}
        $vdsConfiguration += [PSCustomObject]@{
            'vdsName' = $clusterVdsDetails[$vdsConfigurationIndex].dvsName
            'nicnames' = $nicNamesArray
            'vdsNetworks' = $clusterVdsDetails[$vdsConfigurationIndex].networks
            'portgroups' = $clusterVdsDetails[$vdsConfigurationIndex].portgroups
        $tempremainingNicsDisplayObject = @()
        Foreach( $displaynic in $remainingNicsDisplayObject)
            If ($ -notin $nicArray)
                $tempremainingNicsDisplayObject += $displaynic
        $remainingNicsDisplayObject = $tempremainingNicsDisplayObject
    If (($nicSelection -eq "c") -or ($nicSelection -eq "c")){Break}

    $proposedConfigDisplayObject = @()
    $configIndex = 1
    $proposedConfigDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'vdsName'    = "VDS Name"
        'nicnames' = "NIC Names"
        'vdsNetworks' = "VDS Networks"
    $proposedConfigDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'vdsName'    = "----------------------------------------"
        'nicnames' = "---------------"
        'vdsNetworks' = "------------------------------"
    Foreach ($config in $vdsConfiguration)
            $proposedConfigDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'vdsName'    = $config.vdsName
                'nicnames' = $config.nicnames -join (", ")
                'vdsNetworks' = $config.vdsNetworks -join (", ")
    Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Proposed VDS Configuration " -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host ""; $proposedConfigDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},vdsName,nicnames,vdsNetworks,-autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
    Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Do you wish to proceed with the proposed configuration? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
    $proposedConfigAccepted = Read-Host
    $proposedConfigAccepted = $proposedConfigAccepted -replace "`t|`n|`r", ""
    If ($proposedConfigAccepted -eq "Y")
        Foreach ($vds in $vdsConfiguration)
            Foreach ($vmHost in $vmHosts)
                $vmNicArray = @()
                $portgroupArray = @()
                $vmnicMinusOne = $vmhost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.deviceName -eq $vds.nicNames[0] }
                $managementPortGroupName = ($vds.portgroups | Where-Object {$_.transportType -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).name
                $portgroupArray += $managementPortGroupName
                $vmk0 = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmHost -Name "vmk0"
                $vmNicArray += $vmk0
                If ($isPrimaryManagementCluster)
                    $vmotionPortgroupName = ($vds.portgroups | Where-Object {$_.transportType -eq 'VMOTION'}).name
                    $portgroupArray += $vmotionPortgroupName
                    $vsanPortgroupName = ($vds.portgroups | Where-Object {$_.transportType -eq 'VSAN'}).name
                    $portgroupArray += $vsanPortgroupName
                    $vmk1 = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmHost -Name "vmk1"
                    $vmk2 = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmHost -Name "vmk2"
                    $vmNicArray += $vmk1
                    $vmNicArray += $vmk2
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Adding to $($vds.vdsName)"
                Get-VDSwitch -name $vds.vdsName | Add-VDSwitchVMHost -vmhost $vmHost -confirm:$false
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Adding Physical Adapter $($vds.nicNames[0]) to $($vds.vdsName) and migrating $($ -join(", "))"
                Get-VDSwitch -name $vds.vdsName | Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -VMHostPhysicalNic $vmnicMinusOne -VMHostVirtualNic $vmNicArray -VirtualNicPortgroup $portgroupArray -confirm:$false

            #Move Mgmt VMs to Management Portgroup
            If ($isPrimaryManagementCluster)
                $vmsTomove = get-cluster -name $clusterName | get-vm | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "*vCLS*" }
                foreach ($vmToMove in $vmsTomove) {
                    If ((Get-VM -Name $vmToMove | Get-NetworkAdapter).NetworkName -ne $managementPortGroupName)
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Moving to $managementPortGroupName"
                        Get-VM -Name $vmToMove | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $managementPortGroupName -confirm:$false | Out-Null    

            Foreach ($vmHost in $vmHosts)
                #Remove Virtual Switch
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Removing vSwitch0"
                Get-VMHost -Name $vmhost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name "vSwitch0" | Remove-VirtualSwitch -Confirm:$false | Out-Null

                $remainingVmnics = @()
                Foreach($nic in $vds.nicNames)
                    If ($nic -ne $vds.nicNames[0])
                        $remainingVmnics += $nic
                Foreach ($nic in $remainingVmnics)
                    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Adding Additional Nic $nic to $($vds.vdsName)"
                    $additionalNic = $vmhost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Physical -Name $nic
                    Get-VDSwitch -name $vds.vdsName | Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -VMHostPhysicalNic $additionalNic -confirm:$false
        LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-RebuiltVdsConfiguration

Function Backup-ClusterVMOverrides
    Backs up the VM Overrides for the specified cluster
    The Backup-ClusterVMOverrides cmdlet backs up the VM Overrides for the specified cluster
    Backup-ClusterVMOverrides -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose VM Overrides you wish to backup

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName
    #$overRiddenVMs = $cluster.ExtensionData.ConfigurationEx.DrsVmConfig
    $clusterVMs = Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VM | Select-Object Name, id, DrsAutomationLevel
    $overRiddenData = @()
    Foreach ($clusterVM in $clusterVMs) {
        $vmMonitoringSettings = ($cluster.ExtensionData.Configuration.DasVmConfig | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $ }).DasSettings
        $vmVmReadinessSettings = ($cluster.ExtensionData.ConfigurationEx.VmOrchestration | Where-Object { $_.vm -eq $ }).VmReadiness
        $overRiddenData += [pscustomobject]@{ 
            #VM Basic Settings
            'name'                      = $
            'id'                        = $
            #DRS Automation Settings
            'drsAutomationLevel'        = [STRING]$clusterVM.DrsAutomationLevel
            #VM Monitoring Settings
            'VmMonitoring'              = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmToolsMonitoringSettings.VmMonitoring
            'ClusterSettings'           = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmToolsMonitoringSettings.ClusterSettings
            'FailureInterval'           = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmToolsMonitoringSettings.FailureInterval
            'MinUpTime'                 = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmToolsMonitoringSettings.MinUpTime
            'MaxFailures'               = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmToolsMonitoringSettings.MaxFailures
            'MaxFailureWindow'          = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmToolsMonitoringSettings.MaxFailureWindow
            'RestartPriorityTimeout'    = $vmMonitoringSettings.RestartPriorityTimeout
            'RestartPriority'           = $vmMonitoringSettings.RestartPriority
            'IsolationResponse'         = $vmMonitoringSettings.IsolationResponse
            'ReadyCondition'            = $vmVmReadinessSettings.ReadyCondition
            'PostReadyDelay'            = $vmVmReadinessSettings.PostReadyDelay
            'VmStorageProtectionForAPD' = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmComponentProtectionSettings.VmStorageProtectionForAPD
            'VmTerminateDelayForAPDSec' = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmComponentProtectionSettings.VmTerminateDelayForAPDSec
            'VmReactionOnAPDCleared' = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmComponentProtectionSettings.VmReactionOnAPDCleared
            'VmStorageProtectionForPDL' = $vmMonitoringSettings.VmComponentProtectionSettings.VmStorageProtectionForPDL
    $overRiddenData | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10 | Out-File "$clusterName-vmOverrides.json"
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Backup-ClusterVMOverrides

