
# PSM1 Contents
function Format-Json {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        $cleaner = {
    Process {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
            try {
                $indent = 0;
                $res = $Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_ -match '[\}\]]') {
                        # This line contains ] or }, decrement the indentation level
                    $line = (' ' * $indent * 2) + $_.TrimStart().Replace(': ', ': ')
                    if ($_ -match '[\{\[]') {
                        # This line contains [ or {, increment the indentation level
                $res -join "`n"
            catch {
                ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"
        else {
            ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"

function Get-TrueCount {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Process {
        if ($array) {
            if ($array.Count) {
                $count = $array.Count
            else {
                $count = 1
        else {
            $count = 0
    End {
        return $count

function New-VSError {
    Error generator function to use in tandem with $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError()
    .PARAMETER Result
    Allows input of an error from AWS SDK, resulting in the Exception message being parsed out.
    .PARAMETER String
    Used to create basic String message errors in the same wrapper

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        Result { $Exception = "$($result.Exception.InnerException.Message)" }
        String { $Exception = "$String" }
    $e = New-Object "System.Exception" $Exception
    $errorRecord = New-Object 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord' $e, $null, ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation), $null
    return $errorRecord

function ResolveS3Endpoint {
    Resolves the S3 endpoint most appropriate for each region.

    $endpointMap = @{
        "us-east-2" = ""
        "us-east-1" = ""
        "us-west-1" = ""
        "us-west-2" = ""
        "ca-central-1" = ""
        "ap-south-1" = ""
        "ap-northeast-2" = ""
        "ap-southeast-1" = ""
        "ap-southeast-2" = ""
        "ap-northeast-1" = ""
        "eu-central-1" = ""
        "eu-west-1" = ""
        "eu-west-2" = ""
        "sa-east-1" = ""
    return $endpointMap[$Region]

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAction {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Action resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Action resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Order
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER TargetGroupArn
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER FixedResponseConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: FixedResponseConfig

    .PARAMETER AuthenticateCognitoConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: AuthenticateCognitoConfig

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER RedirectConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: RedirectConfig

    .PARAMETER ForwardConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ForwardConfig

    .PARAMETER AuthenticateOidcConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: AuthenticateOidcConfig


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAction]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAction'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAuthenticateCognitoConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.AuthenticateCognitoConfig resource property to the template. Specifies information required when integrating with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.AuthenticateCognitoConfig resource property to the template.
Specifies information required when integrating with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users.


    .PARAMETER OnUnauthenticatedRequest
        The behavior if the user is not authenticated. The following are possible values:
+ deny - Return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.
+ allow - Allow the request to be forwarded to the target.
+ authenticate - Redirect the request to the IdP authorization endpoint. This is the default value.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserPoolClientId
        The ID of the Amazon Cognito user pool client.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserPoolDomain
        The domain prefix or fully-qualified domain name of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionTimeout
        The maximum duration of the authentication session, in seconds. The default is 604800 seconds 7 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Scope
        The set of user claims to be requested from the IdP. The default is openid.
To verify which scope values your IdP supports and how to separate multiple values, see the documentation for your IdP.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionCookieName
        The name of the cookie used to maintain session information. The default is AWSELBAuthSessionCookie.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserPoolArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AuthenticationRequestExtraParams
        The query parameters up to 10 to include in the redirect request to the authorization endpoint.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Map
        PrimitiveItemType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAuthenticateCognitoConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAuthenticateCognitoConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAuthenticateOidcConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.AuthenticateOidcConfig resource property to the template. Specifies information required using an identity provide (IdP that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC to authenticate users.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.AuthenticateOidcConfig resource property to the template.
Specifies information required using an identity provide (IdP that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC to authenticate users.


