
#Requires -Module VSSetup
using module VSSetup
    Validates a Windows SDK version.
    Validates that a Windows SDK version is valid and,
    if verified against an installed version of Visual Studio,
    that Visual Studio has the Windows SDK version installed.
    .Parameter WindowsSdkVersion
    The version string to validate.
    .Parameter VisualStudio
    The instance of Visual Studio to verify the Windows SDK version against.
    .Parameter AllowNullOrEmpty
    Indicates whether to accept a null value or the empty string as valid.

function Confirm-WindowsSdkVersion {
        [Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Instance]$VisualStudio = $null,
        [switch]$AllowNullOrEmpty = [switch]::new($false)
    Process {
        function LogResult([bool]$result) {
            Write-Verbose ("$result == Confirm-WindowsSdkVersion '{0}' NullOrEmpty={1}, RequireInstalled={2}, AllowNullOrEmpty={3}" -f @(
                ($null -ne $VisualStudio),
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WindowsSdkVersion) -and $AllowNullOrEmpty.IsPresent) {
            return LogResult($true)
        } elseif ($null -eq $VisualStudio) {
            # e.g. none, 8.1, 10.0.10240.0, 10.0.010240.0
            $rex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new("(none|8.1|10.0.\d{5,6}.0)")
            return LogResult($rex.IsMatch($WindowsSdkVersion))
        } else {
            $esc = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.")
            $rex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new("$esc(?<v>\d{5,6})")
            $oke = @("none", "8.1") + (
                $VisualStudio.Packages |
                Where-Object { $rex.IsMatch($_.Id) } |
                ForEach-Object {
                    $v = $rex.Match($_.Id).Groups["v"].Value
                    return "10.0.$v.0"
            $result = $oke -contains $WindowsSdkVersion
            if (-not $result) {
                $valid = ($oke | ForEach-Object { """$_""" }) -join ", "
                Write-Warning "Windows SDK Version '$WindowsSdkVersion' is not valid or not installed. Valid values are: $valid"
            return LogResult($result)