
Write entries to the TPP log

Write entries to the log for custom event groups.
It is not permitted to write to the default log.
Ensure the group and event id are correct as the api will not fail if incorrect.

.PARAMETER CustomEventGroup
ID containing hex values between 0100-0299 referring to the created custom group.

Event ID from within the EventGroup provided, a 4 character hex value.
Only provide the 4 character event id, do not precede with group ID.

.PARAMETER Component
Path to the item this event is associated with

Severity of the event

The IP that originated the event

Component ID that originated the event

.PARAMETER ComponentSubsystem
Component subsystem that originated the event

String data to write to log. See link for event ID messages for more info.

String data to write to log. See link for event ID messages for more info.

Integer data to write to log. See link for event ID messages for more info.

Integer data to write to log. See link for event ID messages for more info.

.PARAMETER VenafiSession
Session object created from New-VenafiSession method. The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession.



Write-TppLog -CustomEventGroup '0200' -EventId '0001' -Component '\ved\policy\'
Log an event to a custom group





function Write-TppLog {

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'DefaultGroup')]
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DefaultGroup')]
        [string] $EventGroup,

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'CustomGroup')]
            if ( $_ -match '^0[1-2]\d\d$' ) {
            } else {
                throw "$_ is an invalid group. Custom event groups must be betwen 0100-0299."
        [string] $CustomEventGroup,

            if ( $_ -match '^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$' ) {
            } else {
                throw "$_ is an invalid event ID. Event IDs must be a 4 character hex value."
        [string] $EventId,

        [String] $Component,

        [TppEventSeverity] $Severity,

        [ipaddress] $SourceIp,

        [int] $ComponentID,

        [string] $ComponentSubsystem,

        [string] $Text1,

        [string] $Text2,

        [int] $Value1,

        [int] $Value2,

        [VenafiSession] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession

    if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'DefaultGroup' ) {
        throw 'Writing to built-in event groups is no longer supported by Venafi. You can write to custom event groups. -EventGroup will be deprecated in a future release.'


    # the event id is the group id coupled with the event id
    $fullEventId = "$CustomEventGroup$EventId"

    # convert the hex based eventid to decimal equivalent
    $decEventId = [System.Convert]::ToInt64($fullEventId, 16)

    $params = @{
        VenafiSession = $VenafiSession
        Method     = 'Post'
        UriLeaf    = 'Log/'
        Body       = @{
            ID        = $decEventId
            Component = $Component

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Severity') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('Severity', [TppEventSeverity]::$Severity)

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SourceIp') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('SourceIp', $SourceIp.ToString())

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComponentID') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('ComponentID', $ComponentID)

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComponentSubsystem') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('ComponentSubsystem', $ComponentSubsystem)

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Text1') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('Text1', $Text1)

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Text2') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('Text2', $Text2)

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Value1') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('Value1', $Value1)

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Value2') ) {
        $params.Body.Add('Value2', $Value2)

    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Component, 'Write log entry') ) {

        $response = Invoke-VenafiRestMethod @params

        if ( $response.LogResult -eq 1 ) {
            throw "Writing to the TPP log failed. Ensure you have View permission and Read permission to the default SQL channel object."