
Add owners to a team
Add owners to either a VaaS or TPP team
Team ID.
For VaaS, this is the unique guid obtained from Get-VenafiTeam.
For TPP, this is the ID property from Find-TppIdentity or Get-VenafiTeam.
1 or more owners to add to the team
For VaaS, this is the unique guid obtained from Get-VenafiIdentity.
For TPP, this is the identity ID property from Find-TppIdentity or Get-VenafiIdentity.
.PARAMETER VenafiSession
Authentication for the function.
The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession created by New-VenafiSession.
A TPP token or VaaS key can also provided.
If providing a TPP token, an environment variable named TppServer must also be set.
Add-VenafiTeamOwner -ID 'ca7ff555-88d2-4bfc-9efa-2630ac44c1f2' -Owner @('ca7ff555-88d2-4bfc-9efa-2630ac44c1f3', 'ca7ff555-88d2-4bfc-9efa-2630ac44c1f4')
Add owners to a VaaS team
Add-VenafiTeamOwner -ID 'local:{803f332e-7576-4696-a5a2-8ac6be6b14e6}' -Owner 'local:{803f332e-7576-4696-a5a2-8ac6be6b14e7}'
Add owners to a TPP team

function Add-VenafiTeamOwner {

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Alias('PrefixedUniversal', 'Guid')]
        [string] $ID,

        [string[]] $Owner,

        [psobject] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession

    begin {
        $platform = Test-VenafiSession -VenafiSession $VenafiSession -PassThru

        $params = @{
            VenafiSession = $VenafiSession

    process {

        if ( $platform -eq 'VaaS' ) {

            $params.Method = 'Post'
            $params.UriLeaf = "teams/$ID/owners"
            $params.Body = @{
                'owners' = @($Owner)
        else {
            $teamName = Get-VenafiIdentity -ID $ID -VenafiSession $VenafiSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
            $owners = foreach ($thisOwner in $Owner) {
                if ( $thisOwner.StartsWith('local') ) {
                    $ownerIdentity = Get-VenafiIdentity -ID $thisOwner -VenafiSession $VenafiSession
                        'PrefixedName'      = $ownerIdentity.FullName
                        'PrefixedUniversal' = $ownerIdentity.ID
                else {
                    @{'PrefixedUniversal' = $thisOwner }
            $params.Method = 'Put'
            $params.UriLeaf = 'Teams/AddTeamOwners'
            $params.Body = @{
                'Team'   = @{'PrefixedName' = $teamName }
                'Owners' = @($owners)

        Invoke-VenafiRestMethod @params | Out-Null