
        Drops a shape on the page

        Drops a shape (provided as a master shape) on the page. If no X coordinate is given, the shape is positioned relative to the previous shape placed
        The shape is given a name and label.

        .PARAMETER Master
        Either the name of the master (previously registered using Register-VisioShape) or a reference to a master object.

        .PARAMETER X
        The X position used to place the shape (in inches). If this is omitted, the shape is positioned relative to the previous shape placed.

        .PARAMETER Y
        The Y position used to place the shape (in inches).

        .PARAMETER Name
        The name for the new shape.

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.


        New-VisioShape MasterShapeName -Label 'My Shape' -x 5 -y 5 -Name MyShape


Function New-VisioShape{
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Visio','Drop shape on the page')){
        if($Master -is [string]){
            $DroppedShape=$p.Shapes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Label}
        if(-not (get-variable DroppedShape -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore) -or ($null -eq $DroppedShape)){
            if(-not $X){
        } else {
            write-verbose "Existing shape <$Label> found"
        New-Variable -Name $Name -Value $DroppedShape -Scope Global -Force
        write-output $DroppedShape


        Copies a master from a stencil and gives it a name.

        Copies a master from a stencil and gives it a name. Also creates a function with the same name to drop the shape onto the active Visio page.

        .PARAMETER Name
        The name used to refer to the shape

        .PARAMETER StencilName
        Which stencil to get the master from

        .PARAMETER MasterName
        The name of the master in the stencil

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Register-VisioShape.


        Register-VisioShape -Name Block -StencilName BasicShapes -MasterName Block


Function Register-VisioShape{
    $newShape=$stencils[$StencilName].Masters | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $MasterName}
    new-item -Path Function:\ -Name "global`:$outername" -value {param($Label, $X,$Y, $Name) $Shape=get-visioshape $outername; New-VisioShape $Shape $Label $X $Y -name $Name}.GetNewClosure() -force  | out-null
    $script:GlobalFunctions.Add($outerName) | Out-Null

        Retrieves a saved shape definition

        Retrieves a saved shape definition

        .PARAMETER Name
        Describe Parameter1

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-VisioShape


        Get-VisioShape Block


Function Get-VisioShape{