
try {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
    Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
catch {
    throw $_

function IgnoreSSL {
    $Provider = New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider
    $Compiler= $Provider.CreateCompiler()
    $Params = New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
    $Params.GenerateExecutable = $False
    $Params.GenerateInMemory = $True
    $Params.IncludeDebugInformation = $False
    $Params.ReferencedAssemblies.Add('System.DLL') > $null
        namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy
            public class TrustAll : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy
                public TrustAll() {}
                public bool CheckValidationResult(System.Net.ServicePoint sp,System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, System.Net.WebRequest req, int problem)
                    return true;
        ## We create an instance of TrustAll and attach it to the ServicePointManager
    $TrustAll = $TAAssembly.CreateInstance('Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy.TrustAll')
        [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $TrustAll

function TestJWTClaimNotExpired {
    param (
        [ValidateScript({if ($_.split('.').count -eq 3) {$true}})]
        [String] $Token
    #based on functions by Shriram MSFT found on technet: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/JWT-Token-Decode-637cf001
    process {
        try {
            $TokenData = $token.Split('.')[1] |%{
                $data = $_ -as [String]
                $data = $data.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
                switch ($data.Length % 4) {
                    0 { break }
                    2 { $data += '==' }
                    3 { $data += '=' }
                    default { throw New-Object ArgumentException('data') }
                [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([convert]::FromBase64String($data)) | ConvertFrom-Json
            #JWT Reference Time
            $Ref = [datetime]::SpecifyKind((New-Object -TypeName datetime ('1970',1,1,0,0,0)),'UTC')
            #UTC time right now - Reference time gives amount of seconds to check against
            $CheckSeconds = [System.Math]::Round(([datetime]::UtcNow - $Ref).totalseconds)
            if ($TokenData.exp -gt $CheckSeconds) {
                Write-Output -InputObject $true
            else {
                Write-Output -InputObject $false
        catch {
            throw $_

function Get-WAPToken {
    Retrieves a Bearer token from either ADFS or the WAP ASP.Net STS.
    The URL of either the ADFS or WAP STS.
    The Port on which ADFS or WAP STS is listening. Default for ADFS is 443, for WAP STS 30071.
    .PARAMETER ClientRealm
    The realm name of either the TenantSite (default) or AdminSite.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Credentials to acquire the bearer token.
    When enabled the token will be requested from an ADFS STS. When disabled the WAP STS is assumed.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    This will return a bearer token from ADFS STS.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.wap.com' -Port 443
    This will return a bearer token from WAP STS using the non default port 443.

    param (

        [int] $Port,

        [String] $ClientRealm = 'http://azureservices/TenantSite',

        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [Switch] $ADFS,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    try {
    if ($ADFS -and $Port -eq 0) {
        $Port = 443
    elseif ($Port -eq 0 -and $clientRealm -eq 'http://azureservices/TenantSite') {
        $Port = 30071
    elseif ($Port -eq 0 -and $clientRealm -eq 'http://azureservices/AdminSite') {
        $Port = 30072

    if ($ADFS) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Constructing ADFS URL'
        $ConstructedURL = $URL + ":$Port" + '/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed'
    else {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Constructing ASPNet URL'
        $ConstructedURL = $URL + ":$Port" + '/wstrust/issue/usernamemixed'
    Write-Verbose -Message $ConstructedURL
    $identityProviderEndpoint = New-Object -TypeName System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress -ArgumentList $ConstructedURL
    $identityProviderBinding = New-Object -TypeName System.ServiceModel.WS2007HttpBinding -ArgumentList ([System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode]::TransportWithMessageCredential)
    $identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.EstablishSecurityContext = $false
    $identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = 'UserName'
    $identityProviderBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = 'None'
    $trustChannelFactory = New-Object -TypeName System.ServiceModel.Security.WSTrustChannelFactory -ArgumentList $identityProviderBinding, $identityProviderEndpoint
    $trustChannelFactory.TrustVersion = [System.ServiceModel.Security.TrustVersion]::WSTrust13
    if ($IgnoreSSL) {
        Write-Warning -Message 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
        $certificateAuthentication = New-Object -TypeName System.ServiceModel.Security.X509ServiceCertificateAuthentication
        $certificateAuthentication.CertificateValidationMode = 'None'
        $trustChannelFactory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.SslCertificateAuthentication = $certificateAuthentication
    if ($ADFS) {
        $ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($credential.Password)
        $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($ptr)
    $trustChannelFactory.Credentials.SupportInteractive = $false
    $trustChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = $credential.UserName
    $trustChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.Password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    $rst = New-Object -TypeName System.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.RequestSecurityToken -ArgumentList ([System.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.RequestTypes]::Issue)
    $rst.AppliesTo = New-Object -TypeName System.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.EndpointReference -ArgumentList $clientRealm
    $rst.TokenType = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt'
    $rst.KeyType = [System.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.KeyTypes]::Bearer

