
function Watch-TaskCompleted(){
     This cmdlet monitors a running task and returns True when the task completes.
     This cmdlet monitors a running task and returns True when the task completes
    A PSObject containing a Task object returned by an API POST call
    .PARAMETER Timeout
    Optionally the timeout in seconds before the cmdlet should terminate if the task has not completed.
    Default is 180 seconds.
    For no timeout set to -1
    Watch-TaskCompleted -Task $RemoveTask -Timeout 180
    Monitors the task in the object $RemoveTask for a maximum of 60 seconds and returns True when the task completes
      NAME: Watch-TaskCompleted
      AUTHOR: Adrian Begg
      LASTEDIT: 2018-12-24

            [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [PSObject] $Task,
            [ValidateRange(-1,3600)] [int] $Timeout = 180
    $boolTaskComplete = $false
    Do {
        [string] $URI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "tasks/" + $
        $objTaskStatus = (Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $URI -Method Get -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion).JSONData
        # Write debug message
        Write-Debug $objTaskStatus
        Write-Progress -Activity "Task Id: $($" -PercentComplete $($objTaskStatus.progress)
        if($objTaskStatus.state -ne "RUNNING"){
            $boolTaskComplete = $true
            if($objTaskStatus.state -ne "SUCCEEDED"){
                throw "An error occured execuitng Task Id $($ Errors: $($objTaskStatus.error.code) $($objTaskStatus.error.msg)"
        if($Timeout -ne -1){
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    } Until (($Timeout -eq 0) -or $boolTaskComplete)
    if(($Timeout -eq 0) -and !$boolTaskComplete){
        throw "A timeout occured waiting for the Task Id $($ to complete."