    .PARAMETER OnUnauthenticatedRequest
        The behavior if the user is not authenticated. The following are possible values:
+ deny - Return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.
+ allow - Allow the request to be forwarded to the target.
+ authenticate - Redirect the request to the IdP authorization endpoint. This is the default value.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER TokenEndpoint
        The token endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionTimeout
        The maximum duration of the authentication session, in seconds. The default is 604800 seconds 7 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Scope
        The set of user claims to be requested from the IdP. The default is openid.
To verify which scope values your IdP supports and how to separate multiple values, see the documentation for your IdP.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Issuer
        The OIDC issuer identifier of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        The OAuth 2.0 client secret. This parameter is required if you are creating a rule. If you are modifying a rule, you can omit this parameter if you set UseExistingClientSecret to true.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserInfoEndpoint
        The user info endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The OAuth 2.0 client identifier.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AuthorizationEndpoint
        The authorization endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionCookieName
        The name of the cookie used to maintain session information. The default is AWSELBAuthSessionCookie.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AuthenticationRequestExtraParams
        The query parameters up to 10 to include in the redirect request to the authorization endpoint.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Map
        PrimitiveItemType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAuthenticateOidcConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerAuthenticateOidcConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Certificate resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Certificate resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER CertificateArn
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateCertificate {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate.Certificate resource property to the template. Specifies an SSL server certificate for the certificate list of a secure listener.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate.Certificate resource property to the template.
Specifies an SSL server certificate for the certificate list of a secure listener.


    .PARAMETER CertificateArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the certificate.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateCertificate]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateCertificate'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerFixedResponseConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.FixedResponseConfig resource property to the template. Specifies information required when returning a custom HTTP response.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.FixedResponseConfig resource property to the template.
Specifies information required when returning a custom HTTP response.


    .PARAMETER ContentType
        The content type.
Valid Values: text/plain | text/css | text/html | application/javascript | application/json

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER StatusCode
        The HTTP response code 2XX, 4XX, or 5XX.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER MessageBody
        The message.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerFixedResponseConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerFixedResponseConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerForwardConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.ForwardConfig resource property to the template. Information for creating an action that distributes requests among one or more target groups. For Network Load Balancers, you can specify a single target group. Specify only when Type is forward. If you specify both ForwardConfig and TargetGroupArn, you can specify only one target group using ForwardConfig and it must be the same target group specified in TargetGroupArn.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.ForwardConfig resource property to the template.
Information for creating an action that distributes requests among one or more target groups. For Network Load Balancers, you can specify a single target group. Specify only when Type is forward. If you specify both ForwardConfig and TargetGroupArn, you can specify only one target group using ForwardConfig and it must be the same target group specified in TargetGroupArn.


    .PARAMETER TargetGroupStickinessConfig
        Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: TargetGroupStickinessConfig

    .PARAMETER TargetGroups
        Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: TargetGroupTuple
        DuplicatesAllowed: False


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerForwardConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerForwardConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRedirectConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.RedirectConfig resource property to the template. Information about a redirect action.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.RedirectConfig resource property to the template.
Information about a redirect action.

A URI consists of the following components: protocol://hostname:port/path?query. You must modify at least one of the following components to avoid a redirect loop: protocol, hostname, port, or path. Any components that you do not modify retain their original values.

You can reuse URI components using the following reserved keywords:

+ #{protocol}

+ #{host}

+ #{port}

+ #{path} (the leading "/" is removed

+ #{query}

For example, you can change the path to "/new/#{path}", the hostname to "example.#{host}", or the query to "#{query}&value=xyz".


        The absolute path, starting with the leading "/". This component is not percent-encoded. The path can contain #{host}, #{path}, and #{port}.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Query
        The query parameters, URL-encoded when necessary, but not percent-encoded. Do not include the leading "?", as it is automatically added. You can specify any of the reserved keywords.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

        The port. You can specify a value from 1 to 65535 or #{port}.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

        The hostname. This component is not percent-encoded. The hostname can contain #{host}.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Protocol
        The protocol. You can specify HTTP, HTTPS, or #{protocol}. You can redirect HTTP to HTTP, HTTP to HTTPS, and HTTPS to HTTPS. You cannot redirect HTTPS to HTTP.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER StatusCode
        The HTTP redirect code. The redirect is either permanent HTTP 301 or temporary HTTP 302.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRedirectConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRedirectConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAction {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.Action resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.Action resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Order
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER TargetGroupArn
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER FixedResponseConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: FixedResponseConfig

    .PARAMETER AuthenticateCognitoConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: AuthenticateCognitoConfig

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER RedirectConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: RedirectConfig

    .PARAMETER ForwardConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ForwardConfig

    .PARAMETER AuthenticateOidcConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: AuthenticateOidcConfig


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAction]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAction'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAuthenticateCognitoConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.AuthenticateCognitoConfig resource property to the template. Specifies information required when integrating with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.AuthenticateCognitoConfig resource property to the template.
Specifies information required when integrating with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users.


