
# PSM1 Contents
function Format-Json {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        $cleaner = {
    Process {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
            try {
                $indent = 0;
                $res = $Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_ -match '[\}\]]') {
                        # This line contains ] or }, decrement the indentation level
                    $line = (' ' * $indent * 2) + $_.TrimStart().Replace(': ', ': ')
                    if ($_ -match '[\{\[]') {
                        # This line contains [ or {, increment the indentation level
                $res -join "`n"
            catch {
                ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"
        else {
            ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"

function Get-TrueCount {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Process {
        if ($array) {
            if ($array.Count) {
                $count = $array.Count
            else {
                $count = 1
        else {
            $count = 0
    End {
        return $count

function New-VSError {
    Error generator function to use in tandem with $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError()
    .PARAMETER Result
    Allows input of an error from AWS SDK, resulting in the Exception message being parsed out.
    .PARAMETER String
    Used to create basic String message errors in the same wrapper

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        Result { $Exception = "$($result.Exception.InnerException.Message)" }
        String { $Exception = "$String" }
    $e = New-Object "System.Exception" $Exception
    $errorRecord = New-Object 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord' $e, $null, ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation), $null
    return $errorRecord

function ResolveS3Endpoint {
    Resolves the S3 endpoint most appropriate for each region.

    $endpointMap = @{
        "us-east-2" = ""
        "us-east-1" = ""
        "us-west-1" = ""
        "us-west-2" = ""
        "ca-central-1" = ""
        "ap-south-1" = ""
        "ap-northeast-2" = ""
        "ap-southeast-1" = ""
        "ap-southeast-2" = ""
        "ap-northeast-1" = ""
        "eu-central-1" = ""
        "eu-west-1" = ""
        "eu-west-2" = ""
        "sa-east-1" = ""
    return $endpointMap[$Region]

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryArtifactConfig {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.ArtifactConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.ArtifactConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER S3Encryption
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: S3Encryption


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanaryArtifactConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryArtifactConfig'

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryBaseScreenshot {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.BaseScreenshot resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.BaseScreenshot resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER ScreenshotName
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER IgnoreCoordinates
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanaryBaseScreenshot]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryBaseScreenshot'

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryCode {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.Code resource property to the template. Use this structure to input your script code for the canary. This structure contains the Lambda handler with the location where the canary should start running the script. If the script is stored in an S3 bucket, the bucket name, key, and version are also included. If the script is passed into the canary directly, the script code is contained in the value of Script.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.Code resource property to the template.
Use this structure to input your script code for the canary. This structure contains the Lambda handler with the location where the canary should start running the script. If the script is stored in an S3 bucket, the bucket name, key, and version are also included. If the script is passed into the canary directly, the script code is contained in the value of Script.


    .PARAMETER S3Bucket
        If your canary script is located in S3, specify the full bucket name here. The bucket must already exist. Specify the full bucket name, including s3:// as the start of the bucket name.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

        The S3 key of your script. For more information, see Working with Amazon S3 Objects:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER S3ObjectVersion
        The S3 version ID of your script.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Script
        If you input your canary script directly into the canary instead of referring to an S3 location, the value of this parameter is the script in plain text. It can be up to 5 MB.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Handler
        The entry point to use for the source code when running the canary. This value must end with the string .handler.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanaryCode]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryCode'

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryRunConfig {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.RunConfig resource property to the template. A structure that contains input information for a canary run.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.RunConfig resource property to the template.
A structure that contains input information for a canary run.


    .PARAMETER TimeoutInSeconds
        How long the canary is allowed to run before it must stop. If you omit this field, the frequency of the canary is used as this value, up to a maximum of 900 seconds.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER ActiveTracing
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Boolean

    .PARAMETER EnvironmentVariables
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Map
        PrimitiveItemType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanaryRunConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryRunConfig'

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryS3Encryption {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.S3Encryption resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.S3Encryption resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER EncryptionMode
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER KmsKeyArn
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanaryS3Encryption]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryS3Encryption'

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanarySchedule {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.Schedule resource property to the template. This structure specifies how often a canary is to make runs and the date and time when it should stop making runs.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.Schedule resource property to the template.
This structure specifies how often a canary is to make runs and the date and time when it should stop making runs.


