
        Shows the datastore usage
        Retrieves the datastore usage of VMHosts provided
        .Parameter VMHosts
        The VMHosts you want to get datastore usage of. Can be a single host or multiple hosts provided by the pipeline
        Shows the usage statistics of all unique datastores in vCenter
        Get-VMHostDatastores vmhost1
        Shows the usage statistics of all datastores on vmhost1
        Get-VMHost -location folder1 | Get-VMHostDatastores
        Shows the usage statistics of all datastores of hosts in 'folder1'
        Get-VMHostDatastores (get-cluster 'cluster1' | get-vmhost)
        Shows the usage statistics of all datastores of all hosts in vCenter cluster 'cluster1'

function Get-VMHostDatastores {
    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory=$False, Position=0)]
    Process {
        If ($VMHosts) {
            Get-Datastore -VMHost $VMHosts | select-object -unique Name, @{N='Capacity (GB)'; E={{{0:N2}} -f $_.CapacityGB}}, @{N='UsedSpace (GB)'; E={{{0:N2}} -f ($_.CapacityGB - $_.FreeSpaceGB)}}, @{N='FreeSpace (GB)'; E={{{0:N2}} -f $_.FreeSpaceGB}}
        else {
            Get-Datastore | select-object -unique Name, @{N='Capacity (GB)'; E={{{0:N2}} -f $_.CapacityGB}}, @{N='UsedSpace (GB)'; E={{{0:N2}} -f ($_.CapacityGB - $_.FreeSpaceGB)}}, @{N='FreeSpace (GB)'; E={{{0:N2}} -f $_.FreeSpaceGB}}