    .PARAMETER OnUnauthenticatedRequest
        The behavior if the user is not authenticated. The following are possible values:
+ deny - Return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.
+ allow - Allow the request to be forwarded to the target.
+ authenticate - Redirect the request to the IdP authorization endpoint. This is the default value.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserPoolClientId
        The ID of the Amazon Cognito user pool client.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserPoolDomain
        The domain prefix or fully-qualified domain name of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionTimeout
        The maximum duration of the authentication session, in seconds. The default is 604800 seconds 7 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER Scope
        The set of user claims to be requested from the IdP. The default is openid.
To verify which scope values your IdP supports and how to separate multiple values, see the documentation for your IdP.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionCookieName
        The name of the cookie used to maintain session information. The default is AWSELBAuthSessionCookie.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserPoolArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AuthenticationRequestExtraParams
        The query parameters up to 10 to include in the redirect request to the authorization endpoint.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Map
        PrimitiveItemType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAuthenticateCognitoConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAuthenticateCognitoConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAuthenticateOidcConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.AuthenticateOidcConfig resource property to the template. Specifies information required using an identity provide (IdP that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC to authenticate users.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.AuthenticateOidcConfig resource property to the template.
Specifies information required using an identity provide (IdP that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC to authenticate users.


    .PARAMETER OnUnauthenticatedRequest
        The behavior if the user is not authenticated. The following are possible values:
+ deny - Return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.
+ allow - Allow the request to be forwarded to the target.
+ authenticate - Redirect the request to the IdP authorization endpoint. This is the default value.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER TokenEndpoint
        The token endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionTimeout
        The maximum duration of the authentication session, in seconds. The default is 604800 seconds 7 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER Scope
        The set of user claims to be requested from the IdP. The default is openid.
To verify which scope values your IdP supports and how to separate multiple values, see the documentation for your IdP.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Issuer
        The OIDC issuer identifier of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        The OAuth 2.0 client secret. This parameter is required if you are creating a rule. If you are modifying a rule, you can omit this parameter if you set UseExistingClientSecret to true.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UserInfoEndpoint
        The user info endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The OAuth 2.0 client identifier.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AuthorizationEndpoint
        The authorization endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SessionCookieName
        The name of the cookie used to maintain session information. The default is AWSELBAuthSessionCookie.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER UseExistingClientSecret
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Boolean

    .PARAMETER AuthenticationRequestExtraParams
        The query parameters up to 10 to include in the redirect request to the authorization endpoint.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Map
        PrimitiveItemType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAuthenticateOidcConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleAuthenticateOidcConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleFixedResponseConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.FixedResponseConfig resource property to the template. Specifies information required when returning a custom HTTP response.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.FixedResponseConfig resource property to the template.
Specifies information required when returning a custom HTTP response.


    .PARAMETER ContentType
        The content type.
Valid Values: text/plain | text/css | text/html | application/javascript | application/json

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER StatusCode
        The HTTP response code 2XX, 4XX, or 5XX.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER MessageBody
        The message.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleFixedResponseConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleFixedResponseConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleForwardConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.ForwardConfig resource property to the template. Information for creating an action that distributes requests among one or more target groups. For Network Load Balancers, you can specify a single target group. Specify only when Type is forward. If you specify both ForwardConfig and TargetGroupArn, you can specify only one target group using ForwardConfig and it must be the same target group specified in TargetGroupArn.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.ForwardConfig resource property to the template.
Information for creating an action that distributes requests among one or more target groups. For Network Load Balancers, you can specify a single target group. Specify only when Type is forward. If you specify both ForwardConfig and TargetGroupArn, you can specify only one target group using ForwardConfig and it must be the same target group specified in TargetGroupArn.


    .PARAMETER TargetGroupStickinessConfig
        Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: TargetGroupStickinessConfig

    .PARAMETER TargetGroups
        Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: TargetGroupTuple
        DuplicatesAllowed: False


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleForwardConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleForwardConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHostHeaderConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.HostHeaderConfig resource property to the template. Information about a host header condition.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.HostHeaderConfig resource property to the template.
Information about a host header condition.


    .PARAMETER Values
        One or more host names. The maximum size of each name is 128 characters. The comparison is case insensitive. The following wildcard characters are supported: * matches 0 or more characters and ? matches exactly 1 character.
If you specify multiple strings, the condition is satisfied if one of the strings matches the host name.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        DuplicatesAllowed: False


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHostHeaderConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHostHeaderConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHttpHeaderConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.HttpHeaderConfig resource property to the template. Information about an HTTP header condition.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.HttpHeaderConfig resource property to the template.
Information about an HTTP header condition.

