
        Creates a new Visio Layer and adds the given objects to it.

        Long DescriptionCreates a new Visio Layer and adds the given objects to it.

        .PARAMETER LayerName
        The name for the new layer

        .PARAMETER Contents
        The objects to be included in the layer

        .PARAMETER Preserve
        Whether to preserve the existing layer assignments for these objecfts.

        None. You cannot pipe objects to New-VisioLayer.


        New-VisioLayer -Layer WebServers -Contents WebServer1,WebServer2 -Preserve

Function New-VisioLayer{
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Visio','Create a layer on the current page')){
        } else {
        $layer=$p.Layers | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $LayerName}
        if ($null -eq $layer){
        if ($Contents -is [scriptblock]){
            $Contents = & $Contents
        foreach($item in [array]$Contents){
            if($item -is [string]){