
function New-BaselineGroup {
        Creates a new baseline group.
        With thanks to Lyuboslav Asenov @ VMWare for providing assistance with new Update Manager API.
        Makes a call to the VC Integrity API to create a new baseline group.
    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the new baseline group.
    .PARAMETER description
        The description of the new baseline group. Optional.
        System.String. The name of the baseline group to create.
        System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject. Object representing the baseline group.
        New-BaselineGroup -Name "Sample Baseline Group" -Description "Example Baseline Group"
        Create a new baseline group called Sample Baseline Group with description Example Baseline Group.
        01 17/10/18 Initial version. A McNair
        02 23/12/19 Tidied up synopsis and added verbose output. A McNair
                              Added pipeline input for baseline group name.
        03 30/11/22 Reworked for PowerCLI 12.7 and new API A McNair


    begin {

        Write-Verbose ("Function start.")

        ## Get a VUM service connection object
        try {
            $vumCon = Connect-VUM -ErrorAction stop
            Write-Verbose ("Got VUM connection.")
        } # try
        catch {
            throw ("Failed to connect to VUM instance. " + $_.Exception.Message)
        } # catch

    } # begin

    process {

        Write-Verbose ("Creating baseline group " + $name)

        $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.GetBaselineGroupInfoRequestType
        $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.baselineGroupManager

        ## Check if this baseline group already exists
        Write-Verbose ("Verifying baseline group does not already exist.")

        for ($i=0; $i -le 100; $i++) {

            $ = $i

            try {
                $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.GetBaselineGroupInfoRequest($reqType) -ErrorAction Stop
                $result = $vumCon.vumWebService.GetBaselineGroupInfo($svcRefVum)

                $baselineGroup  = $result.GetBaselineGroupInfoResponse1

            } # try
            catch {
                throw ("Failed to query for baseline group. " + $_.Exception.message)
            } # catch

            if ($name -eq $ {

                Write-Verbose ("Existing baseline group found.")

                ## This baseline group already exists, exit
                throw ("This baseline group already exists on this VUM instance.")

            } # if

        } # for

        ## Create a new baseline group
        try {
            $baseLineGroupSpec = New-Object IntegrityApi.BaselineGroupManagerBaselineGroupSpec -ErrorAction Stop
            $ = $name
            $baseLineGroupSpec.description = $description
            $baseLineGroupSpec.targetType = "HOST"

            ## Apply shouldProcess
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($name)) {

                $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.CreateBaselineGroupRequestType -ErrorAction Stop
                $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.baselineGroupManager
                $reqType.spec = $baseLineGroupSpec

                $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.CreateBaselineGroupRequest($reqType) -ErrorAction Stop
                $vcResult = ($vumCon.vumWebService.CreateBaselineGroup($svcRefVum)).CreateBaselineGroupResponse.returnval

            } # if

        } # try
        catch {
            throw ("Error creating baseline group. " + $_.Exception.Message)
        } # catch

        ## Generate return object
        $blObject = [pscustomobject]@{"Name" = $name; "Description" = $description; "Id" = $VCResult}

        Write-Verbose ("Completed baseline group " + $name)

        ## Return object
        return $blObject

    } # process

    end {

        Write-Verbose ("All baseline groups created.")

        ## Logoff session
        try {
            $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequestType -ErrorAction Stop
            $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.sessionManager
            $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequest($reqType)
            $vumCon.vumWebService.VciLogout($svcRefVum) | Out-Null

            Write-Verbose ("Disconnected from VUM API.")
        } # try
        catch {
            Write-Warning ("Failed to disconnect from VUM API.")
        } # catch

        Write-Verbose ("Function completed.")

    } # end

} # function