Function Backup-ClusterVMLocations
    Backs up the VM Locations for the specified cluster
    The Backup-ClusterVMLocations cmdlet backs up the VM Locations for the specified cluster
    Backup-ClusterVMLocations -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose VM Locations you wish to backup

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    Try {

        $clusterVMs = Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName | Get-VM | Select-Object Name, id, folder, resourcePool    
        $allVMs = @()
        Foreach ($vm in $clusterVMs) {
            $vmSettings = @()
            $vmSettings += [pscustomobject]@{
                'name'         = $
                'id'           = $
                'folder'       = $
                'resourcePool' = $
            $allVMs += $vmSettings
        $allVMs | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10 | Out-File "$clusterName-vmLocations.json"
    Catch {
        catchWriter -object $_
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Backup-ClusterVMLocations

Function Backup-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules
    Backs up the DRS Groups and Rules for the specified cluster
    The Backup-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules cmdlet backs up the DRS Groups and Rules for the specified cluster
    Backup-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose DRS Groups and Rules you wish to backup

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    Try {
        $retrievedVmDrsGroups = Get-DrsClusterGroup -cluster $clusterName
        $drsGroupsObject = @()
        Foreach ($drsGroup in $retrievedVmDrsGroups) {
            $drsGroupsObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'name'    = $
                'type'    = [STRING]$drsGroup.GroupType
                'members' = $
        #$drsGroupsObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10

        $retrievedDrsRules = Get-DrsRule -Cluster $clusterName
        $vmAffinityRulesObject = @()
        Foreach ($drsRule in $retrievedDrsRules) {
            $members = @()
            Foreach ($vmId in $drsRule.vmids) {
                $vmName = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VM | Where-Object { $ -eq $vmId }).name
                $members += $vmName    
            $vmAffinityRulesObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'name'         = $
                'type'         = [String]$drsRule.type
                'keepTogether' = $drsRule.keepTogether
                'members'      = $members
        #$vmAffinityRulesObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10

        $retrievedDrsRules = Get-DrsRule -type VMHostAffinity -Cluster $clusterName
        $VMHostAffinityRulesObject = @()
        Foreach ($drsRule in $retrievedDrsRules) {
            $vmNames = @()
            Foreach ($vmId in $drsRule.vmids) {
                $vmName = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VM | Where-Object { $ -eq $vmId }).name
                $vmNames += $vmName    
            $vmNames = $vmNames -join (",")
            $VMHostAffinityRulesObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'name'          = $
                'variant'       = If ($drsRule.ExtensionData.Mandatory -eq $true) { If ($drsRule.ExtensionData.AffineHostGroupName) { "MustRunOn" } else { "MustNotRunOn" } } else { If ($drsRule.ExtensionData.AffineHostGroupName) { "ShouldRunOn" } else { "ShouldNotRunOn" } }
                'vmGroupName'   = $drsRule.ExtensionData.VmGroupName
                'hostGroupName' = If ($drsRule.ExtensionData.AffineHostGroupName) { $drsRule.ExtensionData.AffineHostGroupName } else { $drsRule.ExtensionData.AntiAffineHostGroupName }
        #$VMHostAffinityRulesObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10

        $dependencyRules = (Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName).ExtensionData.Configuration.Rule | Where-Object { $_.DependsOnVmGroup }
        $vmToVmDependencyRulesObject = @()
        Foreach ($dependencyRule in $dependencyRules) {
            $vmToVmDependencyRulesObject += [pscustomobject]@{
                'name'             = $
                'vmGroup'          = $dependencyRule.vmGroup
                'DependsOnVmGroup' = $dependencyRule.DependsOnVmGroup
                'mandatory'        = $dependencyRule.mandatory
        #$vmToVmDependencyRulesObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10

        $drsBackup += [pscustomobject]@{
            'vmDrsGroups'           = $drsGroupsObject
            'vmAffinityRules'       = $vmAffinityRulesObject
            'vmHostAffinityRules'   = $VMHostAffinityRulesObject
            'vmToVmDependencyRules' = $vmToVmDependencyRulesObject

        $drsBackup | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10 | Out-File "$clusterName-drsConfiguration.json"
    Catch {
        catchWriter -object $_
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Backup-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules

Function Backup-ClusterVMTags
    Backs up the VM tags for the specified cluster
    The Backup-ClusterVMTags cmdlet backs up the VM tags for the specified cluster
    Backup-ClusterVMTags -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose VM tags you wish to backup

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    Try {

        $clusterVMTags = Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName | Get-VM | Get-TagAssignment
        $allVMs = @()
        Foreach ($vm in $clusterVMTags) {
            $vmSettings = @()
            $vmSettings += [pscustomobject]@{
                'Tag'         = $vm.Tag.Name
                'Category'         = $vm.Tag.Category
                'Entity'           = $vm.Entity.Name
            $allVMs += $vmSettings
        $allVMs | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10 | Out-File "$clusterName-vmTags.json"
    Catch {
        catchWriter -object $_
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Backup-ClusterVMTags

Function Restore-ClusterVMOverrides
    Restores the VM Overrides for the specified cluster
    The Restore-ClusterVMOverrides cmdlet restores the VM Overrides for the specified cluster
    Restore-ClusterVMOverrides -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -jsonFile ".\sfo-m01-cl01-vmOverrides.json"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose VM Overrides you wish to restore
    .PARAMETER jsonFile
    Path to the JSON File that contains the backup for the VM Overrides for the Cluster

