
$sut = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace ".Tests", ""
. "$PSScriptRoot\$sut"

Describe "Set-CloudLoadTestDrop" {

    $Headers = @{
        Authorization = "Basic IDp0ZXN0"
        'Content-Type' = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
        Accept = "application/json; api-version=1.0"
    $BaseUri = ""
    $TestDrop = @{
            ContainerName = "ets-containerfor-b4e51292-6cd7-4631-a1eb-caeaf4031abb"
            Id = "ed45ed32-dafb-4178-ba7e-ad25755348f8"
            dropContainerUrl = ""
            StorageAccountName = "myaccount"
            SasToken = "?sv=2012-02-12&se=2014-06-23T08%3A13%3A34Z&sr=c&si=sas_tenant_policyb4e51292-6cd7-4631-a1eb-caeaf4031abb&sig=zigGSss1xVwz6qDJzmwiR8KzWF%2Bq%2FTiyNegCV%2FCKfrg%3D"
    $TestDirectoryPath = "TestDrive:\LoadTests"
    $LoadTestFileName = "test.loadtest"

    Mock New-AzureStorageContext {
        Return @{
            StorageAccountName = "myaccount"
            BlobEndPoint = ""
            TableEndPoint = ""
            QueueEndPoint = ""
            FileEndPoint  = ""
            Context = "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Common.Storage.AzureStorageContext"
            Name = $null
    Mock Set-AzureStorageBlobContent { 
        Return @{
            ICloudBlob        = "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob"
            BlobType          = "BlockBlob"
            Length            = "5"
            ContentType       = "application/octet-stream"
            LastModified      = "19/07/2017 21:49:13 +00:00"
            Context           = "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Common.Storage.AzureStorageContext"
            Name              = $BlobName

    Context "Parameter validation" {

        It "Should throw if parameter BaseUri value is not a valid uri" {
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri "" -Headers $Headers} | Should throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'BaseUri'. Parameter value is not valid ''"

        It "Should throw if parameter Headers value is null or empty" {
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers ""} | Should throw "Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Headers'. Cannot convert the `"`" value of type `"System.String`" to type `"System.Collections.Hashtable`"."

        It "Should throw if parameter TestDirectoryPath value is not a valid path format" {
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -TestDrop $TestDrop -TestDirectoryPath ""} | Should throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'TestDirectoryPath'. Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is an empty string."

        It "Should throw if parameter TestDirectoryPath value is null or empty" {
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -TestDrop $TestDrop -TestDirectoryPath ""} | Should throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'TestDirectoryPath'. Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is an empty string."

        It "Should throw if parameter TestDirectoryPath value directory does not exist" {
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -TestDrop $TestDrop -TestDirectoryPath $TestDirectoryPath} | Should throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'TestDirectoryPath'. Invalid directory path 'TestDrive:\LoadTests'"

        It "Should throw if parameter LoadTestFileName value is null or empty" {
            New-Item -Path $TestDirectoryPath -ItemType Directory
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -TestDrop $TestDrop -TestDirectoryPath $TestDirectoryPath -LoadTestFileName ""} | Should throw "Cannot bind argument to parameter 'LoadTestFileName' because it is an empty string."
            Remove-Item -Path $TestDirectoryPath -Recurse -Force

        It "Should throw if parameter LoadTestFileName value file does not exist" {
            New-Item -Path $TestDirectoryPath -ItemType Directory
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -TestDrop $TestDrop -TestDirectoryPath $TestDirectoryPath -LoadTestFileName $LoadTestFileName} | Should throw "Load test file 'test.loadtest' not found in directory 'TestDrive:\LoadTests'"
            Remove-Item -Path $TestDirectoryPath -Recurse -Force

    Context "Test drop" {

        Mock Set-AzureStorageBlobContent{ 
        Return @{
            ICloudBlob        = "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob"
            BlobType          = "BlockBlob"
            Length            = "5"
            ContentType       = "application/octet-stream"
            LastModified      = "19/07/2017 21:49:13 +00:00"
            Context           = "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Common.Storage.AzureStorageContext"
            Name              = $BlobName

        It "Should publish files to the test drop" {
            New-Item -Path $TestDirectoryPath -ItemType Directory
            New-Item -Path $TestDirectoryPath -Name $LoadTestFileName -ItemType File
            {Set-CloudLoadTestDrop -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -TestDrop $TestDrop -TestDirectoryPath $TestDirectoryPath -LoadTestFileName $LoadTestFileName} | Should not throw
            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-AzureStorageContext -Times 1
            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -Times 1