There is a set of standard HTTP header fields. You can also define custom HTTP header fields.


    .PARAMETER Values
        One or more strings to compare against the value of the HTTP header. The maximum size of each string is 128 characters. The comparison strings are case insensitive. The following wildcard characters are supported: * matches 0 or more characters and ? matches exactly 1 character.
If the same header appears multiple times in the request, we search them in order until a match is found.
If you specify multiple strings, the condition is satisfied if one of the strings matches the value of the HTTP header. To require that all of the strings are a match, create one condition per string.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        DuplicatesAllowed: False

    .PARAMETER HttpHeaderName
        The name of the HTTP header field. The maximum size is 40 characters. The header name is case insensitive. The allowed characters are specified by RFC 7230. Wildcards are not supported.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHttpHeaderConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHttpHeaderConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHttpRequestMethodConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.HttpRequestMethodConfig resource property to the template. Information about an HTTP method condition.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.HttpRequestMethodConfig resource property to the template.
Information about an HTTP method condition.

HTTP defines a set of request methods, also referred to as HTTP verbs. For more information, see the HTTP Method Registry: You can also define custom HTTP methods.


    .PARAMETER Values
        The name of the request method. The maximum size is 40 characters. The allowed characters are A-Z, hyphen -, and underscore _. The comparison is case sensitive. Wildcards are not supported; therefore, the method name must be an exact match.
If you specify multiple strings, the condition is satisfied if one of the strings matches the HTTP request method. We recommend that you route GET and HEAD requests in the same way, because the response to a HEAD request may be cached.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        DuplicatesAllowed: False


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHttpRequestMethodConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleHttpRequestMethodConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRulePathPatternConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.PathPatternConfig resource property to the template. Information about a path pattern condition.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.PathPatternConfig resource property to the template.
Information about a path pattern condition.


    .PARAMETER Values
        One or more path patterns to compare against the request URL. The maximum size of each string is 128 characters. The comparison is case sensitive. The following wildcard characters are supported: * matches 0 or more characters and ? matches exactly 1 character.
If you specify multiple strings, the condition is satisfied if one of them matches the request URL. The path pattern is compared only to the path of the URL, not to its query string.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        DuplicatesAllowed: False


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRulePathPatternConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRulePathPatternConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleQueryStringConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.QueryStringConfig resource property to the template. Information about a query string condition.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.QueryStringConfig resource property to the template.
Information about a query string condition.

The query string component of a URI starts after the first '?' character and is terminated by either a '#' character or the end of the URI. A typical query string contains key/value pairs separated by '&' characters. The allowed characters are specified by RFC 3986. Any character can be percentage encoded.


    .PARAMETER Values
        One or more key/value pairs or values to find in the query string. The maximum size of each string is 128 characters. The comparison is case insensitive. The following wildcard characters are supported: * matches 0 or more characters and ? matches exactly 1 character. To search for a literal '*' or '?' character in a query string, you must escape these characters in Values using a '' character.
If you specify multiple key/value pairs or values, the condition is satisfied if one of them is found in the query string.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: QueryStringKeyValue
        DuplicatesAllowed: False


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleQueryStringConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleQueryStringConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleQueryStringKeyValue {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.QueryStringKeyValue resource property to the template. Information about a key/value pair.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.QueryStringKeyValue resource property to the template.
Information about a key/value pair.


    .PARAMETER Value
        The value.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

        The key. You can omit the key.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleQueryStringKeyValue]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleQueryStringKeyValue'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleRedirectConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.RedirectConfig resource property to the template. Information about a redirect action.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.RedirectConfig resource property to the template.
Information about a redirect action.

A URI consists of the following components: protocol://hostname:port/path?query. You must modify at least one of the following components to avoid a redirect loop: protocol, hostname, port, or path. Any components that you do not modify retain their original values.

You can reuse URI components using the following reserved keywords:

+ #{protocol}

+ #{host}

+ #{port}

+ #{path} (the leading "/" is removed

+ #{query}

For example, you can change the path to "/new/#{path}", the hostname to "example.#{host}", or the query to "#{query}&value=xyz".


