
function Add-EntityBaselineGroup {
        Attaches a baseline group to host or cluster.
        With thanks to Lyuboslav Asenov @ VMWare for providing assistance with new Update Manager API.
        Makes a call to the VC Integrity API to attach a baseline group to a host or cluster.
    .PARAMETER baselineGroupName
        The name of the baseline group to attach to the host or cluster.
    .PARAMETER entity
        Entity to attach the baseline group to, for example, a host or cluster.
        PSObject An entity object for either a cluster or a host.
        Must be of type VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.ClusterImpl or VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VMHostImpl
        $VMHost = Get-VMHost -name "esxi01"
        Add-EntityBaselineGroup -BaselineGroupName "Sample Baselinegroup" -Entity $VMHost
        Attach Sample Baselingroup to a host esxi01.
        $VMHosts = Get-VMHost | where {$ -like "*esxdat*"}
        $VMHosts | Add-EntityBaselineGroup -BaselineGroupName "Sample Baselinegroup" -Verbose
        Attach Sample Baselingroup to all hosts matching *esxdat*. Use verbose output.
        $Cluster = Get-Cluster -name "vSAN"
        Add-EntityBaselineGroup -BaselineGroupName "Sample Baselinegroup" -Entity $Cluster
        Attach Sample Baselingroup to a cluster vSAN.
        01 13/11/18 Initial version. A McNair
        02 23/12/19 Tidied up synopsis and added verbose output. A McNair
                              Added pipeline for entities.
        03 30/11/22 Reworked for PowerCLI 12.7 and new API A McNair

        [ValidateScript({($_.GetType().toString() -eq "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.ClusterImpl") -or ($_.GetType().toString() -eq "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VMHostImpl")})]

    begin {

        Write-Verbose ("Function start.")

        ## Get a VUM service connection object
        try {
            $vumCon = Connect-VUM -ErrorAction stop
            Write-Verbose ("Got VUM connection.")
        } # try
        catch {
            throw ("Failed to connect to VUM instance. " + $_.Exception.Message)
        } # catch

        ## Get baseline group object
        Write-Verbose ("Getting baseline group object.")

        $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.GetBaselineGroupInfoRequestType
        $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.baselineGroupManager

        for ($i=0; $i -le 100; $i++) {

            $ = $i

            try {
                $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.GetBaselineGroupInfoRequest($reqType) -ErrorAction Stop
                $result = $vumCon.vumWebService.GetBaselineGroupInfo($svcRefVum)

                ## When baseline is found break out of loop to continue function
                if (($result.GetBaselineGroupInfoResponse1).name -eq $baselineGroupName) {

                    $baselineGroup  = $result.GetBaselineGroupInfoResponse1

                } # if
            } # try
            catch {
                throw ("Failed to query for baseline group. " + $_.Exception.message)
            } # catch

        } # for

        ## Check we have a baseline group to work with
        if (!$baselineGroup) {
            throw ("The specified baseline group was not found on this VUM instance.")
        } # if

    } # begin

    process {

        Write-Verbose ("Processing entity " + $

        ## Set object
        $parentTypeValue = $entity.Id.split("-",2)
        $entityObj = New-Object IntegrityApi.ManagedObjectReference
        $entityObj.type = $parentTypeValue[0]
        $entityObj.Value = $parentTypeValue[1]

        Write-Verbose ("Entity object configured.")

        ## Attach to host or cluster
        Write-Verbose ("Attaching baseline group to entity.")

        try {
            $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.AssignBaselineGroupToEntityRequestType -ErrorAction Stop
            $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.baselineGroupManager
            $reqType.entity = $entityObj
            $ = $baselineGroup.key

            $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.AssignBaselineGroupToEntityRequest($reqType) -ErrorAction Stop

            $vumCon.vumWebService.AssignBaselineGroupToEntity($svcRefVum) | Out-Null
            Write-Verbose ("Baseline group assigned.")
        } # try
        catch {
            throw ("Failed to assign baseline group. " + $_.Exception.Message)
        } # catch

        Write-Verbose ("Completed entity " + $

    } # process

    end {

        Write-Verbose ("All entities completed.")

        ## Logoff session
        try {
            $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequestType -ErrorAction Stop
            $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.sessionManager
            $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequest($reqType)
            $vumCon.vumWebService.VciLogout($svcRefVum) | Out-Null

            Write-Verbose ("Disconnected from VUM API.")
        } # try
        catch {
            Write-Warning ("Failed to disconnect from VUM API.")
        } # catch

        Write-Verbose ("Function completed.")

    } # end

} # function