
function Invoke-TppCertificateRenewal {
    Renew a certificate
    Requests renewal for an existing certificate. This call marks a certificate for
    immediate renewal. The certificate must not be in error, already being processed, or
    configured for Monitoring in order for it be renewable. Caller must have Write access
    to the certificate object being renewed.
    Full path to a certificate in TPP
    .PARAMETER TppSession
    Session object created from New-TppSession method. The value defaults to the script session object $TppSession.
    Path (alias: DN)
    PSCustomObject with the following properties:
    DN - Certificate path
    Success - A value of true indicates that the renewal request was successfully submitted and
    Error - Indicates any errors that occurred. Not returned when successful
    Invoke-TppCertificateRenew -Path '\VED\Policy\My folder\'

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [String[]] $Path,

        [TppSession] $TppSession = $Script:TppSession

    begin {

    process {

        write-verbose "Renewing $Path..."

        $params = @{
            TppSession = $TppSession
            Method        = 'Post'
            UriLeaf       = 'certificates/renew'
            Body          = @{
                CertificateDN = $Path
        $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params
        $response | Add-Member @{'DN' = $Path}