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$clusterName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$jsonFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    try {
        If (Test-Path -path $jsonFile) {
            $vmOverRideInstances = Get-Content -path $jsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json
            Foreach ($vmOverRideInstance in $vmOverRideInstances)
                If ($ -notlike "vCLS*")
                    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Restoring VM Overide Settings"
                    $dasVmConfigSpecRequired = $false
                    $drsVmConfigSpecRequired = $false
                    $vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecRequired = $false
                    $dasVmConfigSpecSettings = @("VmMonitoring","ClusterSettings","FailureInterval","MinUpTime","MaxFailures","MaxFailureWindow","VmStorageProtectionForAPD","VmTerminateDelayForAPDSec","VmReactionOnAPDCleared","VmStorageProtectionForPDL","RestartPriority","RestartPriorityTimeout","IsolationResponse")
                    $vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSettings = @("readyCondition","PostReadyDelay")
                    Foreach ($dasVmConfigSpecSetting in $dasVmConfigSpecSettings)
                        If ($vmOverRideInstance.$dasVmConfigSpecSetting -ne $null) {$dasVmConfigSpecRequired = $true}
                    If (($vmOverRideInstance.DrsAutomationLevel -ne $null) -and ($vmOverRideInstance.DrsAutomationLevel -ne 'AsSpecifiedByCluster')) 
                        $drsVmConfigSpecRequired = $true
                    Foreach ($vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSetting in $vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSettings)
                        If ($vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSetting -ne $null) {$vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecRequired = $true}
                    $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName
                    $vm = Get-VM $
                    $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterConfigSpecEx
                    If ($dasVmConfigSpecRequired)
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDasVmConfigSpec[] (1)
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0] = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDasVmConfigSpec
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].operation = "add"
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDasVmConfigInfo
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.key = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.key.type = "VirtualMachine"
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.key.value = $vm.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.dasSettings = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDasVmSettings    
                    If ($drsVmConfigSpecRequired)
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDrsVmConfigSpec[] (1)
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0] = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDrsVmConfigSpec
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0].operation = "add"
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDrsVmConfigInfo
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0].info.key = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0].info.key.type = "VirtualMachine"
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0].info.key.value = $vm.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value    
                    If ($vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecRequired)
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterVmOrchestrationSpec[] (1)
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0] = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterVmOrchestrationSpec
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0].operation = "add"
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterVmOrchestrationInfo
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0].info.vm = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0].info.vm.type = "VirtualMachine"
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0].info.vm.value = $vm.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
                    #Set VM Monitoring settings [Done]
                    $vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSettings = @("VmMonitoring","ClusterSettings","FailureInterval","MinUpTime","MaxFailures","MaxFailureWindow")
                    $vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringRequired = $false
                    Foreach ($vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSetting in $vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSettings)
                        If ($vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSetting -ne $null) {$vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringRequired = $true}
                    If ($vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringRequired)
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.dasSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterVmToolsMonitoringSettings
                        Foreach ($vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSetting in $vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSettings)
                            If ($vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSetting -ne $null) { $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.dasSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.$vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSetting = $vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceMonitoringSetting }
                    $vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSettings = @("VmStorageProtectionForAPD","VmTerminateDelayForAPDSec","VmReactionOnAPDCleared","VmStorageProtectionForPDL")
                    $vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionRequired = $false
                    Foreach ($vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSetting in $vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSettings)
                        If ($vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSetting -ne $null) {$vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionRequired = $true}
                    If ($vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionRequired)
                        $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.dasSettings.vmComponentProtectionSettings = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterVmComponentProtectionSettings
                        Foreach ($vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSetting in $vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSettings)
                            If ($vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSetting -ne $null) { $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.dasSettings.vmComponentProtectionSettings.$vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSetting = $vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceComponentProtectionSetting }
                    #Set DRS Level [Done]
                    If (($vmOverRideInstance.DrsAutomationLevel -ne "AsSpecifiedByCluster") -AND ($vmOverRideInstance.DrsAutomationLevel -ne $null))
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0].info.Behavior = $vmOverRideInstance.DrsAutomationLevel #$vmOverRideInstance.DrsAutomationLevel AsSpecifiedByCluster
                        $spec.drsVmConfigSpec[0].info.enabled = $true    

                    #Set vSphere HA Settings [Done]
                    If ($vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecRequired)
                        $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0].info.vmReadiness = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterVmReadiness
                        Foreach ($vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSetting in $vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSettings)
                            If ($vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSetting -ne $null) { $spec.vmOrchestrationSpec[0].info.vmReadiness.$vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSetting = $vmOverRideInstance.$vmOverRideInstanceOrchestrationSpecSetting }
                    $haDasVmConfigSpecSettings = @("RestartPriority","RestartPriorityTimeout","IsolationResponse")
                    Foreach ($haDasVmConfigSpecSetting in $haDasVmConfigSpecSettings)
                        If ($vmOverRideInstance.$haDasVmConfigSpecSetting -ne $null) { $spec.dasVmConfigSpec[0].info.dasSettings.$haDasVmConfigSpecSetting = $vmOverRideInstance.$haDasVmConfigSpecSetting }
                    #Configure Cluster
        else {
            Write-Error "$jsonfile not found"
    catch {
        catchWriter -object $_
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Restore-ClusterVMOverrides

Function Restore-ClusterVMLocations
    Restores the VM Locations for the specified cluster
    The Restore-ClusterVMLocations cmdlet restores the VM Locations for the specified cluster
    Restore-ClusterVMLocations -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -jsonFile ".\sfo-m01-cl01-vmLocations.json"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose VM Locations you wish to restore
    .PARAMETER jsonFile
    Path to the JSON File that contains the backup for the VM Locations for the Cluster

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$clusterName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$jsonFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    try {
        If (Test-Path -path $jsonFile) {
            $vmLocations = Get-Content -path $jsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json
            Foreach ($vmLocation in $vmLocations) {
                If ($ -notlike "vCLS*") {
                    $vm = Get-VM -name $ -errorAction SilentlyContinue
                    If ($vm) {
                        If ($vm.folder -ne $vmLocation.folder) {
                            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Setting VM Folder Location to $($vmLocation.folder)"
                            Move-VM -VM $vm -InventoryLocation $vmLocation.folder -confirm:$false
                        If ($vm.resourcePool -ne $vmLocation.resourcePool) {
                            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Setting ResourcePool to $($vmLocation.resourcePool)"
                            Move-VM -VM $vm -Destination $vmLocation.resourcePool -confirm:$false
                    else {
                        Write-Error "[$(Get-VM -name $] Not found. Check that it has been restored"
        else {
            $jumpboxName = hostname
            Write-Error "[$jumpboxName] $jsonfile not found"
    catch {
        catchWriter -object $_
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Restore-ClusterVMLocations

Function Restore-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules
    Restores the DRS Groups and Rules for the specified cluster
    The Restore-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules cmdlet restores the DRS Groups and Rules for the specified cluster
    Restore-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -jsonFile ".\sfo-m01-cl01-drsConfiguration.json"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose DRS Groups and Rules you wish to restore
    .PARAMETER jsonFile
    Path to the JSON File that contains the backup for the DRS Groups and Rules for the Cluster

