
   Converts Visio objects to (small) PSCustomObjects
   Convert-VisioObjectToPSObject creates a nested object (starting with a page or container) that contains just a few of the properties
   of the Visio object (like name, text).
    The object to convert to a PSCustomObject
    Get-VisioPage | Convert-VisioObjectToPSObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10
    You can pipe any Visio object to Convert-VisioObjectToPSObject. I would recommend using a page, or a main container object.

function Convert-VisioObjectToPSObject{
    if(($Object | get-member Master) -and $Object.Master){
    if($Object | get-member PageSheet){
        #get the shapes that aren't in containers
        $containedObjects= $Object.Shapes | Where-Object {$_.MemberOfContainers.Count -eq 0} |foreach-object {Convert-VisioObjectToPSObject $_}
    } elseif ($Object.Style -eq 'Connector'){
        #it's a connector
    } elseif($Object | get-member ContainerProperties){
        #get the top-level objects contained
            $containedObjects=$ContainedObjectIDs|foreach-object {Convert-VisioObjectToPSObject ($Object.ContainingPage.Shapes | Where-Object id -EQ $_)}
