
function Disconnect-VCDService(){
    This cmdlet removes the currently connected VMware Cloud Director service connection.

    This cmdlet removes the currently connected VMware Cloud Director service connection.

    Tears down the current session to the VMware Console Services Portal (CSP)

    AUTHOR: Adrian Begg
    LASTEDIT: 2020-07-06
    VERSION: 1.1

        Write-Warning "You are currently not connected to the VMware Cloud Services Portal. Nothing will be performed."
    } else {
        # Make the call to the API (TO DO) to logoff and remove the session variable from PowerShell - the below call does not end the session ?
            # A Hashtable of Request Parameters for the Logoff
            [Hashtable] $RequestParameters = @{
                URI = ""
                Method = "Post"
                ContentType = "application/json"
                Headers = @{
                    "csp-auth-token" = "$($global:VCDService.AccessToken)"
                    "Accept" = "application/json"
                UseBasicParsing = $true
                Body = "{ ""idToken"" : ""$($global:VCDService.AccessToken)"" }"
            $CSPTokenResult = Invoke-WebRequest @RequestParameters
        } catch {
            throw "An error has occurred during the logoff process."
        if($CSPTokenResult.StatusCode -ne 200) {
            throw "An error has occurred during the logoff process."
        # Finally clear the PowerShell variable for the expired session
        Set-Variable -Name "VCDService" -Value $null -Scope Global