        The absolute path, starting with the leading "/". This component is not percent-encoded. The path can contain #{host}, #{path}, and #{port}.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Query
        The query parameters, URL-encoded when necessary, but not percent-encoded. Do not include the leading "?", as it is automatically added. You can specify any of the reserved keywords.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

        The port. You can specify a value from 1 to 65535 or #{port}.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

        The hostname. This component is not percent-encoded. The hostname can contain #{host}.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Protocol
        The protocol. You can specify HTTP, HTTPS, or #{protocol}. You can redirect HTTP to HTTP, HTTP to HTTPS, and HTTPS to HTTPS. You cannot redirect HTTPS to HTTP.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER StatusCode
        The HTTP redirect code. The redirect is either permanent HTTP 301 or temporary HTTP 302.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleRedirectConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleRedirectConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleRuleCondition {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.RuleCondition resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.RuleCondition resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Field
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Values
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        DuplicatesAllowed: False

    .PARAMETER HttpRequestMethodConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: HttpRequestMethodConfig

    .PARAMETER PathPatternConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: PathPatternConfig

    .PARAMETER HttpHeaderConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: HttpHeaderConfig

    .PARAMETER SourceIpConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: SourceIpConfig

    .PARAMETER HostHeaderConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: HostHeaderConfig

    .PARAMETER QueryStringConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: QueryStringConfig


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleRuleCondition]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleRuleCondition'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleSourceIpConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.SourceIpConfig resource property to the template. Information about a source IP condition.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.SourceIpConfig resource property to the template.
Information about a source IP condition.

You can use this condition to route based on the IP address of the source that connects to the load balancer. If a client is behind a proxy, this is the IP address of the proxy not the IP address of the client.


    .PARAMETER Values
        One or more source IP addresses, in CIDR format. You can use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Wildcards are not supported.
If you specify multiple addresses, the condition is satisfied if the source IP address of the request matches one of the CIDR blocks. This condition is not satisfied by the addresses in the X-Forwarded-For header.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        DuplicatesAllowed: False


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleSourceIpConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleSourceIpConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleTargetGroupStickinessConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.TargetGroupStickinessConfig resource property to the template. Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.TargetGroupStickinessConfig resource property to the template.
Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.


    .PARAMETER Enabled
        Indicates whether target group stickiness is enabled.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Boolean

    .PARAMETER DurationSeconds
        The time period, in seconds, during which requests from a client should be routed to the same target group. The range is 1-604800 seconds 7 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleTargetGroupStickinessConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleTargetGroupStickinessConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleTargetGroupTuple {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.TargetGroupTuple resource property to the template. Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.TargetGroupTuple resource property to the template.
Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.


    .PARAMETER TargetGroupArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the target group.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Weight
        The weight. The range is 0 to 999.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleTargetGroupTuple]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleTargetGroupTuple'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerTargetGroupStickinessConfig {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.TargetGroupStickinessConfig resource property to the template. Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.TargetGroupStickinessConfig resource property to the template.
Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.


    .PARAMETER Enabled
        Indicates whether target group stickiness is enabled.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Boolean

    .PARAMETER DurationSeconds
        The time period, in seconds, during which requests from a client should be routed to the same target group. The range is 1-604800 seconds 7 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerTargetGroupStickinessConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerTargetGroupStickinessConfig'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerTargetGroupTuple {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.TargetGroupTuple resource property to the template. Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.TargetGroupTuple resource property to the template.
Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.


    .PARAMETER TargetGroupArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the target group.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Weight
        The weight. The range is 0 to 999.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerTargetGroupTuple]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerTargetGroupTuple'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttribute {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerAttribute resource property to the template. Specifies an attribute for an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerAttribute resource property to the template.
Specifies an attribute for an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer.


        The name of the attribute.
The following attributes are supported by both Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers:
+ access_logs.s3.enabled - Indicates whether access logs are enabled. The value is true or false. The default is false.
+ access_logs.s3.bucket - The name of the S3 bucket for the access logs. This attribute is required if access logs are enabled. The bucket must exist in the same region as the load balancer and have a bucket policy that grants Elastic Load Balancing permissions to write to the bucket.
+ access_logs.s3.prefix - The prefix for the location in the S3 bucket for the access logs.
+ deletion_protection.enabled - Indicates whether deletion protection is enabled. The value is true or false. The default is false.
The following attributes are supported by only Application Load Balancers:
+ idle_timeout.timeout_seconds - The idle timeout value, in seconds. The valid range is 1-4000 seconds. The default is 60 seconds.
+ routing.http.drop_invalid_header_fields.enabled - Indicates whether HTTP headers with invalid header fields are removed by the load balancer true or routed to targets false. The default is false.
+ routing.http2.enabled - Indicates whether HTTP/2 is enabled. The value is true or false. The default is true. Elastic Load Balancing requires that message header names contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
The following attributes are supported by only Network Load Balancers:
+ load_balancing.cross_zone.enabled - Indicates whether cross-zone load balancing is enabled. The value is true or false. The default is false.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Value
        The value of the attribute.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttribute]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttribute'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerSubnetMapping {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.SubnetMapping resource property to the template. Specifies a subnet to attach to an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.SubnetMapping resource property to the template.
Specifies a subnet to attach to an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer.


