
function Install-VeeamAgent {
        [string]$DownloadPath = $env:TEMP,
        [string]$DownloadURL = $script:DefaultDownloadURL,
        [string]$MD5 = $script:DefaultMD5,
    $DownloadFileName = ''
    $Installer = (Split-Path $DownloadURL -Leaf).Replace('.zip','.exe')
    $InstallerPath = (Join-Path $DownloadPath $Installer).Replace('.exe','.exe')
    $DownloadFullPath = Join-Path $DownloadPath $DownloadFileName
    [version]$InstallerVersion = ($Installer -split '_')[1] -replace '.exe', ''

    # Test to see if Veeam Agent is already installed
    $CurrentVersion = Get-VeeamAgentVersion
    if($CurrentVersion -ne $False `
    -and !$Force.IsPresent `
    -and (
        ($Upgrade.IsPresent -and $InstallerVersion -le [version]$CurrentVersion) `
        -or !$Upgrade.IsPresent)
    ){ return Write-Output "Veeam Agent For Windows $CurrentVersion, is already installed." }

    # admin check
    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
    if(!$currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
        return Write-Error 'Access denied, run as admin.'

    # Test to see if there is already an installer present and a force has not been issued.
    if((Test-Path $InstallerPath) -eq $False -or $Force){

        if((Test-Path $DownloadFullPath) -eq $False -or (Get-FileHash $DownloadFullPath -Algorithm MD5).Hash -ne $MD5 -or $Force){

            Write-Verbose "Downloading installer."
                if(!(Test-Path $DownloadPath)){
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory $DownloadPath
                $null = Remove-Item $DownloadFullPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURL -OutFile $DownloadFullPath
                $Message = "There was an error downloading the agent. "
                $Message += $_
                return Write-Error  $Message

            if ((Get-FileHash $DownloadFullPath -Algorithm MD5).Hash -ne $MD5) {
                $null = Remove-Item $DownloadFullPath -Force
                $Message = "There was an error downloading the agent. The installer doesn't match check sum."
                return Write-Error  $Message

        Write-Verbose "Extracting installer"
            $null = Remove-Item $InstallerPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
            [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($DownloadFullPath, $DownloadPath)
            $Message = "There was an error extracting the agent. "
            $Message += $_
            return Write-Error  $Message

    Write-Verbose "Installing agent"
        $ArgumentList = @('/silent', '/accepteula', '/acceptthirdpartylicenses')
        $InstallProcess = Start-Process $InstallerPath -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -PassThru
        if($InstallProcess.ExitCode -eq 1000){
            Write-Verbose "Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows has been successfully installed."
        elseif($InstallProcess.ExitCode -eq 1001){
            return Write-Output "Prerequisite components required for Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows have been installed on the machine. Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows has not been installed. The machine needs to be rebooted."
        elseif($InstallProcess.ExitCode -eq 1002){
            return Write-Error "Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows installation has failed. ExitCode 1002"
        elseif($InstallProcess.ExitCode -eq 1101){
            Write-Output "Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows has been installed. The machine needs to be rebooted."
            return Write-Error "There was an unknown exit code, $($InstallProcess.ExitCode)"
        return Write-Error $_
    Write-Verbose "Cleaning up"
    $null = Remove-Item $DownloadFullPath -Force
    $null = Remove-Item $InstallerPath -Force