
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Add-VhdxContent.Adding.Item'               = 'Adding file or folder: {0}' # $item
    'Add-VhdxContent.Mount.Failed'              = 'Failed to mount disk: {0}' # $resolvedPath
    'Add-VhdxContent.Volumes.Multiple.Error'    = 'More than one volume found on {0}. Currently, only disks with a single volume are supported.' # $resolvedPath
    'Dismount-Vhdx.Failed'                      = "Failed to mount disk '{0}' (Exit code: {1}).`nMessages:`n{2}`nErrors:`n{3}" # $resolvedPath, $result.ExitCode, ($result.Message -join "`n"), $result.Errors
    'Dismount-Vhdx.Unmounting'                  = 'Dismounting disk: {0}' # $filePath
    'Invoke-Diskpart.Message'                   = ' {0}' # $message
    'Mount-Vhdx.Failed'                         = "Failed to mount disk '{0}' (Exit code: {1}).`nMessages:`n{2}`nErrors:`n{3}" # $resolvedPath, $result.ExitCode, ($result.Message -join "`n"), $result.Errors
    'Mount-Vhdx.Mounting'                       = 'Mounting disk: {0}' # $filePath
    'New-Vhdx.Copying'                          = 'Adding content to new disk: {0} | Target: {1}' # $inputItem, $rootPath
    'New-Vhdx.CreateDisk.Failed'                = 'Failed to create disk {0}: {1}' # $resolvedPath, $result.Errors
    'New-Vhdx.PrepareDisk.Failed'               = 'Failed to prepare & configure disk {0}: {1}' # $resolvedPath, $result.Errors
    'New-Vhdx.Volume.Timeout'                   = 'Timeout reached for identifying temporary volume letter. Any filetransfer will fail.' #
    'Remove-VhdxContent.Mount.Failed'           = 'Failed to mount disk: {0}' # $resolvedPath
    'Remove-VhdxContent.Removing.Item'          = 'Removing file or folder: {0}' # $itemPath
    'Remove-VhdxContent.Volumes.Multiple.Error' = 'More than one volume found on {0}. Currently, only disks with a single volume are supported.' # $resolvedPath