
function Remove-BaselineGroup {
        Removes a baseline group from a VUM instance.
        Makes a call to the VC Integrity API to remove a baseline group.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the baseline group to remove.
    .PARAMETER removeIfAssigned
        Force removal of baseline group even if it is currently assigned to an entity.
        Remove-BaselineGroup -name "Test Baseline Group"
        Remove Baseline Group Test Baseline Group. Will not remove if baseline group is currently assigned.
        Remove-BaselineGroup -name "Test Baseline Group" -RemoveIfAssigned
        Remove Baseline Group even if it is currently assigned to hosts.
        01 08/11/18 Initial version. A McNair
        02 23/12/19 Tidied up synopsis and added verbose output. A McNair


    Write-Verbose ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Function start.")

    ## Get a VUM service connection object
    try {
        $vumCon = Connect-VUM -ErrorAction stop
        Write-Verbose ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Got VUM connection.")
    } # try
    catch {
        Write-Debug ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Failed to connect to VUM instance.")
        throw ("Failed to connect to VUM instance. The CMDlet returned " + $_)
    } # catch

    ## Verify that this baseline group exists
    for ($i=0; $i -le 100; $i++) {

        ## When baseline is found break out of loop to continue function
        if (($vumCon.vumWebService.GetBaselineGroupInfo($vumCon.vumServiceContent.baselineGroupManager,$i)).name -eq $name) {

            $baselineGroup = $vumCon.vumWebService.GetBaselineGroupInfo($vumCon.vumServiceContent.baselineGroupManager,$i)
            Write-Verbose ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Found baseline group.")

        } # if

    } # for

    ## Check we have a baseline group to work with
    if (!$baselineGroup) {
        Write-Debug ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Baseline group not found.")
        throw ("The specified baseline group was not found on this VUM instance.")
    } # if

    Write-Verbose ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Checking baseline group assignment.")

    ## Query what hosts this baseline group is assigned to
    try {
        $assignedHosts = $vumCon.vumWebService.QueryAssignedEntityForBaselineGroup($vumCon.vumServiceContent.baselineGroupManager,$baselineGroup.key)
    } # try
    catch {
        Write-Debug ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Failed to query assigned hosts for baseline group.")
        throw ("Failed to query hosts assigned to this baseline group. " + $_)
    } # catch

    ## Baseline group is assigned, display warnings
    if ($assignedHosts -and $removeIfAssigned) {

        Write-Warning ("-removeIfAssigned has been specified. The following entities will have this baseline group removed.")

        foreach ($assignedHost in $assignedHosts.entity) {

            ## Write warning for assigned entity
            Write-Warning ("Entity "  + $assignedHost.value)

        } # foreach

    } # if
    ## Baseline group is assigned and won't be removed. Function will return.
    elseif ($assignedHosts -and !$removeIfAssigned) {

        Write-Warning ("-removeIfAssigned has not been specified. The following entities have this baseline group assigned.")

        foreach ($assignedHost in $assignedHosts.entity) {

            ## Write warning for assigned entity
            Write-Warning ("Entity "  + $assignedHost.value)

        } # foreach

        Write-Warning ("Use the -removeIfAssigned parameter or remove this group for these entities.")

    } # elseif

    ## Remove this baseline group. Either warning has been displayed or function has returned.
    try {
        ## Apply shouldProcess
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($name)) {

            $vumCon.vumWebService.DeleteBaselineGroup($vumCon.vumServiceContent.baselineGroupManager, $baselineGroup.key)
        } # if

        Write-Verbose ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Baseline group removed.")
    } # try
    catch {
        Write-Debug ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Could not remove baseline group.")
        throw ("Failed to remove the specified baseline group. " + $_)
    } # catch

    ## Logoff session
    try {
        Write-Verbose ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Disconnected from VUM API.")
    } # try
    catch {
        Write-Warning ("[Remove-BaselineGroup]Failed to disconnect from VUM API.")
    } # catch

    Write-Verbose ("[Attach-BaselineGroup]Function completed.")

} # function