
        Opens a visio document

        Opens an existing Visio document, a blank Visio Document

        .PARAMETER Path
        The path to an existing document, and empty string (to create a blank document) or the path to a Visio template (vstx, etc.)

        .PARAMETER Visio
        Optional reference to a Visio Application (used if writing to multiple diagrams at the same time?)

        .PARAMETER Update
        Switch indicating that we're updating a diagram, potentially created with VisioBot3000

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.


        --Creates a blank document--

        Open-VisioDocument .\MySampleVisio.vsdx
        --Opens the named document

        Open-VisioDocument .\MyVisioTemplate.vstx
        --Creates a Visio template for editing (not a new document based on the template)


Function Open-VisioDocument{
    $documents = $Visio.Documents
    $documents.Add($Path) | out-null

        Creates a new document

        Creates a new document

        .PARAMETER Path
        The path you want to save the document to

        .PARAMETER From
        The path to a template file to create the new document from

        .PARAMETER Visio
        Optional reference to a Visio Application (used if writing to multiple diagrams at the same time?)

        .PARAMETER Update
        Switch indicating that we're updating a diagram, potentially created with VisioBot3000

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.


        --Creates a blank document--

        New-VisioDocument .\MySampleVisio.vsdx
        --Opens the named document

        New-VisioDocument .\MyVisioTemplate.vstx
        --Creates a new document based on a Visio template

function New-VisioDocument{
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Creating a new Visio Document','')){
            if($From -ne ''){
                Write-Warning 'New-VisioDocument: -From ignored when -Update is present'
            Open-VisioDocument $Path -Update
        } else {
            Open-VisioDocument $From

        } elseif ($portrait) {
            $Visio.ActiveDocument.SaveAs($Path) | Out-Null

        Outputs the active Visio document

        Outputs the active Visio document

        .PARAMETER Visio
        Optional reference to a Visio Application (used if writing to multiple diagrams at the same time?)

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-VisioDocument.




Function Get-VisioDocument{
    return $Visio.ActiveDocument

        Saves the diagram and optionally exits Visio

        Saves the diagram and optionally exits Visio

        .PARAMETER Close
        Whether to exit Visio or not

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Complete-Diagram.



Function Complete-VisioDocument{
        foreach($name in $script:GlobalFunctions){
            remove-item -Path "Function`:$name"
    } else {
        Write-Warning 'Visio application is not loaded'