    .PARAMETER AllocationId
        Network Load Balancers] The allocation ID of the Elastic IP address for an internet-facing load balancer.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER IPv6Address
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER PrivateIPv4Address
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SubnetId
        The ID of the subnet.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerSubnetMapping]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerSubnetMapping'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupMatcher {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.Matcher resource property to the template. Specifies the HTTP codes that healthy targets must use when responding to an HTTP health check.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.Matcher resource property to the template.
Specifies the HTTP codes that healthy targets must use when responding to an HTTP health check.


    .PARAMETER HttpCode
        The HTTP codes.
For Application Load Balancers, you can specify values between 200 and 499, and the default value is 200. You can specify multiple values for example, "200,202" or a range of values for example, "200-299".
For Network Load Balancers, this is 200–399.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupMatcher]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupMatcher'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupTargetDescription {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetDescription resource property to the template. Specifies a target to add to a target group.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetDescription resource property to the template.
Specifies a target to add to a target group.


    .PARAMETER AvailabilityZone
        An Availability Zone or all. This determines whether the target receives traffic from the load balancer nodes in the specified Availability Zone or from all enabled Availability Zones for the load balancer.
This parameter is not supported if the target type of the target group is instance.
If the target type is ip and the IP address is in a subnet of the VPC for the target group, the Availability Zone is automatically detected and this parameter is optional. If the IP address is outside the VPC, this parameter is required.
With an Application Load Balancer, if the target type is ip and the IP address is outside the VPC for the target group, the only supported value is all.
If the target type is lambda, this parameter is optional and the only supported value is all.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The ID of the target. If the target type of the target group is instance, specify an instance ID. If the target type is ip, specify an IP address. If the target type is lambda, specify the ARN of the Lambda function.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The port on which the target is listening. Not used if the target is a Lambda function.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupTargetDescription]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupTargetDescription'

function Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupTargetGroupAttribute {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetGroupAttribute resource property to the template. Specifies a target group attribute.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetGroupAttribute resource property to the template.
Specifies a target group attribute.


        The name of the attribute.
The following attributes are supported by both Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers:
+ deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds - The amount of time, in seconds, for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before changing the state of a deregistering target from draining to unused. The range is 0-3600 seconds. The default value is 300 seconds. If the target is a Lambda function, this attribute is not supported.
+ stickiness.enabled - Indicates whether sticky sessions are enabled. The value is true or false. The default is false.
+ stickiness.type - The type of sticky sessions. The possible values are lb_cookie for Application Load Balancers or source_ip for Network Load Balancers.
The following attributes are supported only if the load balancer is an Application Load Balancer and the target is an instance or an IP address:
+ load_balancing.algorithm.type - The load balancing algorithm determines how the load balancer selects targets when routing requests. The value is round_robin or least_outstanding_requests. The default is round_robin.
+ slow_start.duration_seconds - The time period, in seconds, during which a newly registered target receives an increasing share of the traffic to the target group. After this time period ends, the target receives its full share of traffic. The range is 30-900 seconds 15 minutes. Slow start mode is disabled by default.
+ stickiness.lb_cookie.duration_seconds - The time period, in seconds, during which requests from a client should be routed to the same target. After this time period expires, the load balancer-generated cookie is considered stale. The range is 1 second to 1 week 604800 seconds. The default value is 1 day 86400 seconds.
The following attribute is supported only if the load balancer is an Application Load Balancer and the target is a Lambda function:
+ lambda.multi_value_headers.enabled - Indicates whether the request and response headers that are exchanged between the load balancer and the Lambda function include arrays of values or strings. The value is true or false. The default is false. If the value is false and the request contains a duplicate header field name or query parameter key, the load balancer uses the last value sent by the client.
The following attribute is supported only by Network Load Balancers:
+ proxy_protocol_v2.enabled - Indicates whether Proxy Protocol version 2 is enabled. The value is true or false. The default is false.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Value
        The value of the attribute.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupTargetGroupAttribute]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupTargetGroupAttribute'

function New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener resource to the template. Specifies a listener for an Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener resource to the template. Specifies a listener for an Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER SslPolicy
        HTTPS and TLS listeners] The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported. The following are the possible values:
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-0-2015-04
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-1-2017-01
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-Ext-2018-06
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-2018-06
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-1-1-2019-08
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-1-2-2019-08
+ ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-1-2-Res-2019-08
For more information, see Security Policies: in the *Application Load Balancers Guide* and Security Policies: in the *Network Load Balancers Guide*.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER LoadBalancerArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the load balancer.