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$clusterName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$jsonFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    try {
        If (Test-Path -path $jsonFile) {
            $drsRulesAndGroups = Get-Content -path $jsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json
            Foreach ($vmDrsGroup in $drsRulesAndGroups.vmDrsGroups) {
                $group = Get-DrsClusterGroup -name $ -errorAction SilentlyContinue
                If ($group) {
                    If ($vmDrsGroup.type -eq "VMHostGroup") {
                        Foreach ($member in $vmDrsGroup.members) {
                            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$member] Adding to VMHostGroup $($"
                            Set-DrsClusterGroup -DrsClusterGroup $ -Add -VMHost $member -confirm:$false | Out-Null    
                    elseif ($vmDrsGroup.type -eq "VMGroup") {
                        Foreach ($member in $vmDrsGroup.members) {
                            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$member] Adding to VMGroup $($"
                            Set-DrsClusterGroup -DrsClusterGroup $ -Add -VM $member -confirm:$false | Out-Null    
                else {
                    If ($vmDrsGroup.type -eq "VMHostGroup") {
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Creating VMHostGroup with Members $($vmDrsGroup.members)"
                        New-DrsClusterGroup -Name $ -VMHost $vmDrsGroup.members -Cluster $clusterName | Out-Null
                    elseif ($vmDrsGroup.type -eq "VMGroup") {
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Creating VMGroup with Members $($vmDrsGroup.members)"
                        New-DrsClusterGroup -Name $ -VM $vmDrsGroup.members -Cluster $clusterName | Out-Null
            Foreach ($vmAffinityRule in $drsRulesAndGroups.vmAffinityRules) {
                If ($vmAffinityRule.members.count -gt 1)
                    $vmRule = Get-DrsRule -name $ -cluster $clusterName -errorAction SilentlyContinue
                    If ($vmRule) {
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Setting VM Rule with Members $($vmAffinityRule.members)"
                        Set-DrsRule -rule $vmRule -VM $vmAffinityRule.members -Enabled $true -confirm:$false | Out-Null
                    else {
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Creating VM Rule with Members $($vmAffinityRule.members)"
                        New-DrsRule -cluster $clusterName -name $ -VM $vmAffinityRule.members -keepTogether $vmAffinityRule.keepTogether -Enabled $true | Out-Null
            Foreach ($vmHostAffinityRule in $drsRulesAndGroups.vmHostAffinityRules) {
                $hostRule = Get-DrsVMHostRule -Cluster $clusterName -name $ -errorAction SilentlyContinue
                If ($hostRule) {
                    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Setting VMHost Rule with VM Group $($vmHostAffinityRule.vmGroupName) and Host Group $($vmHostAffinityRule.hostGroupName)"
                    Set-DrsVMHostRule -rule $hostRule -VMGroup $vmHostAffinityRule.vmGroupName -VMHostGroup $vmHostAffinityRule.hostGroupName -Type $vmHostAffinityRule.variant -confirm:$false | Out-Null
                else {
                    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Creating VMHost Rule with VM Group $($vmHostAffinityRule.vmGroupName) and Host Group $($vmHostAffinityRule.hostGroupName)"
                    New-DrsVMHostRule -Name $ -Cluster $clusterName -VMGroup $vmHostAffinityRule.vmGroupName -VMHostGroup $vmHostAffinityRule.hostGroupName -Type $vmHostAffinityRule.variant | Out-Null
            Foreach ($vmToVmDependencyRule in $drsRulesAndGroups.vmToVmDependencyRules) {
                $dependencyRule = (Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName).ExtensionData.Configuration.Rule | Where-Object { $_.DependsOnVmGroup -and $ -eq $ -and $_.vmGroup -eq $vmToVmDependencyRule.vmGroup -and $_.DependsOnVmGroup -eq $vmToVmDependencyRule.DependsOnVmGroup }
                If (!$dependencyRule) {
                    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($vmToVmDependencyRule.vmGroup)] Creating VM to VM Dependency Rule to depend on $($vmToVmDependencyRule.DependsOnVmGroup) "
                    $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName
                    $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterConfigSpecEx
                    $newRule = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDependencyRuleInfo
                    $newRule.VmGroup = $vmToVmDependencyRule.vmGroup
                    $newRule.DependsOnVmGroup = $vmToVmDependencyRule.DependsOnVmGroup
                    $newRule.Enabled = $true
                    $newRule.Name = $
                    $newRule.Mandatory = $vmToVmDependencyRule.Mandatory
                    $newRule.UserCreated = $true
                    $ruleSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterRuleSpec
                    $ruleSpec.Info = $newRule
                    $spec.RulesSpec += $ruleSpec
                    $cluster.ExtensionData.ReconfigureComputeResource($spec, $True)
        else {
            $jumpboxName = hostname
            Write-Error "[$jumpboxName] $jsonfile not found"
    catch {
        catchWriter -object $_
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Restore-ClusterDRSGroupsAndRules

Function Restore-ClusterVMTags
    Restores the VM tags for the specified cluster
    The Restore-ClusterVMTags cmdlet restores the VM tags for the specified cluster
    Restore-ClusterVMTags -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -jsonFile ".\sfo-m01-cl01-vmTags.json"
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Cluster whose VM tags you wish to restore
    .PARAMETER jsonFile
    Path to the JSON File that contains the backup for the VM tags for the Cluster

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$clusterName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$jsonFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    try {
        If (Test-Path -path $jsonFile) {
            $vmTags = Get-Content -path $jsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json
            Foreach ($vmTag in $vmTags) {
                If ($vmTag.Entity -notlike "vCLS*") {
                    $vm = Get-VM -name $vmTag.Entity -errorAction SilentlyContinue
                    If ($vm) {
                            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($vmTag.Entity)] Setting VM Tag to $($vmTag.Tag)"
                            New-TagAssignment -Entity $vm -Tag $vmTag.Tag -confirm:$false | Out-Null
                    else {
                        Write-Error "[$(Get-VM -name $vmTag.Entity)] Not found. Check that it has been restored"
        else {
            $jumpboxName = hostname
            Write-Error "[$jumpboxName] $jsonfile not found"
    catch {
        catchWriter -object $_
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Restore-ClusterVMTags

#EndRegion vCenter Functions

#Region NSXT Functions

Function Invoke-NSXManagerRestore
    Performs the restore of an NSX Manager from a user chosen backup presented from a list available on supplied SFTP server
    The Invoke-NSXManagerRestore performs the restore of an NSX Manager from a user chosen backup presented from a list available on supplied SFTP server
    Invoke-NSXManagerRestore -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json" -workloadDomain "sfo-m01" -sftpServer "" -sftpUser svc-bkup-user -sftpPassword "VMw@re1!" -sftpServerBackupPath "/media/backups" -backupPassphrase "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!"
    .PARAMETER workloadDomain
    Name of the VCF workload domain that the NSX Manager to be restored is associated with
    .PARAMETER sftpServer
    Address of the SFTP server that hosts the NSX Manager backups
    .PARAMETER sftpUser
    Username for connection to the SFTP server that hosts the NSX Manager backups
    .PARAMETER sftpPassword
    Password for the user (passed as the stpUser parameter) for connection to the SFTP server that hosts the NSX Manager backups
    .PARAMETER sftpServerBackupPath
    Path to the folder on the server (passed as the sftpServer parameter) where the NSX Manager backups exist
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $workloadDomain,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sftpServer,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sftpUser,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sftpPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $sftpServerBackupPath,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $backupPassphrase
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $workloadDomainDetails = ($extractedSDDCData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain})
    $nsxNodes = $workloadDomainDetails.nsxNodeDetails

