
function Test-TppSession {
    DEPRECATED - Validate session object
    Verifies that an APIKey is still valid. If the session has expired due to a timeout, the session will be reestablished and a new key retrieved. The new session will replace the old script scope session object.
    .PARAMETER TppSession
    Session object created from New-TppSession. Defaults to current session object.
    Validate current session set as script variable

    param (
        $TppSession = $Script:TppSession

    begin {

        if ( -not ($ -contains "APIKey") ) {
            throw "Valid TppSession was not provided. Please authenticate with New-TppSession."
        If ($TppSession.ValidUntil -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) {
            # we need to re-authenticate
            Write-Verbose "Session timeout, re-authenticating"
            $newSession = New-TppSession -ServerUrl $TppSession.ServerUrl -Credential $TppSession.Credential -PassThrough

    process {

        if ( $newSession ) {
        } else {