        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER DefaultActions
        The actions for the default rule. You cannot define a condition for a default rule.
To create additional rules for an Application Load Balancer, use AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: Action
        DuplicatesAllowed: False

        The port on which the load balancer is listening.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER Certificates
        The default SSL server certificate for a secure listener. You must provide exactly one certificate if the listener protocol is HTTPS or TLS.
To create a certificate list for a secure listener, use AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: Certificate
        DuplicatesAllowed: False

    .PARAMETER Protocol
        The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer. For Application Load Balancers, the supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. For Network Load Balancers, the supported protocols are TCP, TLS, UDP, and TCP_UDP.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AlpnPolicy
        + Listeners: in the *User Guide for Network Load Balancers*

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener'

function New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate resource to the template. Specifies an SSL server certificate to add to the certificate list for an HTTPS or TLS listener.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate resource to the template. Specifies an SSL server certificate to add to the certificate list for an HTTPS or TLS listener.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER Certificates
        The certificate. You can specify one certificate per resource.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: Certificate
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER ListenerArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the listener.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate'

function New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule resource to the template. Specifies a listener rule. The listener must be associated with an Application Load Balancer. Each rule consists of a priority, one or more actions, and one or more conditions.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule resource to the template. Specifies a listener rule. The listener must be associated with an Application Load Balancer. Each rule consists of a priority, one or more actions, and one or more conditions.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER ListenerArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the listener.

        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Actions
        The actions.
The rule must include exactly one of the following types of actions: forward, fixed-response, or redirect, and it must be the last action to be performed. If the rule is for an HTTPS listener, it can also optionally include an authentication action.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: Action
        DuplicatesAllowed: False

    .PARAMETER Priority
        The rule priority. A listener can't have multiple rules with the same priority.
If you try to reorder rules by updating their priorities, do not specify a new priority if an existing rule already uses this priority, as this can cause an error. If you need to reuse a priority with a different rule, you must remove it as a priority first, and then specify it in a subsequent update.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER Conditions
        The conditions.
The rule can optionally include up to one of each of the following conditions: http-request-method, host-header, path-pattern, and source-ip. A rule can also optionally include one or more of each of the following conditions: http-header and query-string.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: RuleCondition
        DuplicatesAllowed: False

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule'

function New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer resource to the template. Specifies an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer resource to the template. Specifies an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER IpAddressType
        The IP address type. The possible values are ipv4 for IPv4 addresses and dualstack for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Internal load balancers must use ipv4. Network Load Balancers must use ipv4.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LoadBalancerAttributes
        The load balancer attributes.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: LoadBalancerAttribute
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The name of the load balancer. This name must be unique per region per account, can have a maximum of 32 characters, must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens, must not begin or end with a hyphen, and must not begin with "internal-".
If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID for the load balancer. If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require replacement of this resource, but you can perform other updates. To replace the resource, specify a new name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER Scheme
        The nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer have public IP addresses. The DNS name of an Internet-facing load balancer is publicly resolvable to the public IP addresses of the nodes. Therefore, Internet-facing load balancers can route requests from clients over the internet.
The nodes of an internal load balancer have only private IP addresses. The DNS name of an internal load balancer is publicly resolvable to the private IP addresses of the nodes. Therefore, internal load balancers can route requests only from clients with access to the VPC for the load balancer.
The default is an Internet-facing load balancer.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER SecurityGroups
        Application Load Balancers] The IDs of the security groups for the load balancer.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SubnetMappings
        The IDs of the public subnets. You can specify only one subnet per Availability Zone. You must specify either subnets or subnet mappings.
Application Load Balancers] You must specify subnets from at least two Availability Zones. You cannot specify Elastic IP addresses for your subnets.
Network Load Balancers] You can specify subnets from one or more Availability Zones. You can specify one Elastic IP address per subnet if you need static IP addresses for your internet-facing load balancer. For internal load balancers, you can specify one private IP address per subnet from the IPv4 range of the subnet.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: SubnetMapping
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Subnets
        The IDs of the subnets. You can specify only one subnet per Availability Zone. You must specify either subnets or subnet mappings.
Application Load Balancers] You must specify subnets from at least two Availability Zones. When you specify subnets for an existing Application Load Balancer, they replace the previously enabled subnets.
Network Load Balancers] You can specify subnets from one or more Availability Zones when you create the load balancer. You can't change the subnets for an existing Network Load Balancer.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

        One or more tags to assign to the load balancer.