    $rstr = New-Object -TypeName System.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.RequestSecurityTokenResponse
    $channel = $trustChannelFactory.CreateChannel()
    $token = $channel.Issue($rst, [ref] $rstr)
    $tokenString = ([System.IdentityModel.Tokens.GenericXmlSecurityToken]$token).TokenXml.InnerText;
    $token = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($tokenString))
    Write-Output -InputObject $token
    catch {
        throw $_

function Get-WAPSubscription {
    Retrieves Tenant User Subscription from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    The Name of the subscription to be acquired.
    The Id of the subscription to be acquired.
    A list of all subscriptions the user has access to.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    This will return the subscription with name 'MySubscription' if it exists.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.wap.com'
    PS C:\>Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL
    This will return a list of the users subscriptions using the default public tenant api port 30006.

    param (
        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [String] $Name,

        [String] $Id,

        [Switch] $List,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL

    try {
        if ($IgnoreSSL) {
            Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
            #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
            $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

        Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
        if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
            throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

        Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
        $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                Accept = 'application/json'
        $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
        $URL = '{0}:{1}/subscriptions/' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port        
        Write-Verbose "Constructed Subscription URL: $URL"

        $Subscriptions = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URL -Headers $Headers -Method Get
        [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Name')
        [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Id')
        [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('List')

        foreach ($S in $Subscriptions) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' -and $S.SubscriptionName -ne $Name) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Id' -and $S.SubscriptionId -ne $Id) {
            $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | %{
                Add-Member -InputObject $S -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value
            $S.Created = [datetime]$S.Created
            Add-Member -InputObject $S -MemberType AliasProperty -Name 'Subscription' -Value SubscriptionId
            Write-Output -InputObject $S
    catch {
        throw $_
    finally {
        #Change Certificate Policy to the original
        if ($IgnoreSSL) {
            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

function Get-WAPGalleryVMRole {
    Retrieves VM Role Gallery Items asigned to Tenant user Subscription from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to get the VM Role Gallery Item from.
    Defaults to list mode. Shows all VM Role Gallery Items.
    When Name is specified, only the VM Role Gallery Item with the specified name is returned.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole
    This will retrieve all VM Role Gallery Items tight to the subscription.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name 'MyAwesomeVMRole'
    This will retreive only the VM Role Gallery Item with the same name as specified.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -SubscriptionId 'b5a9b263-066b-4a8f-87b4-1b7c90a5bcad'
    This will not make use of a subscription object but is entirely specified. All VM Role Gallery Items assigned to this subscription will be returned.

    param (
        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $List,

        [String] $Name,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    process {
        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                    'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                    Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/Gallery/GalleryItems/$/MicrosoftCompute.VMRoleGalleryItem?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription
            Write-Verbose "Constructed Gallery Item URI: $URI"

            $GalleryItems = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Method Get
            [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Name')
            [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('List')
            [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('IgnoreSSL')

            foreach ($G in $GalleryItems.value) {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' -and $G.Name -ne $Name) {
                $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | %{
                    Add-Member -InputObject $G -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value
                $GIResDEFUri = '{0}:{1}/{2}/{3}/?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription,$G.ResourceDefinitionUrl
                Write-Verbose -Message "Acquiring ResDef from URI: $GIResDEFUri"
                $ResDef = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GIResDEFUri -Headers $Headers -Method Get

                $GIViewDefUri = '{0}:{1}/{2}/{3}/?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription,$G.ViewDefinitionUrl
                Write-Verbose -Message "Acquiring ViewDef from URI: $GIResDEFUri"
                $ViewDef = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GIViewDefUri -Headers $Headers -Method Get

                Add-Member -InputObject $G -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ResDef -Value $ResDef
                Add-Member -InputObject $G -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ViewDef -Value $ViewDef

                $G.PublishDate = [datetime]$G.PublishDate
                Write-Output -InputObject $G 
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy


function Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk {
    Retrieves Available VMRole OS Disks based on Gallery Item from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to get the OS Disks from.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    .PARAMETER ViewDef
    The viewdef comes as a property of the VM Role gallery item.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$GI = $Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name MyVMRole
    PS C:\>$GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk -Verbose
    This will fetch all compatible and enabled OS disks.

    param (
        [PSCustomObject] $ViewDef,

        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    process {
        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                    'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                    Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/services/systemcenter/vmm/VirtualHardDisks' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription
            Write-Verbose "Constructed VHD URI: $URI"

            $Sections = $ViewDef.ViewDefinition.Sections
            $Categories = $Sections | %{$_.Categories}
            $OSDiskParam = $Categories | %{$_.Parameters} | Where-Object{$_.Type -eq 'OSVirtualHardDisk'}

            $Images = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Method Get
            foreach ($I in $Images.value) {
                $Tags = $I.tag
                if ((Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Tags -DifferenceObject $OSDiskParam.ImageTags).SideIndicator -eq $null) {
                    if ($I.enabled -eq $false) {
                    $I.AddedTime = [datetime] $I.AddedTime
                    $I.ModifiedTime = [datetime] $I.ModifiedTime
                    $I.ReleaseTime = [datetime] $I.ReleaseTime
                    Write-Output -InputObject $I
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

function Get-WAPVMNetwork {
    Retrieves subscription available VM Networks from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to get the VM Networks from.
    Defaults to list mode. Shows all VM Networks available to the subscription.
    When Name is specified, only the VM Network with the specified name is returned.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | Get-WAPVMNetwork
    This will fetch all VM Networks available to the subscription.

    param (
        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $List,

        [String] $Name,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    process {
        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                    'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                    Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/services/systemcenter/vmm/VMNetworks' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription
            Write-Verbose "Constructed VM Networks URI: $URI"
            $VMNets = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Method Get
            foreach ($N in $VMNets.value) {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' -and $N.Name -ne $Name) {
                Write-Output -InputObject $N
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

function New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject {
    Generates VM Role Parameter Object.
    VM Role gallery item object acquired via Get-WAPGalleryVMRole
    OS Disk object acquired via Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk
    Select one of the default VMRole sizing profiles ('Small','A7','ExtraSmall','Large','A6','Medium','ExtraLarge')
    .PARAMETER VMNetwork
    VM Network object acquired via Get-WAPVMNetwork
    .PARAMETER Interactive
    Run in interactive mode where you get prompted to provide values with parameters.
    In non-interactive mode this functions uses the defaults where provided and uses NULL for everything unknown.
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.domain.tld' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl https://api.domain.tld -Port 443 -Name 'MySub'
    PS C:\>$GI = $Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name MyVMRole
    PS C:\>$OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Sort-Object -Property AddedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    PS C:\>$NW = $Subscription | Get-WAPVMNetwork -Name MyNetwork
    PS C:\>$VMProps = New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject -VMRole $GI -OSDisk $OSDisk -VMRoleVMSize Large -VMNetwork $NW -Interactive
    This will run in interactive mode. It will prompt to fill in the blanks and accept defaults or provide own values.
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.domain.tld' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl https://api.domain.tld -Port 443 -Name 'MySub'
    PS C:\>$GI = $Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name MyVMRole
    PS C:\>$OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Sort-Object -Property AddedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    PS C:\>$NW = $Subscription | Get-WAPVMNetwork -Name MyNetwork
    PS C:\>$VMProps = New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject -VMRole $GI -OSDisk $OSDisk -VMRoleVMSize Large -VMNetwork $NW
    PS C:\>$VMProps.MissingValue = 'MyValue'
    This will run in non-interactive mode. It will use defaults and assigns NULL if no default is available. Values can be assigned / overwritten.