    $nsxManagersIndex = 1
    $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "ID"
            'Manager' = "NSX Manager"
    $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "--"
            'Manager' = "------------------"
    Foreach ($nsxNode in $nsxNodes)
        $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = $nsxManagersIndex
            'Manager' = $nsxNode.vmName
    Write-Host ""; $nsxManagersDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,Manager -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
    Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Enter the ID of the Manager you wish to restore, or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
    $nsxManagerSelection = Read-Host
    } Until (($nsxManagerSelection -in $nsxManagersDisplayObject.ID) -OR ($nsxManagerSelection -eq "c"))
    If ($nsxManagerSelection -eq "c") {Break}
    $selectedNsxManager = $nsxNodes | Where-Object {$_.vmName -eq ($nsxManagersDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $nsxManagerSelection}).manager }

    $nsxManagerFQDN = $selectedNsxManager.hostname
    $nsxManagerIP = $selectedNsxManager.ip
    $nsxManagerAdminUsername = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "API")}).username
    $nsxManagerAdminPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "API")}).password

    #Retrieve Key of SFTP Server
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Retrieving SSH Fingerprint of $sftpServer"
    Remove-Item keyscanOutput.txt -confirm:$false -erroraction silentlycontinue
    ssh-keyscan.exe -t ecdsa $sftpServer 2>$null | Out-File keyscanOutput.txt
    $sshFingerPrint = ((ssh-keygen -lf .\keyscanOutput.txt) -split(" "))[1]
    Remove-Item keyscanOutput.txt -confirm:$false

    #Get Backup Config (to ensure services are running)
    LogMessage -type WAIT -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Waiting for services to be started"
    $headers = VCFIRCreateHeader -username $nsxManagerAdminUsername -password $nsxManagerAdminPassword
    $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/cluster/backups/config"
            $existingBackup = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
            Sleep 30
    } Until ($existingBackup)

    #Configure the Backup
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Configuring $sftpServer as backup target"
    $body = "{
    `"backup_enabled`" : false,
        `"resource_type`": `"IntervalBackupSchedule`",
        `"server`": `"$sftpServer`",
            `"ssh_fingerprint`": `"$sshFingerPrint`",

    $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/cluster/backups/config"
    $configureBackup = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method PUT -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -body $body -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json

    #Retrieve and Display Backup TimeStamps
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Retrieving Backups from $sftpServer"
    $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/cluster/restore/backuptimestamps"
    $backupDetails = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json).results

    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Filtering Backups to those relevant to $nsxManagerFQDN"
    $relevantBackups = $backupDetails | where-object {$_.ip_address -eq $nsxManagerIP}
    $relevantbackupIndex = 1
    $relevantbackupsDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'ID'    = "ID"
        'ipAddress' = "IP Address"
        'timeStamp' = "TimeStamp"
        'humanTime' = "Backup TimeStamp"
        'nodeID' = "Node ID"
    $relevantbackupsDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'ID'    = "--"
        'ipAddress' = "---------------"
        'timeStamp' = "------------------"
        'humanTime' = "-------------------"
        'nodeID' = "------------------------------------"
    Foreach ($relevantBackup in $relevantBackups)
    $relevantbackupsDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
        'ID'    = $relevantbackupIndex
        'ipAddress' = $relevantBackup.ip_address
        'timeStamp' = $relevantBackup.timestamp
        'humanTime' = (Get-Date -Date "01-01-1970") + ([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(($relevantBackup.timestamp -replace ".{3}$")))
        'nodeID' = $relevantBackup.node_id
    Write-Host ""; $relevantbackupsDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,ipAddress,nodeId,humanTime -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
    Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Enter the ID of the Backup you wish to restore, or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
    $backupSelection = Read-Host
    } Until (($backupSelection -in $relevantbackupsDisplayObject.ID) -OR ($backupSelection -eq "c"))
    If ($backupSelection -eq "c") {Break}

    #Start Restore
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Starting Restore"
    $body = "{
    `"node_id`": `"$(($relevantbackupsDisplayObject | where-object {$ -eq $backupSelection}).nodeID)`",
    `"timestamp`" : $(($relevantbackupsDisplayObject | where-object {$ -eq $backupSelection}).timeStamp)

    $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/cluster/restore?action=start"
    $startRestore = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -body $body -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json

    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Polling restore status every 60 seconds"
    $queryUri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/cluster/restore/status"
        Sleep 60
        Try {
            $restoreStatus = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $queryUri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json    
            If ($restoreStatus.status.value -eq "SUSPENDED_FOR_USER_ACTION")
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Resuming restore at step $($restoreStatus.step.step_number): $($restoreStatus.step.value)"
                $instructionIds = $
                $body= "{
                `"data`": [
                    `"id`": `"$instructionIds`",
                    `"resources`": [

                $resumeUri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/cluster/restore?action=advance"
                $resumeRestore = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $resumeUri -ContentType application/json -body $body -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Restore is currently $($restoreStatus.status.value)"
        Catch {}
    } Until ($restoreStatus.status.value -eq "SUCCESS")
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Restore finished with status: $($restoreStatus.status.value)"
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-NSXManagerRestore

Function Invoke-NSXEdgeClusterRecovery
    Redeploys the NSX Egdes from the provided vSphere Cluster
    The Invoke-NSXEdgeClusterRecovery cmdlet redeploys the NSX Egdes from the provided vSphere Cluster
    Invoke-NSXEdgeClusterRecovery -nsxManagerFqdn "" -nsxManagerAdmin "admin" -nsxManagerAdminPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!" -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json"
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerFqdn
    FQDN of the NSX Manager whose Edges need to be redeployed
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerAdmin
    Admin user of the NSX Manager whose Edges need to be redeployed
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerAdminPassword
    Admin Password of the NSX Manager whose Edges need to be redeployed
    FQDN of the vCenter instance that hosts the cluster whose Egdes need to be redeployed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance that hosts the cluster whose Egdes need to be redeployed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance that hosts the cluster whose Egdes need to be redeployed
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance whose Egdes need to be redeployed
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON

    $vcenterConnection = Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword

    #Get all Resource Pool moRefs and add cluster moReg
    $resourcePools = @(Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-ResourcePool | Where-Object {$ -ne "Resources"})
    $cluster = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName)
    $edgeLocations = @()
    #$resourcePoolLocations = @()
    Foreach ($resourcePool in $resourcePools)
        $edgeLocations += [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Type' = 'ResourcePool'
            'Name' = $resourcePool.Name
            'moRef' = $resourcePool.extensionData.moref.value
        #$resourcePoolLocations += $resourcePool.extensionData.moref.value
    $edgeLocations += [PSCustomObject]@{
        'Type' = 'Cluster'
        'Name' = $cluster.Name
        'moRef' = $cluster.extensionData.moref.value

