
function Import-Vaporshell {
        Allows you to import an existing CloudFormation template as a starting point.
        Allows you to import an existing CloudFormation template as a starting point.
        The path to the existing template.

        $Template = Import-Vaporshell -Path "C:\CloudFormation\Templates\S3Bucket.json"


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
    $tempObj = Get-Content $Path -Verbose:$false | ConvertFrom-Json -Verbose:$false
    $addMetadata = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Metadata"
            $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Transform","Vaporshell.Metadata"
            foreach ($obj in $args) {
                if ([string]$($obj.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") {
                    if ( -not ($this.$ObjName)) {
                        Write-Verbose "The $ObjName property was not found on the Vaporshell template. Adding the property to the template now."
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$ObjName" -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this.$ObjName -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($obj.LogicalID) -Value $($obj.Props)
                else {
                    throw "You must use one of the following object types with this parameter: $($allowedTypes -join ", ")"
    $addParameter = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Parameters"
            $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Parameter"
            foreach ($obj in $args) {
                if ([string]$($obj.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") {
                    if ( -not ($this.$ObjName)) {
                        Write-Verbose "The $ObjName property was not found on the Vaporshell template. Adding the property to the template now."
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$ObjName" -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this.$ObjName -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($obj.LogicalID) -Value $($obj.Props)
                else {
                    throw "You must use one of the following object types with this parameter: $($allowedTypes -join ", ")"
    $addMapping = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Mappings"
            $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Transform","Vaporshell.Mapping"
            foreach ($obj in $args) {
                if ([string]$($obj.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") {
                    if ( -not ($this.$ObjName)) {
                        Write-Verbose "The $ObjName property was not found on the Vaporshell template. Adding the property to the template now."
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$ObjName" -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this.$ObjName -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($obj.LogicalID) -Value $($obj.Props)
                else {
                    throw "You must use one of the following object types with this parameter: $($allowedTypes -join ", ")"
    $addCondition = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Conditions"
            $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Transform","Vaporshell.Condition"
            foreach ($obj in $args) {
                if ([string]$($obj.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") {
                    if ( -not ($this.$ObjName)) {
                        Write-Verbose "The $ObjName property was not found on the Vaporshell template. Adding the property to the template now."
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$ObjName" -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this.$ObjName -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($obj.LogicalID) -Value $($obj.Props)
                else {
                    throw "You must use one of the following object types with this parameter: $($allowedTypes -join ", ")"
    $addResource = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Resources"
            $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Transform","Vaporshell.Resource"
            foreach ($obj in $args) {
                if ($obj.Props.Type -like "AWS::Serverless*" -and $this.Transform -ne "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31") {
                    if ( -not ($this.Transform)) {
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Transform -Value "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"
                    else {
                        $this.Transform = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"
                if ([string]$($obj.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") {
                    if ( -not ($this.$ObjName)) {
                        Write-Verbose "The $ObjName property was not found on the Vaporshell template. Adding the property to the template now."
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$ObjName" -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this.$ObjName -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($obj.LogicalID) -Value $($obj.Props)
                else {
                    throw "You must use one of the following object types with this parameter: $($allowedTypes -join ", ")"
    $addOutput = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Outputs"
            $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Transform","Vaporshell.Output"
            foreach ($obj in $args) {
                if ([string]$($obj.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") {
                    if ( -not ($this.$ObjName)) {
                        Write-Verbose "The $ObjName property was not found on the Vaporshell template. Adding the property to the template now."
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$ObjName" -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this.$ObjName -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($obj.LogicalID) -Value $($obj.Props)
                else {
                    throw "You must use one of the following object types with this parameter: $($allowedTypes -join ", ")"
    $addTransform = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Transform"
            $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Transform.Include"
            foreach ($obj in $args) {
                if ([string]$($obj.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") {
                    if ( -not ($this.$ObjName)) {
                        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$ObjName" -Value $($obj.Props)
                    else {
                        throw "There is already a $ObjName property on this object!"
                else {
                    throw "You must use one of the following object types with this parameter: $($allowedTypes -join ", ")"
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "AddMetadata"
        Value       = $addMetadata
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "AddParameter"
        Value       = $addParameter
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "AddMapping"
        Value       = $addMapping
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "AddCondition"
        Value       = $addCondition
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "AddResource"
        Value       = $addResource
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "AddOutput"
        Value       = $addOutput
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "AddTransform"
        Value       = $addTransform
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $remMetadata = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Metadata"
            foreach ($LogicalID in $args) {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($this.$ObjName.PSObject.Properties | Out-String))) {
                    Write-Verbose "All objects in the $ObjName property have been removed. Removing the property from the template as well."
    $remParameter = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Parameters"
            foreach ($LogicalID in $args) {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($this.$ObjName.PSObject.Properties | Out-String))) {
                    Write-Verbose "All objects in the $ObjName property have been removed. Removing the property from the template as well."
    $remMapping = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Mappings"
            foreach ($LogicalID in $args) {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($this.$ObjName.PSObject.Properties | Out-String))) {
                    Write-Verbose "All objects in the $ObjName property have been removed. Removing the property from the template as well."
    $remCondition = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Conditions"
            foreach ($LogicalID in $args) {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($this.$ObjName.PSObject.Properties | Out-String))) {
                    Write-Verbose "All objects in the $ObjName property have been removed. Removing the property from the template as well."
    $remResource = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Resources"
            foreach ($LogicalID in $args) {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($this.$ObjName.PSObject.Properties | Out-String))) {
                    Write-Verbose "All objects in the $ObjName property have been removed. Removing the property from the template as well."
    $remOutput = {
        Process {
            $ObjName = "Outputs"
            foreach ($LogicalID in $args) {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($this.$ObjName.PSObject.Properties | Out-String))) {
                    Write-Verbose "All objects in the $ObjName property have been removed. Removing the property from the template as well."
    $remTransform = {
        $ObjName = "Transform"
        if ($this.$ObjName) {
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "RemoveMetadata"
        Value       = $remMetadata
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "RemoveParameter"
        Value       = $remParameter
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "RemoveMapping"
        Value       = $remMapping
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "RemoveCondition"
        Value       = $remCondition
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "RemoveResource"
        Value       = $remResource
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "RemoveOutput"
        Value       = $remOutput
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $memberParam = @{
        MemberType  = "ScriptMethod"
        InputObject = $tempObj
        Name        = "RemoveTransform"
        Value       = $remTransform
    Add-Member @memberParam
    $tempObj | Add-ObjectDetail -TypeName 'Vaporshell.Template'