
        Sets the next position to place a shape using relative positioning

        Sets the next position to place a shape using relative positioning



        Set-NextShapePosition -x 5 -y 6


Function Set-NextShapePosition{
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Setting next shape position to ($x,$y)")){

        Returns the next position to place a shape using relative positioning

        Returns the next position to place a shape using relative positioning

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-NextShapePosition.


        #returns a hashtable with X and Y position of next shape to place.


Function Get-NextShapePosition{
    if($LastDroppedObject -eq 0){
        #nothing dropped yet, start at top-left-ish
        return @{X=1;Y=$p.Pagesheet.Cells('PageHeight').ResultIU-1}
    } elseif ($LastDroppedObject -is [hashtable]) {
        return $LastDroppedObject
    } else {
        if($RelativeOrientation -eq 'Horizontal'){
            $X=$LastDroppedObject.Cells('PinX').ResultIU + $LastDroppedObject.Cells('Width').ResultIU + 0.25
        } else {
            $Y=$LastDroppedObject.Cells('PinY').ResultIU - $LastDroppedObject.Cells('Height').ResultIU - 0.25
        Return @{X=$X;Y=$Y}

        Changes the direction VisioBot3000 uses when placing shapes using relative positioning

        Changes the direction VisioBot3000 uses when placing shapes using relative positioning

        .PARAMETER Orientation
        Either vertical or Horizontal

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Set-RelativePositionDirection.


        Set-RelativePositionDirection Horizontal


Function Set-RelativePositionDirection{
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Visio','Sets VisioBot''s orientation for relative positioning')){