    .PARAMETER Expression
        A rate expression that defines how often the canary is to run. The syntax is ratenumber unit. *unit* can be minute, minutes, or hour.
For example, rate1 minute runs the canary once a minute, rate10 minutes runs it once every 10 minutes, and rate1 hour runs it once every hour. You can specify a frequency between rate1 minute and rate1 hour.
Specifying rate0 minute or rate0 hour is a special value that causes the canary to run only once when it is started.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER DurationInSeconds
        How long, in seconds, for the canary to continue making regular runs according to the schedule in the Expression value. If you specify 0, the canary continues making runs until you stop it. If you omit this field, the default of 0 is used.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanarySchedule]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanarySchedule'

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryVisualReference {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.VisualReference resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.VisualReference resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER BaseCanaryRunId
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER BaseScreenshots
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: BaseScreenshot


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanaryVisualReference]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryVisualReference'

function Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryVPCConfig {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.VPCConfig resource property to the template. If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint. For more information, see Running a Canary in a VPC:

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary.VPCConfig resource property to the template.
If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint. For more information, see Running a Canary in a VPC:


        The IDs of the VPC where this canary is to run.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SubnetIds
        The IDs of the subnets where this canary is to run.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String

    .PARAMETER SecurityGroupIds
        The IDs of the security groups for this canary.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        PrimitiveItemType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanaryVPCConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSSyntheticsCanaryVPCConfig'

function New-VSSyntheticsCanary {
        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary resource to the template. Creates or updates a canary. Canaries are scripts that monitor your endpoints and APIs from the outside-in. Canaries help you check the availability and latency of your web services and troubleshoot anomalies by investigating load time data, screenshots of the UI, logs, and metrics. You can set up a canary to run continuously or just once.

        Adds an AWS::Synthetics::Canary resource to the template. Creates or updates a canary. Canaries are scripts that monitor your endpoints and APIs from the outside-in. Canaries help you check the availability and latency of your web services and troubleshoot anomalies by investigating load time data, screenshots of the UI, logs, and metrics. You can set up a canary to run continuously or just once.

To create canaries, you must have the CloudWatchSyntheticsFullAccess policy. If you are creating a new IAM role for the canary, you also need the the iam:CreateRole, iam:CreatePolicy and iam:AttachRolePolicy permissions. For more information, see Necessary Roles and Permissions:

Do not include secrets or proprietary information in your canary names. The canary name makes up part of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN for the canary, and the ARN is included in outbound calls over the internet. For more information, see Security Considerations for Synthetics Canaries:


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

        The name of the canary. For example, MyCanary.
State <a name="State-fn::getatt"></a>
The state of the canary. For example, RUNNING.

        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

        Use this structure to input your script code for the canary. This structure contains the Lambda handler with the location where the canary should start running the script. If the script is stored in an S3 bucket, the bucket name, key, and version are also included. If the script is passed into the canary directly, the script code is contained in the value of Script.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Code

    .PARAMETER ArtifactS3Location
        The location in Amazon S3 where Synthetics stores artifacts from the runs of this canary. Artifacts include the log file, screenshots, and HAR files. Specify the full location path, including s3:// at the beginning of the path.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ArtifactConfig
        The state of the canary. For example, RUNNING.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ArtifactConfig

    .PARAMETER Schedule
        A structure that contains information about how often the canary is to run, and when these runs are to stop.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Schedule

    .PARAMETER ExecutionRoleArn
        The ARN of the IAM role to be used to run the canary. This role must already exist, and must include as a principal in the trust policy. The role must also have the following permissions:
+ s3:PutObject
+ s3:GetBucketLocation
+ s3:ListAllMyBuckets
+ cloudwatch:PutMetricData
+ logs:CreateLogGroup
+ logs:CreateLogStream
+ logs:CreateLogStream

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER RuntimeVersion
        Specifies the runtime version to use for the canary. Currently, the only valid value is syn-1.0. For more information about runtime versions, see Canary Runtime Versions:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SuccessRetentionPeriod
        The number of days to retain data about successful runs of this canary. If you omit this field, the default of 31 days is used. The valid range is 1 to 455 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER FailureRetentionPeriod
        The number of days to retain data about failed runs of this canary. If you omit this field, the default of 31 days is used. The valid range is 1 to 455 days.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

        The list of key-value pairs that are associated with the canary.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: Tag
        DuplicatesAllowed: True

        If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint. For more information, see Running a Canary in a VPC:

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: VPCConfig

    .PARAMETER RunConfig
        A structure that contains input information for a canary run.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: RunConfig

    .PARAMETER StartCanaryAfterCreation
        Specify TRUE to have the canary start making runs immediately when it is created.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Boolean

    .PARAMETER VisualReference
        The state of the canary. For example, RUNNING.

        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: VisualReference

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [SyntheticsCanary]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSSyntheticsCanary'