
Adds a value to an attribute
Write a value to the object's configuration. This function will append by default. Attributes can have multiple values which may not be the intended use. To ensure you only have one value for an attribute, use the Overwrite switch.
Path to the object to modify
.PARAMETER AttributeName
Name of the attribute to modify. If modifying a custom field, use the Label.
Value or list of values to write to the attribute.
Append existing values as opposed to replacing which is the default
Session object created from New-TppSession method. The value defaults to the script session object $TppSession.
System.String[] for DN
PSCustomObject with the following properties:
    DN = path to object
    Success = boolean indicating success or failure
    Error = Error message in case of failure
Set-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\My Folder\ -AttributeName 'My custom field Label' -Value 'new custom value'
Set value on custom field. This will add to any existing value.
Set-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\My Folder\ -AttributeName 'Consumers' -Value '\VED\Policy\' -Overwrite
Set value on a certificate by overwriting any existing values

function Set-TppAttribute {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ( $_ | Test-TppDnPath ) {
                } else {
                    throw "'$_' is not a valid DN path"
        [String[]] $Path,

        [String] $AttributeName,

        [String[]] $Value,

        [Switch] $NoClobber,

        [TppSession] $TppSession = $Script:TppSession

    begin {

        $params = @{
            TppSession = $TppSession
            Method     = 'Post'

        if ($Overwrite) {
            $params += @{
                UriLeaf = 'config/Write'
        } else {
            $params += @{
                UriLeaf = 'config/AddValue'

    process {

        foreach ($thisDn in $Path) {

            $realAttributeName = $AttributeName
            $field = $TppSession.CustomField | Where-Object {$_.Label -eq $AttributeName}
            if ( $field ) {
                $realAttributeName = $field.Guid
                Write-Verbose ("Updating custom field. Name: {0}, Guid: {1}" -f $AttributeName, $field.Guid)

            $params.Body = @{
                ObjectDN      = $thisDn
                AttributeName = $realAttributeName

            # overwrite can accept multiple values at once so pass in the entire list
            # adding values can not so we must loop
            if ($NoClobber) {
                foreach ($thisValue in $Value) {

                    $params.Body += @{
                        Value = $thisValue
                    $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params

                    [PSCustomObject] @{
                        DN      = $thisDn
                        Success = $response.Result -eq [ConfigResult]::Success
                        Error   = $response.Error
            } else {
                $params.Body += @{
                    Values = $Value
                $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params

                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    DN      = $thisDn
                    Success = $response.Result -eq [ConfigResult]::Success
                    Error   = $response.Error
