
Function Get-InstalledVcRedist {
            Returns the installed Visual C++ Redistributables.

            Returns the installed Visual C++ Redistributables.

            Author: Aaron Parker
            Twitter: @stealthpuppy


        .PARAMETER ExportAll
            Export all installed Redistributables including the Additional and Minimum Runtimes


            Returns the installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables from the current system

            Get-InstalledVcRedist -ExportAll

            Returns the installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables from the current system including the Additional and Minimum Runtimes.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [switch] $ExportAll

    # Get all installed Visual C++ Redistributables installed components
    $VcRedists = Get-InstalledSoftware | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "Microsoft Visual C++*" }

    # If -ExportAll used, export everything instead of filtering for the primary Redistributable
    If (-not $ExportAll) {
        $VcRedists = $VcRedists | ForEach-Object { If (-not (Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern "Additional|Minimum")) {$_} } | `
            Sort-Object Name
    # Write the installed VcRedists to the pipeline
    Write-Output $VcRedists