    param (
        [Object] $VMRole,

        [Object] $OSDisk,

        [String] $VMRoleVMSize,

        [Object] $VMNetwork,

        [Switch] $Interactive
    if (!($VMRole.pstypenames.Contains('MicrosoftCompute.VMRoleGalleryItem'))) {
        throw 'Object bound to VMRole parameter is of the wrong type'
    if (!($OSDisk.pstypenames.Contains('WAP.GI.OSDisk'))) {
        throw 'Object bound to OSDisk parameter is of the wrong type'
    if (!($VMNetwork.pstypenames.Contains('WAP.VMNetwork'))) {
        throw 'Object bound to VMNetwork parameter is of the wrong type'
    $Sections = $VMRole.ViewDef.ViewDefinition.Sections
    $Categories = $Sections | %{$_.Categories}
    $ViewDefParams = $Categories | %{$_.Parameters}
    $Output = [pscustomobject]@{}
    foreach ($P in $ViewDefParams) {
        $p | Out-String | Write-Verbose
        if ($Interactive -and $P.type -eq 'option') {
            $values = ''
            foreach ($v in $P.OptionValues) {
                $Def = ($v | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Definition.Split(' ')[1].Split('=')
                $Friendly = $Def[1]
                $Value = $Def[0] 
                $values += $value + ','
            $values = $values.TrimEnd(',')
            if ($P.DefaultValue) {
                if(($result = Read-Host "Press enter to accept default value $($P.DefaultValue) for $($P.Name). Valid entries: $values") -eq ''){
                    Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $P.DefaultValue -Force
                else {
                    do {
                        $result = Read-Host "Enter one of the following entries: $values"
                    while (@($values.Split(',')) -notcontains $result)
                    Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $result -Force
            else {
                do {
                    $result = Read-Host "Enter one of the following entries: $values"
                while (@($values.Split(',')) -notcontains $result)
                Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $result -Force
        elseif ($Interactive -and $P.type -eq 'Credential') {
            do {
                $result = Read-Host "Enter a credential for $($P.Name) in the format domain\username:password or username:password"
            while ($result -notmatch '\w+\\+\w+:+\w+' -and $result -notmatch '\w+:+\w+')
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $result -Force
        elseif ($P.DefaultValue) {
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $P.DefaultValue -Force
        elseif ($P.Type -eq 'OSVirtualHardDisk') {
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value "$($OSDisk.FamilyName):$($OSDisk.Release)" -Force
        elseif ($P.Type -eq 'VMSize') {
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $VMRoleVMSize -Force
        elseif ($P.Type -eq 'Credential') {
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value 'domain\username:password' -Force
        elseif ($P.Type -eq 'Network') {
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $($VMNetwork.Name) -Force
        elseif ($Interactive) {
            $result = Read-Host "Enter a value for $($P.Name) of type $($P.Type)"
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $result -Force
        else {
            Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.Name -Value $null -Force
    Write-Output -InputObject $Output

function Get-WAPCloudService {
    Retrieves Cloudservice deployed to subscription from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to get the cloud service from.
    Defaults to list mode. Shows all cloud services provisioned for the subscription.
    When Name is specified, only the cloud service with the specified name is returned.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPAdfsToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com'
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService
    This will retreive all provisioned cloud services for the specified subscription.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'List')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
        [Switch] $List,

                   ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    process {
        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                    'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                    Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/CloudServices?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription
            Write-Verbose "Constructed CloudService URI: $URI"

            $CloudServices = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Method Get
            [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Name')
            [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('List')
            foreach ($C in $CloudServices.value) {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' -and $C.Name -ne $Name) {
                $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | %{
                    Add-Member -InputObject $C -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value
                Add-Member -InputObject $C -MemberType AliasProperty -Name CloudServiceName -Value Name
                Write-Output -InputObject $C
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

function New-WAPCloudService {
    Creates Cloudservice for subscription from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to provision the cloud service to.
    The name of the cloud service to be provisioned. The name must be unique within the subscription.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | New-WAPCloudService -Name test
    This will provision a cloud service named test.

    param (
        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [String] $Name,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    process {
        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                    'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                    Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/CloudServices?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription
            Write-Verbose "Constructed CloudService URI: $URI"

            $CloudServiceConfig = @{
                Name = $Name
                Label = $Name
            } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

            $CloudService = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Method Post -Body $CloudServiceConfig -ContentType 'application/json'
            [void] $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Name')
            $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | %{
                    Add-Member -InputObject $CloudService -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value
            Write-Output -InputObject $CloudService
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

function Remove-WAPCloudService {
    Deletes Cloudservice from subscription from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to get remove the cloud service from.
    The name of the cloud service to be removed.
    .PARAMETER Force
    If Force is not specified, removal is treated with confirm impact high.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | Remove-WAPCloudService -Name test
    This will remove the cloudservice named test from the subscription. If a VM Role has been deployed to this cloud service, it will be removed as well.
    In this case, the user will be prompted to confirm the remove action as -Force or -Confirm:$false is not specified.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService -Name Test | Remove-WAPCloudService -Force
    This will remove the cloudservice named test from the subscription. If a VM Role has been deployed to this cloud service, it will be removed as well.
    In this case, the user is not prompted to confirm as -Force is specified.

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $Force,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    process {
        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                    'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                    Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/CloudServices?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription
            Write-Verbose "Constructed CloudService URI: $URI"

            $CloudServices = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers
            foreach ($C in $CloudServices.value) {
                if ($C.Name -ne $Name) {
                $RemURI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/CloudServices/{3}?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription,$Name
                Write-Verbose "Constructed Named CloudService URI: $RemURI"
                if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) {
                    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $RemURI -Method Delete -Headers $Headers | Out-Null
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

function New-WAPVMRoleDeployment {
    Deploys VM Role to a Cloudservice using Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to get the VM Role Gallery Item from.
    .PARAMETER CloudServiceName
    The name of the cloud service to provision to. If it does not exist, it will be created.
    Object acquired with Get-WAPGalleryVMRole.
    .PARAMETER ParameterObject
    Object acquired with New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$GI = $Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name DomainController
    PS C:\>$OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Sort-Object -Property AddedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    PS C:\>$NW = $Subscription | Get-WAPVMNetwork -Name Private
    PS C:\>$VMProps = New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject -VMRole $GI -OSDisk $OSDisk -VMRoleVMSize Large -VMNetwork $NW
    PS C:\>$VMProps.DomainName = 'MyNewDomain.local'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | New-WAPVMRoleDeployment -VMRole $GI -ParameterObject $VMProps -CloudServiceName DCs -Verbose
    This will deploy a new VM Role based on the Gallery Item DomainController. It will link the VMs up to the Private network and uses the latest published OS Disk.
    The domain name for the VM Role will be 'MyNewDomain.local' and the VMs will be sided using the Large VM Profile.
    If the cloud service DCs does not yet exists, it will be created. If it does exist, it will be checked if it has the correct name and if no VM Roles have been deployed to it.
    This function mirrors portal functionality and therefore does not allow multiple VM Roles in one cloud service.

    param (
        [Object] $VMRole,

        [Object] $ParameterObject,

        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL,

        [String] $CloudServiceName
    process {
        if (!($VMRole.pstypenames.Contains('MicrosoftCompute.VMRoleGalleryItem'))) {
            throw 'Object bound to VMRole parameter is of the wrong type'

        if (!($ParameterObject.pstypenames.Contains('WAP.ParameterObject'))) {
            throw 'Object bound to ParameterObject parameter is of the wrong type'

        $ParameterObject | gm -MemberType Properties | %{
            if ($ParameterObject.($_.name) -eq $null) {
                throw "ParameterObject property: $($_.name) is NULL"

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        $SUB = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $PSBoundParameters

        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'
            Write-Verbose -Message "Testing if Cloudservice $CloudServiceName exists"
            if (!($SUB | Get-WAPCloudService)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Cloudservice $CloudServiceName as it does not yet exist"
                $SUB | New-WAPCloudService | Out-Null
                $New = $true
            else {
                $New = $false
            if (!$New) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Testing if VMRole with name $VMRoleName does not already exist"
                if ($SUB | Get-WAPCloudService | Get-WAPVMRole) {
                    throw "There is already a VMRole deployed to the CloudService $CloudServiceName. Because this function mimics portal experience, only one VM Role is allowed to exist per CloudService"
            #Add ResDefConfig JSON to Dictionary
            $ResDefConfig = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,Object]'
            $ResDefConfig.Add('ParameterValues',($ParameterObject | ConvertTo-Json))

