
This file exists to combine simple user input (Invoke-Vester), simple
user test authoring (*.Vester.ps1), and properly scoped inventory objects
into a single test session that loops through all necessary combinations.
It is called by Invoke-Vester via the Invoke-Pester command.

# Accept -WhatIf input from Invoke-Vester
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
               ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
    # The $cfg hashtable from a single config file

    # Array of paths for tests to run against this config file

    # Pass through the user's preference to fix differences or not

# Gets the scope, the objects for the scope and their requested test files
$Scopes = Split-Path (Split-Path $TestFiles -Parent) -Leaf | Select -Unique
$Final = @()
$InventoryList = @()
$Datacenter = Get-Datacenter -Name $cfg.scope.datacenter -Server $
foreach($Scope in $Scopes)
    Write-Verbose "Processing $Scope"
    Remove-Variable InventoryList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Makes sure the variable is always fresh
    # Use $Scope (parent folder) to get the correct objects to test against
    # If changing values here, update the "$Scope -notmatch" test below as well
    $InventoryList = switch ($Scope) {
        'vCenter'    {$global:DefaultVIServer | where-object {$ -like "$($"}}
        'Datacenter' {$Datacenter}
        'Cluster'    {$Datacenter | Get-Cluster -Name $cfg.scope.cluster}
        'DSCluster'  {$Datacenter | Get-DatastoreCluster -Name $cfg.scope.dscluster}
        'Host'       {$Datacenter | Get-Cluster -Name $cfg.scope.cluster | Get-VMHost -Name $}
        'VM'         {$Datacenter | Get-Cluster -Name $cfg.scope.cluster | Get-VM -Name $cfg.scope.vm}
        'Network'    {$Datacenter | Get-VDSwitch -Name $cfg.scope.vds}

    $ScopeObj = [pscustomobject] @{
        'Scope'         = $Scope
        'InventoryList' = $InventoryList
        'TestFiles'     = $TestFiles | Where-Object { (Split-Path (Split-Path $_ -Parent) -Leaf) -eq $Scope }
    if (($ScopeObj.InventoryList -ne $NULL) -and ($ScopeObj.TestFiles -ne $NULL)){
        $Final += $ScopeObj

# Loops through each Scope
foreach($Scope in $Final.Scope)
    # Pulling the inventory and test files for this scope
    $Inventory = ($Final | Where-Object { $_.Scope -eq $Scope }).InventoryList
    $Tests = ($Final | Where-Object { $_.Scope -eq $Scope }).TestFiles

    # The parent folder must be one of these names, to help with $Object scoping below
    # If adding here, also needs to be added to the switch below
    If ('vCenter|Datacenter|Cluster|DSCluster|Host|VM|Network' -notmatch $Scope) {
        Write-Warning "Skipping test $TestName. Use -Verbose for more details"
        Write-Verbose 'Test files should be in a folder with one of the following names:'
        Write-Verbose 'vCenter / Datacenter / Cluster / DSCluster / Host / VM / Network'
        Write-Verbose 'This helps Vester determine which inventory object(s) to use during the test.'
        # Use continue to skip this test and go to the next loop iteration

    # Runs through each test file on the below objects in the current scope
    foreach($Test in $Tests)
        Write-Verbose "Processing test file $Test"
        $TestName = Split-Path $Test -Leaf

        Describe -Name "$Scope Configuration: $TestName" -Fixture {
            # Pull in $Title/$Description/$Desired/$Type/$Actual/$Fix from the test file
            . $Test

            # Pump the brakes if the config value is $null
            If ($Desired -eq $null) {
                Write-Verbose "Due to null config value, skipping test $TestName"
                # Use continue to skip this test and go to the next loop iteration

            # Loops through each object in the inventory list for the specific scope.
            # It runs one test at a time against each $Object and moves onto the next test.
            foreach($Object in $Inventory)
                It -Name "$Scope $($Object.Name) - $Title" -Test {
                    Try {
                        # "& $Actual" is running the first script block to compare to $Desired
                        # The comparison should be empty
                        # (meaning everything is the same, as expected)
                        Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Desired -DifferenceObject (& $Actual -as $Type) |
                            Should BeNullOrEmpty
                    } Catch {
                        # If the comparison found something different,
                        # Then check if we're going to fix it
                        If ($Remediate) {
                            Write-Warning -Message $_
                            # -WhatIf support wraps the command that would change values
                            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("vCenter '$($' - $Scope '$Object'", "Set '$Title' value to '$Desired'")) {
                                Write-Warning -Message "Remediating $Object"
                                # Execute the $Fix script block
                                & $Fix
                        } Else {
                            # -Remediate is not active, so just report the error
                            throw $_
                    } #Try/Catch
                } #It
            } #Foreach Inventory
    }#Foreach Tests
}#Foreach Final.Scope