
Write-Verbose 'Importing from [C:\MyProjects\VSCodeBackup\VSCodeBackup\private]'
Write-Verbose 'Importing from [C:\MyProjects\VSCodeBackup\VSCodeBackup\public]'
# .\VSCodeBackup\public\Backup-VSCode.ps1
function Backup-VSCode
    Backup VS Code settings and extensions

    Backup VS Code settings and extensions

    Location to store zip file

    .PARAMETER Settings
    Switch to backup settings

    .PARAMETER Extensions
    Switch to backup extensions

    Backup-VSCode -Path c:\Users\bobby\Desktop -Settings -Extensions

    General notes

    param (
        # Parameter help description
        [ValidateScript( {Test-Path -Path $_})]
        # Parameter help description
        # Parameter help description

        $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format o | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace ":", "."}
        $Name = "VSCode-$($TimeStamp).zip"
        $Path = Resolve-Path -Path $Path

        #Can't read some files while Code is running
        $CodeRunning = Get-Process -Name code -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ($CodeRunning)
            Write-Verbose "Closing VS Code"
            $CodeRunning.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null

        $ExtensionsDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\.vscode" | Resolve-Path
        $SettingsDirectory = "$env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json" | Resolve-Path
        if ($Extensions.IsPresent)
                Compress-Archive -Path $ExtensionsDirectory -DestinationPath $Path\$Name -Update -CompressionLevel NoCompression
                throw $_
        if ($Settings.IsPresent)
                Compress-Archive -LiteralPath $SettingsDirectory -DestinationPath $Path\$Name -Update
                throw $_


# .\VSCodeBackup\public\Restore-VSCode.ps1
function Restore-VSCode {
    Restore VS Code from a backup
    Restore VS Code from a backup
    Path to backup file
    .PARAMETER Settings
    Switch to restore settings
    .PARAMETER Extensions
    Switch to restore extensions
    Restore-VSCode -Path .\VSCode-2019-01-31T23.33.58.3351871+01.00.zip -Settings -Extensions
    General notes

    param (
        # Parameter help description
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})]
        # Parameter help description
        # Parameter help description
    begin {
        $Path = Resolve-Path -Path $Path
    process {
        #Can't write some files while Code is running
        $CodeRunning = Get-Process -Name code -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if($CodeRunning) {
            Write-Verbose "Closing VS Code"
            $CodeRunning.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null

        $ExtensionsDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\.vscode" | Resolve-Path
        $SettingsDirectory = "$env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json" | Resolve-Path

        try {
            Expand-Archive -Path $Path -DestinationPath $env:TEMP -force
        catch {
            throw $_
        if($Extensions.IsPresent) {
            Copy-Item -Path "$env:TEMP\.vscode\extensions" -Destination $ExtensionsDirectory -Force -Recurse
        if($Settings.IsPresent) {
            Copy-Item -LiteralPath "$env:TEMP\settings.json" -Destination $SettingsDirectory -Force
    end {
Write-Verbose 'Importing from [C:\MyProjects\VSCodeBackup\VSCodeBackup\classes]'