    Foreach ($edgeLocation in $edgeLocations)
        #Get TransportNodes
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Looking for Edges to recover in $($edgeLocation.type): $($"
        $headers = VCFIRCreateHeader -username $nsxManagerAdmin -password $nsxManagerAdminPassword
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/"
        $transportNodeContents = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
        #If ($edgeLocation.type -eq 'ResourcePool')
            $allEdgeTransportNodes = ($transportNodeContents.results | Where-Object { ($_.node_deployment_info.resource_type -eq "EdgeNode") -and ($_.node_deployment_info.deployment_config.vm_deployment_config.compute_id -eq $edgeLocation.MoRef)}) | Sort-Object -Property display_name
            #$allEdgeTransportNodes = ($transportNodeContents.results | Where-Object { ($_.node_deployment_info.resource_type -eq "EdgeNode") -and ($_.node_deployment_info.deployment_config.vm_deployment_config.compute_id -notin $resourcePoolLocations)}) | Sort-Object -Property display_name
        If ($allEdgeTransportNodes)
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Found Edges to recover: $($allEdgeTransportNodes.display_name -join(","))"
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] No Edges found needing recovery"
        #Redeploy Failed Edges
        Foreach ($edge in $allEdgeTransportNodes)
            $edgeVmPresent = get-vm -name $edge.display_name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            If (!$edgeVmPresent)
                #Getting Existing Placement Details
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($edge.display_name)] Getting Placement References"
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($edge.node_id)"
                $edgeConfig = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
                $vmDeploymentConfig = $edgeConfig.node_deployment_info.deployment_config.vm_deployment_config
                $NumCpu = $vmDeploymentConfig.resource_allocation.cpu_count
                $memoryGB = $vmDeploymentConfig.resource_allocation.memory_allocation_in_mb / 1024
                $cpuShareLevel = (($vmDeploymentConfig.reservation_info.cpu_reservation.reservation_in_shares -split("_"))[0]).tolower()
                $attachedNetworks = $vmDeploymentConfig.data_network_ids

                #Create Dummy VM
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($edge.display_name)] Preparing to Update Placement References"
                $clusterVdsName = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains.vsphereClusterDetails | Where-Object {$ -eq $clusterName}).vdsdetails.dvsName
                $portgroup = (($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains.vsphereClusterDetails | Where-Object {$ -eq $clusterName}).vdsdetails.portgroups | Where-Object {$_.transportType -eq 'MANAGEMENT'}).NAME 
                $nestedNetworkPG = Get-VDPortGroup -name $portgroup -ErrorAction silentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.VDSwitch -match $clusterVdsName}
                $datastore = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains.vsphereClusterDetails | Where-Object {$ -eq $clusterName}).primaryDatastoreName
                If ($edgeLocation.type -eq "ResourcePool")
                    New-VM -VMhost (get-cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Get-Random ) -Name $edge.display_name -Datastore $datastore -resourcePool $ -DiskGB 200 -DiskStorageFormat Thin -MemoryGB $MemoryGB -NumCpu $NumCpu -portgroup $portgroup -GuestID "ubuntu64Guest" -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
                    New-VM -VMhost (get-cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Get-Random ) -Name $edge.display_name -Datastore $datastore -DiskGB 200 -DiskStorageFormat Thin -MemoryGB $MemoryGB -NumCpu $NumCpu -portgroup $portgroup -GuestID "ubuntu64Guest" -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
                Get-VM -Name $edge.display_name | Get-VMResourceConfiguration | Set-VMResourceConfiguration -MemReservationGB $memoryGB | Out-Null
                Get-VM -Name $edge.display_name | Get-VMResourceConfiguration | Set-VMResourceConfiguration -CpuSharesLevel $cpuShareLevel | Out-Null
                Foreach ($attachedNetwork in $attachedNetworks)
                    $attachedNetworkPg = Get-VDPortGroup -id ("DistributedVirtualPortgroup-" + $attachedNetwork)
                    Get-VM -Name $edge.display_name | New-NetworkAdapter -portGroup $attachedNetworkPg -StartConnected -Type Vmxnet3 -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
                $vmID = (get-vm -name $edge.display_name).extensionData.moref.value
                #Build Edge DeploymentSpec
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($edge.display_name)] Updating Placement References"
                $datastoreMoRef = (Get-Datastore -name $datastore).ExtensionData.moref.value
                $vmDeploymentConfig.storage_id = $datastoreMoRef
                $nodeUserSettingsObject = New-Object -type psobject
                $nodeUserSettingsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'cli_username' -NotePropertyValue 'admin'
                $nodeUserSettingsObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'audit_username' -NotePropertyValue 'audit'
                $edgeRefreshObject = New-Object -type psobject
                $edgeRefreshObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'vm_id' -NotePropertyValue $vmID
                $edgeRefreshObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'vm_deployment_config' -NotePropertyValue $vmDeploymentConfig
                $edgeRefreshObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'node_user_settings' -NotePropertyValue $nodeUserSettingsObject
                $vmDeploymentConfigJson = $edgeRefreshObject | Convertto-Json -depth 10
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($edge.node_id)?action=addOrUpdatePlacementReferences"
                $edgeReConfig = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -body $vmDeploymentConfigJson -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json

                #Redeploy Edge
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($edge.display_name)] Getting Edge State"
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($edge.node_id)/state"
                $edgeState = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
                If ($edgeState.node_deployment_state.state -ne "success")
                    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($edge.display_name)] State is $($edgeState.node_deployment_state.state)"
                    If ($edgeState.node_deployment_state.state -in "MPA_DISCONNECTED","VM_PLACEMENT_REFRESH_FAILED","NODE_READY")
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($edge.display_name)] Redeploying Edge"
                        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($edge.node_id)"
                        $edgeResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content
                        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($edge.node_id)?action=redeploy"
                        $edgeRedeploy = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -body $edgeResponse -headers $headers
                        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($edge.display_name)] Not in a suitable state for redeployment. Please review and retry"
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-NSXEdgeClusterRecovery

Function Add-AdditionalNSXManagers
    Adds second and third NSX managers to a cluster after the restore of the first NSX Manager
    The Add-AdditionalNSXManagers cmdlet adds second and third NSX managers to a cluster after the restore of the first NSX Manager
    Add-AdditionalNSXManagers -workloadDomain "sfo-m01" -extractedSDDCDataFile ".\extracted-sddc-data.json"
    .PARAMETER workloadDomain
    Name of the VCF workload domain that the NSX Managers to be added are associated with
    .PARAMETER extractedSDDCDataFile
    Relative or absolute to the extracted-sddc-data.json file (previously created by New-ExtractDataFromSDDCBackup) somewhere on the local filesystem

