
Function New-MyOrgVdc {
    Creates a new vCD Org VDC with Default Parameters
    Creates a new vCD Org VDC with Default Parameters
    Default Parameters are:
    * Allocation Model
    * Network Quota
    * VM Quota
    * 'vCpu In Mhz'
    * Fast Provisioning
    * Thin Provisioning
    * private Catalog
    File Name : New-MyOrgVdc.ps1
    Author : Markus Kraus
    Version : 1.2
    State : Ready
    New-MyOrgVdc -Name "TestVdc" -CPULimit 1000 -MEMLimit 1000 -StorageLimit 1000 -StorageProfile "Standard-DC01" -NetworkPool "NetworkPool-DC01" -ProviderVDC "Provider-VDC-DC01" -Org "TestOrg" -ExternalNetwork "External_OrgVdcNet"
    New-MyOrgVdc -Name "TestVdc" -CPULimit 1000 -MEMLimit 1000 -StorageLimit 1000 -StorageProfile "Standard-DC01" -NetworkPool "NetworkPool-DC01" -ProviderVDC "Provider-VDC-DC01" -Org "TestOrg"
    Name of the New Org VDC as String
    CPU Limit (MHz) of the New Org VDC as String
    Memory Limit (MB) of the New Org VDC as String
.PARAMETER StorageLimit
    Storage Limit (MB) of the New Org VDC as String
.PARAMETER StorageProfile
     Storage Profile of the New Org VDC as String
.PARAMETER NetworkPool
     Network Pool of the New Org VDC as String
.PARAMETER ExternalNetwork
     Optional External Network of the New Org VDC as String
    Should the New Org VDC be enabled after creation
    Note: If an External Network is requested the Org VDC will be enabled during External Network Configuration
    ProviderVDC where the new Org VDC should be created as string
    Org where the new Org VDC should be created as string
    Timeout for the Org VDC to get Ready
    Default: 120s

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Name of the New Org VDC as String")]
            [String] $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="CPU Limit (MHz) of the New Org VDC as String")]
            [int] $CPULimit,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Memory Limit (MB) of the New Org VDC as String")]
            [int] $MEMLimit,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Storage Limit (MB) of the New Org VDC as String")]
            [int] $StorageLimit,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Storage Profile of the New Org VDC as String")]
            [String] $StorageProfile,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Network Pool of the New Org VDC as String")]
            [String] $NetworkPool,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Optional External Network of the New Org VDC as String")]
            [String] $ExternalNetwork,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Should the New Org VDC be enabled after creation")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="ProviderVDC where the new Org VDC should be created as string")]
            [String] $ProviderVDC,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Org where the new Org VDC should be created as string")]
            [String] $Org,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False,HelpMessage="Timeout for the Org VDC to get Ready")]
            [int] $Timeout = 120
    Process {
        ## Create Objects and all Settings
        Write-Verbose "Create Objects and all Settings"
        $adminVdc = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.AdminVdc
        $adminVdc.Name = $name
        $adminVdc.IsEnabled = $Enabled
        $OrgVdcproviderVdc = Get-ProviderVdc $ProviderVDC
        $providerVdcRef = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.Reference
        $providerVdcRef.Href = $OrgVdcproviderVdc.Href
        $adminVdc.ProviderVdcReference = $providerVdcRef
        $adminVdc.AllocationModel = "AllocationPool"
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.ComputeCapacity
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Cpu = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.CapacityWithUsage
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Cpu.Units = "MHz"
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Cpu.Limit = $CPULimit
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Cpu.Allocated = $CPULimit
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Memory = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.CapacityWithUsage
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Memory.Units = "MB"
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Memory.Limit = $MEMLimit
        $adminVdc.ComputeCapacity.Memory.Allocated = $MEMLimit
        $adminVdc.StorageCapacity = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.CapacityWithUsage
        $adminVdc.StorageCapacity.Units = "MB"
        $adminVdc.StorageCapacity.Limit = $StorageLimit
        $adminVdc.NetworkQuota = 10
        $adminVdc.VmQuota = 0
        $adminVdc.VCpuInMhz = 1000
        $adminVdc.VCpuInMhz2 = 1000
        $adminVdc.UsesFastProvisioning = $false
        $adminVdc.IsThinProvision = $true

        ## Create Org vDC
        Write-Verbose "Create Org vDC"
        $OrgED = (Get-Org $Org).ExtensionData
        $orgVdc = $orgED.CreateVdc($adminVdc)

        ## Wait for getting Ready
        Write-Verbose "Wait for getting Ready"
        $i = 0
        while(($orgVdc = Get-OrgVdc -Name $Name -Verbose:$false).Status -eq "NotReady"){
            Start-Sleep 2
            if($i -gt $Timeout) { Write-Error "Creating Org Failed."; break}
            Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Org" -Status "Wait for Org to become Ready..."
        Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Org" -Completed
        Start-Sleep 2

