
        Reads a psd1 file with settings for the current diagram.

        Reads a psd1 file with settings for the current diagram. Should be called after a diagram has been opened or created.
        Currently supported sections are:
        StenciPaths - list of paths to be added to the stencilpath
        Stencils - hashtable with name=nickname of stencil, value=filename to stencil
        Shapes - hashtable with name=nickname, value=array with stencilname and mastername
        Containers - hashtable with name=nickname, value=array with stencilname and mastername
        Connectors - hashtable with name=nickname, value=hashtable of parameters splatted to register-visioconnector

        .PARAMETER Path
        The path to the psd1 file. Must be a full path, not just a filename.

        You cannot pipe anything to Import-VisioSettings


        Import-VisioSettings c:\Config\DepartmentalDiagramSettings.psd1


function Import-VisioConfiguration{
        $settings.StencilPaths  | foreach-object {Add-StencilSearchPath -Path $_}

        $Settings.Stencils.GetEnumerator() | foreach-object {Register-VisioStencil -Name $_.Key -Path $_.Value}

        $Settings.Shapes.GetEnumerator() | foreach-object {Register-VisioShape -Name $_.Key -From $_.Value[0] -MasterName $_.Value[1]}
        $Settings.Containers.GetEnumerator() | foreach-object {Register-VisioContainer -Name $_.Key -From $_.Value[0] -MasterName $_.Value[1]}
        $Settings.Connectors.GetEnumerator() | foreach-object {$options=$_.Value;Register-VisioConnector -Name $_.Key @options}

New-Alias -Name Import-VisioSettings -value Import-VisioConfiguration