
Function New-NsxVcdApiConnection {
        Connects to the API of your vCloud Director instance. The Session is saved for further use.
        File Name : New-NsxVcdApiConnection.ps1
        Author : Markus Kraus
        Version : 1.2
        State : Ready
        New-NsxVcdApiConnection -Server ServerFQDN -Credential $Credential
    .PARAMETER Server
        FQDN of the vCloud Director Instance
    .PARAMETER Credential
        API Credentials for the vCloud Director Instance
        Username needs to be: <User>@<Org> (Administrtator@system)

        Param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="FQDN of the vCloud Director Instance")]
                [String] $Server,
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="API Credentials for the vCloud Director Instance")]
                [PSCredential] $Credential
        Process {

            #region: Buid BasicAuth
            $Username = $Credential.UserName
            $Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
            $BasicAuth =  $([Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($Username):$($Password)")))

            #region: Api Versions
            $Uri = "https://$Server/api/versions"
            [xml]$Versions = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method Get
            $VersionNumbers = ($Versions.SupportedVersions.VersionInfo | Where-Object {$_.deprecated -eq $false}).Version
            $LatestVersion  = $VersionNumbers | ForEach-Object { [Decimal] $_ } | Sort-Object -descending | Select-Object -First 1

            #region: Login
            $Uri = "https://$Server/api/sessions"
            $Authorization = 'Basic {0}' -f $BasicAuth
            $Headers =  @{'accept' = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml;version=' + [String]$LatestVersion ; 'Authorization' = $Authorization}
            $Login = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Method Post
            $LoginDate = Get-Date

            #region: Cleanup Confidential Data
            Clear-Variable -Name BasicAuth, Authorization, Headers, Username, Password

            #region: Build Connection Variable
            $Global:ApiConnection = [pscustomobject]@{

                Server = $Server
                Authorization = [String]$Login.Headers.'x-vcloud-authorization'
                LoginDate = [String]$LoginDate.ToString()
                ApiVersion = [String]$LatestVersion