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $workloadDomain,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $extractedSDDCDataFile
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Reading Extracted Data"
    $extractedDataFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $extractedSDDCDataFile).path
    $extractedSddcData = Get-Content $extractedDataFilePath | ConvertFrom-JSON
    $workloadDomainDetails = ($extractedSDDCData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain})
    $nsxNodes = $workloadDomainDetails.nsxNodeDetails
    $nsxManagersIndex = 1
    $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "ID"
            'Manager' = "NSX Manager"
    $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = "--"
            'Manager' = "------------------"
    Foreach ($nsxNode in $nsxNodes)
        $nsxManagersDisplayObject += [pscustomobject]@{
            'ID'    = $nsxManagersIndex
            'Manager' = $nsxNode.vmName
    Write-Host ""; $nsxManagersDisplayObject | format-table -Property @{Expression=" "},id,Manager -autosize -HideTableHeaders | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`r","`n") }
        Write-Host ""; Write-Host " Enter the ID of the First NSX Manager (i.e. the one you peformed the restore on), or C to Cancel: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
    $nsxManagerSelection = Read-Host
    } Until (($nsxManagerSelection -in $nsxManagersDisplayObject.ID) -OR ($nsxManagerSelection -eq "c"))
    If ($nsxManagerSelection -eq "c") {Break}
    $selectedNsxManager = $nsxNodes | Where-Object {$_.vmName -eq ($nsxManagersDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $nsxManagerSelection}).manager }
    $otherNsxManagers = $nsxNodes | Where-Object {$_.vmName -ne ($nsxManagersDisplayObject | Where-Object {$ -eq $nsxManagerSelection}).manager }

    $nsxManagerFQDN = $selectedNsxManager.hostname
    $nsxManagerAdminUsername = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "API")}).username
    $nsxManagerAdminPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "NSXT_MANAGER") -and ($_.domainName -eq $workloadDomain) -and ($_.credentialType -eq "API")}).password

    #Create Headers
    $headers = VCFIRCreateHeader -username $nsxManagerAdminUsername -password $nsxManagerAdminPassword

    #Check for Compatible NSX Manager version
    $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/node"
    $nsxManagerVersion = [INT](((((Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json).product_version).replace(".","")).substring(0,3))

    If ($nsxManagerVersion)
        #Get NSX Nodes
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Getting Cluster Node Details"
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/cluster/"
        $clusterNodes = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json).nodes
        $otherclusterNodeIDs = ($clusterNodes | Where-Object {$_.fqdn -in $otherNsxManagers.hostname}).node_uuid #Potentially only required in NSX 3

        #Get Certificates
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Getting Cluster Node Certificate Details"
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/trust-management/certificates"
        $allcertificates = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $signedCertificates = $allcertificates.results | Where-Object {$_.resource_type -eq "certificate_signed"}

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Starting SSH"
        $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/node/services/ssh?action=start"
        $startSSH = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Establishing SSH Connection to $nsxManagerFQDN"
        $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $nsxManagerAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
        $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($nsxManagerAdminUsername, $SecurePassword)
        $inmem = New-SSHMemoryKnownHost
        New-SSHTrustedHost -KnownHostStore $inmem -HostName $nsxManagerFQDN -FingerPrint ((Get-SSHHostKey -ComputerName $nsxManagerFQDN).fingerprint) | Out-Null
            $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $nsxManagerFQDN -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem
        } Until ($sshSession)
        $stream = New-SSHShellStream -SSHSession $sshSession
        If ($nsxManagerVersion -lt "400")
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Deactivating Cluster"
            $unwantedOutput = $stream.Read()
            $stream.writeline("deactivate cluster")
            Start-Sleep 5
            Start-Sleep 2

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Getting Cluster ID"
        $unwantedOutput = $stream.Read()
        Start-Sleep 2
        $stream.writeline("get cluster config | find Id:")
        Start-Sleep 5
        #$unwantedOutput = $stream.Readline()
        #$unwantedOutput = $stream.Readline()
        $clusterIdOutput = $stream.Read()
        $clusterId = (($clusterIdOutput.split("Cluster Id: "))[1]).Substring(0,36)
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Cluster ID: $clusterId retrieved"

        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Getting Certificate API Thumbprint"
        $unwantedOutput = $stream.Read()
        Start-Sleep 2
        $stream.writeline("get certificate api thumbprint")
        Start-Sleep 5
        $unwantedOutput = $stream.Readline()
        $unwantedOutput = $stream.Readline()
        $certApiThumbprint = $stream.Readline()
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Cert Thumbprint: $certApiThumbprint retrieved"

        If ($nsxManagerVersion -lt "400")
            Foreach ($otherclusterNodeID in $otherclusterNodeIDs)
                $unwantedOutput = $stream.Read()
                Start-Sleep 2
                $stream.writeline("detach node $otherclusterNodeID")
                #Need to undersand how to monitor here

        #Close SSH Session
        Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null

        Foreach ($otherNsxManager in $otherNsxManagers)
            $nsxManagerFQDN = $otherNsxManager.hostname
            #Create Headers
            $headers = VCFIRCreateHeader -username $nsxManagerAdminUsername -password $nsxManagerAdminPassword

            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Starting SSH"
            $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/node/services/ssh?action=start"
            $startSSH = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers

            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Establishing SSH Connection to $nsxManagerFQDN"
            $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $nsxManagerAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
            $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($nsxManagerAdminUsername, $SecurePassword)
            $inmem = New-SSHMemoryKnownHost
            New-SSHTrustedHost -KnownHostStore $inmem -HostName $nsxManagerFQDN -FingerPrint ((Get-SSHHostKey -ComputerName $nsxManagerFQDN).fingerprint) | Out-Null
                $sshSession = New-SSHSession -computername $nsxManagerFQDN -Credential $mycreds -KnownHost $inmem
            } Until ($sshSession)

            #Join Manager to Cluster
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Joining Cluster"
            $stream = New-SSHShellStream -SSHSession $sshSession
            $joinCommand = "join $($selectedNsxManager.ip) cluster-id $clusterId thumbprint $certApiThumbprint username admin"
            Start-Sleep 5
            Start-Sleep 2
                Start-Sleep 10
                $response = $stream.Read()

            } Until ($response -like "*Join operation successful*")
                Start-Sleep 10
                $stream.writeline("get cluster status")
                Start-Sleep 5
                $response = $stream.Read()

            } Until ($response -notlike "*DOWN*")

            #Close SSH Session
            Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $sshSession | Out-Null

            If ($nsxManagerVersion -lt "400")
                #Restore Certificate on Manager
                $clusterNodeID = ($clusterNodes | Where-Object {$_.fqdn -eq $nsxManagerFQDN}).node_uuid
                $clusterNodeCertificateID = ($signedCertificates | Where-Object {$_.tags.scope -eq $otherNsxManager.ip}).id
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Setting Node Certificate"
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFQDN/api/v1/node/services/http?action=apply_certificate&certificate_id=$clusterNodeCertificateID"
                $setCertificate = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers
                $managementDomain = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"})
                $managementDomainName = ($extractedSddcData.workloadDomains | Where-Object {$_.domainType -eq "MANAGEMENT"}).domainName
                $vCenterFqdn = $managementDomain.vCenterDetails.fqdn
                $vCenterAdmin = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "PSC") -and ($_.domainName -eq $managementDomainName)}).username
                $vCenterAdminPassword = ($extractedSddcData.passwords | Where-Object {($_.entityType -eq "PSC") -and ($_.domainName -eq $managementDomainName)}).password
                #Restart Manager
                $vCenterConnection = Connect-VIServer $vCenterFqdn -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFQDN] Restarting Appliance"
                Get-VM -Name $nsxManagerFQDN | Restart-VM -confirm:$false | Out-Null
                Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false