            # Set Gallery Item Payload Info
            $GIPayload = @{
                InstanceView = $null
                Substate = $null
                Name = $CloudServiceName
                Label = $CloudServiceName
                ProvisioningState = $null
                ResourceConfiguration = $ResDefConfig
                ResourceDefinition = $VMRole.ResDef

            # Convert Gallery Item Payload Info To JSON
            $GIPayloadJSON = ConvertTo-Json $GIPayload -Depth 10

            # Deploy VM Role to cloudservice
            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/CloudServices/{3}/Resources/MicrosoftCompute/VMRoles/?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription,$CloudServiceName
            Write-Verbose "Constructed VMRole Deploy URI: $URI"

            Write-Verbose "Starting deployment of VMRole $VMRoleName to CloudService $CloudServiceName"
            $Deploy = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Method Post -Body $GIPayloadJSON -ContentType 'application/json'
            Write-Output $Deploy
        catch {
            if ($New) {
                $SUB | Remove-WAPCloudService -Force
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

function Get-WAPVMRole {
    Retrieves Deployed VM Role information from Azure Pack TenantPublic or Tenant API.
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token acquired via Get-WAPToken.
    The UserId used to get the Bearer token.
    .PARAMETER PublicTenantAPIUrl
    The URL of either the TenantPublic API or Tenant API.
    The Port where the TenantPublic (30006) or Tenant API (30005) is listening on.
    Defaults to 30006.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    The subscription id to get the VM Role information from.
    .PARAMETER CloudServiceName
    The name of the cloud service to get VM Role information from.
    When using self-signed certificates, SSL validation will be ignored when this switch is enabled.
    PS C:\>$URL = 'https://publictenantapi.mydomain.com'
    PS C:\>$creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL 'https://sts.adfs.com' -ADFS
    PS C:\>$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -PublicTenantAPIUrl $URL -Port 443 -Name 'MySubscription'
    PS C:\>$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService -Name DCs | Get-WAPVMRole | select *
    This will get the VM Role provisioning information for the DCs cloud service deployment.

    param (
        [String] $CloudServiceName,

        [String] $Token,

        [String] $UserId,

        [String] $PublicTenantAPIUrl,

        [String] $Subscription,

        [Int] $Port = 30006,

        [Switch] $IgnoreSSL
    process {
        try {
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                Write-Warning 'IgnoreSSL switch defined. Certificate errors will be ignored!'
                #Change Certificate Policy to ignore
                $OriginalCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy

            Write-Verbose 'Validating Token not expired'
            if (!(TestJWTClaimNotExpired -Token $Token)) {
                throw 'Token has expired, fetch a new one!'

            Write-Verbose 'Constructing Header'
            $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $Token"
                    'x-ms-principal-id' = $UserId
                    Accept = 'application/json'
            $Headers | Out-String | Write-Debug
            $URI = '{0}:{1}/{2}/CloudServices/{3}/Resources/MicrosoftCompute/VMRoles?api-version=2013-03' -f $PublicTenantAPIUrl,$Port,$Subscription,$CloudServiceName
            Write-Verbose "Constructed VMRole URI: $URI"

            $Roles = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Method Get
            foreach ($R in $Roles.value) {
                Add-Member -InputObject $R -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ParameterValues -Value ($R.ResourceConfiguration.ParameterValues | ConvertFrom-Json)
                Add-Member -InputObject $R -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ScaleOutSettings -Value $R.ResourceDefinition.IntrinsicSettings.ScaleOutSettings
                Add-Member -InputObject $R -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstanceCount -Value $R.InstanceView.InstanceCount
                Add-Member -InputObject $R -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMSize -Value $R.InstanceView.ResolvedResourceDefinition.IntrinsicSettings.HardwareProfile.VMSize
                Write-Output -InputObject $R
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            #Change Certificate Policy to the original
            if ($IgnoreSSL) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $OriginalCertificatePolicy

Export-ModuleMember *-WAP*