
        Shows the uptime of VMHosts
        Calculates the uptime of VMHosts provided, or VMHosts in the cluster provided
        .Parameter VMHosts
        The VMHosts you want to get the uptime of. Can be a single host or multiple hosts provided by the pipeline
        Shows the uptime of all VMHosts in your vCenter
        Get-VMHostUptime vmhost1
        Shows the uptime of vmhost1
        Get-VMHostUptime -cluster cluster1
        Shows the uptime of all vmhosts in cluster1
        Get-VMHost -location folder1 | Get-VMHostUptime
        Shows the uptime of VMHosts in folder1

function Get-VMHostUptime {
    Param (

    Process {
        If ($VMHosts) {
            foreach ($VMHost in $VMHosts) {Get-View  -ViewType hostsystem -Property name,runtime.boottime -Filter @{"name" = "$VMHost"} | Select-Object Name, @{N="Uptime (Days)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalDays),1)}}, @{N="Uptime (Hours)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalHours),1)}}, @{N="Uptime (Minutes)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalMinutes),1)}}}
        elseif ($Cluster) {
            foreach ($VMHost in (Get-VMHost -Location $Cluster)) {Get-View  -ViewType hostsystem -Property name,runtime.boottime -Filter @{"name" = "$VMHost"} | Select-Object Name, @{N="Uptime (Days)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalDays),1)}}, @{N="Uptime (Hours)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalHours),1)}}, @{N="Uptime (Minutes)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalMinutes),1)}}}
        else {
            Get-View  -ViewType hostsystem -Property name,runtime.boottime | Select-Object Name, @{N="Uptime (Days)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalDays),1)}}, @{N="Uptime (Hours)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalHours),1)}}, @{N="Uptime (Minutes)"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalMinutes),1)}}