        LogMessage -type ERROR -message "[$jumpboxName] Unable to determine NSX Manager Version. Check that it was successfully restored."
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-AdditionalNSXManagers
#EndRegion NSXT Functions

#Region Marked for Deprecation
Function Resolve-PhysicalHostTransportNodes
    Resolves the state of ESXi Transport Nodes in a restored NSX Manager when the ESXi hosts have been rebuilt
    The Resolve-PhysicalHostTransportNodes cmdlet resolves the state of ESXi Transport Nodes in a restored NSX Manager when the ESXi hosts have been rebuilt
    Resolve-PhysicalHostTransportNodes -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01" -NsxManagerFQDN "" -NsxManagerAdmin "admin" -NsxManagerAdminPassword "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance that hosts the cluster whose hosts need to be resolved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance that hosts the cluster whose hosts need to be resolved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance that hosts the cluster whose hosts need to be resolved
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance whose hosts need to be resolved
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerFqdn
    FQDN of the NSX Manager where hosts need to be resolved
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerAdmin
    Admin user of the NSX Manager where hosts need to be resolved
    .PARAMETER nsxManagerAdminPassword
    Admin Password of the NSX Manager where hosts need to be resolved

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerFqdn,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $nsxManagerAdminPassword
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$jumpboxName] Checking NSX Manager Version"

    $headers = VCFIRCreateHeader -username $nsxManagerAdmin -password $nsxManagerAdminPassword
    #Check for Compatible NSX Manager version
    $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/node"
    $nsxManagerVersion = [INT](((((Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json).product_version).replace(".","")).substring(0,3))
    If ($nsxManagerVersion)
        If ($nsxManagerVersion -lt "412")
            $vCenterConnection = Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterFQDN -username $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$clusterName] Getting Hosts"
            $clusterHosts = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost).name
            #LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$clusterName] Getting MoRef"
            #$clusterMoRef = (Get-Cluster -name $clusterName).ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
            #Get TransportNodes
            $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/transport-nodes/"
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Getting Transport Nodes"
            $transportNodeContents = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
            $allHostTransportNodes = ($transportNodeContents.results | Where-Object { ($_.resource_type -eq "TransportNode") -and ($_.node_deployment_info.os_type -eq "ESXI") })
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Filtering Transport Nodes to members of cluster $clusterName"
            $hostIDs = ($allHostTransportNodes | Where-Object { $_.display_name -in $clusterHosts }).id
            #Get TransportNodes
            <# $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/fabric/compute-collections"
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Getting Transport Nodes IDs"
            $computeCollections = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json
            $clusterExternalId = ($computeCollections.results | Where-Object {$_.cm_local_id -eq $clusterMoRef}).external_id
            $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/api/v1/fabric/compute-collections/$clusterExternalId/member-status"
            $hostIDs = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers).content | ConvertFrom-Json).results.node_id

            #Resolve Hosts
            Foreach ($hostID in $hostIDs) 
                $body = "{`"id`":5726703,`"method`":`"resolveError`",`"params`":[{`"errors`":[{`"user_metadata`":{`"user_input_list`":[]},`"error_id`":26080,`"entity_id`":`"$hostID`"}]}]}"
                $uri = "https://$nsxManagerFqdn/nsxapi/rpc/call/ErrorResolverFacade"
                LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Resolving NSX Installation on $(($allHostTransportNodes | Where-Object {$ -eq $hostID}).display_name)"
                #LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$nsxManagerFqdn] Resolving NSX Installation on $hostID"
                $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $body
            LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] This cmdlet is not required with NSX Manager version 4.1.2 and later"

        LogMessage -type ERROR -message "[$jumpboxName] Unable to determine NSX Manager Version. Check that it was successfully restored."
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
#Export-ModuleMember -Function Resolve-PhysicalHostTransportNodes

Function Move-ClusterVMsToFirstHost
    Moves all VMs in a cluster to a single ESXi host
    The Move-ClusterVMsToFirstHost cmdlet moves all VMs in a cluster to a single ESXi host
    Move-ClusterVMsToFirstHost -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the VMs to be moved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the VMs to be moved
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the VMs to be moved
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the VMs to be moved

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $vms = Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName | Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "vCLS*" } | Select-Object Name, VMhost
    $firstHost = ((Get-cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost | Sort-Object -property Name)[0]).Name
    Foreach ($vm in $vms) {
        if ($vm.vmHost.Name -ne $firstHost) {
            Get-VM -Name $ | Move-VM -Location $firstHost -Runasync | Out-Null
            LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$($] Moving to $firstHost"
    Do {
        $runningTasks = Get-Task | Where-Object { ($_.Name -eq "RelocateVM_Task") -and ($_.State -eq "running") } 
        Sleep 5
    } Until (!$runningTasks)
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
#Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-ClusterVMsToFirstHost

Function Remove-StandardSwitch 
    Removes a temporary standard switch from all hosts in a cluster
    The Remove-StandardSwitch cmdlet removes a temporary standard switch from all hosts in a cluster
    Remove-StandardSwitch -vCenterFQDN "" -vCenterAdmin "administrator@vsphere.local" -vCenterAdminPassword "VMw@re1!" -clusterName "sfo-m01-cl01"
    FQDN of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts from which the standard switch will be removed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdmin
    Admin user of the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts from which the standard switch will be removed
    .PARAMETER vCenterAdminPassword
    Admin password for the vCenter instance hosting the ESXi hosts from which the standard switch will be removed
    .PARAMETER clusterName
    Name of the vSphere cluster instance hosting the ESXi hosts from which the standard switch will be removed

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterFQDN,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdmin,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $vCenterAdminPassword,
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)][String] $clusterName
    $jumpboxName = hostname
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Starting Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $vCenterConnection = connect-viserver $vCenterFQDN -user $vCenterAdmin -password $vCenterAdminPassword
    $vmHosts = (Get-cluster -name $clusterName | Get-VMHost).Name | Sort-Object
    foreach ($vmhost in $vmHosts) {
        LogMessage -type INFO -message "[$vmhost] Removing standard vSwitch" 
        Get-VMHost -Name $vmhost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name "vSwitch0" | Remove-VirtualSwitch -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $global:DefaultVIServers -Force -Confirm:$false
    LogMessage -type NOTE -message "[$jumpboxName] Completed Task $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
#Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-StandardSwitch
#EndRegion Marked for Deprecation