
        Draws a container

        Draws a container around previously drawn shapes on the active page.

        .PARAMETER Name
        The name to assign to the dropped shape

        .PARAMETER Conents
        A scriptblock which, when executed, outputs the objects to be contained in the container

        .PARAMETER Shape
        The master shape to use to draw the container

        .PARAMETER Label
        The text to label the container with

        None. You cannot pipe objects to New-VisioContainer.


        New-VisioContainer -shape (Get-VisioShape Domain) -label MyDomain -contents {
            New-VisioShape -master WebServer -label BackupServer -x 5 -y 8


Function New-VisioContainer {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
    Param( [string]$Name,

    if (!$Name) {
        $Name = $Label
    if ($shape -is [string]) {
        $shape = Get-VisioShape $shape
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Visio', 'Drop a container around shapes')) {
        $page = Get-VisioPage
        if ($Contents) {
            [array]$containedObjects = & $Contents
            $firstShape = $containedObjects[0]
            if ($updatemode) {
                $droppedContainer = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name}
            if (get-variable droppedContainer -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore) {
                If ($droppedContainer.ContainerProperties.GetMemberShapes(16 + 2) -notcontains $firstShape.ID) {
                    $droppedcontainer.ContainerProperties.AddMember($firstShape, 2)
            } else {
                $droppedContainer = $page.DropContainer($Shape, $page.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection)
                $droppedContainer.Name = $Name
            $droppedContainer.ContainerProperties.SetMargin($vis.PageUnits, 0.25)
            $containedObjects | select-object -Skip 1 | foreach-object { 
                if (-not $updatemode -or ($droppedContainer.ContainerProperties.GetMemberShapes(16 + 2) -notcontains $_.ID)) {
                    $droppedcontainer.ContainerProperties.AddMember($_, 1)
            $droppedContainer.Text = $Label
            $Script:LastDroppedObject = $droppedContainer


        New-Variable -Name $Name -Value $droppedContainer -Scope Global -Force

        Copies a master for a container from a stencil and gives it a name.

        Copies a master for a container from a stencil and gives it a name. Also creates a function with the same name to drop the container (with contents) onto the active Visio page.

        .PARAMETER Name
        The name used to refer to the shape

        .PARAMETER StencilName
        Which stencil to get the master from

        .PARAMETER MasterName
        The name of the master in the stencil

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Register-VisioContainer.


        Register-VisioContainer -Name BasicContainer -StencilName Containers -MasterName Plain


Function Register-VisioContainer {
    if (!$MasterName) {
        $MasterName = $Name
    $newShape = $stencils[$StencilName].Masters | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $MasterName}
    $script:Shapes[$Name] = $newshape
    $outerName = $Name
    new-item -Path Function:\ -Name "global`:$outername" -value {param($Label, $Contents, $Name) New-VisioContainer -label $Label -contents $Contents -shape $outername -name $Name}.GetNewClosure() -force  | out-null
    $script:GlobalFunctions.Add($outername) | Out-Null