
# Test file for the Vester module - https://github.com/WahlNetwork/Vester
# Called via Invoke-Pester VesterTemplate.Tests.ps1

# Test title, e.g. 'DNS Servers'
$Title = 'Network Dump Settings'

# Test description: How New-VesterConfig explains this value to the user
$Description = 'Specifies the network dump settings to allow the ESXi host to send its core dumps to a remote dump collector'

# The config entry stating the desired values
$Desired = $cfg.host.netdumpsettings

# The test value's data type, to help with conversion: bool/string/int
$Type = 'string[]'

# The command(s) to pull the actual value for comparison
# $Object will scope to the folder this test is in (Cluster, Host, etc.)
[ScriptBlock]$Actual = {
            (Get-EsxCli -v2 -VMhost $Object).system.coredump.network.get.Invoke().HostVNic;
            (Get-EsxCli -v2 -VMhost $Object).system.coredump.network.get.Invoke().NetworkServerIP;
            (Get-EsxCli -v2 -VMhost $Object).system.coredump.network.get.Invoke().NetworkServerPort;

# The command(s) to match the environment to the config
# Use $Object to help filter, and $Desired to set the correct value
# -- NOTE --
# https://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vsphere.install.doc_50%2FGUID-85D78165-E590-42CF-80AC-E78CBA307232.html
# Network core dumps can only be enabled AFTER the network dump settings have been set
# https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2002954
# ONLY VMkernel nics can be used
[ScriptBlock]$Fix = {
    $EsxCli = (Get-EsxCli -v2 -VMhost $Object)
    $Arguments = $EsxCli.system.coredump.network.set.CreateArgs()
    $Arguments.interfacename    = $Desired[0]
    $Arguments.serveripv4       = $Desired[1]
    $Arguments.serverport       = $Desired[2]