        ## Search given Storage Profile
        Write-Verbose "Search given Storage Profile"
        $ProVdcStorageProfile = search-cloud -QueryType ProviderVdcStorageProfile -Name $StorageProfile | Get-CIView

        ## Create Storage Profile Object with Settings
        Write-Verbose "Create Storage Profile Object with Settings"
        $spParams = new-object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.VdcStorageProfileParams
        $spParams.Limit = $StorageLimit
        $spParams.Units = "MB"
        $spParams.ProviderVdcStorageProfile = $ProVdcStorageProfile.href
        $spParams.Enabled = $true
        $spParams.Default = $true
        $UpdateParams = new-object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.UpdateVdcStorageProfiles
        $UpdateParams.AddStorageProfile = $spParams

        ## Update Org vDC
        $orgVdc = Get-OrgVdc -Name $name

        ## Wait for getting Ready
        Write-Verbose "Wait for getting Ready"
        while(($orgVdc = Get-OrgVdc -Name $name -Verbose:$false).Status -eq "NotReady"){
            Start-Sleep 1
            if($i -gt $Timeout) { Write-Error "Update Org Failed."; break}
            Write-Progress -Activity "Updating Org" -Status "Wait for Org to become Ready..."
        Write-Progress -Activity "Updating Org" -Completed
        Start-Sleep 1

        ## Search Any-StorageProfile
        Write-Verbose "Search Any-StorageProfile"
        $orgvDCAnyProfile = search-cloud -querytype AdminOrgVdcStorageProfile | Where-Object {($_.Name -match '\*') -and ($_.VdcName -eq $orgVdc.Name)} | Get-CIView

        ## Disable Any-StorageProfile
        Write-Verbose "Disable Any-StorageProfile"
        $orgvDCAnyProfile.Enabled = $False
        $return = $orgvDCAnyProfile.UpdateServerData()

        ## Remove Any-StorageProfile
        Write-Verbose "Remove Any-StorageProfile"
        $ProfileUpdateParams = new-object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.UpdateVdcStorageProfiles
        $ProfileUpdateParams.RemoveStorageProfile = $orgvDCAnyProfile.href
        $remove = $orgvdc.extensiondata.CreatevDCStorageProfile($ProfileUpdateParams)

         ## Wait for getting Ready
        Write-Verbose "Wait for getting Ready"
        while(($orgVdc = Get-OrgVdc -Name $name -Verbose:$false).Status -eq "NotReady"){
            Start-Sleep 1
            if($i -gt $Timeout) { Write-Error "Update Org Failed."; break}
            Write-Progress -Activity "Updating Org" -Status "Wait for Org to become Ready..."
        Write-Progress -Activity "Updating Org" -Completed
        Start-Sleep 1

        ## Set NetworkPool for correct location
        Write-Verbose "Set NetworkPool for correct location"
        $orgVdc = Get-OrgVdc -Name $name
        $ProVdcNetworkPool = Get-NetworkPool -ProviderVdc $ProviderVDC -Name $NetworkPool
        $set = Set-OrgVdc -OrgVdc $orgVdc -NetworkPool $ProVdcNetworkPool -NetworkMaxCount "10"

        ## Create private Catalog
        Write-Verbose "Create private Catalog Object"
        $OrgCatalog = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.AdminCatalog
        $ = "$Org Private Catalog"
        if (!(Get-Org $org | Get-Catalog -Name $ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            Write-Verbose "Create private Catalog"
            $CreateCatalog = (Get-Org $org  | Get-CIView).CreateCatalog($OrgCatalog)
            $AccessControlRule = New-CIAccessControlRule -Entity $ -EveryoneInOrg -AccessLevel ReadWrite -Confirm:$False
            else {
            Write-Output "Catalog '$($' aleady exists!"

        ## Create a direct connect network
        if ($ExternalNetwork) {
            Write-Verbose "Create a direct connect network"
            Write-Output "Org VDC '$Name' needs to be enabled to add an external Network!"
            $EnableOrgVdc = Set-OrgVdc -OrgVdc $Name -Enabled:$True
            $orgVdcView = Get-OrgVdc $Name | Get-CIView
            $extNetwork = $_.externalnetwork
            $extNetwork = Get-ExternalNetwork | Get-CIView -Verbose:$false | Where-Object {$ -eq $ExternalNetwork}
            $orgNetwork = new-object
            $ = $ExternalNetwork
            $orgNetwork.Configuration = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.NetworkConfiguration
            $orgNetwork.Configuration.FenceMode = 'bridged'
            $orgNetwork.configuration.ParentNetwork = New-Object
            $orgNetwork.configuration.ParentNetwork.href = $extNetwork.href

            $result = $orgVdcView.CreateNetwork($orgNetwork)

        Get-OrgVdc -Name $name | Format-Table -AutoSize