        DuplicatesAllowed: True
        ItemType: Tag
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The type of load balancer. The default is application.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer'

function New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup {
        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup resource to the template. Specifies a target group for an Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer.

        Adds an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup resource to the template. Specifies a target group for an Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer.

Before you register a Lambda function as a target, you must create a AWS::Lambda::Permission resource that grants the Elastic Load Balancing service principal permission to invoke the Lambda function.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER HealthCheckEnabled
        Indicates whether health checks are enabled. If the target type is lambda, health checks are disabled by default but can be enabled. If the target type is instance or ip, health checks are always enabled and cannot be disabled.

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HealthCheckIntervalSeconds
        The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target. For HTTP and HTTPS health checks, the range is 5–300 seconds. For TCP health checks, the supported values are 10 and 30 seconds. If the target type is instance or ip, the default is 30 seconds. If the target type is lambda, the default is 35 seconds.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HealthCheckPath
        HTTP/HTTPS health checks] The ping path that is the destination on the targets for health checks. The default is /.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HealthCheckPort
        The port the load balancer uses when performing health checks on targets. The default is traffic-port, which is the port on which each target receives traffic from the load balancer.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HealthCheckProtocol
        The protocol the load balancer uses when performing health checks on targets. For Application Load Balancers, the default is HTTP. For Network Load Balancers, the default is TCP. The TCP protocol is supported for health checks only if the protocol of the target group is TCP, TLS, UDP, or TCP_UDP. The TLS, UDP, and TCP_UDP protocols are not supported for health checks.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds
        The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response from a target means a failed health check. For target groups with a protocol of HTTP or HTTPS, the default is 5 seconds. For target groups with a protocol of TCP or TLS, this value must be 6 seconds for HTTP health checks and 10 seconds for TCP and HTTPS health checks. If the target type is lambda, the default is 30 seconds.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HealthyThresholdCount
        The number of consecutive health checks successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy. For target groups with a protocol of HTTP or HTTPS, the default is 5. For target groups with a protocol of TCP or TLS, the default is 3. If the target type is lambda, the default is 5.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Matcher
        HTTP/HTTPS health checks] The HTTP codes to use when checking for a successful response from a target.

        Type: Matcher
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The name of the target group.
This name must be unique per region per account, can have a maximum of 32 characters, must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens, and must not begin or end with a hyphen.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

        The port on which the targets receive traffic. This port is used unless you specify a port override when registering the target. If the target is a Lambda function, this parameter does not apply.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER Protocol
        The protocol to use for routing traffic to the targets. For Application Load Balancers, the supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. For Network Load Balancers, the supported protocols are TCP, TLS, UDP, or TCP_UDP. A TCP_UDP listener must be associated with a TCP_UDP target group. If the target is a Lambda function, this parameter does not apply.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

        The tags.

        DuplicatesAllowed: True
        ItemType: Tag
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER TargetGroupAttributes
        The attributes.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: TargetGroupAttribute
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER TargetType
        The type of target that you must specify when registering targets with this target group. You can't specify targets for a target group using more than one target type.
+ instance - Targets are specified by instance ID. This is the default value. If the target group protocol is UDP or TCP_UDP, the target type must be instance.
+ ip - Targets are specified by IP address. You can specify IP addresses from the subnets of the virtual private cloud VPC for the target group, the RFC 1918 range,, and, and the RFC 6598 range You can't specify publicly routable IP addresses.
+ lambda - The target groups contains a single Lambda function.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER Targets
        The targets.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: TargetDescription
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER UnhealthyThresholdCount
        The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering a target unhealthy. For target groups with a protocol of HTTP or HTTPS, the default is 2. For target groups with a protocol of TCP or TLS, this value must be the same as the healthy threshold count. If the target type is lambda, the default is 2.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The identifier of the virtual private cloud VPC. If the target is a Lambda function, this parameter does not apply. Otherwise, this parameter is required.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup'